VP debate thread.

Team Trump is winning on the Supreme Court front in my opinion.

Personally, I think we should just have the vote on Amy Comey Barrett. It sucks, but it's their right to fill the vacancy. Just accept it and move on.
Why won’t they answer if they will pack the court? Why the deflections?

I don't know. My guess is that they don't want to rule out the possibility of packing the court.
Nor should they. It all depends on how Republicans deal with the current open seat, which remains to be seen.
LMAO...Waste of Life why would you pack the court? LOL...if you were to why not just be honest about it?
I just said why. Will you understand it if I write it in crayon?
I said you. Idiot. Not them. So you’re a sore loser who would change the rules? Weak. Waste of Life, you’re weak.
Well here is my opinion and Pence did knock Harris on her when she was AG of California...

Pence did not do as well as Trump base will proclaim and they will disagree with me and felt Pence could have done better...

In the end I believe Harris did not help Biden and Pence only job was to come off as Presidential just in case Trump can not finish a second term and he did that.

So people the choice really is not Trump or Biden but who do you want as President if either Biden or Trump can not finish their term?

If the voting population looked at it that way then I have to say people will hold their nose and vote Pence over Harris...
"Pence talking about what a bad-ass Kamala was as a prosecutor is making me want to vote for her" - Jeff Sessions

I am sure that the BLMers are going to see it that way.

That's some desperate shit right there. She got her ass kicked.
Me too. I love how Trump overcoming Covid-flu and the rest of his team are blowing up the Covid Plague Con.

:aargh: Trump is beating Covid-flu :aargh: well there goes our fake news narrative :aargh: Russia...something :aargh:

They're so disappointed that people are rejecting being held under house arrest without due process.

End All Shutdowns Now! Open businesses! Open Schools!


The pandemic is the Dems only hope of winning the election. Hell flaming liberal Jane Fonda came out of the closet and admitted it. She seemed gleeful Americans were dying because it gave Dems a chance in the elections. I don't think the American people know how truly low these Dem leaders are. Scumbags.
"The face Kamala made when Mike Pence stated that she and Joe are going to overthrow the Supreme Court with court packing"

Flipped to Fox and see they have a balanced line-up for debate response with 3-3...
I like how Kamala thinks an endorsement from Cindy McCain is something to be proud of.
Right ...

Or John Kasich .....

Who barely carried his own State.

Kasich is an admitted lover and defender of illegals who RAPE and KILL Americans. Thank God that guy never became president what an asshole. We have seen his true colors over the past few years since Trump whooped his sorry ass.
Team Trump is winning on the Supreme Court front in my opinion.

Personally, I think we should just have the vote on Amy Comey Barrett. It sucks, but it's their right to fill the vacancy. Just accept it and move on.
Why won’t they answer if they will pack the court? Why the deflections?

I don't know. My guess is that they don't want to rule out the possibility of packing the court.
Nor should they. It all depends on how Republicans deal with the current open seat, which remains to be seen.
They should fucking STUFF that seat with Barrett and shit right down the fucking Dems gullets.

They deserve no less.
This "debate" actually helped VP Pence look like a great choice as President after President Trump's second term. Very classy, tremendous poise, even on the concluding standing around on stage. That ridiculous Senator Harris giggling with some dude with a mask with VP Pence looking very presidential.
Glad to hear it. Looking forward to watching in the a.m. :thup:
Nostradumbass thinks the mod is a hack because she points out that the death rate is 2.5x higher than in Canada, which is factually true.

Fatality rates:

US: 2.79%''

Canada: 5.51%

And you say I am math challenged?

You haven't figured it out yet? They're clearly talking about death per capita.

United States: 662.6
Canada: 257.5

United States deaths per capita is 2.57 times Canada's deaths per capita.

You don't have to like it or think it's relevant, but that's what they're referring to. It's pretty obvious.
Didn't Robin Williams make a joke that Canada is like a nice apartment over a meth lab? The way we are is more reckless in our personal ways of living. That is truth.

I don’t know what Robin Williams said about Canada. I’m just showing the calculation that the other person is having difficulty with.
Kamala's repeating the Fake News MSM LIES about Charlottesville will not help ....
She's trying to entrap them (just like Biden does), through race baiting. They think that the republicans can't defend against any racial arguments presented, and that is the go to thing everytime. So it devolved into that eh ?? Figures... That showed she was losing, because that is the fail switch they will pull when the fire starts burning their aces.
Team Trump is winning on the Supreme Court front in my opinion.

Personally, I think we should just have the vote on Amy Comey Barrett. It sucks, but it's their right to fill the vacancy. Just accept it and move on.
Why won’t they answer if they will pack the court? Why the deflections?

I don't know. My guess is that they don't want to rule out the possibility of packing the court.
Nor should they. It all depends on how Republicans deal with the current open seat, which remains to be seen.
LMAO...Waste of Life why would you pack the court? LOL...if you were to why not just be honest about it?
I just said why. Will you understand it if I write it in crayon?
I said you. Idiot. Not them. So you’re a sore loser who would change the rules? Weak. Waste of Life, you’re weak.
ShortBus, exactly how deranged are you to thinkI speak for them and not myself?? :cuckoo:

I gave you the answer -- I can't make you understand it.

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