VP debate thread.

So....tell us about the Rose Garden Super Spreader event
Is it 34 or 43 infected?
Hey check out Pence's eyes. Looking like virus eye.

Per capita means squat.

Math is hard

derp derp derp
For you? Apparently.

Why do you think "pre capita" is the figure to look at instead of the death rate of those infected?

This should be fun.................

Because the death rate as a percentage of total population takes into account all factors, such as social distancing, mask wearing, etc. What matters is the rate of death in the entire country.

The mod isn’t a hack. You’re just not very smart.
Because the death rate as a percentage of total population takes into account all factors, such as social distancing, mask wearing, etc

How? Be specific.


There’s no point. You’re a political partisan who will argue that 2+2=5 if you think it would help your Orange God.

You don’t understand math.
I accept your concession.

Dismissed, Troll.

Nostra: 2+2=Trump lol
You make no sense. Typica Libtard.

Run along kid, Adults are trying to talk.
China is and has been our enemy and anyone believe they can negotiate with China and bring them to the table, well they are nuts!

When Obama was President China was funding Cartels in Mexico to send deadly drugs across our border.

China kept expanding in the South China Sea during Obama time...

China has backed the North Korean regime that is developing nuclear weapons way before Bush, Obama and Trump...

So let be clear China is not our friend and they are an enemy of the World from the damage they are doing to Nations in Africa to supporting Cartels in Mexico to their support of regimes like North Korea...

China is a cancer!

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