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Voter suppression

Why does this and the acts of all the businessmen who HAVE taken this advice matter if no one knows who you cast your vote for? Because this type of voter intimidation isn't simply meant to suppress votes. This sort of thing represses people's willingness to take part in ANY part of the democratic process. Lawn sign? Nope, the boss might see it. Posting why some policy, party, or politician is in a communities economic and social interest on any social networking sight? Nope again, because the inhumane resources department of any large business is "large and intrusive" enough to monitor what you publish. Even a BUMPER STICKER is out of the question in the atmosphere this creates.

In audio of a conference call, Mitt Romney can heard instructing employers on how to tell their employees who to vote for, and the consequences to their job if Obama wins.

Here is the audio:

Audio Reveals Mitt Romney is Behind Employer Layoff Threats if Obama Wins

Mitt Romney wants America to believe that he cares about the middle class, and if you don’t believe that, you could lose your job.

Because nothing says democracy like the threat of being fired if you exercise your right to vote for the candidate of your choosing.

The CEO Who Built Himself America's Largest House Just Threatened to Fire His Employees if Obama's Elected

Exclusive: CEO suggests his employees may lose their jobs if Obama wins

Koch Sends Pro-Romney Mailing to 45,000 Employees While Stifling Workplace Political Speech (Update) - In These Times


First of all, no one (including supervisors and bosses) can tell anyone how to vote. doesn't matter if you have lawn signs or what not. Unions are good for telling their members to vote Democrat and threaten to fine their members if they don't comply which is out right ridiculous. Secret ballot..

However, employers do give a heads up to their employees of what could hold in the future if Obama is re-elected as far as making cuts to the company or even shutting down in some cases. At least this way, these folks are not blindsided if the worse were to happen.

Its a fucking threat. It used to be filtered through conservative entertainment outlets like FOX wewenttocourtfortherighttolie "news," and now the big bosses are making that threat personally, and more personal.
It's not just employers.

It happens in Churches to. Pasters standing up and illegally telling them that no Christian could ever vote for (Insert candidate here.)

Nothing illegal about a Pastor advisng his congregation on who to vote for, it's called freedom of speech, and it's a protected right under the Constitution, which supercedes Lydon Johnson's "Johnson Amendment" which tried to stifle that freedom by instituting the 501c bs. Here's a clue, “Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion, nor prohibiting the FREE EXERCISE thereof. ”
Therefore ANY law that prohibits a Pastor from guiding his flock according to the dictates of his faith, is unconstitutional. A few weeks ago thousands of Pastors around the nation preached FOR specific cadidates from their pulpits, taped the sermons and sent them to the IRS in a move to force the IRS into doing something about it so that this matter can work it's way through the courts once and for all. My church participated with both me at the morning service and my Pasor at the 11am service telling the congregation why biblically they shouldn't vote for obama and certain locals who are also liberal democrats where mentioned by name, but truth be told, we do that all the time and have never went to the govt hat in hand to become a 501c corp. We are not a corp, we are a church and therefore are exempt without any 501c designation. Pastors have the same exact right to freedom of speech as anyone else, and the govt has no right to strfle that freedom.

You know as well as I do, that they enjoy tax exemption status based on the notion that they are non-profit organizations (ha!) and it is morally reprehensible to use your "freedom of speech" to coerce people to vote according to your own proclivities. It's called fleecing the sheep.

That's right, they DO enjoy tax exewmpt status and that status is NOT based upon any
501c status. Churches where tax exempt prior to LBJ's 501c crap and don't need to become a 501c non-profit organization to be tax exempt, the Constitution exempts them. As for a Pastor using their freedom of speech to guide his flock, it's not morally rerehensible, like you a moral relitivist has any real concept of morality in the first place, it's called a Pastor's duty. The Pastor is called by God to lead, guide and direct those the Lord places under his authority, and that guidance would include guiding the congregation in which candidate most closely follows the dictates of God, and in this case, it was a bit hard as neighter candidate even believes in the Christian God, yet we KNOW obama works against the things God believes to be good so we adviced the flock to vote against the obamanation. Was quite heartened to hear The Coaltion of African American Pastors speak out so loudly to their followers telling Chrisitan blacks that a vote FOR obama is a vote AGAINST God. Shows me there are at least some intelligent and non-racist negroes in this nation
It's not just employers.

It happens in Churches to. Pasters standing up and illegally telling them that no Christian could ever vote for (Insert candidate here.)

Expressing an opinion in a church is not illegal..


You know as well as I do, that they enjoy tax exemption status based on the notion that they are non-profit organizations (ha!) and it is morally reprehensible to use your "freedom of speech" to coerce people to vote according to your own proclivities. It's called fleecing the sheep.

Uh.. they ARE a not for profit...

Is it morally reprehensible for a union to do the same thing??

What is more morally reprehensible is you trying to twist the situation for your own ideology game

Bullshit. Many churches pretend to be non profit while they rake in the donations and build mansions for their pastors.

When you are basically standing in a position of authority, and threatening people who trust you with hell if you don't vote like them, that is utterly, morally and ethically wrong. It's absolutely repugnant.

No problem, nobody in this nation can force you to go to, or finincially support, any church or religion. THAT is what the intent of the 1st Amendment all about. As for a Pastor telling his flock who they should vote for or against, that is their God given duty, and good Pastors will do it no matter the consequences. I will always preach that a vote that supports the Godless Democratic party and it's Godless national agenda, is a vote AGAINST God, and nothing the govt does or says will stop a man of God from preaching the truths God gives him. Part of that truth is telling your congregation that voting in support of a Godless scumbag like obama, or any cadidate that supports the Godless Demaocratic National Platform, which promotes, condones and supports things our Lord tells us in His word are evil is like spitting in the Lord's face, and this is the truth, regardless of your opinion. As for your bs about many churches blah, blah, blah, that's just not true. There are charlatans that do that, but they are the excpetion, not the rule, and you can believe someday they will have to answer to a much higher authority than some heathen like you as to why they thought they could steal from people. You'll probably know all about them someday and from your words and their actions you'll be spending your eternities in the same place.

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