Voter ID: How about this?

What percent have these issues you speak of? What issues does this small percent have? Why can't they be resolved if they are citizens?
Let's say you were born 70 years ago in Buttfuck Alabama and when you produce a certificate from Dr Emmitt Brown the local Republican magistrate won't accept it.
Is there an example of someone with a birth certificate being denied a State ID?
40% of Republicans won't even accept that the President was born in the US. What chance does an average voter have?
Obama doesn't have a State ID?
If Obama can't convince 55% of Republicans that he is a citizen. What happens when these same Republicans get to decide who has valid ID and who doesn't?
You don't get a state ID from republicans, you get it at the DMV. Are you one of those disadvantaged minorities that doesn't have the mental capacity to acquire a free State ID?
Expansion. You expressed concern about "another reason to create a big database of our personal information".
Yes. Expanded. Images expand the database.
Yes. Little to no expansion here as this only applies to people who register to vote that have no state-issued ID.
If you have a state issued ID, none of this applies to you, and your pic is already in file.
So... where's the problem?
Well, apparently this issue of having no ID is so incredibly pervasive that we must base our national policy upon it...
That's not necessarily the case at all - the discussion relates to state election law and those that wish to require a photo ID at the polls.
The primary argument against these law is the supposedly deliberate disenfranchisement of low-income voters that cannot afford a state-issued ID; the suggestions in the OP eliminate these arguments.
And I've already addressed why your approach is unnecessary overkill and a waste of money.
Musta missed that. Cliff's notes version?
And, really, that's not for you to decide -- its up to the state legislatures.
State ID cards are free, this idea that it is a burden to get one is nonsense. Voter ID laws are common sense and every civilized country has them. The only people who oppose them are those who want non-citizens to vote.
Not necessarily
I do not want legitimate citizens to be denied the right to vote
Key word there is citizens have the right to vote, not just anyone has the right to vote. Legitimate citizens will have no problem procuring a State ID card, non-citizens will have a problem and they should
Most do not have a problem procuring a state ID. But what about the small percent who are legitimate citizens but have issues with their documentation
What issues?

If that is the case for a small percent like you said, than it is bad luck for them, but policy shouldn't be crafted on these very particular and unique exceptions to the rule.
There you have it

Those who fail to meet the standards you impose are shit out of luck. There are a larger number of people you will be denying the vote than you will prevent from voting illegally

The cure is worse than the disease
I'll buy ID for every person you can find who cannot afford one.
Key word there is citizens have the right to vote, not just anyone has the right to vote. Legitimate citizens will have no problem procuring a State ID card, non-citizens will have a problem and they should
Most do not have a problem procuring a state ID. But what about the small percent who are legitimate citizens but have issues with their documentation
What issues?

If that is the case for a small percent like you said, than it is bad luck for them, but policy shouldn't be crafted on these very particular and unique exceptions to the rule.
There you have it

Those who fail to meet the standards you impose are shit out of luck. There are a larger number of people you will be denying the vote than you will prevent from voting illegally

The cure is worse than the disease
What percent have these issues you speak of? What issues does this small percent have? Why can't they be resolved if they are citizens?
Let's say you were born 70 years ago in Buttfuck Alabama and when you produce a certificate from Dr Emmitt Brown the local Republican magistrate won't accept it.
If you were born 70 years ago in Buttfuck, Alabama, you have been on foodstamps and had ID for at least 55 years.
Key word there is citizens have the right to vote, not just anyone has the right to vote. Legitimate citizens will have no problem procuring a State ID card, non-citizens will have a problem and they should
Most do not have a problem procuring a state ID. But what about the small percent who are legitimate citizens but have issues with their documentation
What issues?

If that is the case for a small percent like you said, than it is bad luck for them, but policy shouldn't be crafted on these very particular and unique exceptions to the rule.
There you have it

Those who fail to meet the standards you impose are shit out of luck. There are a larger number of people you will be denying the vote than you will prevent from voting illegally

The cure is worse than the disease
What percent have these issues you speak of? What issues does this small percent have? Why can't they be resolved if they are citizens?
Let's say you were born 70 years ago in Buttfuck Alabama and when you produce a certificate from Dr Emmitt Brown the local Republican magistrate won't accept it.

My grandmother was born at home (96 years ago), had no birth certificate...and would have no trouble meeting ANY of the ID requirements I've seen!
WOW! Someone has to spell it out for you.
Data for voter fraud! How prevalent is it in the country?
Give us the overwhelming percentage that this is a bit problem.

Again, show us some data that proves your "opinion" to this.

State ID cards are free, this idea that it is a burden to get one is nonsense. Voter ID laws are common sense and every civilized country has them. The only people who oppose them are those who want non-citizens to vote.
Not necessarily
I do not want legitimate citizens to be denied the right to vote
Key word there is citizens have the right to vote, not just anyone has the right to vote. Legitimate citizens will have no problem procuring a State ID card, non-citizens will have a problem and they should
Data for what? State ID cards are free, lol at "finding data" for this. What a nerdy beep boop thing to say. Beep boop cannot compute human language I only understand binary code.

I googled free voter id this is one of the first links i hit.

Wisconsin DMV Official Government Site - Obtaining an ID card
Surely you jest!
Why dont you worry about all the $$$$$ from citizens united that will taint an election. But, hey thats okay its the rich that know more and are trustworthy. Give it a break

When there is sufficient evidence of voter fraud....not......0.0001% get back to us.

You understand that this is how revolutions develop, don't you? When one side thinks the other side is cheating and the other side says "too bad, we're going to keep on cheating."

Elections then become illegitimate. Election results have to be accepted by all sides as a fair outcome. When one side doesn't trust the fairness of an election then the election is illegitimate.

On a related matter, don't you think it would be a grand idea to put employers in charge of running union drives and then counting the votes? I think that would be a marvelous idea.
WOW! Someone has to spell it out for you.
Data for voter fraud! How prevalent is it in the country?
Give us the overwhelming percentage that this is a bit problem.

Again, show us some data that proves your "opinion" to this.

State ID cards are free, this idea that it is a burden to get one is nonsense. Voter ID laws are common sense and every civilized country has them. The only people who oppose them are those who want non-citizens to vote.
Not necessarily
I do not want legitimate citizens to be denied the right to vote
Key word there is citizens have the right to vote, not just anyone has the right to vote. Legitimate citizens will have no problem procuring a State ID card, non-citizens will have a problem and they should
Data for what? State ID cards are free, lol at "finding data" for this. What a nerdy beep boop thing to say. Beep boop cannot compute human language I only understand binary code.

I googled free voter id this is one of the first links i hit.

Wisconsin DMV Official Government Site - Obtaining an ID card
A percentage of voter fraud?

What does this even mean?

Could you translate this to English please...
Surely you jest!
Why dont you worry about all the $$$$$ from citizens united that will taint an election. But, hey thats okay its the rich that know more and are trustworthy. Give it a break

When there is sufficient evidence of voter fraud....not......0.0001% get back to us.

You understand that this is how revolutions develop, don't you? When one side thinks the other side is cheating and the other side says "too bad, we're going to keep on cheating."

Elections then become illegitimate. Election results have to be accepted by all sides as a fair outcome. When one side doesn't trust the fairness of an election then the election is illegitimate.

On a related matter, don't you think it would be a grand idea to put employers in charge of running union drives and then counting the votes? I think that would be a marvelous idea.
One of the reasons Voter ID won't take hold nationally is because big money donors on both sides are against it. Republican donors want cheap illegal labor(and don't care if they lose elections, so they won't go after the left's pet constituency) and wealthy democrat donors want votes.
One of the reasons Voter ID won't take hold nationally is because big money donors on both sides are against it.
34 states require a photo ID. Seems to be pretty well represented, nationally.
If you mean there is unlikely to be a federal law to that effect, you;re correct, but because the state legislatures have a huge amount of power in this regard, and the federal government does not.
Surely you jest!
Why dont you worry about all the $$$$$ from citizens united that will taint an election.

Life before Citizens United:

Let's say you were born 70 years ago in Buttfuck Alabama and when you produce a certificate from Dr Emmitt Brown the local Republican magistrate won't accept it.
Is there an example of someone with a birth certificate being denied a State ID?
40% of Republicans won't even accept that the President was born in the US. What chance does an average voter have?
Obama doesn't have a State ID?
If Obama can't convince 55% of Republicans that he is a citizen. What happens when these same Republicans get to decide who has valid ID and who doesn't?
You don't get a state ID from republicans, you get it at the DMV. Are you one of those disadvantaged minorities that doesn't have the mental capacity to acquire a free State ID?
Why do you need to go to the DMV to get a voter card?

Seems fixed to favor those who drive
Surely you jest!
Why dont you worry about all the $$$$$ from citizens united that will taint an election. But, hey thats okay its the rich that know more and are trustworthy. Give it a break

When there is sufficient evidence of voter fraud....not......0.0001% get back to us.

You understand that this is how revolutions develop, don't you? When one side thinks the other side is cheating and the other side says "too bad, we're going to keep on cheating."

Elections then become illegitimate. Election results have to be accepted by all sides as a fair outcome. When one side doesn't trust the fairness of an election then the election is illegitimate.

On a related matter, don't you think it would be a grand idea to put employers in charge of running union drives and then counting the votes? I think that would be a marvelous idea.

Don't call me Shirley
Not necessarily
I do not want legitimate citizens to be denied the right to vote
Key word there is citizens have the right to vote, not just anyone has the right to vote. Legitimate citizens will have no problem procuring a State ID card, non-citizens will have a problem and they should
Most do not have a problem procuring a state ID. But what about the small percent who are legitimate citizens but have issues with their documentation
What issues?

If that is the case for a small percent like you said, than it is bad luck for them, but policy shouldn't be crafted on these very particular and unique exceptions to the rule.
There you have it

Those who fail to meet the standards you impose are shit out of luck. There are a larger number of people you will be denying the vote than you will prevent from voting illegally

The cure is worse than the disease
I'll buy ID for every person you can find who cannot afford one.

Will you help them get the necessary documentation?
Most do not have a problem procuring a state ID. But what about the small percent who are legitimate citizens but have issues with their documentation
What issues?

If that is the case for a small percent like you said, than it is bad luck for them, but policy shouldn't be crafted on these very particular and unique exceptions to the rule.
There you have it

Those who fail to meet the standards you impose are shit out of luck. There are a larger number of people you will be denying the vote than you will prevent from voting illegally

The cure is worse than the disease
What percent have these issues you speak of? What issues does this small percent have? Why can't they be resolved if they are citizens?
Let's say you were born 70 years ago in Buttfuck Alabama and when you produce a certificate from Dr Emmitt Brown the local Republican magistrate won't accept it.

My grandmother was born at home (96 years ago), had no birth certificate...and would have no trouble meeting ANY of the ID requirements I've seen!
Will she have to go through a Republican who is trying to prevent her from voting?

Sorry granny, but you need signed affidavits from tree people who saw your birth. Voting is serious business and we have to be careful
Two options, neither necessarily to the exclusion of the other:

If you do not have or cannot afford (scoff) a state-issued picture ID....

1: Register to vote, get your picture taken. That picture goes into a database, similar to that of the BMV, if not the same one. When you show up to vote w/ your state issued photo ID. the poll workers go to the database, check you against the picture in the database, and then give you a ballot. If there is any question among the poll workers, you get a provisional ballot to be verified later.

2: Register to vote, get your thumbprint scanned. When you show up to vote w/o your state-issued picture ID,. you run your thumb over the scanner and given a green/red light to vote. A red light might be an error, so you cast a provisional ballot to be verified later.

This eliminates any cost to or burden on a low-income voter and therefore eliminates any argument regarding discrimination against same for political purposes.

What say ye?

It will never fly. Right now there is viturally no one without id and most of that is photo id. You need one to fish and yet the left wails that it can't be provided to elect a president.

And that is why it won't fly, because the left has made a stand against voter id and damn it, it is their way or no way. They will continue to use the poor as a wedge issue when really their is no issue at all. The left won't even throw the right a bone on this at all why do you think they would ever change?
Key word there is citizens have the right to vote, not just anyone has the right to vote. Legitimate citizens will have no problem procuring a State ID card, non-citizens will have a problem and they should
Most do not have a problem procuring a state ID. But what about the small percent who are legitimate citizens but have issues with their documentation
What issues?

If that is the case for a small percent like you said, than it is bad luck for them, but policy shouldn't be crafted on these very particular and unique exceptions to the rule.
There you have it

Those who fail to meet the standards you impose are shit out of luck. There are a larger number of people you will be denying the vote than you will prevent from voting illegally

The cure is worse than the disease
I'll buy ID for every person you can find who cannot afford one.

Will you help them get the necessary documentation?

EXACTLY the left wing position. That the poor, especially the poor blacks, are too stupid or too lazy to be able to do anything for themselves. Bravo point made. How does anyone go through life without some sort of proof of who they are?
Most do not have a problem procuring a state ID. But what about the small percent who are legitimate citizens but have issues with their documentation
What issues?

If that is the case for a small percent like you said, than it is bad luck for them, but policy shouldn't be crafted on these very particular and unique exceptions to the rule.
There you have it

Those who fail to meet the standards you impose are shit out of luck. There are a larger number of people you will be denying the vote than you will prevent from voting illegally

The cure is worse than the disease
I'll buy ID for every person you can find who cannot afford one.

Will you help them get the necessary documentation?

EXACTLY the left wing position. That the poor, especially the poor blacks, are too stupid or too lazy to be able to do anything for themselves. Bravo point made. How does anyone go through life without some sort of proof of who they are?

Don't you support the right to vote?

Why wouldn't you want to help those who are having difficulty obtaining acceptable documentation?

Do you prefer a system of "gotcha" for those with issues on their documentation?

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