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Voter ID terrifies Democrats

The republicans make it so (in poor area's) they are closing down DMV's making it extremly difficult for the really really poor folks to get ID's.

yeah... cause everyone knows there are no poor Republicans.. they are all rich, so it must be that the ONLY people affected by voter ID laws are Democrats. :rolleyes:

Do you need links to them closing DMV's in DEMOCRATIC area's? Its astounding that they have the balls to do this, but its true.

Actually, yes. I do. If you want to make a claim that was already debunked, feel free to post a link to a credible source to back it up.


I'll assume you were referring to WI, and correct your misunderstanding of the situation there.


Under an original proposal, the department said it may close 16 locations and open nine new locations.
They were going to close small, semi-regular hour stations and open larger, full time stations.

"It became clear that there was a strong desire to maintain service in all current locations," Fernan said.
They listened to the voters, as they should have.

The Legislature also required each county to have a DMV that is open at least 20 hours a week, meaning 40 counties had to expand their hours. These changes will create 55 new positions across the state.
NEW JOBS, in the DMV.

The new DMV locations will be in Viroqua (Vernon County), Alma (Buffalo County), south Eau Claire/Fall Creek (Eau Claire County) and Keshena (Menominee County).
You tell me if these are Democrat or Republican leaning counties... cite your source.
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So TDM I guess its okay with you if everyone votes??

Even those who aren't supposed to vote??

As long as they vote Dem I guess you AOK with it.

Your an ass.
Dems are trying to get rid of the voter I.D. laws.
Ignore the facts that Dems as well as repubs have passed these laws.

No one has ever answered my question.
Why don't Dems try to help those that don't have I.D.'s ?
You need proper I.D. for a whole bunch of services in this county.
I haven't heard one peep out of any Dems programs services, to help those that don't have a proper I.D.
They always say they want to help the minorities and the poor, but not for helping them get proper I.D.'s

No they want to get rid of the law so that both parties can continue to commit voter fraud.

While up in Washington D.C. they are calling for Russia to do something about their voter fraud.
Russia says the same thing, that there is little no or evidence of fraud.
But Dems in the capital are calling for Russia to do something about it.
They are all for Russia to make laws on voter fraud but not for here.
Are you stating there is no voter fraud?

No, I'm saying that the kind of fraud that would be deterred by voter ID isn't happening, but the disenfranchisement of voters as a result of these laws IS happening. What is the acceptable ratio? How many voters are you willing to disenfranchise in order to prevent one instance of fraud. Can anyone provide a recent instance of fraud that would have been deterred by these restrictive voter ID laws?

I detest the very idea of election fraud in all forms, but the Republicans only seem worried about the kind that there is no proof of it having occurred. If they truly DID care about election fraud, then they wouldn't be concentrating their efforts on just voter ID laws. They would be pushing for more transparency and accountability, but the fact that a single registrar in a Wisconsin county can store ALL the votes on her personal computer didn't even blip on their radar. The fact that over a dozen states have no paper trail on their electronic voting machines doesn't seem to concern them at all. A number of states do not do any kind of post election audit to determine if their machines are recording votes correctly. These are areas that are FRAUGHT with the possibility of fraud, but not a single Republican is making an issue of them or putting processes in place to limit the possibility of fraud.

That leads me to only one conclusion...these voter ID laws are not being put in place to stop fraud, but to .
How does it "keep voters (who tend to vote Democratic) from voting".

Please explain.

It doesn't. You are required to provide a photo ID as proof when you do something as simple as buying a pack of cigarettes, or alcohol. Has there been any complains of minorities being deprived of making basic purchases? Even the United States Supreme Court doesn't support the left's argument of voter suppression of the poor and among minorities.

In a 6-to-3 ruling in one of the most eagerly awaited election-law cases in years, the court rejected arguments that Indiana's law, probably the strictest in the country, imposes unjustified burdens on people who are old, poor or members of minority groups and less likely to have driver's licenses or other acceptable forms of identification.

Justice John Paul Stevens, who announced the judgment of the court and wrote an opinion in which Chief John Roberts Jr. and Anthony Kennedy joined, alluded to — and brushed aside — complaints that the law benefits Republicans and works against Democrats, whose ranks are more likely to include poor people or those in minority groups.

The justifications for the law "should not be disregarded simply because partisan interests may have provided one motivation for the votes of individual legislators," Stevens wrote.

Stevens and the two court members who joined him found that the Democrats and civil rights groups who attacked the law, seeking a declaration that it was unconstitutional on its face, had failed to meet the heavy burden required for such a "facial challenge" to prevail. Perhaps, they suggested, the outcome could be different in another voter-rights case, one in which a plaintiff could show that his or her rights had been violated.

U.S. Supreme Court upholds voter identification law in Indiana - The New York Times
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the facts are clear nad have been proven by studies.

You all jsut ignore them and then make declaritive statements which are backed by no facts in eveidence.
the facts are clear nad have been proven by studies.

You all jsut ignore them and then make declaritive statements which are backed by no facts in eveidence.

If everyone has an ID you know who's voting. You know if they have a right to vote.

Its common sense. Oh wait. I forgot. Your TDM and you ain't got any.

Never mind.
Don't know why having an ID is such a big deal.

Hell. You need an ID to do many things in this country.

Don't see why anyone would have a problem getting an ID so they can vote.

Anyone who believes the poor can't get an ID because they are poor is an idiot in my book.

Poor folks smoke, drink and do drugs just like others. If they have money for smokes, beer and drugs then they can afford to get a $5 ID.

Yet at the very same time you will find commercials, geared towards those on some form of government program of support, that are able to receive free cell phones. There has been no outrage by anyone from the left when it comes to receiving certain free luxury items paid by the government (let's be honest and say paid by responsible taxpayers), but mention photo IDs to vote? No, we can't afford that.
The republicans make it so (in poor area's) they are closing down DMV's making it extremly difficult for the really really poor folks to get ID's.

yeah... cause everyone knows there are no poor Republicans.. they are all rich, so it must be that the ONLY people affected by voter ID laws are Democrats. :rolleyes:

Do you need links to them closing DMV's in DEMOCRATIC area's? Its astounding that they have the balls to do this, but its true.

I would like links thank you in advance.
why do you people refuse cold hard evidence?

Such as a ruling by the United States Supreme Court on the issue? They have not been able to deduce anything unconstitutional with respect to providing a photo ID to vote. Justice John Paul Stevens, who wrote the opinion behind the decision, is not exactly a "conservative" judge either.
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the facts are clear nad have been proven by studies.

You all jsut ignore them and then make declaritive statements which are backed by no facts in eveidence.

If everyone has an ID you know who's voting. You know if they have a right to vote.

Its common sense. Oh wait. I forgot. Your TDM and you ain't got any.

Never mind.

I do believe that people should have the right to vote, but also prove who they are through an ID. I don't know of any major voting fraud going on, but there should be some sort of fail safe in place to prevent it.
ID's are required in so many other facets of our lives with none of the outrage, why is there outrage with voting?
Again, one man, one vote demands the person only vote once. Voter ID helps in that regard.
The outrage is on the Dems side.

Apparantly a voter ID is something that they feel is unneccesary. They certainly wouldn't want anything to interfere with Micky, Minnie or dead folks voting. LOL

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