Voter suppression continues in Florida

the greatest votin supression scam today is done by the left. When I was serving in Iraq I got my absontee ballot three days before the election. I wonder if it made it home? Not a chance! The left bends over backwards to ensure military absontee ballots are not counted! Se why here >> and here - Troops in survey back Bush 4-to-1 over Kerry

If that were true, then liberal California wouldn't have some of the best MOVE laws in the country. We mail (or fax or email) our overseas VBM ballots out a full sixty days prior to election day. Overseas and military voters can mail or fax their ballots back.

If there is a problem, then it is with the laws of your state. Get them changed...

I don't know if you realize what a tight schedule elections are...if just ONE thing happens to hold up the ballot printing, things get dicey.

California is a piss poor example because theres no way California will ever be majority republican. Got anything else?

WHO elected reagan and Arnold?
if that were true, then liberal california wouldn't have some of the best move laws in the country. We mail (or fax or email) our overseas vbm ballots out a full sixty days prior to election day. Overseas and military voters can mail or fax their ballots back.

If there is a problem, then it is with the laws of your state. Get them changed...

I don't know if you realize what a tight schedule elections are...if just one thing happens to hold up the ballot printing, things get dicey.

california is a piss poor example because theres no way california will ever be majority republican. Got anything else?

who elected reagan and arnold?

after the failed economy with carter and the booming economy that started at the end of reagan first term anybody would have voted for reagan that did not want another carter.
You fucking pissants really need to stop attacking the law-abiding American citizens who play by the rules and get off your party hack asses and do something to secure this nation or you are going to be real bootlickers instead of just educated dummies.

Why dont you help us by stopping your idiot lies about what is going on with the vote in this country.

You are spitting on what the founders left us by denying cold hard facts.

Why don't you admit our elections are rigged from the get go and accept that Americans no longer have any power ?

This is what I made that comment to.

Why did you not make mention of it?
Weekly Voter ID Update: WI and TN disenfranchise voters, TX and MO close at their heels - Campus Progress

Wisconsin: Governor Scott Walker (R) signed Wisconsin’s voter suppression bill into law Wednesday. Among other things, the bill:

•Changes Wisconsin’s residency requirement from 10 days to 28 days before an election (effective immediately – impacting upcoming special and recall elections);
• Shortens the early (absentee by mail or in-person) voting periods (effective immediately – impacting upcoming special and recall elections);
•Enacts a strict photo ID requirement starting with the 2012 Primary election. Student IDs will be accepted if they contain the student’s photo, signature, and an expiration date no later than 2 years after the date of the election. Student IDs in WI do not currently meet these requirements, so expensive overhauls will have to be undertaken for students to be able to use their college/university ID cards as voter ID;
•Even though ID isn’t required until 2012, poll workers will have to ask voters for ID at the polling place during upcoming elections – a “trial run” sure to cause widespread confusion and have a chilling effect on participation;
•College student voters who need to prove their residency and are using their student ID must also provide a fee payment receipt from their school dated no more than 9 months prior to the election or must appear on a certified list of on-campus students provided by their university or college to the clerk.

Tennessee: A photo ID bill was passed and sent to the Governor Bill Haslam (R) for signature on Monday. On Monday Governor Haslam also signed into law a proof of citizenship requirement for voter registration, effective January 1, 2012.

Texas: Governor Rick Perry (R) has until Monday to sign, veto, or let pass without signature the photo ID bill passed by the legislature last week. His staff is reportedly reviewing it. But since Perry declared voter photo ID an emergency issue this legislative session, there is little doubt he will sign. Due to its history of discrimination, Texas is another state that must receive federal approval for changes to its voting laws, so the bill will still need to be approved by the U.S. Department of Justice or the D.C. federal district court before it can be implemented.

Missouri: This week ourthoughts are with the victims of violent storms and flooding in Missouri. Understandably, we are still waiting to see if Governor Jay Nixon decides to veto recently passed legislation, which would automatically enact a photo ID requirement if voters approve a proposed constitutional amendment in 2012. He has until July 14 to decide.

North Carolina: Last week,the House approved a bill to shorten early voting from two weeks to one week. Director of Elections Gary Bartlett has reportedly written in a memo to State Elections Board members that the bill would likely cause longer lines at the polling place and actually cost the state more money to run elections. The extra costs are attributed to an anticipated increase in the need for absentee ballots and additional Election Day polling locations.

New Hampshire: When we last blogged, the House had passed an amended version of the Senate photo ID bill and sent it to the Finance Committee. This week, the Finance Committee approved the bill in an 18-8 vote, with two Republicans voting against the bill alongside Democrats. This sends it back to the House floor, where it is scheduled for a vote next Wednesday. It is expected to pass and be sent back to the Senate, where it could go to the floor immediately or be sent to a conference committee.

Maine: Action on a bill to end Election Day Registration was expected in the House yesterday, but it didn’t run. The bill, which would close in-person registration on the third day before an election, is expected to be taken up next week. Separately, we remain concerned about pending photo ID legislation that could still move.

Ohio: The recently-passed House elections bill has now been referred to the Senate Government Oversight and Reform Committee. This week, the Senate passed its own omnibus bill, sending it over to the House, where it will be referred to committee. The Senate bill, drafted in large part by Secretary of State Jon Husted’s (R) office and anticipated to be the vehicle through which changes end up being made, would (among other things): eliminate Golden Week (when Ohioans can register to vote and cast an absentee ballot at the same time) by shortening the absentee voting windows, and prohibit counties from sending out absentee ballot applications unless they are specifically requested. Absentee voting by mail would be shortened to a 21-day period. Absentee in-person voting (known as “early voting”) would be reduced to 16 days, prohibited on Sundays, and eliminated entirely on the weekend before Election Day.

This is what the US Constitution has to say:

Article I

Section 4. The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by Law make or alter such Regulations, except as to the Places of chusing Senators.
Maybe the guy doesn't drive. There are people that don't you know. Do you know how easy it is for an illegal to get falsified ID? Your voter ID laws are not prohibited illegal voting, but they ARE potentially disenfranchising voters. There ARE better ways to accomplish the same goal, to prevent illegals from voting, that does not disenfranchise ANY voters.

Cut the crap. Get a photo ID and stop whining. If it is required then EVERYONE is under the same law and no one is disenfranchised. Democracy.

In Wisconsin a study showed the following about those without state-issued driver’s license and who would need to obtain photo identification under the Wisconsin voter ID bill:

• Over 178,000 elderly Wisconsinites.

• 17 percent of white men and women.

• 55 percent of African-American men and 49 percent of African-American women.

• 46 percent of Hispanic men and 59 percent of Hispanic women.

• 78 percent of African-American men age 18-24 and 66 percent of African-American women age 18-24.

Additional statistics about Wisconsin lack of accessible Division of Motor Vehicles offices compared to Indiana:

• 26 percent of Wisconsin’s 91 DMVs are open one day a month or less, while none of Indiana’s are open less than 100 days a year and nearly all are open over 250 days a year.

• Wisconsin has only one DMV with weekend hours, while Indiana has 124 offices with weekend hours.

• Three Wisconsin counties have no DMVs, no Indiana county is without a DMV.

• Over half of Wisconsin’s 91 DMVs are open on a part-time basis, while Indiana provides full-time DMVs in every county.

Republican claims of widespread voter irregularity have long been debunked. After a two-year investigation, Republican Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen has found only 11 potentially improper votes cast out of nearly 3 million votes in 2008. The former Wisconsin U.S. attorney under George W. Bush, Steve Biskupic, concluded after a similar investigation that there was no widespread voter fraud.

Scot Ross: Why voter ID bill may be unconstitutional

I question the objectivity of your source.

Scot Ross, Executive Director

Scot Ross has served as a senior communications director and research strategist for numerous statewide campaigns and elected officials. Ross has worked as a communications director in the United States Congress, the Office of the Attorney General in the Wisconsin Department of Justice and the Wisconsin State Legislature. Ross was previously the research director for America Coming Together, regional research director for the Thunder Road Group and research director the Democratic Party of Wisconsin.
If you disenfranchise six citizens for every one non-citizen that votes, is it worth it?

Voter ID laws will not significantly reduce the number of illegals voting.

Now, things like statewide voter databases that are compared to, say, the e-verify system...THAT might significantly reduce the number of illegals voting and would certainly not disenfranchise as many, if any, voters.

Explain to us how I will disenfranchise 6 citizens by not allowing one non-citizen to vote. Thanks.

21 Million Americans do not posses a valid photo ID required to vote in many states. This disenfranchises voters in strict photo ID states like GA and TX.


There are better ways to prohibited, restrict or prevent illegals from voting that would not disenfranchise voters.

What are you dumbasses trying to prove? The Supreme Court has ruled on the photo ID law. I suggest this is lawyers stirring the pot to fleece you lawyer wannabees out of your money.

By Bill Rankin

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

A Fulton County judge has upheld Georgia's law that requires voters to show a photo identification before casting a vote at the polls.

Superior Court Judge Tom Campbell, in a three-page order signed Monday, rejected claims by the Georgia's Democratic Party and others that the voter ID law unduly burdens the right to vote. Campbell noted that the U.S. Supreme Court has already upheld Indiana's voter ID law. The federal appeals court in Atlanta also has rejected a similar challenge to Georgia's statute.

Georgia's voter ID law "is an ‘evenhanded restriction' designed to protect the ‘integrity and reliability of the electoral process,'" Campbell wrote. "It is reasonable, narrowly tailored and related to a legitimate and important state interest."
Georgia Voter ID law upheld again  |
Georgia's voter ID law "is an ‘evenhanded restriction' designed to protect the ‘integrity and reliability of the electoral process,'" Campbell wrote. "It is reasonable, narrowly tailored and related to a legitimate and important state interest."

Which was never at issue, as long as states follow Federal election law and allow those without ID to cast a provisional ballot.

United States Code: Title 42,15482. Provisional voting and voting information requirements | LII / Legal Information Institute
Georgia's voter ID law "is an ‘evenhanded restriction' designed to protect the ‘integrity and reliability of the electoral process,'" Campbell wrote. "It is reasonable, narrowly tailored and related to a legitimate and important state interest."

Which was never at issue, as long as states follow Federal election law and allow those without ID to cast a provisional ballot.

United States Code: Title 42,15482. Provisional voting and voting information requirements | LII / Legal Information Institute

Casting a provisional vote without ID is in the Georgia law as well.

Twenty-nine states have broader voter identification requirements than what HAVA mandates (note, however that the newly passed requirements in Oklahoma, Kansas and Wisconsin do not take effect until July 1, 2011, January 1, 2012, and February 2012, respectively). In these states, all voters are asked to show identification prior to voting. Twelve of these states specify that voters must show a photo ID (note that requirements are not yet in effect in three of the ten, however; see the notes below Table 1); the other seventeen states accept additional forms of identification that do not necessarily include a photo (Table 1). In no state is a voter who cannot produce identification turned away from the polls—all states have some sort of recourse for voters without identification to cast a vote. However, in several states (Georgia, Indiana, Kansas, South Carolina and Wisconsin) voters without ID vote a provisional ballot, and must return to election officials within a few days and show a photo ID in order for their ballots to be counted.
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Superior Court Judge Tom Campbell,

Your link was not the Scotus

That is true.

Superior Court Judge Tom Campbell noted that the U.S. Supreme Court has already upheld Indiana's voter ID law.

I will take the word of the above Judge. If you need the SCOTUS case, google it.
If you disenfranchise six citizens for every one non-citizen that votes, is it worth it?

Voter ID laws will not significantly reduce the number of illegals voting.

Now, things like statewide voter databases that are compared to, say, the e-verify system...THAT might significantly reduce the number of illegals voting and would certainly not disenfranchise as many, if any, voters.

Explain to us how I will disenfranchise 6 citizens by not allowing one non-citizen to vote. Thanks.

21 Million Americans do not posses a valid photo ID required to vote in many states. This disenfranchises voters in strict photo ID states like GA and TX.


There are better ways to prohibited, restrict or prevent illegals from voting that would not disenfranchise voters.

If they are to stupid to at least get a picture ID they do not need to vote. FUCK'EM.
And there you have it.

They want fewer Americans voting so they can win elections
Florida Early Voting:
Before HB 1355 - 14 days, 8hrs on weekdays, 8hrs. aggregate on weekends = 96 hrs.

After HB 1355 - 8 days, 6-12 hrs per day = 96 hrs.

Where's the suppression?

Vote by Mail (absentee voting), ballots begin to be mailed out 35-28 days before the election. Completed ballots must be in the elections office by 7:00pm on election night.

Election Day: Polls are open from 7:00am-7:00pm, anyone in line by 7:00pm will be allowed to vote regardless of how long it may take.
Florida Early Voting:
Before HB 1355 - 14 days, 8hrs on weekdays, 8hrs. aggregate on weekends = 96 hrs.

After HB 1355 - 8 days, 6-12 hrs per day = 96 hrs.

Where's the suppression?

Vote by Mail (absentee voting), ballots begin to be mailed out 35-28 days before the election. Completed ballots must be in the elections office by 7:00pm on election night.

Election Day: Polls are open from 7:00am-7:00pm, anyone in line by 7:00pm will be allowed to vote regardless of how long it may take.

You only currently get 7 days for early voting (in person).

Frequently Asked Questions - Florida Division of Elections - Department of State

With that said, it's not that I'm against what they want to do-as long as they don't totally get rid of early voting, or mail in voting (it's just so much easier for people to do, instead of the ridiculous lines, and work, etc. that happens on a tuesday). I just don't understand why they intend to change it?

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