VP debate thread.

Pence may have appeared to have done a good job to some, but he made a major mistake by constantly interrupting the two women on stage, especially the female moderator. He was a typical entitled male who believed he could be rude and impolite to the women and break his debate agreement. His wife coming on the stage with no mask also showed entitlement and privilege. These are not big deals, but they are big enough to have neutralized any gain he may have achieved for Trump. No one will remember the back and forth comments of the debate, but they will remember the rudeness and privilege, especially Pence's bullying of the women.
Great job VP Pence last night. Completely outclassed and out-debated Wille Brown's little whore.
I disagree

Pence should have attacked biden forcefully instead of trying to be polite and statesmanlike

That is not his style. That is Trump's style. Trump has two more debates to make Biden look like the moron we all know he is.

Remember, it wasn't until the last debate that Trump really kicked Crooked Hillary's fat ass.
Pence may have appeared to have done a good job to some, but he made a major mistake by constantly interrupting the two women on stage, especially the female moderator. He was a typical entitled male who believed he could be rude and impolite to the women and break his debate agreement. His wife coming on the stage with no mask also showed entitlement and privilege. These are not big deals, but they are big enough to have neutralized any gain he may have achieved for Trump. No one will remember the back and forth comments of the debate, but they will remember the rudeness and privilege, especially Pence's bullying of the women.

LOL! The women were dingbats that needed to be interrupted.
Pence may have appeared to have done a good job to some, but he made a major mistake by constantly interrupting the two women on stage, especially the female moderator. He was a typical entitled male who believed he could be rude and impolite to the women and break his debate agreement. His wife coming on the stage with no mask also showed entitlement and privilege. These are not big deals, but they are big enough to have neutralized any gain he may have achieved for Trump. No one will remember the back and forth comments of the debate, but they will remember the rudeness and privilege, especially Pence's bullying of the women.

LOL! The women were dingbats that needed to be interrupted.
Women are a major reason why Trump is being annihilated in polls. Even FOX has him double digits behind and losing supporters in droves.
Pence may have appeared to have done a good job to some, but he made a major mistake by constantly interrupting the two women on stage, especially the female moderator. He was a typical entitled male who believed he could be rude and impolite to the women and break his debate agreement. His wife coming on the stage with no mask also showed entitlement and privilege. These are not big deals, but they are big enough to have neutralized any gain he may have achieved for Trump. No one will remember the back and forth comments of the debate, but they will remember the rudeness and privilege, especially Pence's bullying of the women.

LOL! The women were dingbats that needed to be interrupted.
Women are a major reason why Trump is being annihilated in polls. Even FOX has him double digits behind and losing supporters in droves.

All the women I know are voting for Trump. Except for one of my sister in laws but she has been a stupid Moon Bat for decades,
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Pence may have appeared to have done a good job to some, but he made a major mistake by constantly interrupting the two women on stage, especially the female moderator. He was a typical entitled male who believed he could be rude and impolite to the women and break his debate agreement. His wife coming on the stage with no mask also showed entitlement and privilege. These are not big deals, but they are big enough to have neutralized any gain he may have achieved for Trump. No one will remember the back and forth comments of the debate, but they will remember the rudeness and privilege, especially Pence's bullying of the women.

LOL! The women were dingbats that needed to be interrupted.
Women are a major reason why Trump is being annihilated in polls. Even FOX has him double digits behind and losing supporters in droves.

All the women I know are voting for Trump. Except for one of my sister in laws but she has been a stupid Moon Bats for decades,
Of course, there are lots of women supporting Trump, just not enough and he needs more. Pence did not help him get more.
Pence may have appeared to have done a good job to some, but he made a major mistake by constantly interrupting the two women on stage, especially the female moderator. He was a typical entitled male who believed he could be rude and impolite to the women and break his debate agreement. His wife coming on the stage with no mask also showed entitlement and privilege. These are not big deals, but they are big enough to have neutralized any gain he may have achieved for Trump. No one will remember the back and forth comments of the debate, but they will remember the rudeness and privilege, especially Pence's bullying of the women.

LOL! The women were dingbats that needed to be interrupted.
Women are a major reason why Trump is being annihilated in polls. Even FOX has him double digits behind and losing supporters in droves.

All the women I know are voting for Trump. Except for one of my sister in laws but she has been a stupid Moon Bats for decades,
Of course, there are lots of women supporting Trump, just not enough and he needs more. Pence did not help him get more.

That is what they were saying in 2016 but Trump still beat the woman candidate.

.An intelligent woman will be just like an intelligent man and vote against Biden because she knows he is a joke.

It is sexism to claim that gender is a factor in politics. Women want the same as men. A strong economy and a secure safe America and the Democrats don't deliver on those things.
Pence speaks in complete sentences so he has that going for him over Trump. Harris still won even if it wasn’t a massacre.
"Harris still won." That's got to be one of the funniest things I've heard tonight.
Yep, the truth is hilarious! What’s even funnier is your denial of Trump being a complete retard.
It doesn't surprise me you didn't get the joke. It's funny, because she actually lost big time. What's also funny is you feeling the need to drag Trump into this.
Seems to me when all you can talk about is a fly landing on one of the participants you have nothing of substance to talk about regarding your HO.
If the fly landed on Harris, you’d never shut the fuck up about it. Besides, flies are attracted to piles of shit. You know that.
It likely did, but if you had paid attention, you would notice her hair was darker than Pence's, and so you wouldn't be able to see it.

...it was annoying that Harris dodged significant questions, like whether she and Biden agree with Democrats calling to pack the Supreme Court. Like Biden, she simply refuses to answer the question, an important one to voters.
In fairness, both candidates were evasive at times, but Pence has been in the public eye longer than his rival. We have a good idea where he stands on most questions, while Harris has skittered back and forth on issues like the Green New Deal, “Medicare-for-all” and law and order, bending with the politics of the moment.
We know Pence; we do not know Harris 2020.....
Pence was solid as a rock and though he started tentatively, got more powerful and convincing as the night wore on.
Pence looked presidential. (In spite of a fly which inopportunely landed on his head for several minutes.)
The same could not be said for Harris. She constantly smirked and frowned and shook her head in derision while listening to Pence; no wonder Democrat primary voters decreed her “unlikeable.”...

Also disagreeable were the stale Democratic Party talking points Harris dished up attacking President Trump. She landed a few good punches, but the night belonged to Vice President Pence.
His job was easier. He can boast of the Trump administration’s three-year record of achievement, including extraordinary job creation and income gains for all Americans. Kamala Harris can talk up Biden’s forty-seven years of….what exactly? Surviving?


Summary (of the nine discussion topics):
1. COVID Response - Pence won - a body-blow slamming Kamala on vaccines: "stop playing politics with people's lives."
2. Health Of Candidates - Tie - neither candidate answered but if we had to pick, Pence shaded it as Kamala discussed herself.
3. The Economy - Pence won - the vice-president crushed Harris on Biden taxes (briefly silencing her over Trump tax cut repeal).
4. Climate Change - Pence won - perhaps surprisingly but Harris was unable to recover from being cornered on her sponsorship of the Green New Deal
5. China - Pence won - Harris facts all over the place and Pence closed with Biden's "cheerleading" for China.
6. Foreign Relations - Tie - both candidates parried each other's running mate's performance
7. The Supreme Court - Pence won - Harris refused to answer the question of packing the court and Pence was frank about being "pro-life."
8. Racial Justice - Pence won - again rather stunningly, Pence crushed Harris on misleading quotes and soundbites
9. Transfer Of Power - Pence won - while Harris went "vote now", Pence reminded the audience that Harris party spent the last four years trying to overturn the previous election
Pence dominated Harris as finally, questions were asked and answered and facts were checked!

Harris spoke more (38:48 to Pence's 35:22) but said less...
Moderator Susan Page reminded the audience that attendees were all wearing masks and that she hoped for a better behaved debate
The first question was about the coronavirus "not being under control."
Harris began on the offense, noting that
“The American people have witnessed what is the greatest failure of any presidential administration in the history of our country," and adding a line about "sacrificial workers."
Harris accused Trump of "covering it up," and "frankly this administration has forfeited their right to re-election because of this.”
Harris said the Biden-Harris plan is testing, contact-tracing, and free vaccines.
Pence's response was heartfelt and factful as he explained the timeline of airline shutdowns "which Biden called xenophobic."
And the vice-president mocked that Biden had "plagiarised" their plan - as it is exactly the same as they have been doing.
"It looks a little like plagiarism, which Joe Biden knows a little something about."...
Pence slams Harris for claiming that the plan "hasn't worked" was a great misjustice, pinning the decisions on Fauci and Birx.
Pence framed the plan as the American people fighting and being brave, forcing any counter to appear as Kamala is attacking Americans....
Then this happened...
Pence: “Will you and Biden pack the Supreme Court?”
Harris: “Trump packed the district courts with white people!”
Moderator: “Thank you, let’s move on.”
"If you haven't figured it out yet, the straight answer is they are going to pack the Supreme Court if they somehow win this election."...
Finally, the topic of the Transfer of Power was discussed.
But Harris decided to shift to an infomercial:
“here’s what I’d like to say to everybody: vote. Please vote. Vote early.”
Pence came out swinging by bringing up the facts that the previous campaign spied on his campaign and has spent the last few years trying to overturn the last election:
“Your party has spent the last three and a half years trying to overturn the results of the last election,” Pence says, bringing up the Mueller investigation and impeachment.
PENCE: "When you talk about accepting the outcome of the election, I must tell you, Senator, your party has spent the last three and a half years trying to overturn the results of the last election."
Kamala Harris did so badly in the Dimocrat primaries that she bailed out very early in the run, and her record of fucking her way to the top of her career and hypocrisy in prosecuting thousands of simple pot posesion cases while she herself smoked pot in private is the epitome of the Dimocrat leaderships 'do as I say, not what I do' philosophy of governing.

That whore is one of the most despicable people to have ever run for President.

And yet CNN is touting an obviously flawed and stacked poll that Harris won the debate to absolutely no ones surprise, as CNN is the most shameless member of the Democratic PArty's media relations and propaganda organizations.


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