VP debate thread.

Well here is my opinion and Pence did knock Harris on her when she was AG of California...

Pence did not do as well as Trump base will proclaim and they will disagree with me and felt Pence could have done better...

In the end I believe Harris did not help Biden and Pence only job was to come off as Presidential just in case Trump can not finish a second term and he did that.

So people the choice really is not Trump or Biden but who do you want as President if either Biden or Trump can not finish their term?

If the voting population looked at it that way then I have to say people will hold their nose and vote Pence over Harris...
Agree, but why hold their nose ? What's wrong with Pence ?

Pence is someone that does not come across like able but Harris make Pence look adorable compared to her!
Biden won round 1.
Pence won round 2.

That’s where I have it.
I agree, so will Trump follow Pence mannerism and debate that way or do another debate like he did the last debate?
He should but
Regarding the 8th grader's question:

Pence hit it out of the park.

Kamalto brought up Charlottesville and racism.
Harris hates Independents and those on the Right so she didn’t answer honestly.

I personally do not believe can do it and it will be another WWE style debate with Trump...
Senator Harris stop playing politics with people's lives!

i love that answer so much i'm gonna say it again

Fox says Pence won the debate but it won't change minds. Pence was clearly the most composed and professional one. He showed good manners, thanking the moderator and even giving Kamala a few compliments. Kamala did nothing of the kind. She came off as a snarky, sardonic bitch. Which is what she really is anyway.
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Pence beat the crap out of her....she looked like a woman that screwed her way to the top but doesn't know shit.....oh wait....

Her prissy stuck up fake smile and condescension didn't play well with women. Hell her smile was still frozen when she was talking about the woman who was tortured and murdered. I'm not sure who's more creepy now her or Biden.
Team Trump is winning on the Supreme Court front in my opinion.

Personally, I think we should just have the vote on Amy Comey Barrett. It sucks, but it's their right to fill the vacancy. Just accept it and move on.
Why won’t they answer if they will pack the court? Why the deflections?

I don't know. My guess is that they don't want to rule out the possibility of packing the court.
Nor should they. It all depends on how Republicans deal with the current open seat, which remains to be seen.
LMAO...Waste of Life why would you pack the court? LOL...if you were to why not just be honest about it?
I just said why. Will you understand it if I write it in crayon?
I said you. Idiot. Not them. So you’re a sore loser who would change the rules? Weak. Waste of Life, you’re weak.
ShortBus, exactly how deranged are you to thinkI speak for them and not myself?? :cuckoo:

I gave you the answer -- I can't make you understand it.
Your deflection is noted. Go to bed, waste of life. When you come at me with emojis I know I have you beat. Loser.

There's no victory like a self-proclaimed, eh, ShortBus.

For the third time, I already explained why.
Nope. You deflected. So you would change the rules as you cannot win with the current rules. You are living up to your nickname, waste of life.

And you used the emoji so you surrendered

You still don't understand my answer?? :cuckoo:
Fox says Pence won the debate but it won't change minds. Pence was clearly the most composed and professional one. He showed good manners, thanking the moderator and even giving Kamala a few compliments. Kamals did nothing of the kind. She came off as a snarky, sardonic bitch. Which is what she really is anyway.

I don't think Harris demeaner played well with women voters.
My assessment:

The debate was far better and more substantive than the last. Including the Moderator, who leaned left but, was more fair and honourable with questions than Weasel Wallace was.

She was better in this debate than Biden was. Pence was far better than Trump was. If Trump copied Pences debate points, he'd have gained 5%. Less emotion, more striking with facts. Just do it in a "Trump way", with more pizzazz.

I stated on here my opinion that Pence is more lethal debater than people give him credit for and he illustrated that this night. A quiet, unassuming style, that deals with logic and consequences for bad decision by his opponent. He's tough to pin down, as Cruz is.

In truth, she was better than I thought she would be. I think her issue will be trust, I don't think she has garnered it. Biden in particular has a long track records as politician, that's a liability in 2020. However, she wisely wasn't being mean spirited, that would have backfired against a genuine person like Pence. She shot the odd angry furled brow, but not too often. A wise approach.

As it were, her big error was not answering the question about packing the courts. That is going to be HUGE for Independents. They can handle four more years of Trump and his policies, maybe even support them, they aren't going to support the fundamental change of their nation.

Pences big fumble, if it was, probably dealt with the Supreme Court IMO, or, trying to really defend the Wuhan Virus attacks.

Trump should learn from Pence and he should seek advice from people like Cruz. Make some key notes. Pences best lobby was in response to the suggestion Trump lost the war with China, it was a major mistake for her to go down that road, it's Trumps big win if you ask me. His response "we lost the fight with China? Biden wasn't even IN the fight against China". How many votes did that one retort earn Trump/Pence on any fence sitters? I would imagine quite a few. That was pure gold. It has to resonate with blue collar workers.
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