VP debate thread.

Team Trump is winning on the Supreme Court front in my opinion.

Personally, I think we should just have the vote on Amy Comey Barrett. It sucks, but it's their right to fill the vacancy. Just accept it and move on.
Why won’t they answer if they will pack the court? Why the deflections?

I don't know. My guess is that they don't want to rule out the possibility of packing the court.
Nor should they. It all depends on how Republicans deal with the current open seat, which remains to be seen.
LMAO...Waste of Life why would you pack the court? LOL...if you were to why not just be honest about it?
CNN whining claiming Pence didn't answer questions and now Tapper is whining about gender... :icon_rolleyes:
Breonna Taylor was a drug whore.

This is why so many people think you guys are uneducated racist hicks.
Looking in from many various perspectives, and all depending, it is that many have not the understanding of alot of things. People who haven't allowed themselves to get around druggies, and bad people in life, are gonna be critical towards those that have.

It was unfortunate what happened to Taylor, and hopefully her x druggie boyfriend will feel that guilt the rest of his sorry ace life.

Isn't he dead too?
Not sure. He was the x, and then their is the new one that acted stupid by shooting a police officer before he claims he realized it was a police officer. Twisted mess.

If the x is dead, then good riddens because he got his x girlfriend killed accidentally in a shoot out in the hood that was caused by him.
Team Trump is winning on the Supreme Court front in my opinion.

Personally, I think we should just have the vote on Amy Comey Barrett. It sucks, but it's their right to fill the vacancy. Just accept it and move on.
Why won’t they answer if they will pack the court? Why the deflections?

I don't know. My guess is that they don't want to rule out the possibility of packing the court.
Nor should they. It all depends on how Republicans deal with the current open seat, which remains to be seen.
LMAO...Waste of Life why would you pack the court? LOL...if you were to why not just be honest about it?
I just said why. Will you understand it if I write it in crayon?
Me too. I love how Trump overcoming Covid-flu and the rest of his team are blowing up the Covid Plague Con.

:aargh: Trump is beating Covid-flu :aargh: well there goes our fake news narrative :aargh: Russia...something :aargh:

They're so disappointed that people are rejecting being held under house arrest without due process.

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