Votes must be counted by the end of Election Day.

Or must they?

Donald Trump at a rally in Iowa “We should know the result of the election on November 3rd, the evening of November 3rd. That’s the way it's been and that's the way it should be."

Except when it’s not. In has never been that way.

There has never been a requirement...or even an expectation that all ballots be tabulated by the end of Election Day. And they usually are not. It typically takes longer to count absentee ballots, which, by law, are just as valid as any other.

So if you want to know the way it has really always been, don’t listen to Trump who’s goal is to disenfranchise mail in voters.

For starters, no state ever reports its final results on election night.

Typically, news outlets are able to declare winners the night of the election using partial counts and exit polls, which allow them to see how much of the vote is going to which candidate and calculate whether a candidate still has a path forward to win.

Each state has its own laws for when it needs to certify the election results, and none falls on Election Day.

Delaware is the only state that will certify its results within the same week as Election Day. Most states will certify their results in the last two weeks of November, with some states even extending until the second week of December.

Additionally, polls don't even close in California, Oregon, Idaho and Washington until 11 p.m. ET, and Hawaii's polls don't close until midnight on the East Coast.
Only Satan Worshiping Commie Bastards want to extend the count so they can make up their deficits.

Well...Tree....then that includes most of us. We've never had a "deadline" that the count must conclude by midnight Election Day...never. No law, nothing.

Every state sets it's own policies regarding this in their election laws.
Or must they?

Donald Trump at a rally in Iowa “We should know the result of the election on November 3rd, the evening of November 3rd. That’s the way it's been and that's the way it should be."

Except when it’s not. In has never been that way.

There has never been a requirement...or even an expectation that all ballots be tabulated by the end of Election Day. And they usually are not. It typically takes longer to count absentee ballots, which, by law, are just as valid as any other.

So if you want to know the way it has really always been, don’t listen to Trump who’s goal is to disenfranchise mail in voters.

For starters, no state ever reports its final results on election night.

Typically, news outlets are able to declare winners the night of the election using partial counts and exit polls, which allow them to see how much of the vote is going to which candidate and calculate whether a candidate still has a path forward to win.

Each state has its own laws for when it needs to certify the election results, and none falls on Election Day.

Delaware is the only state that will certify its results within the same week as Election Day. Most states will certify their results in the last two weeks of November, with some states even extending until the second week of December.

Additionally, polls don't even close in California, Oregon, Idaho and Washington until 11 p.m. ET, and Hawaii's polls don't close until midnight on the East Coast.
Its okay whiner.....maybe next time.

That makes no sense.
Sure it does. Point being your whining won't matter it will be decided easily by this evening and you can go find another wacko to run next time.

Ah, I see. It's just another stupid comment.
Well like for like I guess whiner.

We haven’t gone far enough to make voting easy and convenient; indeed, it’s incumbent upon the states to help facilitate the exercising a fundamental right such as voting.

I look forward to the day when Americans are voting online.

Conservatives complain in bad faith about voting being ‘too easy’ – it’s just another manifestation of conservatives seeking to suppress the right to vote for some perceived partisan advantage.

Just like the left wants to do by making it as easy as possible. Of course we on the right don't want to make it easy. We know many Democrats won't come out if their lazy ass has to put any effort into voting. It's why they fought so hard against Voter-ID. The problem is people who don't care enough about voting shouldn't be voting at all. The left knows they cater to the welfare class who are undereducated and certainly politically ignorant which is why they will vote for Democrats.

They all have a right to vote, regardless of how much they care. know...those "lazy asses" often work multiple jobs trying to support their families, jobs that don't give them time off, they might lack a car, and their large county might have only one polling place, or their red state decided to shut down early voting on Sunday's so the "souls to polls" method of getting people to the polls also ended. Lots of things.

Your comment justifies things like literacy tests, poll taxes, and a host of systems designed to prevent people from voting by making the hurdles virtually insurmountable.

To sum it up: Republicans do everything they can to make voting harder, Democrats do everything they can to make voting easier.
Liberal dregs are too busy rioting to vote, not working 2-3 jobs
And that is why a number of Republicans are "renting" Biden for four years. They aren't leaving their party, they recognize how dangerously incompetent Trump is.
Of course these rats are leaving their party by supporting the cognitive dissonance of Joe Biden and the
cabal of shady unknown managers and handlers that are using Joe as a front man for their disastrous
socialist agenda. Your post is asinine.
Will vote in person at my local poling place just as I have always done. and wait for the election results until what I hope is every Americans vote is counted.

Our local news had a helicopter over my voting place, and the line was wrapped all around the building. I'm going to use my past strategy of going about a half-hour before the polls close. There is usually nobody there about that time.
The best economy in 50 years? He couldn’t even get beyond 3% GDP growth. When it was Obama, that was labeled a total disaster by Trump himself.

As for the market, I’m not as worried.

You better be worried because investors understand the devastating effects increased taxes have on the economy. They understand that the least threat of a government shutdown will destroy businesses coast to coast. They understand that much higher fuel prices takes money out of circulation.
You better be worried because investors understand the devastating effects increased taxes have on the economy. They understand that the least threat of a government shutdown will destroy businesses coast to coast. They understand that much higher fuel prices takes money out of circulation.
Great. Let’s just keep running up 4 trillion dollar government deficits so that investors can buy another vacation home.

Or maybe we worry more about working class Americans and less about the corporate billionaires.
They all have a right to vote, regardless of how much they care. know...those "lazy asses" often work multiple jobs trying to support their families, jobs that don't give them time off, they might lack a car, and their large county might have only one polling place, or their red state decided to shut down early voting on Sunday's so the "souls to polls" method of getting people to the polls also ended. Lots of things.

Your comment justifies things like literacy tests, poll taxes, and a host of systems designed to prevent people from voting by making the hurdles virtually insurmountable.

To sum it up: Republicans do everything they can to make voting harder, Democrats do everything they can to make voting easier.

People who work two or three jobs or otherwise a lot of hours have the law on their side which states an employer has to give you ample time to vote. The problem with our voting system is we have too many uninformed people who don't even know WTF they're voting on. If only people knowledgable of politics, the candidates, the issues vote, we would have a much better outcome every election, meaning less Democrats.

States don't control their voting places, the poll workers, the amount of tables. The county takes care of that. Counties that have a majority of Democrat voters also have Democrat leaders who make those decisions. If it's Republican controlled, then they would be disenfranchising more Republican voters than Democrat.

By not making it easy, we only get voters who care about this country and less Obama Money people. Democrats heavily rely on the ignorant voter for power, and that's what you're really worried about. If voting takes a little effort, those people would stay home and you know it. We Republicans will always find a way to vote because we are politically knowledgable and it's important to us, so we make sure we vote no matter what obstacles we could possibly face.
Or must they?

Donald Trump at a rally in Iowa “We should know the result of the election on November 3rd, the evening of November 3rd. That’s the way it's been and that's the way it should be."

Except when it’s not. In has never been that way.

There has never been a requirement...or even an expectation that all ballots be tabulated by the end of Election Day. And they usually are not. It typically takes longer to count absentee ballots, which, by law, are just as valid as any other.

So if you want to know the way it has really always been, don’t listen to Trump who’s goal is to disenfranchise mail in voters.

For starters, no state ever reports its final results on election night.

Typically, news outlets are able to declare winners the night of the election using partial counts and exit polls, which allow them to see how much of the vote is going to which candidate and calculate whether a candidate still has a path forward to win.

Each state has its own laws for when it needs to certify the election results, and none falls on Election Day.

Delaware is the only state that will certify its results within the same week as Election Day. Most states will certify their results in the last two weeks of November, with some states even extending until the second week of December.

Additionally, polls don't even close in California, Oregon, Idaho and Washington until 11 p.m. ET, and Hawaii's polls don't close until midnight on the East Coast.
Only Satan Worshiping Commie Bastards want to extend the count so they can make up their deficits.

Well...Tree....then that includes most of us. We've never had a "deadline" that the count must conclude by midnight Election Day...never. No law, nothing.

Every state sets it's own policies regarding this in their election laws.
We have had 2 weeks to vote in person in most areas. Or more.

You've had a chance to mail it in for even longer.

What is the downside of the issue of voting on time?
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Great. Let’s just keep running up 4 trillion dollar government deficits so that investors can buy another vacation home.

Or maybe we worry more about working class Americans and less about the corporate billionaires.

Increased taxes on anybody hurts the working class; a group of people Democrats abandoned years ago. How are you going to get a raise if your employer now has to use that money to pay the federal government instead? What happens when your employer shuts down because he or she has to move overseas due to huge increases in employee pay with the $15.00 federal minimum wage Biden said he'd implement, and higher taxes? You know what you pay to heat and cool your home. Imagine those costs doubling, and think of what a company owner has to pay for that huge building with a factory and offices.

So if you really want to hurt the working class, vote for Biden. If you vote for Trump, he will preserve our jobs, keep our fuel costs down, keep taxes down, and the economy will recover nicely as it has been the last couple of months.
You better be worried because investors understand the devastating effects increased taxes have on the economy. They understand that the least threat of a government shutdown will destroy businesses coast to coast. They understand that much higher fuel prices takes money out of circulation.
Great. Let’s just keep running up 4 trillion dollar government deficits so that investors can buy another vacation home.

Or maybe we worry more about working class Americans and less about the corporate billionaires.
So how do you feel about Biden's plan that will rack up over 10 trillion?
They all have a right to vote, regardless of how much they care. know...those "lazy asses" often work multiple jobs trying to support their families, jobs that don't give them time off, they might lack a car, and their large county might have only one polling place, or their red state decided to shut down early voting on Sunday's so the "souls to polls" method of getting people to the polls also ended. Lots of things.

Your comment justifies things like literacy tests, poll taxes, and a host of systems designed to prevent people from voting by making the hurdles virtually insurmountable.

To sum it up: Republicans do everything they can to make voting harder, Democrats do everything they can to make voting easier.

People who work two or three jobs or otherwise a lot of hours have the law on their side which states an employer has to give you ample time to vote. The problem with our voting system is we have too many uninformed people who don't even know WTF they're voting on. If only people knowledgable of politics, the candidates, the issues vote, we would have a much better outcome every election, meaning less Democrats.

True, but it really depends on what constitutes "ample time" AND if you are working multiple part time jobs - what EXACTLY are your rights? The employer can give you time but you are working your other job at that time.

Voting should not be viewed as an obstacle course challenge where the fittest "win". It's not just a right, it's a civic duty though far too many do not seem to care enough.

Your statement here though, is disturbing: If only people knowledgable of politics, the candidates, the issues vote, we would have a much better outcome every election, meaning less Democrats.

For one, looking at what people say, do and the lack of "education" they seemingly present - I'm seeing a lot of Republicans represented in your "those who shouldn't vote". To start with - look at at Trump's base today...people with college degrees are increasingly voting Democrat, not Republican.

“One of the great political divides in this country is the existence of a college degree. [If] you have a college degree, you’ve been drifting Democrat. If you don’t, you’ve been drifting Republican,” says Scott Jennings, a GOP strategist. “What was true in 2016 is true today. It’s been exacerbated.”

Ultimately you would be disenfranchising more Republicans than Democrats.

If only people "knowledgable" of politics and issues voted....who exactly would determine it? For example, does "knowledgable" of the issues mean they agree with your views on the issues? That often seems to be what people mean.

What kind of society would we really produce if only an elite group voted...and in the process created policies, taxes, laws that effected a larger group of disenfranchised "serfs"?

So I don't agree with you at all - there is nothing wrong with making voting easier in a pandemic, or any other situation. People who don't want to vote still won't bother. But people who do want to vote, but find difficult enough or dangerous due to epidemic fears should not be disenfranchised.

States don't control their voting places, the poll workers, the amount of tables. The county takes care of that. Counties that have a majority of Democrat voters also have Democrat leaders who make those decisions. If it's Republican controlled, then they would be disenfranchising more Republican voters than Democrat.

True, it's the counties.

By not making it easy, we only get voters who care about this country and less Obama Money people. Democrats heavily rely on the ignorant voter for power, and that's what you're really worried about. If voting takes a little effort, those people would stay home and you know it. We Republicans will always find a way to vote because we are politically knowledgable and it's important to us, so we make sure we vote no matter what obstacles we could possibly face.

I disagree. You don't necessarily get voters who "care about this country" - you get people who care about THEIR vision of this country, or THEIR issues, or who are fired up behind one person. And many of "you Republicans" are not politically knowledgeable, you're just as ignorant as the people you despise and want to disenfranchise. Republicans are motivated by either the political rhetoric of destruction of the Evil Dems win or, and this applies more to older generation - people who view voting as an important civic responsibility. This latter group is what we ALL should aspire too. I did not until I was older.
Yes! Because we all know it's the overseas service members who are responsible for all the constant voter fraud in Dem controlled areas. Those dang soldiers steal every election with their "right" to vote for non-marxist/fascists & it's just not fair!!! :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Ever hear of COVID 19?
Yes, I've heard of Rona. Did a virus barely worse than a bad flu, less for people under 50, prevent you from voting on time? It probably did because you sound like a face diaper person.
I'm sorry if irrational fears created by a dempanic and your own paranoia prevented you from voting on time but it is also nobody's fault but your own.
Suck it up Buttercup :slap:
There are deniers. There were Birthers. And there are Flat Earthers too.

Such idiots can claim no authority over intelligent, responsible citizens.
As long as they're counted before the Monday after the second Wednesday in December then everything remains on schedule.
Yes! Because we all know it's the overseas service members who are responsible for all the constant voter fraud in Dem controlled areas. Those dang soldiers steal every election with their "right" to vote for non-marxist/fascists & it's just not fair!!! :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Ever hear of COVID 19?
Yes, I've heard of Rona. Did a virus barely worse than a bad flu, less for people under 50, prevent you from voting on time? It probably did because you sound like a face diaper person.
I'm sorry if irrational fears created by a dempanic and your own paranoia prevented you from voting on time but it is also nobody's fault but your own.
Suck it up Buttercup :slap:

Ya...barely worse....

The problem is this stupid mail in voting. In PA, they are accepting ballots up to three days after the election which should be against the law. Everybody is predicting PA will be the real decider, and that it will be a close election. We might not find out until next week or longer who actually won unless it's a blowout one way or another.
I am not predicting PA will be the decider. I can certainly say that Trump will have won it by the end of the election day, whether democrats will even bother with the cheating attempts knowing they will lose no matter what is a good question.
But if they do, I can't wait for them to get caught and jailed.
Trump does not need PA to win. If he wins all the other states he won in 2016, other than MI, WI, PA and MN, all he needs is one of those four and he wins again.

If Biden takes Georgia and Arizona tonight - Cue the Fat Lady

The problem is this stupid mail in voting. In PA, they are accepting ballots up to three days after the election which should be against the law. Everybody is predicting PA will be the real decider, and that it will be a close election. We might not find out until next week or longer who actually won unless it's a blowout one way or another.
I am not predicting PA will be the decider. I can certainly say that Trump will have won it by the end of the election day, whether democrats will even bother with the cheating attempts knowing they will lose no matter what is a good question.
But if they do, I can't wait for them to get caught and jailed.
Trump does not need PA to win. If he wins all the other states he won in 2016, other than MI, WI, PA and MN, all he needs is one of those four and he wins again.

If Biden takes Georgia and Arizona tonight - Cue the Fat Lady


2016 taught me to never underestimate Trump.

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