Voter ID: How about this?

State ID cards are free, this idea that it is a burden to get one is nonsense. Voter ID laws are common sense and every civilized country has them. The only people who oppose them are those who want non-citizens to vote.
Not necessarily
I do not want legitimate citizens to be denied the right to vote
Key word there is citizens have the right to vote, not just anyone has the right to vote. Legitimate citizens will have no problem procuring a State ID card, non-citizens will have a problem and they should
Nah! no matter how you try to paint it this is another ploy for right wingers to limit voters.
Jim Crowe, Weclome back.

Cripes we're still at this bullshit that voter ID isn't necessary.

South Africa demands voter ID. Honduras demands voter ID. I'm sick of the argument that American minorities would be disenfranchised by requiring ID to vote.

Basically Democrats are claiming that American minorities are the biggest dumb fucks on the planet because they can't get it together enough to procure identification.

What an insult!
Yes non-citizens shouldn't be allowed to vote. So in that sense, yes, voters should be limited. You have any constructive response other than to cry racist?

please post empirical data regarding the actual number of cases where non citizens have been caught and found guilty of VOTING.

since its easy enough to say it must be easy to prove.
How would we know if they are illegal since they don't have to provide ID to vote in many states? The only way we could potentially identify potential voting by illegals is to catch them voting without an ID, and finding out in the process they are illegal.

What a stupid request.


insisting something takes place and being unable to prove its taking place is stupid . what a dumbass comment.

idiots know bigfoot is out there too... ask an idiot.
I'm not against voter ID either, I have a picture ID card and a voter registration card. The argument that voter fraud exists to the depths RW say is does is laughable, and their reasons for defending it are so obtuse they should be in an asylum.
Nah! no matter how you try to paint it this is another ploy for right wingers to limit voters.
Jim Crowe, Weclome back.

Cripes we're still at this bullshit that voter ID isn't necessary.

South Africa demands voter ID. Honduras demands voter ID. I'm sick of the argument that American minorities would be disenfranchised by requiring ID to vote.

Basically Democrats are claiming that American minorities are the biggest dumb fucks on the planet because they can't get it together enough to procure identification.

What an insult!
Yes non-citizens shouldn't be allowed to vote. So in that sense, yes, voters should be limited. You have any constructive response other than to cry racist?

please post empirical data regarding the actual number of cases where non citizens have been caught and found guilty of VOTING.

since its easy enough to say it must be easy to prove.
How would we know if they are illegal since they don't have to provide ID to vote in many states? The only way we could potentially identify potential voting by illegals is to catch them voting without an ID, and finding out in the process they are illegal.

What a stupid request.


insisting something takes place and being unable to prove its taking place is stupid . what a dumbass comment.

idiots know bigfoot is out there too... ask an idiot.
No you are the only dumbass here. Explain to me, if there aren't ID requirements, how could we prove illegals vote or don't vote? The point of having identification card laws is it allows us a way of identifying citizens from non-citizens and prohibiting the latter from voting.

There have been reports of illegals voting, but that is only discovered after they voted. Without ID laws we have no way to prevent them before voting.

Fraud Local NBC Investigation Discovers Dozens of Illegal Voters in Florida - Guy Benson

Why don't you explain why you shouldn't have to provide ID to vote?
Nah! no matter how you try to paint it this is another ploy for right wingers to limit voters.
Jim Crowe, Weclome back.
Yes non-citizens shouldn't be allowed to vote. So in that sense, yes, voters should be limited. You have any constructive response other than to cry racist?

please post empirical data regarding the actual number of cases where non citizens have been caught and found guilty of VOTING.

since its easy enough to say it must be easy to prove.
How would we know if they are illegal since they don't have to provide ID to vote in many states? The only way we could potentially identify potential voting by illegals is to catch them voting without an ID, and finding out in the process they are illegal.

What a stupid request.


insisting something takes place and being unable to prove its taking place is stupid . what a dumbass comment.

idiots know bigfoot is out there too... ask an idiot.
No you are the only dumbass here. Explain to me, if there aren't ID requirements, how could we prove illegals vote or don't vote? The point of having identification card laws is it allows us a way of identifying citizens from non-citizens and prohibiting the latter from voting.

There have been reports of illegals voting, but that is only discovered after they voted. Without ID laws we have no way to prevent them before voting.

Fraud Local NBC Investigation Discovers Dozens of Illegal Voters in Florida - Guy Benson

Why don't you explain why you shouldn't have to provide ID to vote?

There have been reports?

Have there been arrests? Indictments? Imprisonments?

You have to be a freaking neanderthal to claim that you don't have a picture I.D. card. You need one to get into most federal buildings, cash a check, rent an apartment, collect food stamps and do just about everything that is needed to be done in the modern world. The radical left promotes the insulting racist concept that ordinary Black citizens are unable to function in the modern world and need to be cared for by the democrat party. Voting precincts bend over backwards to furnish legitimate voters with everything they need to vote. Visit one.

I'd be willing to bet that the folks who "can't afford" a picture ID are texting someone on their cellphone at this very moment.
Nah! no matter how you try to paint it this is another ploy for right wingers to limit voters.
Jim Crowe, Weclome back.

Cripes we're still at this bullshit that voter ID isn't necessary.

South Africa demands voter ID. Honduras demands voter ID. I'm sick of the argument that American minorities would be disenfranchised by requiring ID to vote.

Basically Democrats are claiming that American minorities are the biggest dumb fucks on the planet because they can't get it together enough to procure identification.

What an insult!
Yes non-citizens shouldn't be allowed to vote. So in that sense, yes, voters should be limited. You have any constructive response other than to cry racist?

please post empirical data regarding the actual number of cases where non citizens have been caught and found guilty of VOTING.

since its easy enough to say it must be easy to prove.

Please post empirical data regarding the actual number of occurrences of rape or marital physical assault. Pointing to convictions shows that there is no problem. Speculating about a wider problem isn't allowed because as you point out, only being found guilty counts as an instance of the problem.
Two options, neither necessarily to the exclusion of the other:

If you do not have or cannot afford (scoff) a state-issued picture ID....

1: Register to vote, get your picture taken. That picture goes into a database, similar to that of the BMV, if not the same one. When you show up to vote w/ your state issued photo ID. the poll workers go to the database, check you against the picture in the database, and then give you a ballot. If there is any question among the poll workers, you get a provisional ballot to be verified later.

2: Register to vote, get your thumbprint scanned. When you show up to vote w/o your state-issued picture ID,. you run your thumb over the scanner and given a green/red light to vote. A red light might be an error, so you cast a provisional ballot to be verified later.

This eliminates any cost to or burden on a low-income voter and therefore eliminates any argument regarding discrimination against same for political purposes.

What say ye?
You don't understand the issue.

The issue concerns citizens who registered to vote 30 or 40 years ago, have remained active and eligible on the voter registration rolls during that entire time, and lack the documents today through no fault of their own to obtain a current state issued ID to comply with the new laws being enacted.

The issue also concerns the fact that there is no evidence voter 'fraud' by identity manifest to the extent justifying the undue burden to the fundamental right to vote voter ID laws represent.

The state may not presume all voters are 'guilty' of voter fraud by identity and compel them to 'prove' that they are innocent by producing ID; to presume a citizen 'might' misuse a civil liberty does not warrant the state's restriction of that right.
Absolutely, right on the money, correct.

this is advocating BIG GOVERNMENT in the worst way...for all of us to "need Papers" like in Nazi Germany, and to have to show our Papers, whenever the Gestapo decides....

We are not guilty of voter fraud by impersonating someone else....yet people are advocating for us that are innocent, to prove our the gvt keeping a database on us, is the only way we can prove our innocence... can only be accomplished bull crap, through a gvt issue photo id.

this is such a FAUX AND CONTRIVED issue of voter fraud that could take place and NOT in any way, a real issue of voter fraud.....that would be stopped by ONLY having a gvt issued photo id.

My mother in law would have been one of those people disenfranchised of her vote, because she did not have a gvt issued photo id, until the last few years of her life, because she finally decided to learn how to drive a car in her late 70's or nearing 80 years old

The Carter Center applauds nations that keep electoral integrity.

It's bullshit that you cannot find a way for everyone to have voter ID. You need ID for everything else in your life. But not to cast a ballot?

Freaking Zambia can pull it off? South Africa can pull it off? Honduras can pull it off?

But the greatest nation on the planet is going "woe is me we can't have voter ID for every eligible citizen to vote"?

Come on now. That's a pantload.

"E. Voter Cards
The electoral law required only that a prospective voter be listed on the electoral roll and be properly identified.

To ensure that only eligible voters cast ballots, however, the Electoral Commission, as in previous elections, promulgated regulations providing additional safeguards: voters were required to produce both national identity and voter registration cards and to have their thumbs marked with indelible ink.”

One Cherokee One Vote 8230 With Valid ID Just like Post-Apartheid South Africa Requires
Yes non-citizens shouldn't be allowed to vote. So in that sense, yes, voters should be limited. You have any constructive response other than to cry racist?

please post empirical data regarding the actual number of cases where non citizens have been caught and found guilty of VOTING.

since its easy enough to say it must be easy to prove.
How would we know if they are illegal since they don't have to provide ID to vote in many states? The only way we could potentially identify potential voting by illegals is to catch them voting without an ID, and finding out in the process they are illegal.

What a stupid request.


insisting something takes place and being unable to prove its taking place is stupid . what a dumbass comment.

idiots know bigfoot is out there too... ask an idiot.
No you are the only dumbass here. Explain to me, if there aren't ID requirements, how could we prove illegals vote or don't vote? The point of having identification card laws is it allows us a way of identifying citizens from non-citizens and prohibiting the latter from voting.

There have been reports of illegals voting, but that is only discovered after they voted. Without ID laws we have no way to prevent them before voting.

Fraud Local NBC Investigation Discovers Dozens of Illegal Voters in Florida - Guy Benson

Why don't you explain why you shouldn't have to provide ID to vote?

There have been reports?

Have there been arrests? Indictments? Imprisonments?

Are you saying the NBC report is lying? On what basis do you claim their report false? Just because individuals who illegally voted weren't prosecuted, doesn't mean it didn't occur. This Administration has a habit of selectively enforcing the law to say the least so I am not surprised.
Democrats are against voter ID because they believe blacks are too stupid to figure out how to get one. They may have a point since blacks don't seem to be feeling the insult.

That's what I've been saying. It's becoming obvious that the D's think minorities are dumb fucks.

Shit that is a huge insult.
Yes non-citizens shouldn't be allowed to vote. So in that sense, yes, voters should be limited. You have any constructive response other than to cry racist?

please post empirical data regarding the actual number of cases where non citizens have been caught and found guilty of VOTING.

since its easy enough to say it must be easy to prove.
How would we know if they are illegal since they don't have to provide ID to vote in many states? The only way we could potentially identify potential voting by illegals is to catch them voting without an ID, and finding out in the process they are illegal.

What a stupid request.


insisting something takes place and being unable to prove its taking place is stupid . what a dumbass comment.

idiots know bigfoot is out there too... ask an idiot.
No you are the only dumbass here. Explain to me, if there aren't ID requirements, how could we prove illegals vote or don't vote? The point of having identification card laws is it allows us a way of identifying citizens from non-citizens and prohibiting the latter from voting.

There have been reports of illegals voting, but that is only discovered after they voted. Without ID laws we have no way to prevent them before voting.

Fraud Local NBC Investigation Discovers Dozens of Illegal Voters in Florida - Guy Benson

Why don't you explain why you shouldn't have to provide ID to vote?

There have been reports?

Have there been arrests? Indictments? Imprisonments?



1 rape conviction per 4,000 men.

We clearly don't have any rape problem in the US.
Nah! no matter how you try to paint it this is another ploy for right wingers to limit voters.
Jim Crowe, Weclome back.
Yes non-citizens shouldn't be allowed to vote. So in that sense, yes, voters should be limited. You have any constructive response other than to cry racist?

please post empirical data regarding the actual number of cases where non citizens have been caught and found guilty of VOTING.

since its easy enough to say it must be easy to prove.
How would we know if they are illegal since they don't have to provide ID to vote in many states? The only way we could potentially identify potential voting by illegals is to catch them voting without an ID, and finding out in the process they are illegal.

What a stupid request.


insisting something takes place and being unable to prove its taking place is stupid . what a dumbass comment.

idiots know bigfoot is out there too... ask an idiot.
No you are the only dumbass here. Explain to me, if there aren't ID requirements, how could we prove illegals vote or don't vote? The point of having identification card laws is it allows us a way of identifying citizens from non-citizens and prohibiting the latter from voting.

There have been reports of illegals voting, but that is only discovered after they voted. Without ID laws we have no way to prevent them before voting.

Fraud Local NBC Investigation Discovers Dozens of Illegal Voters in Florida - Guy Benson

Why don't you explain why you shouldn't have to provide ID to vote?

damn you're dumb ... since 2000 slightly over 2100 cases of voter fraud have been PROVEN ... those cases were found to be absentee voters with 10 in person cases verified.

but heck, you want ID cards to prove you're a real citizen ... ok then, make yourself one ..

ID Supplies - Make ID Cards - Teslin Paper - ID Hologram - Butterfly Pouches

yeah, cards will fix jerks from voter fraud.

Yes non-citizens shouldn't be allowed to vote. So in that sense, yes, voters should be limited. You have any constructive response other than to cry racist?

please post empirical data regarding the actual number of cases where non citizens have been caught and found guilty of VOTING.

since its easy enough to say it must be easy to prove.
How would we know if they are illegal since they don't have to provide ID to vote in many states? The only way we could potentially identify potential voting by illegals is to catch them voting without an ID, and finding out in the process they are illegal.

What a stupid request.


insisting something takes place and being unable to prove its taking place is stupid . what a dumbass comment.

idiots know bigfoot is out there too... ask an idiot.
No you are the only dumbass here. Explain to me, if there aren't ID requirements, how could we prove illegals vote or don't vote? The point of having identification card laws is it allows us a way of identifying citizens from non-citizens and prohibiting the latter from voting.

There have been reports of illegals voting, but that is only discovered after they voted. Without ID laws we have no way to prevent them before voting.

Fraud Local NBC Investigation Discovers Dozens of Illegal Voters in Florida - Guy Benson

Why don't you explain why you shouldn't have to provide ID to vote?

damn you're dumb ... since 2000 slightly over 2100 cases of voter fraud have been PROVEN ... those cases were found to be absentee voters with 10 in person cases verified.

but heck, you want ID cards to prove you're a real citizen ... ok then, make yourself one ..

ID Supplies - Make ID Cards - Teslin Paper - ID Hologram - Butterfly Pouches

yeah, cards will fix jerks from voter fraud.

Even if your numbers are true, so what if only 2100 illegals have been caught? Doesn't mean more aren't voting, since it is almost impossible to verify without Voter ID laws in place. I suppose you oppose alcohol age limits, smoking age limits, driver licenses, or passports, since they can all be forged. Fucking dumbass snarky shitlib faggot. Honestly, I hope you get mugged in a dark alley by mike brown's family and hit over the head with a crowbar. Maybe that will knock some sense into you.
When there is sufficient evidence of voter fraud....not......0.0001% get back to us.

Nah! no matter how you try to paint it this is another ploy for right wingers to limit voters.
Jim Crowe, Weclome back.]

Yeah, some of us are funny that way - we just don't like it when dead people keep voting for Democrats. We want to limit the rights of dead people and prevent them from voting. Straight up, I have no problem with stripping dead voters of their rights.
this very board posted the article "stuffing ballot boxes in Arizona"

well guess what? Arizona has voter ID cards..

so which one is it.

ID cards stop voter fraud

or ID cards have no effect on voter fraud ?

ponder that.
There was no racist decree. Voter registration is there to limit the elderly and they younger voters too. Do some homework and understand who is being targeted. But then you have this biased ideology so I doubt that you will really look at it objectively.
So stop trying to call it racists.
Jim Crowe is the generic term now to limit voters.
Educate yourself before calling someone a name.

Nah! no matter how you try to paint it this is another ploy for right wingers to limit voters.
Jim Crowe, Weclome back.

Cripes we're still at this bullshit that voter ID isn't necessary.

South Africa demands voter ID. Honduras demands voter ID. I'm sick of the argument that American minorities would be disenfranchised by requiring ID to vote.

Basically Democrats are claiming that American minorities are the biggest dumb fucks on the planet because they can't get it together enough to procure identification.

What an insult!
Yes non-citizens shouldn't be allowed to vote. So in that sense, yes, voters should be limited. You have any constructive response other than to cry racist?
Talk about stupid. How to you check on mail in votes. Oh, Yes lets get rid of that phase of voting too.
We get what you are all about.

Nah! no matter how you try to paint it this is another ploy for right wingers to limit voters.
Jim Crowe, Weclome back.

Cripes we're still at this bullshit that voter ID isn't necessary.

South Africa demands voter ID. Honduras demands voter ID. I'm sick of the argument that American minorities would be disenfranchised by requiring ID to vote.

Basically Democrats are claiming that American minorities are the biggest dumb fucks on the planet because they can't get it together enough to procure identification.

What an insult!
Yes non-citizens shouldn't be allowed to vote. So in that sense, yes, voters should be limited. You have any constructive response other than to cry racist?

please post empirical data regarding the actual number of cases where non citizens have been caught and found guilty of VOTING.

since its easy enough to say it must be easy to prove.
How would we know if they are illegal since they don't have to provide ID to vote in many states? The only way we could potentially identify potential voting by illegals is to catch them voting without an ID, and finding out in the process they are illegal.

What a stupid request.
LOL! What is the percentage Nation wide? Which states?
Give us some empirical data.

Yes non-citizens shouldn't be allowed to vote. So in that sense, yes, voters should be limited. You have any constructive response other than to cry racist?

please post empirical data regarding the actual number of cases where non citizens have been caught and found guilty of VOTING.

since its easy enough to say it must be easy to prove.
How would we know if they are illegal since they don't have to provide ID to vote in many states? The only way we could potentially identify potential voting by illegals is to catch them voting without an ID, and finding out in the process they are illegal.

What a stupid request.


insisting something takes place and being unable to prove its taking place is stupid . what a dumbass comment.

idiots know bigfoot is out there too... ask an idiot.
No you are the only dumbass here. Explain to me, if there aren't ID requirements, how could we prove illegals vote or don't vote? The point of having identification card laws is it allows us a way of identifying citizens from non-citizens and prohibiting the latter from voting.

There have been reports of illegals voting, but that is only discovered after they voted. Without ID laws we have no way to prevent them before voting.

Fraud Local NBC Investigation Discovers Dozens of Illegal Voters in Florida - Guy Benson

Why don't you explain why you shouldn't have to provide ID to vote?

There have been reports?

Have there been arrests? Indictments? Imprisonments?

please post empirical data regarding the actual number of cases where non citizens have been caught and found guilty of VOTING.

since its easy enough to say it must be easy to prove.
How would we know if they are illegal since they don't have to provide ID to vote in many states? The only way we could potentially identify potential voting by illegals is to catch them voting without an ID, and finding out in the process they are illegal.

What a stupid request.


insisting something takes place and being unable to prove its taking place is stupid . what a dumbass comment.

idiots know bigfoot is out there too... ask an idiot.
No you are the only dumbass here. Explain to me, if there aren't ID requirements, how could we prove illegals vote or don't vote? The point of having identification card laws is it allows us a way of identifying citizens from non-citizens and prohibiting the latter from voting.

There have been reports of illegals voting, but that is only discovered after they voted. Without ID laws we have no way to prevent them before voting.

Fraud Local NBC Investigation Discovers Dozens of Illegal Voters in Florida - Guy Benson

Why don't you explain why you shouldn't have to provide ID to vote?

damn you're dumb ... since 2000 slightly over 2100 cases of voter fraud have been PROVEN ... those cases were found to be absentee voters with 10 in person cases verified.

but heck, you want ID cards to prove you're a real citizen ... ok then, make yourself one ..

ID Supplies - Make ID Cards - Teslin Paper - ID Hologram - Butterfly Pouches

yeah, cards will fix jerks from voter fraud.

Even if your numbers are true, so what if only 2100 illegals have been caught? Doesn't mean more aren't voting, since it is almost impossible to verify without Voter ID laws in place. I suppose you oppose alcohol age limits, smoking age limits, driver licenses, or passports, since they can all be forged. Fucking dumbass snarky shitlib faggot. Honestly, I hope you get mugged in a dark alley by mike brown's family and hit over the head with a crowbar. Maybe that will knock some sense into you.

I said nothing about illegals .. I said absentee voters ... pay attention.

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