Voter ID: How about this?

If the government forced everyone to get ID cards...

How can you say he/they would be 'forcing' people to get ID cards, when people like you are whining that none of them can afford one? Wouldn't it be good for them to have an ID card (minus illegals)? In this regard, the government would be doing something productive for a change.
People live in this country without Bank Accounts and without gvt issued photo ids....why do you think that there are so many check cashing places in the poorest parts of town?

Because the illegal aliens need somewhere to cash the welfare checks.


State ID cards are free, this idea that it is a burden to get one is nonsense. Voter ID laws are common sense and every civilized country has them. The only people who oppose them are those who want non-citizens to vote.
Not necessarily
I do not want legitimate citizens to be denied the right to vote
Key word there is citizens have the right to vote, not just anyone has the right to vote. Legitimate citizens will have no problem procuring a State ID card, non-citizens will have a problem and they should
Most do not have a problem procuring a state ID. But what about the small percent who are legitimate citizens but have issues with their documentation
State ID cards are free, this idea that it is a burden to get one is nonsense. Voter ID laws are common sense and every civilized country has them. The only people who oppose them are those who want non-citizens to vote.
Not necessarily
I do not want legitimate citizens to be denied the right to vote
Key word there is citizens have the right to vote, not just anyone has the right to vote. Legitimate citizens will have no problem procuring a State ID card, non-citizens will have a problem and they should
Most do not have a problem procuring a state ID. But what about the small percent who are legitimate citizens but have issues with their documentation
What issues?

If that is the case for a small percent like you said, than it is bad luck for them, but policy shouldn't be crafted on these very particular and unique exceptions to the rule.
State ID cards are free, this idea that it is a burden to get one is nonsense. Voter ID laws are common sense and every civilized country has them. The only people who oppose them are those who want non-citizens to vote.
Not necessarily
I do not want legitimate citizens to be denied the right to vote
Key word there is citizens have the right to vote, not just anyone has the right to vote. Legitimate citizens will have no problem procuring a State ID card, non-citizens will have a problem and they should
Most do not have a problem procuring a state ID. But what about the small percent who are legitimate citizens but have issues with their documentation

Then they resolve those issues long before it comes time to cast a vote.
Voting is a fundamental right in our society
If the government needs to spend some be it

Great! Then let them spend money providing photo IDs for people who can't afford them.
Works for me

Provide readily accessible locations to get IDs. Post offices, libraries, local school
For those having difficulty producing acceptable documentation, assign them a government advocate to help locate birth certificates or other required documentation
We don't want IDs to be a " can't vote" for valid citizens

In CA, low income people can get a state photo ID for $8 through the DMV. If someone is too stupid to figure out how to apply for it, then said person is too stupid to function in society.
Why should anyone have to pay to vote?
It is a basic right of all citizens. Why DMV? DMV is accessible to drivers not those without a car.
It s not that people are too stupid but lack proper documentation. If they don't have documentation, dedicate someone in the government to help them get it
People live in this country without Bank Accounts and without gvt issued photo ids....why do you think that there are so many check cashing places in the poorest parts of town? It amazes me that people on this board are so uppity, that they don't even know this....? Not everybody has "the good life" and easy street and drives and owns a car...or even has access to a car....again, you'd think they would be aware of this...? Or maybe they ARE aware of this and this is why they are insisting on these hurdles for citizens to have to jump over....they just don't want all citizens to easily be able to vote, like they can.

B'loney. States such as California have incredibly low cost state issued photo ID available for poor people. What you are actually insinuating is that such people are too stupid and incompetent to figure out how to get one.

I, on the other hand, think they are perfectly capable of getting an ID if they want one.

As an aside, this attitude that everything should be had for absolutely no effort is incredibly corrosive to our society.
I'm not very enthusiastic about giving the government another reason to create a big database of our personal information.
The state already has the information in the voter registration - this only adds a picture - which almost all of have for our state ID, driver's license, carry permits -- or a fingerprint., which is more or less the same thing. There's little to no expansion in that regard here.
Little to no expense? From a government that spent $1Billion on a website that doesn't work?
Expansion. You expressed concern about "another reason to create a big database of our personal information".
Yes. Expanded. Images expand the database.
Yes. Little to no expansion here as this only applies to people who register to vote that have no state-issued ID.
If you have a state issued ID, none of this applies to you, and your pic is already in file.
So... where's the problem?

Well, apparently this issue of having no ID is so incredibly pervasive that we must base our national policy upon it, so the database would be an expansion.

As for whether or not such a program would cause "an expanded government database" costing an ungodly amount of money: ObamaCare.

There were already databases and a very well run website ( that could have been used...but no, the Feds had to spend $1B to benefit Michelle's close personal friend.

And that is how our government works. Why would you expect it to be Any Different in this case?
The state already has the information in the voter registration - this only adds a picture - which almost all of have for our state ID, driver's license, carry permits -- or a fingerprint., which is more or less the same thing. There's little to no expansion in that regard here.
Little to no expense? From a government that spent $1Billion on a website that doesn't work?
Expansion. You expressed concern about "another reason to create a big database of our personal information".
Yes. Expanded. Images expand the database.
Yes. Little to no expansion here as this only applies to people who register to vote that have no state-issued ID.
If you have a state issued ID, none of this applies to you, and your pic is already in file.
So... where's the problem?
Well, apparently this issue of having no ID is so incredibly pervasive that we must base our national policy upon it...
That's not necessarily the case at all - the discussion relates to state election law and those that wish to require a photo ID at the polls.
The primary argument against these law is the supposedly deliberate disenfranchisement of low-income voters that cannot afford a state-issued ID; the suggestions in the OP eliminate these arguments.
Little to no expense? From a government that spent $1Billion on a website that doesn't work?
Expansion. You expressed concern about "another reason to create a big database of our personal information".
Yes. Expanded. Images expand the database.
Yes. Little to no expansion here as this only applies to people who register to vote that have no state-issued ID.
If you have a state issued ID, none of this applies to you, and your pic is already in file.
So... where's the problem?
Well, apparently this issue of having no ID is so incredibly pervasive that we must base our national policy upon it...
That's not necessarily the case at all - the discussion relates to state election law and those that wish to require a photo ID at the polls.
The primary argument against these law is the supposedly deliberate disenfranchisement of low-income voters that cannot afford a state-issued ID; the suggestions in the OP eliminate these arguments.

And I've already addressed why your approach is unnecessary overkill and a waste of money.
State ID cards are free, this idea that it is a burden to get one is nonsense. Voter ID laws are common sense and every civilized country has them. The only people who oppose them are those who want non-citizens to vote.
Not necessarily
I do not want legitimate citizens to be denied the right to vote
Key word there is citizens have the right to vote, not just anyone has the right to vote. Legitimate citizens will have no problem procuring a State ID card, non-citizens will have a problem and they should
Most do not have a problem procuring a state ID. But what about the small percent who are legitimate citizens but have issues with their documentation
What issues?

If that is the case for a small percent like you said, than it is bad luck for them, but policy shouldn't be crafted on these very particular and unique exceptions to the rule.
There you have it

Those who fail to meet the standards you impose are shit out of luck. There are a larger number of people you will be denying the vote than you will prevent from voting illegally

The cure is worse than the disease
State ID cards are free, this idea that it is a burden to get one is nonsense. Voter ID laws are common sense and every civilized country has them. The only people who oppose them are those who want non-citizens to vote.
Not necessarily
I do not want legitimate citizens to be denied the right to vote
Key word there is citizens have the right to vote, not just anyone has the right to vote. Legitimate citizens will have no problem procuring a State ID card, non-citizens will have a problem and they should
Most do not have a problem procuring a state ID. But what about the small percent who are legitimate citizens but have issues with their documentation
What issues?

If that is the case for a small percent like you said, than it is bad luck for them, but policy shouldn't be crafted on these very particular and unique exceptions to the rule.
There you have it

Those who fail to meet the standards you impose are shit out of luck. There are a larger number of people you will be denying the vote than you will prevent from voting illegally

The cure is worse than the disease
What percent have these issues you speak of? What issues does this small percent have? Why can't they be resolved if they are citizens?

That is like saying citizens are denied their right to social security if they don't provide a social security number, it is a silly contention.

Also, I am not keen on the universal franchise, so less people voting, the better.
Not necessarily
I do not want legitimate citizens to be denied the right to vote
Key word there is citizens have the right to vote, not just anyone has the right to vote. Legitimate citizens will have no problem procuring a State ID card, non-citizens will have a problem and they should
Most do not have a problem procuring a state ID. But what about the small percent who are legitimate citizens but have issues with their documentation
What issues?

If that is the case for a small percent like you said, than it is bad luck for them, but policy shouldn't be crafted on these very particular and unique exceptions to the rule.
There you have it

Those who fail to meet the standards you impose are shit out of luck. There are a larger number of people you will be denying the vote than you will prevent from voting illegally

The cure is worse than the disease
What percent have these issues you speak of? What issues does this small percent have? Why can't they be resolved if they are citizens?
Let's say you were born 70 years ago in Buttfuck Alabama and when you produce a certificate from Dr Emmitt Brown the local Republican magistrate won't accept it.
Key word there is citizens have the right to vote, not just anyone has the right to vote. Legitimate citizens will have no problem procuring a State ID card, non-citizens will have a problem and they should
Most do not have a problem procuring a state ID. But what about the small percent who are legitimate citizens but have issues with their documentation
What issues?

If that is the case for a small percent like you said, than it is bad luck for them, but policy shouldn't be crafted on these very particular and unique exceptions to the rule.
There you have it

Those who fail to meet the standards you impose are shit out of luck. There are a larger number of people you will be denying the vote than you will prevent from voting illegally

The cure is worse than the disease
What percent have these issues you speak of? What issues does this small percent have? Why can't they be resolved if they are citizens?
Let's say you were born 70 years ago in Buttfuck Alabama and when you produce a certificate from Dr Emmitt Brown the local Republican magistrate won't accept it.
Is there an example of someone with a birth certificate being denied a State ID?
Most do not have a problem procuring a state ID. But what about the small percent who are legitimate citizens but have issues with their documentation
What issues?

If that is the case for a small percent like you said, than it is bad luck for them, but policy shouldn't be crafted on these very particular and unique exceptions to the rule.
There you have it

Those who fail to meet the standards you impose are shit out of luck. There are a larger number of people you will be denying the vote than you will prevent from voting illegally

The cure is worse than the disease
What percent have these issues you speak of? What issues does this small percent have? Why can't they be resolved if they are citizens?
Let's say you were born 70 years ago in Buttfuck Alabama and when you produce a certificate from Dr Emmitt Brown the local Republican magistrate won't accept it.
Is there an example of someone with a birth certificate being denied a State ID?
55% of Republicans won't even accept that the President was born in the US. What chance does an average voter have?

55 Of Republicans Believe Obama Was Born In A Foreign Country
What issues?

If that is the case for a small percent like you said, than it is bad luck for them, but policy shouldn't be crafted on these very particular and unique exceptions to the rule.
There you have it

Those who fail to meet the standards you impose are shit out of luck. There are a larger number of people you will be denying the vote than you will prevent from voting illegally

The cure is worse than the disease
What percent have these issues you speak of? What issues does this small percent have? Why can't they be resolved if they are citizens?
Let's say you were born 70 years ago in Buttfuck Alabama and when you produce a certificate from Dr Emmitt Brown the local Republican magistrate won't accept it.
Is there an example of someone with a birth certificate being denied a State ID?
40% of Republicans won't even accept that the President was born in the US. What chance does an average voter have?
Obama doesn't have a State ID?
There you have it

Those who fail to meet the standards you impose are shit out of luck. There are a larger number of people you will be denying the vote than you will prevent from voting illegally

The cure is worse than the disease
What percent have these issues you speak of? What issues does this small percent have? Why can't they be resolved if they are citizens?
Let's say you were born 70 years ago in Buttfuck Alabama and when you produce a certificate from Dr Emmitt Brown the local Republican magistrate won't accept it.
Is there an example of someone with a birth certificate being denied a State ID?
40% of Republicans won't even accept that the President was born in the US. What chance does an average voter have?
Obama doesn't have a State ID?
If Obama can't convince 55% of Republicans that he is a citizen. What happens when these same Republicans get to decide who has valid ID and who doesn't?

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