Voter suppression continues in Florida

I didn't say it was. I said: "Don't open on Saturday", period. The city halls and election offices ARE staffed Monday through Friday. Why not make early voting available during their normal working hours? Why reduce it for an entire week instead of just not opening them on Saturday?

Because in the past with a strong economy people were working and could not make it to city hall or the election board during normal working hours.

Wow...get a groin stretch from that one?

So, in the end, there is NO JUSTIFICATION for reducing the early voting hours.

I already told you.... B U D G E T
what cheating are you suppressing?

There they go again deny the facts and just making shit up.

The Bush DOJ searched for five years for this type of fraud and found 86 cases in the entire nation over that five years.

It is a FACT that the bullshit you claim about dead voters and immigrant voters is NOTHING but lies.
Caging (voter suppression) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Evidence of caging in the United States1980sIn 1981 and 1986 the Republican National Committee (RNC) sent out letters to predominately African-American neighborhoods. When tens of thousands of them were returned undeliverable, the party successfully challenged the voters and had them deleted from voting rolls. Due to the violation of the Voting Rights Act, the RNC was taken to court. Its officials entered a consent decree which prohibited the party from engaging in anti-fraud initiatives that targeted minorities or conducting mail campaigns to "compile voter challenge lists."[5]

2004 US ElectionBBC journalist Greg Palast obtained an RNC document entitled "State Implementation Template III.doc" that described Republican election operations for caging plans in numerous states. The paragraph in the document pertaining to caging was:

I have yet to have ONE SINGLE con admitt this court documented fact is true.

The republicans have cheated in elections for decades to keep legal American voters from voting.

NOT ONE has ever accpeted these cold hard facts.

They dont care and will LIE for years straight about it.

They are the party of treason.

The founder of Wikipedia says his site is not a scholarly site because it can be edited by anyone. I'm surprised you would use that because it's lame.
what cheating are you suppressing?

There they go again deny the facts and just making shit up.

The Bush DOJ searched for five years for this type of fraud and found 86 cases in the entire nation over that five years.

It is a FACT that the bullshit you claim about dead voters and immigrant voters is NOTHING but lies.

You're either very naive or ignorant of American history. Both of those can be easily fixed by education and life experience.
That is not what you want

Why do you make outrageous comments like that? You can't make that charge stick because it's not true. I could just as easily say the same thing about you. Emotional rhetoric isn't gonna make it.

Because you refuse the court documented evidence of what has been done by the right fr decades now.

you pretend there is fraud where none has been found and you defend making it harder for voters to vote.

That is not the tact of someone who loves democracy
what cheating are you suppressing?

There they go again deny the facts and just making shit up.

The Bush DOJ searched for five years for this type of fraud and found 86 cases in the entire nation over that five years.

It is a FACT that the bullshit you claim about dead voters and immigrant voters is NOTHING but lies.

You're either very naive or ignorant of American history. Both of those can be easily fixed by education and life experience.

Oh I see and that makes all that court documented evedence just disapear huh?

See what I mean you people DO NOT LIKE DEMOCRCY
That is not what you want

Why do you make outrageous comments like that? You can't make that charge stick because it's not true. I could just as easily say the same thing about you. Emotional rhetoric isn't gonna make it.

Because you refuse the court documented evidence of what has been done by the right fr decades now.

you pretend there is fraud where none has been found and you defend making it harder for voters to vote.

That is not the tact of someone who loves democracy

Yes, I defend making sure it's legal for a citizen to vote and not people who are not citizens. You seem to have a problem with that. Sounds like you want to make sure everyone can vote whether they are legally a citizen or not. Why do you want people to vote who aren't entitled to vote and thereby weakening democracy?
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Bullshit. Most early voting centers are at the Elections offices or at city halls (which are already staffed). Try again.

More early voting is cheaper. 100% vote by mail would be the least expensive if the budget were actually the concern.

Hey asswipe. No need to try again. I live in FLA. early voting takes place in precincts and they must have staff on hand. so,, you try again. it has to do with state budget

Hey douchnozzle...(I don't get why the name calling is necessary, but when in Rome...)

I looked up the locations on the Florida Elections web site and most of them were in City Halls, Department of Elections Offices and Libraries.

Here, see for yourself:

The Florida legislature is certainly, once again, going too far with this legislation. Instead of just closing some locations (i.e. those that are not staffed during regular hours), they decided to go "whole hog" and reduce the early voting hours...without legitimate justification. This will not significantly reduce the election cost, but it could significantly reduce voter turnout...which seems to be their goal. I would think the goal would be to increase voter turnout in the United States (which is horribly dismal...).
Why do you make outrageous comments like that? You can't make that charge stick because it's not true. I could just as easily say the same thing about you. Emotional rhetoric isn't gonna make it.

Because you refuse the court documented evidence of what has been done by the right fr decades now.

you pretend there is fraud where none has been found and you defend making it harder for voters to vote.

That is not the tact of someone who loves democracy

Yes, I defend making sure it's legal for a citizen to vote and not people who are not citizens. You seem to have a problem with that. Sounds like you want to make sure everyone can vote whether they are legally a citizen or not. Why do you want people to vote who aren't entitled to vote and thereby weakening democracy?

No you dont give a rats ass.

I jsut gave you undeniable PROOF of what the republicans have done.

Court documeents that span decades and you (just like EVERY other con I have ever shown them to) just deny they exist.

Now if you want to really discuss this than go get your proof that the vote fraud you claim is real.

That is not what the Bush DOJ found when they studied the issue for five long years.
Now go back and read this thread and realise your whole purpose here is to pretend that voters will not have a hrder time voting under the laws this anti American weasel is making.

The WHOLE idea of this country is the voice of the people ALL OF THEM.

Not just the ones you like but the majority of them.

Any attempt to DECREASE who votes is TREASON.

The republican party has used all sorts of tactics over the decades to keep the voice of the people from being heard.


If every American knew these facts the republican party would be DEAD.

Liberal media indeed.

If we had a liberal media in this country EVERY American would know how hard the republican work to keep Americans from voting.

[ame=]YouTube - ‪Vote Early Vote Often‬‏[/ame]
Why do you make outrageous comments like that? You can't make that charge stick because it's not true. I could just as easily say the same thing about you. Emotional rhetoric isn't gonna make it.

Because you refuse the court documented evidence of what has been done by the right fr decades now.

you pretend there is fraud where none has been found and you defend making it harder for voters to vote.

That is not the tact of someone who loves democracy

Yes, I defend making sure it's legal for a citizen to vote and not people who are not citizens. You seem to have a problem with that. Sounds like you want to make sure everyone can vote whether they are legally a citizen or not. Why do you want people to vote who aren't entitled to vote and thereby weakening democracy?

No you dont give a rats ass.

I jsut gave you undeniable PROOF of what the republicans have done.

Court documeents that span decades and you (just like EVERY other con I have ever shown them to) just deny they exist.

Now if you want to really discuss this than go get your proof that the vote fraud you claim is real.

That is not what the Bush DOJ found when they studied the issue for five long years.

In 5-Year Effort, Scant Evidence of Voter Fraud - New York Times
Why do you make outrageous comments like that? You can't make that charge stick because it's not true. I could just as easily say the same thing about you. Emotional rhetoric isn't gonna make it.

Because you refuse the court documented evidence of what has been done by the right fr decades now.

you pretend there is fraud where none has been found and you defend making it harder for voters to vote.

That is not the tact of someone who loves democracy

Yes, I defend making sure it's legal for a citizen to vote and not people who are not citizens. You seem to have a problem with that. Sounds like you want to make sure everyone can vote whether they are legally a citizen or not. Why do you want people to vote who aren't entitled to vote and thereby weakening democracy?

If you disenfranchise six citizens for every one non-citizen that votes, is it worth it?

Voter ID laws will not significantly reduce the number of illegals voting.

Now, things like statewide voter databases that are compared to, say, the e-verify system...THAT might significantly reduce the number of illegals voting and would certainly not disenfranchise as many, if any, voters.
Because you refuse the court documented evidence of what has been done by the right fr decades now.

you pretend there is fraud where none has been found and you defend making it harder for voters to vote.

That is not the tact of someone who loves democracy

Yes, I defend making sure it's legal for a citizen to vote and not people who are not citizens. You seem to have a problem with that. Sounds like you want to make sure everyone can vote whether they are legally a citizen or not. Why do you want people to vote who aren't entitled to vote and thereby weakening democracy?

No you dont give a rats ass.

I jsut gave you undeniable PROOF of what the republicans have done.

Court documeents that span decades and you (just like EVERY other con I have ever shown them to) just deny they exist.

Now if you want to really discuss this than go get your proof that the vote fraud you claim is real.

That is not what the Bush DOJ found when they studied the issue for five long years.

I never denied they exist. There are lots of documents full of crap that exist.

I am concerned with people voting who do not have a right to vote. If you are not a felon and are an American citizen over 18 then please vote. Otherwise, you do not have that right. You don't give a rat's ass who votes.
No study has ever come up illegals voting in any number woirht worrying about.

86 cases of voter fraud in the whole nation in a five year period.

How many of them were illegals?

certainly not enough to cause tens of thousands of Americans to lose their right to vote in an election.
Because you refuse the court documented evidence of what has been done by the right fr decades now.

you pretend there is fraud where none has been found and you defend making it harder for voters to vote.

That is not the tact of someone who loves democracy

Yes, I defend making sure it's legal for a citizen to vote and not people who are not citizens. You seem to have a problem with that. Sounds like you want to make sure everyone can vote whether they are legally a citizen or not. Why do you want people to vote who aren't entitled to vote and thereby weakening democracy?

If you disenfranchise six citizens for every one non-citizen that votes, is it worth it?

Voter ID laws will not significantly reduce the number of illegals voting.

Now, things like statewide voter databases that are compared to, say, the e-verify system...THAT might significantly reduce the number of illegals voting and would certainly not disenfranchise as many, if any, voters.

Explain to us how I will disenfranchise 6 citizens by not allowing one non-citizen to vote. Thanks.
No study has ever come up illegals voting in any number woirht worrying about.

86 cases of voter fraud in the whole nation in a five year period.

How many of them were illegals?

certainly not enough to cause tens of thousands of Americans to lose their right to vote in an election.

By allowing 86 illegal voters to vote you have just disenfranchised 86 legal voting American citizens. What are you going to do about that? Aren't their votes important enough? Why would you deny democracy to those legal law-abiding American citizens, you big meanie.

Yes, I defend making sure it's legal for a citizen to vote and not people who are not citizens. You seem to have a problem with that. Sounds like you want to make sure everyone can vote whether they are legally a citizen or not. Why do you want people to vote who aren't entitled to vote and thereby weakening democracy?

No you dont give a rats ass.

I jsut gave you undeniable PROOF of what the republicans have done.

Court documeents that span decades and you (just like EVERY other con I have ever shown them to) just deny they exist.

Now if you want to really discuss this than go get your proof that the vote fraud you claim is real.

That is not what the Bush DOJ found when they studied the issue for five long years.

I never denied they exist. There are lots of documents full of crap that exist.On what basis do you clal these documents crap? They are things like judges decisions on a court case

I am concerned with people voting who do not have a right to voteThe Bush DOJ searched for FIVE years for this type of fraud and could find but a tiny fraction in the whole nation. If you are not a felon and are an American citizen over 18 then please vote. Otherwise, you do not have that right. You don't give a rat's ass who votes.

Nope you are wrong, some states return the right to vote to felons who have done their time.

You are here in htis thread defending LIES about what happens in this country.

Those lies you are defending are making it possible for the right to strip legal Ame4rican voters of their most sacared right.
No study has ever come up illegals voting in any number woirht worrying about.

86 cases of voter fraud in the whole nation in a five year period.

How many of them were illegals?

certainly not enough to cause tens of thousands of Americans to lose their right to vote in an election.

By allowing 86 illegal voters to vote you have just disenfranchised 86 legal voting American citizens. What are you going to do about that? Aren't their votes important enough? Why would you deny democracy to those legal law-abiding American citizens, you big meanie.

So you solution to this tiuny fraction of cases over a five year period is to do things that will keep tens of thousands of legal American voters from being able to vote?

You would suggest killing ten thousand babies to save one babies life?
No you dont give a rats ass.

I jsut gave you undeniable PROOF of what the republicans have done.

Court documeents that span decades and you (just like EVERY other con I have ever shown them to) just deny they exist.

Now if you want to really discuss this than go get your proof that the vote fraud you claim is real.

That is not what the Bush DOJ found when they studied the issue for five long years.

I never denied they exist. There are lots of documents full of crap that exist.On what basis do you clal these documents crap? They are things like judges decisions on a court case

I am concerned with people voting who do not have a right to voteThe Bush DOJ searched for FIVE years for this type of fraud and could find but a tiny fraction in the whole nation. If you are not a felon and are an American citizen over 18 then please vote. Otherwise, you do not have that right. You don't give a rat's ass who votes.

Nope you are wrong, some states return the right to vote to felons who have done their time.

You are here in htis thread defending LIES about what happens in this country.

Those lies you are defending are making it possible for the right to strip legal Ame4rican voters of their most sacared right.

Here's the "lie" in my opinion: Claiming that American citizens are being disenfranchised by regulations to secure legal voting. That's the lie.
No study has ever come up illegals voting in any number woirht worrying about.

86 cases of voter fraud in the whole nation in a five year period.

How many of them were illegals?

certainly not enough to cause tens of thousands of Americans to lose their right to vote in an election.

By allowing 86 illegal voters to vote you have just disenfranchised 86 legal voting American citizens. What are you going to do about that? Aren't their votes important enough? Why would you deny democracy to those legal law-abiding American citizens, you big meanie.

So you solution to this tiuny fraction of cases over a five year period is to do things that will keep tens of thousands of legal American voters from being able to vote?

You would suggest killing ten thousand babies to save one babies life?

You need to establish that secure voting regulations will be denying democracy to "tens of thousands legal American voters". Go for it.

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