Voter ID Laws do not Discriminate and are Needed


May 23, 2014
This crock of shit the left is pushing about voter ID laws being racist is complete bullshit. If your so goddamn lazy that you can’t get to the DMV or courthouse and get an ID...your too lazy to go to the polls. These same people take taxpayer supported public transportation downtown to shop. They have transportation, access, and if you pay for an iPhone and your on public can pay a $20.00 bill for a fucking ID so you can vote. If voting is that important to can get it done. Liberals always try to play race card on this issue. I guess they feel blacks and Hispanics are totally helpless, ignorant, idiots and can’t get an ID. Liberals are the most racist people on earth. I wish more blacks would come over to GOP and help lift their communities up.
5 Statistics That Show Voter ID Is Not Racist
Those who want to bring mess and fraud (to get their way) to elections have been preaching about "voter ID is not needed". They just do not need fair election, they need their candidate to win by all means. Everybody who cares about fair elections should insist on voter ID, mandatory and in each state.

BTW, in Russia you won't be allowed to vote unless you show a passport of Russian federation.
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This crock of shit the left is pushing about voter ID laws being racist is complete bullshit. If your so goddamn lazy that you can’t get to the DMV or courthouse and get an ID...your too lazy to go to the polls. These same people take taxpayer supported public transportation downtown to shop. They have transportation, access, and if you pay for an iPhone and your on public can pay a $20.00 bill for a fucking ID so you can vote. If voting is that important to can get it done. Liberals always try to play race card on this issue. I guess they feel blacks and Hispanics are totally helpless, ignorant, idiots and can’t get an ID. Liberals are the most racist people on earth. I wish more blacks would come over to GOP and help lift their communities up.
5 Statistics That Show Voter ID Is Not Racist
Tell you what

Show me 99 percent of adults have acceptable ID and then we can require it to vote
A signature is more reliable than an ID

Harder to fake
This crock of shit the left is pushing about voter ID laws being racist is complete bullshit. If your so goddamn lazy that you can’t get to the DMV or courthouse and get an ID...your too lazy to go to the polls. These same people take taxpayer supported public transportation downtown to shop. They have transportation, access, and if you pay for an iPhone and your on public can pay a $20.00 bill for a fucking ID so you can vote. If voting is that important to can get it done. Liberals always try to play race card on this issue. I guess they feel blacks and Hispanics are totally helpless, ignorant, idiots and can’t get an ID. Liberals are the most racist people on earth. I wish more blacks would come over to GOP and help lift their communities up.
5 Statistics That Show Voter ID Is Not Racist
You really don’t think voter ID has been a discrimatory issue? You need to do more homework....

Texas NAACP v. Steen is a consolidated lawsuit challenging SB 14, Texas’ strictest-in-the-nation voter ID law. The Brennan Center, the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, and co-counsel filed suit challenging the law on behalf of the Texas State Conference of the NAACP and the Mexican American Legislative Caucus of the Texas House of Representatives (MALC) in September 2013. In the years since, a federal district court has twice found the law intentionally discriminatory and the Fifth Circuit has recognized its discriminatory impact
Asking for a picture ID is racist...
Asking for a picture ID is immoral...
Asking for a picture ID is unethical...
Asking for a picture ID is illegal...

Every time you have to show a photo ID to cash a check...

Every time you have to show a photo ID to board a plane...

Every time you have to show a photo ID to buy alcohol, to get into a club, to buy buy a gun...

It ALL needs to end ... If it is wrong to ask for one to participate in one of our greatest rights and responsibilities as American citizens...
This crock of shit the left is pushing about voter ID laws being racist is complete bullshit. If your so goddamn lazy that you can’t get to the DMV or courthouse and get an ID...your too lazy to go to the polls. These same people take taxpayer supported public transportation downtown to shop. They have transportation, access, and if you pay for an iPhone and your on public can pay a $20.00 bill for a fucking ID so you can vote. If voting is that important to can get it done. Liberals always try to play race card on this issue. I guess they feel blacks and Hispanics are totally helpless, ignorant, idiots and can’t get an ID. Liberals are the most racist people on earth. I wish more blacks would come over to GOP and help lift their communities up.
5 Statistics That Show Voter ID Is Not Racist
Tell you what

Show me 99 percent of adults have acceptable ID and then we can require it to vote

AHAHAHAHA Dem's already require the poor to produce a ridiculous amount of ID and personal info just to apply for a fishing license. You people are a laughing stock :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
The voter law book in Virginia is about 1/2 an inch thick and it's probably the same in most states. This means that there are many laws that the county registrar as well as the voters have to live with. Somehow hypocrite democrats have made an issue of a photo I.D. for political reasons by drawing on their plantation mentality and racist playbook. They insult an entire race by claiming that Black people are too ignorant to obtain something as basic as a photo I.D. in the 21st century and they wonder why Blacks are leaving the democrat party in droves.
The voter law book in Virginia is about 1/2 an inch thick and it's probably the same in most states. This means that there are many laws that the county registrar as well as the voters have to live with. Somehow hypocrite democrats have made an issue of a photo I.D. for political reasons by drawing on their plantation mentality and racist playbook. They insult an entire race by claiming that Black people are too ignorant to obtain something as basic as a photo I.D. in the 21st century and they wonder why Blacks are leaving the democrat party in droves.
So is this all made up out of thin air? How about you start being honest and stop pretending like there have not been discrimatory issues...

Texas NAACP v. Steen is a consolidated lawsuit challenging SB 14, Texas’ strictest-in-the-nation voter ID law. The Brennan Center, the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, and co-counsel filed suit challenging the law on behalf of the Texas State Conference of the NAACP and the Mexican American Legislative Caucus of the Texas House of Representatives (MALC) in September 2013. In the years since, a federal district court has twice found the law intentionally discriminatory and the Fifth Circuit has recognized its discriminatory impact
The voter law book in Virginia is about 1/2 an inch thick and it's probably the same in most states. This means that there are many laws that the county registrar as well as the voters have to live with. Somehow hypocrite democrats have made an issue of a photo I.D. for political reasons by drawing on their plantation mentality and racist playbook. They insult an entire race by claiming that Black people are too ignorant to obtain something as basic as a photo I.D. in the 21st century and they wonder why Blacks are leaving the democrat party in droves.
So is this all made up out of thin air? How about you start being honest and stop pretending like there have not been discrimatory issues...

Texas NAACP v. Steen is a consolidated lawsuit challenging SB 14, Texas’ strictest-in-the-nation voter ID law. The Brennan Center, the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, and co-counsel filed suit challenging the law on behalf of the Texas State Conference of the NAACP and the Mexican American Legislative Caucus of the Texas House of Representatives (MALC) in September 2013. In the years since, a federal district court has twice found the law intentionally discriminatory and the Fifth Circuit has recognized its discriminatory impact
You make my case. The "strictest in the nation" voter laws apply to everyone. Why should the democrat party make a case that Blacks are impacted more than Whites in the freaking 21st century? The inference of course is that the democrat party needs to care for Black people like they did back in the good old days because Blacks are unable to cope with the modern world.
The voter law book in Virginia is about 1/2 an inch thick and it's probably the same in most states. This means that there are many laws that the county registrar as well as the voters have to live with. Somehow hypocrite democrats have made an issue of a photo I.D. for political reasons by drawing on their plantation mentality and racist playbook. They insult an entire race by claiming that Black people are too ignorant to obtain something as basic as a photo I.D. in the 21st century and they wonder why Blacks are leaving the democrat party in droves.
So is this all made up out of thin air? How about you start being honest and stop pretending like there have not been discrimatory issues...

Texas NAACP v. Steen is a consolidated lawsuit challenging SB 14, Texas’ strictest-in-the-nation voter ID law. The Brennan Center, the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, and co-counsel filed suit challenging the law on behalf of the Texas State Conference of the NAACP and the Mexican American Legislative Caucus of the Texas House of Representatives (MALC) in September 2013. In the years since, a federal district court has twice found the law intentionally discriminatory and the Fifth Circuit has recognized its discriminatory impact
You make my case. The "strictest in the nation" voter laws apply to everyone. Why should the democrat party make a case that Blacks are impacted more than Whites in the freaking 21st century? The inference of course is that the democrat party needs to care for Black people like they did back in the good old days because Blacks are unable to cope with the modern world.
That’s just how you choose to paint it. Doesn’t make it true. Fact is there have been court cases and verdicts acknowledging voter suppression and discrimination by certain voter ID efforts, so you are not being honest when you minimize and fail to acknowledge that point.

I personally have no problem with voter ID and improvements being made. Unfortunately the water is muddied from corrupt politicians

Destroying Democracy?

The McCain ad accuses ACORN of "massive voter fraud." In the final presidential debate, John McCain added that ACORN "is now on the verge of maybe perpetrating one of the greatest frauds in voter history in this country, maybe destroying the fabric of democracy." Sounds scary, but is it true?

There’s no evidence of any such democracy-destroying fraud. Here’s what is true: In recent years, ACORN employees have been investigated multiple times for voter registration fraud. ACORN workers have been convicted of submitting false voter registration forms in Colorado Springs in 2005, Kansas City, Mo., in 2006 and King County, Wash., in 2007. ACORN’s Las Vegas office was raided by a state criminal investigator on Oct. 7, 2008. ACORN workers are also the subjects of ongoing investigations in Wisconsin, Missouri, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Indiana. The Indiana investigation started in early October and may involve thousands of fraudulent registration forms.

ACORN Accusations -

Voter ID would have eliminated any possibility of current and accurate Voter Roles...
This crock of shit the left is pushing about voter ID laws being racist is complete bullshit. If your so goddamn lazy that you can’t get to the DMV or courthouse and get an ID...your too lazy to go to the polls. These same people take taxpayer supported public transportation downtown to shop. They have transportation, access, and if you pay for an iPhone and your on public can pay a $20.00 bill for a fucking ID so you can vote. If voting is that important to can get it done. Liberals always try to play race card on this issue. I guess they feel blacks and Hispanics are totally helpless, ignorant, idiots and can’t get an ID. Liberals are the most racist people on earth. I wish more blacks would come over to GOP and help lift their communities up.
5 Statistics That Show Voter ID Is Not Racist
Tell you what

Show me 99 percent of adults have acceptable ID and then we can require it to vote
99% do have acceptable ID. What make believe world are you in?
The voter law book in Virginia is about 1/2 an inch thick and it's probably the same in most states. This means that there are many laws that the county registrar as well as the voters have to live with. Somehow hypocrite democrats have made an issue of a photo I.D. for political reasons by drawing on their plantation mentality and racist playbook. They insult an entire race by claiming that Black people are too ignorant to obtain something as basic as a photo I.D. in the 21st century and they wonder why Blacks are leaving the democrat party in droves.
So is this all made up out of thin air? How about you start being honest and stop pretending like there have not been discrimatory issues...

Texas NAACP v. Steen is a consolidated lawsuit challenging SB 14, Texas’ strictest-in-the-nation voter ID law. The Brennan Center, the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, and co-counsel filed suit challenging the law on behalf of the Texas State Conference of the NAACP and the Mexican American Legislative Caucus of the Texas House of Representatives (MALC) in September 2013. In the years since, a federal district court has twice found the law intentionally discriminatory and the Fifth Circuit has recognized its discriminatory impact
You make my case. The "strictest in the nation" voter laws apply to everyone. Why should the democrat party make a case that Blacks are impacted more than Whites in the freaking 21st century? The inference of course is that the democrat party needs to care for Black people like they did back in the good old days because Blacks are unable to cope with the modern world.
That’s just how you choose to paint it. Doesn’t make it true. Fact is there have been court cases and verdicts acknowledging voter suppression and discrimination by certain voter ID efforts, so you are not being honest when you minimize and fail to acknowledge that point.

I personally have no problem with voter ID and improvements being made. Unfortunately the water is muddied from corrupt politicians
Voter ID is not a hinderence. Just another race flag issue for Democrats to wave and rant. If you care about voting...get proper ID you lazy bastard.
I think there should be mandatory voter id in national elections.
I also think the taxpayers should pay for them. Sure, most people already have an id.. so it shouldnt be that hard to get one to the rest of the population.
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The voter law book in Virginia is about 1/2 an inch thick and it's probably the same in most states. This means that there are many laws that the county registrar as well as the voters have to live with. Somehow hypocrite democrats have made an issue of a photo I.D. for political reasons by drawing on their plantation mentality and racist playbook. They insult an entire race by claiming that Black people are too ignorant to obtain something as basic as a photo I.D. in the 21st century and they wonder why Blacks are leaving the democrat party in droves.
So is this all made up out of thin air? How about you start being honest and stop pretending like there have not been discrimatory issues...

Texas NAACP v. Steen is a consolidated lawsuit challenging SB 14, Texas’ strictest-in-the-nation voter ID law. The Brennan Center, the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, and co-counsel filed suit challenging the law on behalf of the Texas State Conference of the NAACP and the Mexican American Legislative Caucus of the Texas House of Representatives (MALC) in September 2013. In the years since, a federal district court has twice found the law intentionally discriminatory and the Fifth Circuit has recognized its discriminatory impact
It is made up issue by Democrats. Texas ruling was wrong. Voter ID is not a Civil Rights issue. It’s about lazy people not getting an ID and register to vote. Getting an ID is as simple as breathing air.
The voter law book in Virginia is about 1/2 an inch thick and it's probably the same in most states. This means that there are many laws that the county registrar as well as the voters have to live with. Somehow hypocrite democrats have made an issue of a photo I.D. for political reasons by drawing on their plantation mentality and racist playbook. They insult an entire race by claiming that Black people are too ignorant to obtain something as basic as a photo I.D. in the 21st century and they wonder why Blacks are leaving the democrat party in droves.
So is this all made up out of thin air? How about you start being honest and stop pretending like there have not been discrimatory issues...

Texas NAACP v. Steen is a consolidated lawsuit challenging SB 14, Texas’ strictest-in-the-nation voter ID law. The Brennan Center, the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, and co-counsel filed suit challenging the law on behalf of the Texas State Conference of the NAACP and the Mexican American Legislative Caucus of the Texas House of Representatives (MALC) in September 2013. In the years since, a federal district court has twice found the law intentionally discriminatory and the Fifth Circuit has recognized its discriminatory impact
“Texas NAACP...MALC?” Really...These kooks file a lawsuit in a federal district court that they know some liberal idiot judge is going to uphold and you submit that to support false racism claims? Federal judge must have been from fucked-up Austin.
This crock of shit the left is pushing about voter ID laws being racist is complete bullshit. If your so goddamn lazy that you can’t get to the DMV or courthouse and get an ID...your too lazy to go to the polls. These same people take taxpayer supported public transportation downtown to shop. They have transportation, access, and if you pay for an iPhone and your on public can pay a $20.00 bill for a fucking ID so you can vote. If voting is that important to can get it done. Liberals always try to play race card on this issue. I guess they feel blacks and Hispanics are totally helpless, ignorant, idiots and can’t get an ID. Liberals are the most racist people on earth. I wish more blacks would come over to GOP and help lift their communities up.
5 Statistics That Show Voter ID Is Not Racist

How do you do it for mail-in ballots?
I think there should be mandatory voter id in national elections.
I also think the taxpayers should pay for them. Sure, most people already have an id.. so it shouldnt be that hard to get one to the rest of the population.

How do you know someone isn’t mailing in fraudulent votes? How do you do voter ID for mail-in voting?
I think there should be mandatory voter id in national elections.
I also think the taxpayers should pay for them. Sure, most people already have an id.. so it shouldnt be that hard to get one to the rest of the population.

How do you know someone isn’t mailing in fraudulent votes? How do you do voter ID for mail-in voting?
You use your id to obtain the application?

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