Voter ID: How about this?

Again, show us some data that proves your "opinion" to this.

State ID cards are free, this idea that it is a burden to get one is nonsense. Voter ID laws are common sense and every civilized country has them. The only people who oppose them are those who want non-citizens to vote.
Not necessarily
I do not want legitimate citizens to be denied the right to vote
Key word there is citizens have the right to vote, not just anyone has the right to vote. Legitimate citizens will have no problem procuring a State ID card, non-citizens will have a problem and they should
The OP will be hard pressed to find any liberals who are opposed to free and readily available means of voter identification. Especially a straight-forward plan that is national in nature. We show ID to register. It isn't an unusual thing.

The opposition to the voter suppression laws that are making it through the legislatures of red states is that they prevent eligible voters from exercising their right to vote.

The idea that liberals somehow condone the act of voter fraud is bullshit of the highest order.
ok....then how do all these people who want to vote,but dont have any id's, register to vote,to be eligible?...

Phone bill. Utility bill. Other firms of ID. It isn't that complicated and since the reward for voter fraud isn't worth the don't have too many people thinking about it.

The idea that there is some organized effort on the part of liberals to get ineligible people to vote and...thereby steal bullshit of the highest order. This is where a guy like you should part ways with the other nutters here.
ok so i show a utility do i prove im the guy on the bill?....i parted ways with you nutters on both sides 20 years ago....what are you waiting for?....

I think possessing a utility bill for the name and address that is listed on the voter roll is suitable and signing in is sufficient.

You have not parted ways, pal. You think there is enough voter fraud in the US to warrant legislation. That is a nutter POV. Plain and simple.
i do?.....i will be waiting for you to show me a post of mine where i have ever said that.....i have been voting by Mail for quite a while fellow "nutters" seem against that.....think im still welcome in their club?......
Again, show us some data that proves your "opinion" to this.

State ID cards are free, this idea that it is a burden to get one is nonsense. Voter ID laws are common sense and every civilized country has them. The only people who oppose them are those who want non-citizens to vote.
Not necessarily
I do not want legitimate citizens to be denied the right to vote
Key word there is citizens have the right to vote, not just anyone has the right to vote. Legitimate citizens will have no problem procuring a State ID card, non-citizens will have a problem and they should
Data for what? State ID cards are free, lol at "finding data" for this. What a nerdy beep boop thing to say. Beep boop cannot compute human language I only understand binary code.

I googled free voter id this is one of the first links i hit.

Wisconsin DMV Official Government Site - Obtaining an ID card
When there is sufficient evidence of voter fraud....not......0.0001% get back to us.

You understand that this is how revolutions develop, don't you? When one side thinks the other side is cheating and the other side says "too bad, we're going to keep on cheating."

Elections then become illegitimate. Election results have to be accepted by all sides as a fair outcome. When one side doesn't trust the fairness of an election then the election is illegitimate.

On a related matter, don't you think it would be a grand idea to put employers in charge of running union drives and then counting the votes? I think that would be a marvelous idea.
this very board posted the article "stuffing ballot boxes in Arizona"

well guess what? Arizona has voter ID cards..

so which one is it.

ID cards stop voter fraud

or ID cards have no effect on voter fraud ?

ponder that.
You don't have to be illegal to stuff ballot boxes. Some citizen illegally procuring ballots and stuffing is separate from illegals voting without ID. Though the Left these days clearly doesn't mind engaging in either as you reminded us with the Arizona episode.
this very board posted the article "stuffing ballot boxes in Arizona"

well guess what? Arizona has voter ID cards..

so which one is it.

ID cards stop voter fraud

or ID cards have no effect on voter fraud ?

ponder that.
You don't have to be illegal to stuff ballot boxes. Some citizen illegally procuring ballots and stuffing is separate from illegals voting without ID. Though the Left these days clearly doesn't mind engaging in either as you reminded us with the Arizona episode.

ID cards stop voter fraud
or ID cards have no effect on voter fraud ?

answer the question and quit deflecting
Talk about stupid. How to you check on mail in votes. Oh, Yes lets get rid of that phase of voting too.
We get what you are all about.

Nah! no matter how you try to paint it this is another ploy for right wingers to limit voters.
Jim Crowe, Weclome back.

Cripes we're still at this bullshit that voter ID isn't necessary.

South Africa demands voter ID. Honduras demands voter ID. I'm sick of the argument that American minorities would be disenfranchised by requiring ID to vote.

Basically Democrats are claiming that American minorities are the biggest dumb fucks on the planet because they can't get it together enough to procure identification.

What an insult!
Yes non-citizens shouldn't be allowed to vote. So in that sense, yes, voters should be limited. You have any constructive response other than to cry racist?

please post empirical data regarding the actual number of cases where non citizens have been caught and found guilty of VOTING.

since its easy enough to say it must be easy to prove.
How would we know if they are illegal since they don't have to provide ID to vote in many states? The only way we could potentially identify potential voting by illegals is to catch them voting without an ID, and finding out in the process they are illegal.

What a stupid request.
Conservatives primarily vote absentee, how many illegals vote conservatively? But yes, I have no problem toughening up the absentee system as it won't deter conservative turnout as we are citizens anyways.
this very board posted the article "stuffing ballot boxes in Arizona"

well guess what? Arizona has voter ID cards..

so which one is it.

ID cards stop voter fraud

or ID cards have no effect on voter fraud ?

ponder that.
You don't have to be illegal to stuff ballot boxes. Some citizen illegally procuring ballots and stuffing is separate from illegals voting without ID. Though the Left these days clearly doesn't mind engaging in either as you reminded us with the Arizona episode.

ID cards stop voter fraud
or ID cards have no effect on voter fraud ?

answer the question and quit deflecting
Voter ID laws stop fraud. Obviously not all fraud, particularly not unrelated fraud like ballot stuffing, which is another issue. . But no one suggested Voter ID stops all fraud. Its not an all or none proposition. You just make yourself look absurd by making an absolutist line of questioning like that.

Do you realize how stupid you look by citing examples of voter fraud to suggest we shouldn't have tougher laws against it?
this very board posted the article "stuffing ballot boxes in Arizona"

well guess what? Arizona has voter ID cards..

so which one is it.

ID cards stop voter fraud

or ID cards have no effect on voter fraud ?

ponder that.
You don't have to be illegal to stuff ballot boxes. Some citizen illegally procuring ballots and stuffing is separate from illegals voting without ID. Though the Left these days clearly doesn't mind engaging in either as you reminded us with the Arizona episode.

don't call me a faggot you dumbass ..

Who Can Vote - A News21 2012 National Project
You have not parted ways, pal. You think there is enough voter fraud in the US to warrant legislation. That is a nutter POV. Plain and simple.[/QUOTE]
i do?.....i will be waiting for you to show me a post of mine where i have ever said that.....i have been voting by Mail for quite a while fellow "nutters" seem against that.....think im still welcome in their club?......[/QUOTE]

OK. You and I agree on this subject. My mistake. I misunderstood you. You are not in favor of vote ID laws. You think the call for voter ID laws is without merit. You don't believe that our elections are being stolen by ineligible voters.

Fucking cool!
this very board posted the article "stuffing ballot boxes in Arizona"

well guess what? Arizona has voter ID cards..

so which one is it.

ID cards stop voter fraud

or ID cards have no effect on voter fraud ?

ponder that.
You don't have to be illegal to stuff ballot boxes. Some citizen illegally procuring ballots and stuffing is separate from illegals voting without ID. Though the Left these days clearly doesn't mind engaging in either as you reminded us with the Arizona episode.

ID cards stop voter fraud
or ID cards have no effect on voter fraud ?

answer the question and quit deflecting

How does an illegal infiltrator with a State-issued Drivers License who shows up to vote get stopped from voting when he presents his valid ID?
Two options, neither necessarily to the exclusion of the other:

If you do not have or cannot afford (scoff) a state-issued picture ID....

1: Register to vote, get your picture taken. That picture goes into a database, similar to that of the BMV, if not the same one. When you show up to vote w/ your state issued photo ID. the poll workers go to the database, check you against the picture in the database, and then give you a ballot. If there is any question among the poll workers, you get a provisional ballot to be verified later.

2: Register to vote, get your thumbprint scanned. When you show up to vote w/o your state-issued picture ID,. you run your thumb over the scanner and given a green/red light to vote. A red light might be an error, so you cast a provisional ballot to be verified later.

This eliminates any cost to or burden on a low-income voter and therefore eliminates any argument regarding discrimination against same for political purposes.

What say ye?
I think we should eliminate early voting, require a notarized statement for absentee voting, and demand a photo ID.

If you aren't civic minded enough to get to the polls on election day, fuck you, you shouldn't be voting anyway.
i have been voting by mail for years....if you have a problem with that then fuck my job you just could not leave to go and vote....

If you are OK with voting by basically have to be against voter photo ID laws. Right?
im just asking questions that apparently many dont want to see....i see people on the left say how tough it is for some to go get a picture ID......I see people on the right question that toughness.....and i see people ask how do those people cash checks sign up for things etc,etc.....i wonder that too.....i have been asked for my ID about 3 times just this month,one was for an over the counter do the no ID people do it?.....just asking what i think are legit having an electric bill as an ID.....i could have picked that up out of someones trash so, how am i proving i am the guy whose name is on the bill without a proper ID?....just looking for answers....most of the time this kind of stuff just ends up with name calling....Lakota is good at ask him a question he dont like....he just calls you a "Nazi-Con" and thats it....
this very board posted the article "stuffing ballot boxes in Arizona"

well guess what? Arizona has voter ID cards..

so which one is it.

ID cards stop voter fraud

or ID cards have no effect on voter fraud ?

ponder that.
You don't have to be illegal to stuff ballot boxes. Some citizen illegally procuring ballots and stuffing is separate from illegals voting without ID. Though the Left these days clearly doesn't mind engaging in either as you reminded us with the Arizona episode.

ID cards stop voter fraud
or ID cards have no effect on voter fraud ?

answer the question and quit deflecting

How does an illegal infiltrator with a State-issued Drivers License who shows up to vote get stopped from voting when he presents his valid ID?

assuming an illegal shows up, again we breech absentee voting, and it being the largest contributor to the small amount of voter fraud.

but it's been my experience illegal aliens are in a big hurry to be in a public place where their identity will most certainly be questioned and the can get busted and sent back home .. I bet you've experienced that too haven't you, YOU MORON
this very board posted the article "stuffing ballot boxes in Arizona"

well guess what? Arizona has voter ID cards..

so which one is it.

ID cards stop voter fraud

or ID cards have no effect on voter fraud ?

ponder that.
You don't have to be illegal to stuff ballot boxes. Some citizen illegally procuring ballots and stuffing is separate from illegals voting without ID. Though the Left these days clearly doesn't mind engaging in either as you reminded us with the Arizona episode.

ID cards stop voter fraud
or ID cards have no effect on voter fraud ?

answer the question and quit deflecting

How does an illegal infiltrator with a State-issued Drivers License who shows up to vote get stopped from voting when he presents his valid ID?

assuming an illegal shows up, again we breech absentee voting, and it being the largest contributor to the small amount of voter fraud.

but it's been my experience illegal aliens are in a big hurry to be in a public place where their identity will most certainly be questioned and the can get busted and sent back home .. I bet you've experienced that too haven't you, YOU MORON

How Getting a Driver’s License Changed My Life as an Undocumented Immigrant

Pulitzer Prize–winning reporter, and undocumented immigrant, Jose Antonio Vargas is in Oregon campaigning for a bill that would allow for undocumented residents to obtain driver’s cards. Here’s why.

this very board posted the article "stuffing ballot boxes in Arizona"

well guess what? Arizona has voter ID cards..

so which one is it.

ID cards stop voter fraud

or ID cards have no effect on voter fraud ?

ponder that.
You don't have to be illegal to stuff ballot boxes. Some citizen illegally procuring ballots and stuffing is separate from illegals voting without ID. Though the Left these days clearly doesn't mind engaging in either as you reminded us with the Arizona episode.

ID cards stop voter fraud
or ID cards have no effect on voter fraud ?

answer the question and quit deflecting

How does an illegal infiltrator with a State-issued Drivers License who shows up to vote get stopped from voting when he presents his valid ID?

assuming an illegal shows up, again we breech absentee voting, and it being the largest contributor to the small amount of voter fraud.

but it's been my experience illegal aliens are in a big hurry to be in a public place where their identity will most certainly be questioned and the can get busted and sent back home .. I bet you've experienced that too haven't you, YOU MORON
illegals have no problems being in public places.....
The OP will be hard pressed to find any liberals who are opposed to free and readily available means of voter identification. Especially a straight-forward plan that is national in nature. We show ID to register. It isn't an unusual thing.

The opposition to the voter suppression laws that are making it through the legislatures of red states is that they prevent eligible voters from exercising their right to vote.

The idea that liberals somehow condone the act of voter fraud is bullshit of the highest order.
Moreover, the issue concerns an undue burden to the fundamental right to vote,
Where is the undue burden in either of the suggestions in the OP?
Talk about stupid. How to you check on mail in votes. Oh, Yes lets get rid of that phase of voting too.
We get what you are all about.

Nah! no matter how you try to paint it this is another ploy for right wingers to limit voters.
Jim Crowe, Weclome back.
Yes non-citizens shouldn't be allowed to vote. So in that sense, yes, voters should be limited. You have any constructive response other than to cry racist?

please post empirical data regarding the actual number of cases where non citizens have been caught and found guilty of VOTING.

since its easy enough to say it must be easy to prove.
How would we know if they are illegal since they don't have to provide ID to vote in many states? The only way we could potentially identify potential voting by illegals is to catch them voting without an ID, and finding out in the process they are illegal.

What a stupid request.
Conservatives primarily vote absentee, how many illegals vote conservatively? But yes, I have no problem toughening up the absentee system as it won't deter conservative turnout as we are citizens anyways.
Talk about stupid. How to you check on mail in votes. Oh, Yes lets get rid of that phase of voting too.
We get what you are all about.

Nah! no matter how you try to paint it this is another ploy for right wingers to limit voters.
Jim Crowe, Weclome back.
Yes non-citizens shouldn't be allowed to vote. So in that sense, yes, voters should be limited. You have any constructive response other than to cry racist?

please post empirical data regarding the actual number of cases where non citizens have been caught and found guilty of VOTING.

since its easy enough to say it must be easy to prove.
How would we know if they are illegal since they don't have to provide ID to vote in many states? The only way we could potentially identify potential voting by illegals is to catch them voting without an ID, and finding out in the process they are illegal.

What a stupid request.
Conservatives primarily vote absentee, how many illegals vote conservatively? But yes, I have no problem toughening up the absentee system as it won't deter conservative turnout as we are citizens anyways.
they do? not getting that message in this thread....
I'm not very enthusiastic about giving the government another reason to create a big database of our personal information.

We already require picture IDs for a variety of transactions we conduct on a daily basis. Occum's Razor: the simplest solution is just to provide a picture ID at the polling place to check that the individual showing up to vote matches the information in the voter roster.

Given that our government takes in 14+ trillion bucks via GDP, they can afford to give out free IDs to those who can't afford them and need them to vote. No need for a database. All that needs is for a built in RFID chip to verify the authenticity of the ID card. Create a code unique to that chip, each time the person votes, the code can be run through to make sure it's the same person voting. Cut and dry.
First off, my State doesn't believe you should have to show ID on election day to vote, and you can register the same day as the election and I think it should stay just the way it is..... I don't believe it should be a requirement to have some sort of gvt issued photo id with a database on all of us...
The government already has your name, address, etc, from your voter registration, and, if you have a state ID/driver's license, your picture.
How is the pic/thumbprint an issue?

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