Voters disapprove 66 - 31% of the president using emergency powers to fund border wall

Most of our national emergencies still in effect involve other countries.
Seems like the whole idea is a bunch of bullshit. But by gawd, lets shit all over trump! I mean, we are disingenuous over everything else, why not a fucking hunk of steel or concrete?
That poll picked Hillary in a landslide. Very credible! Maybe they will pick Elizabeth Warren to be "Chief" of the Fukawi Tribe.

Nope, the polls said Hillary would win the popular vote by 2-3% and she did.
Trump would more than likely just use defense money to build the wall he wants built. So there may not be a budget fight or shutdown anyway.

It Trump uses a national emergency then that would be a give up. If he tries using a national emergency then it would be tied up in the courts for a long time. Then he would bloviate about the courts.
If you thought that the shutdown hurt Republicans politically, wait until Trump declares a phony national emergency to build his wall:
Voters disapprove 66 - 31 percent of the president using emergency powers to fund a wall along the border.
QU Poll Release Detail
Every poll right before the election of 2016 had Hillary winning. Next.

Winning the popular vote which she did. Next.
We don't elect Presidents by popular vote. Move on.
Trump would more than likely just use defense money to build the wall he wants built. So there may not be a budget fight or shutdown anyway.

It Trump uses a national emergency then that would be a give up. If he tries using a national emergency then it would be tied up in the courts for a long time. Then he would bloviate about the courts.

Courts is Spanish for Mexico?
That poll picked Hillary in a landslide. Very credible! Maybe they will pick Elizabeth Warren to be "Chief" of the Fukawi Tribe.

Nope, the polls said Hillary would win the popular vote by 2-3% and she did.
So? We don't elect Presidents by popular vote.

Wow, you're bright aren't you?

You made the claim that the polls picked Hillary in a landslide. They didn't. They showed she would win by 2-3% and she did. Your post was about disproving polls, you moron, you can't even remember what your point was from 2 seconds ago.
Winning the popular vote which she did. Next.

No, you and other Democrats continue to be DISHONEST. All the polls said Hillary would win the Presidency in a landslide, meaning the Electoral Vote. Popular vote she won by a small margin, but so what? That doesn't matter AT ALL, now does it? You want New York City, and L.A. dictating to the entire country?
That poll picked Hillary in a landslide. Very credible! Maybe they will pick Elizabeth Warren to be "Chief" of the Fukawi Tribe.

The polls are very consistent on who is to blame for the shutdown, opposition to a national emergency and opposition to a wall. If Trump gets anywhere near those numbers he will lose the popular vote and electoral college.
Trump and others on the authoritarian right have no problem with their minority rule and ignoring the will of the majority of the people.
He will be challenged and the Courts, including the USSC, will slap him down....THERE IS NO EMERGENCY ON THE SOUTHERN BORDER!

SHUT IT DOWN AGAIN trump. You kiss ass staff is telling you that the last shut down worked so well for you.
Courts don't read polls. Only idiots pay them any heed since Crooked Hillary lost.

The courts read the Constitution where Congress is given the power of the purse. That is what a course case will be about.
Winning the popular vote which she did. Next.

No, you and other Democrats continue to be DISHONEST. All the polls said Hillary would win the Presidency in a landslide, meaning the Electoral Vote. Popular vote she won by a small margin, but so what? That doesn't matter AT ALL, now does it? You want New York City, and L.A. dictating to the entire country?

Sorry, polls gauge popular vote and popular vote alone. The polls showed 2-3% and that's what she got.

You're confusing national polls with election prediction models. Those are fairly new and were way off the mark as they made assumptions about which states were providing the vote margins and missed the sliver of a victory Trump got from 3 states.

Do I want NYC and LA to dictate to the entire country? No. I don't want Alabama to either.


And the polls were pretty much dead right before the 2016 election...calling for a small Clinton victory in the popular vote.

Which was EXACTLY what happened.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton

Yeah...what happened to the millions of illegals voting? What happened to the special commission that was supposed to find those illegal voters? Or....could that have been just another trump LIE? Gee....maybe so...huh?
Sorry, polls gauge popular vote and popular vote alone. The polls showed 2-3% and that's what she got.

You're confusing national polls with election prediction models. Those are fairly new and were way off the mark as they made assumptions about which states were providing the vote margins and missed the sliver of a victory Trump got from 3 states.

Do I want NYC and LA to dictate to the entire country? No. I don't want Alabama to either.
No, polling had Clinton up by about 6 in PA, WI and a little less in MI. Even for a progressive, it's unfathomable to walk into the same certain-victory trap a second time. It only serves to perpetuate snowflake butthurt.
As was testified by counsel just yesterday Trump doesn't need to declare a national emergency to have the army corp of engineers build a protective barrier along the border....he can just order them to do it....they said they would except that order as lawful....its going to get built one way or the other folks....but in the meantime he is exposing the lefts radicalness...and probably having fun doing it.....

He said if it were determined to be a lawful order. He did not say it was lawful. If the courts were to rule against it then it would be unlawful.
If you thought that the shutdown hurt Republicans politically, wait until Trump declares a phony national emergency to build his wall:
Voters disapprove 66 - 31 percent of the president using emergency powers to fund a wall along the border.
QU Poll Release Detail
Every poll right before the election of 2016 had Hillary winning. Next.

Winning the popular vote which she did. Next.
There were many polls showing she was going to smoke his ass in the EC.
Its a wash out.
Polls are only good for people with confirmation bias.
Sorry, polls gauge popular vote and popular vote alone. The polls showed 2-3% and that's what she got.

You're confusing national polls with election prediction models. Those are fairly new and were way off the mark as they made assumptions about which states were providing the vote margins and missed the sliver of a victory Trump got from 3 states.

Do I want NYC and LA to dictate to the entire country? No. I don't want Alabama to either.
No, polling had Clinton up by about 6 in PA, WI and a little less in MI. Even for a progressive, it's unfathomable to walk into the same certain-victory trap a second time. It only serves to perpetuate snowflake butthurt.

Actually Clinton was up by 2.1 and Trump won by .7%, that's within 3% and one of those states I was referring to.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - Pennsylvania: Trump vs. Clinton

Regardless, let's stick to comparing apples to apples. The poll in this thread is a national poll.

Thanks, come prepared next time.

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