VOX: "Obamacare’s individual mandate is unpopular. But it’s crucial to making Obamacare work"

Senate Republicans have approved the repeal of ObamaCare’s individual mandate as part of their tax-cut bill, a major step toward ending an unpopular part of the health-care law.

“Families ought to be able to make decisions about what they want to buy and what works for them — not the government,” Sen. John Barrasso (R-Wyo.) said, hailing the accomplishment.

“I believe if people don’t want to buy the ObamaCare insurance, they shouldn’t have to pay a tax penalty to the IRS.”

Well, I hope you enjoy paying more for insurance, buddy.

Because once all those people who don't want to buy it opt out because they are young and healthy, it's going to fall back on you.

Yes, back in Newt's day he called for an individual mandate and so did Romney after the first year in Massachusetts.

But that was before the Black Guy Did It. Once The Black Guy Did It, it became the MOST EVIL THING EVER!!!!
/——/ When I was in my 20s, Health insurance was affordable and easy to get then politicians turned it into a political football and royally screwed things up. Trump wants it back the way it used to be and so do I.
Where you DIY at home?
/——/ No you dumb f**k. There was a time you could buy health insurance just like car and home insurance. It was called the 1980s. Of course you being 9 years old only know Obozocare.
For some damn reason I had the army take care of all that hogwash in the 1980's.
/——/ Well thank you for your service. Through the 1990s I had company supplied insurance with no co pay and no referrals including vision and dental for my family. You got sick you went to the doctor, you got an Rx and you got it filled. No out of pocket then DemocRATS got ahold of it and screwed the pooch
Well, I hope you enjoy paying more for insurance, buddy.

Because once all those people who don't want to buy it opt out because they are young and healthy, it's going to fall back on you.

But that was before the Black Guy Did It. Once The Black Guy Did It, it became the MOST EVIL THING EVER!!!!
/——/ When I was in my 20s, Health insurance was affordable and easy to get then politicians turned it into a political football and royally screwed things up. Trump wants it back the way it used to be and so do I.
Where you DIY at home?
/——/ No you dumb f**k. There was a time you could buy health insurance just like car and home insurance. It was called the 1980s. Of course you being 9 years old only know Obozocare.
For some damn reason I had the army take care of all that hogwash in the 1980's.
/——/ Well thank you for your service. Through the 1990s I had company supplied insurance with no co pay and no referrals including vision and dental for my family. You got sick you went to the doctor, you got an Rx and you got it filled. No out of pocket then DemocRATS got ahold of it and screwed the pooch
I usually paid cash for babies and general stuff associated with healthcare but,, in the last 25 years insurance cost went up but the docs got a little greedy after their liability issue they had in the 1990's with their malpractice insurance skyrocketing...
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But Congress didn't address the issue of interstate commerce clause and selling insurance across state lines where they are not allowed to do so on their own now...
/——/ When I was in my 20s, Health insurance was affordable and easy to get then politicians turned it into a political football and royally screwed things up. Trump wants it back the way it used to be and so do I.

Yes, but the question is, what is driving up prices? Some "evil Polticians', or is the people who actually profit off of health care?

You see, the thing is, all the countries that have single payer or universal coverage have kept their medical costs down, but we are the ones who've seen it go so high no on can afford it.
/——/ No you dumb f**k. There was a time you could buy health insurance just like car and home insurance. It was called the 1980s. Of course you being 9 years old only know Obozocare.

Um, sorry, dude, the thing was, most people got their health insurance through their jobs, just like they do now.
/——/ No you dumb f**k. There was a time you could buy health insurance just like car and home insurance. It was called the 1980s. Of course you being 9 years old only know Obozocare.

Um, sorry, dude, the thing was, most people got their health insurance through their jobs, just like they do now.
/----/ What does that have to do with anything? I said before politicians turned health insurance into a political football it was reasonably priced and easy to get. If your employer didn't provide it you could buy it yourself. You are old enough to know better but you;re stuck on Obozocare and all it's empty promises.
/——/ When I was in my 20s, Health insurance was affordable and easy to get then politicians turned it into a political football and royally screwed things up. Trump wants it back the way it used to be and so do I.

Yes, but the question is, what is driving up prices? Some "evil Polticians', or is the people who actually profit off of health care?

You see, the thing is, all the countries that have single payer or universal coverage have kept their medical costs down, but we are the ones who've seen it go so high no on can afford it.
/----/ They try and control costs by rationing care. It happens in our VA. You really want a nameless faceless unelected Government Bureaucrat telling your elderly family members to take a pill and go home to die?
/----/ What does that have to do with anything? I said before politicians turned health insurance into a political football it was reasonably priced and easy to get. If your employer didn't provide it you could buy it yourself. You are old enough to know better but you;re stuck on Obozocare and all it's empty promises.

I'm sorry, when was this magically time where you could buy your own insurance and it didn't cost anything?

The thing is, I would be all for getting rid of employer plans and have everyone negotiate individually.

The system would collapse in a year. The young wouldn't bother and the old couldn't afford it.
/----/ They try and control costs by rationing care. It happens in our VA. You really want a nameless faceless unelected Government Bureaucrat telling your elderly family members to take a pill and go home to die?

As opposed to a faceless Business Bureaucrat deciding that he's going to cut your p olicy and your pills because the CEO needsa bigger bonus and a dressage horse.
/----/ They try and control costs by rationing care. It happens in our VA. You really want a nameless faceless unelected Government Bureaucrat telling your elderly family members to take a pill and go home to die?

As opposed to a faceless Business Bureaucrat deciding that he's going to cut your p olicy and your pills because the CEO needsa bigger bonus and a dressage horse.
/----/ That's ridiculous but even if true in the free market I have the option to switch insurers just like my home and auto. Not so much in a one size fits all bureaucracy run by political appointees who get better coverage than the great unwashed they despise so much.
/----/ What does that have to do with anything? I said before politicians turned health insurance into a political football it was reasonably priced and easy to get. If your employer didn't provide it you could buy it yourself. You are old enough to know better but you;re stuck on Obozocare and all it's empty promises.

I'm sorry, when was this magically time where you could buy your own insurance and it didn't cost anything?

The thing is, I would be all for getting rid of employer plans and have everyone negotiate individually.

The system would collapse in a year. The young wouldn't bother and the old couldn't afford it.

/----/ OK Now you're falling back on Straw Man arguments to defend your position. I never said it was free. I said it was "reasonably priced and easy to get" and you twist that into something I did not say. Now run along and play with your little friends.
/----/ That's ridiculous but even if true in the free market I have the option to switch insurers just like my home and auto. Not so much in a one size fits all bureaucracy run by political appointees who get better coverage than the great unwashed they despise so much.

ah, yes, the Market Fairies again.

The Market is what got us into this mess, when someone realized you could make a shitload of money off human suffering.
Do your own homework.

No, guy, you made a claim, it's up to you to back it up.
It's a well known fact, therefore the onus is on you to educate yourself.

It's a well know fact that mandatory liability auto insurance caused premiums to skyrocket? I worked in the industry for a while and did not know this fact.

Regardless, it is an actual fact that getting more Americans on health insurance (reflecting an actual demographic cross section, and not adverse selection) will reduce the premiums.
Well, I hope you enjoy paying more for insurance, buddy.

Because once all those people who don't want to buy it opt out because they are young and healthy, it's going to fall back on you.

But that was before the Black Guy Did It. Once The Black Guy Did It, it became the MOST EVIL THING EVER!!!!
/——/ When I was in my 20s, Health insurance was affordable and easy to get then politicians turned it into a political football and royally screwed things up. Trump wants it back the way it used to be and so do I.
Where you DIY at home?
/——/ No you dumb f**k. There was a time you could buy health insurance just like car and home insurance. It was called the 1980s. Of course you being 9 years old only know Obozocare.
For some damn reason I had the army take care of all that hogwash in the 1980's.
/——/ Well thank you for your service. Through the 1990s I had company supplied insurance with no co pay and no referrals including vision and dental for my family. You got sick you went to the doctor, you got an Rx and you got it filled. No out of pocket then DemocRATS got ahold of it and screwed the pooch

Really? Could you tell us what policies, specifically, affected your insurance and how they affected it? Not trying to nail you to the wall or anything. Just curious about what your opinion is and what information you have, as a lot of people's plans changed not due the the ACA, but due to insurance companies using it as an excuse to restructure their plans.
/----/ OK Now you're falling back on Straw Man arguments to defend your position. I never said it was free. I said it was "reasonably priced and easy to get" and you twist that into something I did not say. Now run along and play with your little friends.

Except it was never "reasonably priced" or "easy to get".

The fact is, most of us didn't bother because back in the day, our employers handled it and there wasn't even a co-pay. As it became more expensive, then the insurance companies started piling on.
/----/ What does that have to do with anything? I said before politicians turned health insurance into a political football it was reasonably priced and easy to get. If your employer didn't provide it you could buy it yourself. You are old enough to know better but you;re stuck on Obozocare and all it's empty promises.

I'm sorry, when was this magically time where you could buy your own insurance and it didn't cost anything?

The thing is, I would be all for getting rid of employer plans and have everyone negotiate individually.

The system would collapse in a year. The young wouldn't bother and the old couldn't afford it.

/----/ OK Now you're falling back on Straw Man arguments to defend your position. I never said it was free. I said it was "reasonably priced and easy to get" and you twist that into something I did not say. Now run along and play with your little friends.
View attachment 164169

I paid 80 cents for a prescription the other day. Without insurance it would have been $10.00.

Those nasty pharma companies !!!!

They are getting rich off me.
Politicians are in bed with big business.

Insurance companies are big....as in huge...business.

Lets sack one and turn the operation over to the other.

And things will be different......

You bet.
I paid 80 cents for a prescription the other day. Without insurance it would have been $10.00.

Those nasty pharma companies !!!!

They are getting rich off me.

Well, that would be the insurance companies, but here's the gag.

What did it actually cost to manufacture those pills?

Politicians are in bed with big business.

Insurance companies are big....as in huge...business.

Lets sack one and turn the operation over to the other.

And things will be different......

You bet.

You bet. When they live in mortal fear you'll give their job to someone else, they will make damned sure that they keep you happy.
/----/ What does that have to do with anything? I said before politicians turned health insurance into a political football it was reasonably priced and easy to get. If your employer didn't provide it you could buy it yourself. You are old enough to know better but you;re stuck on Obozocare and all it's empty promises.

I'm sorry, when was this magically time where you could buy your own insurance and it didn't cost anything?

The thing is, I would be all for getting rid of employer plans and have everyone negotiate individually.

The system would collapse in a year. The young wouldn't bother and the old couldn't afford it.

/----/ OK Now you're falling back on Straw Man arguments to defend your position. I never said it was free. I said it was "reasonably priced and easy to get" and you twist that into something I did not say. Now run along and play with your little friends.
View attachment 164169

I paid 80 cents for a prescription the other day. Without insurance it would have been $10.00.

Those nasty pharma companies !!!!

They are getting rich off me.
/——-/ My friend paid $1,200 a month for his cancer meds at a big box Rx. He checked Costco where it’s about $30 a month. Those nasty pharmaceutical companies.
/----/ What does that have to do with anything? I said before politicians turned health insurance into a political football it was reasonably priced and easy to get. If your employer didn't provide it you could buy it yourself. You are old enough to know better but you;re stuck on Obozocare and all it's empty promises.

I'm sorry, when was this magically time where you could buy your own insurance and it didn't cost anything?

The thing is, I would be all for getting rid of employer plans and have everyone negotiate individually.

The system would collapse in a year. The young wouldn't bother and the old couldn't afford it.

/----/ OK Now you're falling back on Straw Man arguments to defend your position. I never said it was free. I said it was "reasonably priced and easy to get" and you twist that into something I did not say. Now run along and play with your little friends.
View attachment 164169

I paid 80 cents for a prescription the other day. Without insurance it would have been $10.00.

Those nasty pharma companies !!!!

They are getting rich off me.
/——-/ My friend paid $1,200 a month for his cancer meds at a big box Rx. He checked Costco where it’s about $30 a month. Those nasty pharmaceutical companies.

...And now CVS and Aetna have reached an agreement for CVS to purchase them. How's that going to work, drive prices down or up?

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