Voter suppression continues in Florida

Yes, I defend making sure it's legal for a citizen to vote and not people who are not citizens. You seem to have a problem with that. Sounds like you want to make sure everyone can vote whether they are legally a citizen or not. Why do you want people to vote who aren't entitled to vote and thereby weakening democracy?

If you disenfranchise six citizens for every one non-citizen that votes, is it worth it?

Voter ID laws will not significantly reduce the number of illegals voting.

Now, things like statewide voter databases that are compared to, say, the e-verify system...THAT might significantly reduce the number of illegals voting and would certainly not disenfranchise as many, if any, voters.

Explain to us how I will disenfranchise 6 citizens by not allowing one non-citizen to vote. Thanks.

21 Million Americans do not posses a valid photo ID required to vote in many states. This disenfranchises voters in strict photo ID states like GA and TX.


There are better ways to prohibited, restrict or prevent illegals from voting that would not disenfranchise voters.
If you disenfranchise six citizens for every one non-citizen that votes, is it worth it?

Voter ID laws will not significantly reduce the number of illegals voting.

Now, things like statewide voter databases that are compared to, say, the e-verify system...THAT might significantly reduce the number of illegals voting and would certainly not disenfranchise as many, if any, voters.

Explain to us how I will disenfranchise 6 citizens by not allowing one non-citizen to vote. Thanks.

21 Million Americans do not posses a valid photo ID required to vote in many states. This disenfranchises voters in strict photo ID states like GA and TX.


There are better ways to prohibited, restrict or prevent illegals from voting that would not disenfranchise voters.

Get a photo ID like the other people did. Duh! If I drive I have to get a driver's license. Is the guy driving without a license being disenfranchised?
I never denied they exist. There are lots of documents full of crap that exist.On what basis do you clal these documents crap? They are things like judges decisions on a court case

I am concerned with people voting who do not have a right to voteThe Bush DOJ searched for FIVE years for this type of fraud and could find but a tiny fraction in the whole nation. If you are not a felon and are an American citizen over 18 then please vote. Otherwise, you do not have that right. You don't give a rat's ass who votes.

Nope you are wrong, some states return the right to vote to felons who have done their time.

You are here in htis thread defending LIES about what happens in this country.

Those lies you are defending are making it possible for the right to strip legal Ame4rican voters of their most sacared right.

Here's the "lie" in my opinion: Claiming that American citizens are being disenfranchised by regulations to secure legal voting. That's the lie.

And there you have it.

I gave you court documented evidence ( judges decisions and cold hard evidence of why judges decided things against the republicans) You merely dismissed them because you are a partisan hack.

I gave you a BUSH study where they couls not find anything like you claim exisits and you just pretended it was not there.

You then defend your complete dispise of democracy by giving basesless lies.

I have prove you just like every other con here have no love of democracy or honesty.

You people are defending treason.
Nope you are wrong, some states return the right to vote to felons who have done their time.

You are here in htis thread defending LIES about what happens in this country.

Those lies you are defending are making it possible for the right to strip legal Ame4rican voters of their most sacared right.

Here's the "lie" in my opinion: Claiming that American citizens are being disenfranchised by regulations to secure legal voting. That's the lie.

And there you have it.

I gave you court documented evidence ( judges decisions and cold hard evidence of why judges decided things against the republicans) You merely dismissed them because you are a partisan hack.

I gave you a BUSH study where they couls not find anything like you claim exisits and you just pretended it was not there.

You then defend your complete dispise of democracy by giving basesless lies.

I have prove you just like every other con here have no love of democracy or honesty.

You people are defending treason.

I don't belong to a political party so I can't be a partisan hack. I am American citizen who wants to make sure my right of voting is secure. I do not want my vote disenfranchised by illegal voters. That is my right as an American citizen. Grow up.
You fucking pissants really need to stop attacking the law-abiding American citizens who play by the rules and get off your party hack asses and do something to secure this nation or you are going to be real bootlickers instead of just educated dummies.
Explain to us how I will disenfranchise 6 citizens by not allowing one non-citizen to vote. Thanks.

21 Million Americans do not posses a valid photo ID required to vote in many states. This disenfranchises voters in strict photo ID states like GA and TX.


There are better ways to prohibited, restrict or prevent illegals from voting that would not disenfranchise voters.

Get a photo ID like the other people did. Duh! If I drive I have to get a driver's license. Is the guy driving without a license being disenfranchised?

Maybe the guy doesn't drive. There are people that don't you know. Do you know how easy it is for an illegal to get falsified ID? Your voter ID laws are not prohibited illegal voting, but they ARE potentially disenfranchising voters. There ARE better ways to accomplish the same goal, to prevent illegals from voting, that does not disenfranchise ANY voters.
Oh and there it is, Im not a republican.

Yeah we know , you just vote republican every time you step into the voting booth.

You jsut defend them even in light of the court documented evidence you threw right out the window without one even look at it.

You are a complete fool whos mind is owned by the right.

You hate democracy and dont want legal Americans to vote so that your Not party cant cheat and win.
You fucking pissants really need to stop attacking the law-abiding American citizens who play by the rules and get off your party hack asses and do something to secure this nation or you are going to be real bootlickers instead of just educated dummies.

Why dont you help us by stopping your idiot lies about what is going on with the vote in this country.

You are spitting on what the founders left us by denying cold hard facts.
Here's the "lie" in my opinion: Claiming that American citizens are being disenfranchised by regulations to secure legal voting. That's the lie.

And there you have it.

I gave you court documented evidence ( judges decisions and cold hard evidence of why judges decided things against the republicans) You merely dismissed them because you are a partisan hack.

I gave you a BUSH study where they couls not find anything like you claim exisits and you just pretended it was not there.

You then defend your complete dispise of democracy by giving basesless lies.

I have prove you just like every other con here have no love of democracy or honesty.

You people are defending treason.

I don't belong to a political party so I can't be a partisan hack. I am American citizen who wants to make sure my right of voting is secure. I do not want my vote disenfranchised by illegal voters. That is my right as an American citizen. Grow up.

As am I...but I also want to ensure that citizens are not disenfranchised by these laws. There ARE better ways.
You fucking pissants really need to stop attacking the law-abiding American citizens who play by the rules and get off your party hack asses and do something to secure this nation or you are going to be real bootlickers instead of just educated dummies.

Why dont you help us by stopping your idiot lies about what is going on with the vote in this country.

You are spitting on what the founders left us by denying cold hard facts.

Why don't you admit our elections are rigged from the get go and accept that Americans no longer have any power ?
You fucking pissants really need to stop attacking the law-abiding American citizens who play by the rules and get off your party hack asses and do something to secure this nation or you are going to be real bootlickers instead of just educated dummies.

Why dont you help us by stopping your idiot lies about what is going on with the vote in this country.

You are spitting on what the founders left us by denying cold hard facts.

Why don't you admit our elections are rigged from the get go and accept that Americans no longer have any power ?

If you mean in that corporations own these politicians lock, stock and barrel...then I agree with you.
Why dont you help us by stopping your idiot lies about what is going on with the vote in this country.

You are spitting on what the founders left us by denying cold hard facts.

Why don't you admit our elections are rigged from the get go and accept that Americans no longer have any power ?

If you mean in that corporations own these politicians lock, stock and barrel...then I agree with you.

corporations and individuals with massive influence.
21 Million Americans do not posses a valid photo ID required to vote in many states. This disenfranchises voters in strict photo ID states like GA and TX.


There are better ways to prohibited, restrict or prevent illegals from voting that would not disenfranchise voters.

Get a photo ID like the other people did. Duh! If I drive I have to get a driver's license. Is the guy driving without a license being disenfranchised?

Maybe the guy doesn't drive. There are people that don't you know. Do you know how easy it is for an illegal to get falsified ID? Your voter ID laws are not prohibited illegal voting, but they ARE potentially disenfranchising voters. There ARE better ways to accomplish the same goal, to prevent illegals from voting, that does not disenfranchise ANY voters.

Cut the crap. Get a photo ID and stop whining. If it is required then EVERYONE is under the same law and no one is disenfranchised. Democracy.
Oh Jack Where did all this "oh lets decuss this" go?

It went right out the window when the facts proveed your side is full of nohting but contempt for the facts and voting rights.

GO GET SOME PROOF of the voter fraud you claim warrents this crappy law.
Get a photo ID like the other people did. Duh! If I drive I have to get a driver's license. Is the guy driving without a license being disenfranchised?

Maybe the guy doesn't drive. There are people that don't you know. Do you know how easy it is for an illegal to get falsified ID? Your voter ID laws are not prohibited illegal voting, but they ARE potentially disenfranchising voters. There ARE better ways to accomplish the same goal, to prevent illegals from voting, that does not disenfranchise ANY voters.

Cut the crap. Get a photo ID and stop whining. If it is required then EVERYONE is under the same law and no one is disenfranchised. Democracy.

In Wisconsin a study showed the following about those without state-issued driver’s license and who would need to obtain photo identification under the Wisconsin voter ID bill:

• Over 178,000 elderly Wisconsinites.

• 17 percent of white men and women.

• 55 percent of African-American men and 49 percent of African-American women.

• 46 percent of Hispanic men and 59 percent of Hispanic women.

• 78 percent of African-American men age 18-24 and 66 percent of African-American women age 18-24.

Additional statistics about Wisconsin lack of accessible Division of Motor Vehicles offices compared to Indiana:

• 26 percent of Wisconsin’s 91 DMVs are open one day a month or less, while none of Indiana’s are open less than 100 days a year and nearly all are open over 250 days a year.

• Wisconsin has only one DMV with weekend hours, while Indiana has 124 offices with weekend hours.

• Three Wisconsin counties have no DMVs, no Indiana county is without a DMV.

• Over half of Wisconsin’s 91 DMVs are open on a part-time basis, while Indiana provides full-time DMVs in every county.

Republican claims of widespread voter irregularity have long been debunked. After a two-year investigation, Republican Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen has found only 11 potentially improper votes cast out of nearly 3 million votes in 2008. The former Wisconsin U.S. attorney under George W. Bush, Steve Biskupic, concluded after a similar investigation that there was no widespread voter fraud.

Scot Ross: Why voter ID bill may be unconstitutional
They dont care about facts.

they dont care about Democracy.

I have been giving cons these COLD HARD FACTS for years.

Not one con has EVER admitted the fraud the republicans have been commiting for decades.
Not one con ever accepts the cold hard truth documented by court after court.
the greatest votin supression scam today is done by the left. When I was serving in Iraq I got my absontee ballot three days before the election. I wonder if it made it home? Not a chance! The left bends over backwards to ensure military absontee ballots are not counted! Se why here >> and here - Troops in survey back Bush 4-to-1 over Kerry

If that were true, then liberal California wouldn't have some of the best MOVE laws in the country. We mail (or fax or email) our overseas VBM ballots out a full sixty days prior to election day. Overseas and military voters can mail or fax their ballots back.

If there is a problem, then it is with the laws of your state. Get them changed...

I don't know if you realize what a tight schedule elections are...if just ONE thing happens to hold up the ballot printing, things get dicey.

California is a piss poor example because theres no way California will ever be majority republican. Got anything else?

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