VP debate thread.

Kamala's repeating the Fake News MSM LIES about Charlottesville will not help ....
She's trying to entrap them (just like Biden does), through race baiting. They think that the republicans can't defend against any racial arguments presented, and that is the go to thing everytime. So it devolved into that eh ?? Figures... That showed she was losing, because that is the fail switch they will pull when the fire starts burning their aces.

EVERY SINGLE time- racist, biggot, sexist, homophobe....
What a great debate this was!

Pence handling Harris!

POW POW POW!!!!! hehhehe

She brought it on herself. Pence looked over as a gentleman, and said that he was proud to be there, and to be on the stage with Mrs Harris as a compliment. She ignored it and went straight into attack mode. That showed desperation on her and Bidens part in this campaign. I mean if you can't take 5 to be civil, then you've lost the American people IMHO. She came off as brass, mean spirited, arrogant, rigid, and just unlikable. My wife after a few minutes in said "I don't like that woman". I agreed with her. Not only that, but once the lies started flying out of her mouth from left to right, it got so bad that I just turned the thing off in order to keep from watching someone so unqualified for the position that she has now been picked for, to making a fool out of herself anymore.

Her just using the leftist talking points as if she had no thoughts of her own was really sad and yet typical of a team that has no vision or good policy to run on other than orange man bad, orange man bad, and Pence bad because he's that Christian Trump chose in 2016.
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She brought it on herself. Pence looked over as a gentleman, and said that he was proud to be there, and to be on the stage with Mrs Harris as a compliment. She ignored it and went straight into attack mode. That showed desperation on her and Bidens part in this campaign. I mean if you can't take 5 to be civil, then you've lost the American people IMHO. She came off as brass, mean spirited, arrogant, rigid, and just unlikable. My wife after a few minutes in said "I don't like that woman". I agreed with her. Not only that, but once the lies started flying out of her mouth from left to right, it got so bad that I just turned the thing off in order to keep from watching someone so unqualified for the position that she has now been picked for, to making a fool out of herself anymore.

Her just using the leftist talking points as if she had no thoughts of her own was really sad and yet typical of a team that has no vision or good policy to run on other than orange man bad, orange man bad, and Pence bad because he's that Christian Trump chose in 2016.
Pence was courteous, he offered Kamals and Biden compliments and comported himself as a States man. Kamala came off as sniveling brat.
If I was a negro, I would be scared shitless of Camela. That earless monster is not an American Black but a mix of an Indian tribe (not a first nation tribe) and a Jamaican tribe both of whom hate American negroes.
If I was a negro, I would be scared shitless of Camela. That earless monster is not an American Black but a mix of an Indian tribe (not a first nation tribe) and a Jamaican tribe both of whom hate American negroes.
Her Grandpa held slaves. She is the direct descendent of slave owners.
Great job VP Pence last night. Completely outclassed and out-debated Wille Brown's little whore.
Pence slaughtered her with facts in a whisper. Slow, but deliberate. Had punches at the ready and threw them at perfect times that kept her unbalanced. Pence won.

Did anybody else think Kamala was really nervous? She came off as trying to run out the clock with horrendous scripted answers pretending to be a moderate. Instead of people seeing her true nature of being a ****, which still poured out throughout, she came off more as a horrible actress without any beliefs.
I'm glad to see those pexiglass walls up. It's so comforting knowing this "horrible" virus will hit those and give up. It's also a great relief to know this virus only travels in a straight line. Oh, and I thought walls were racist or something like that. Yet Kamala insisted on having them.

Democrats are very selective in their believe in “science”. In this case, they needed to push a narrative to their lemming followers that they are extra safe, no matter how non-scientific and idiotic it may have been. Many of their followers are just dumb enough to buy it.
Nope. I don't give a flip about a fly. The fact you think a fly can pick the best candidate is fucking hilarious, but expected from someone with a single digit IQ.

Actually, a fly knows a pile of shit when it sees it.


You know the Democrat Party is morally bankrupt when they put up confused assholes like Biden and Harris. I mean really, is that the best they can do? LOL!
So after last night debate how many of you are ready for Harris to step in for Biden and finish his term if Biden is elected?

Also how many of you are ready for Pence if Trump can not finish his term?

Personally I believe Pence won that debate but Harris did get some good shots in but she came off more unlike able than Pence and many Americans should fear the idea she is a heartbeat away from the Oval Office like Palin would have been had McCain won...

When Pence was debating her he should have directed his question and retort at her as if she was going to be President and not VP and stated she would ban this and that and attack her record harder than he did.

That was his failure and another failure is something I wrote about earlier in this thread and him not taking her to task over how a College kid is worried about having a job after they graduate.

Most that graduate Universities and Colleges should not be solely focus on finding a job but they should also focus on job creation and looking to become the next Bill Gates and not the next janitor at McDonald’s.

I feel Pence let that one issue slipped passed him and should have pounced on her for that comment!

Harris didn’t do Biden any favors in that debate and like Toro wrote you can see why she was in the 2% when she ran for President.

Biden would have been better served taking Warren or Mayor Pete than Harris but what is done is done.
You know the Democrat Party is morally bankrupt when they put up confused assholes like Biden and Harris. I mean really, is that the best they can do? LOL!

It is not the best they could do seeing Biden was the Primary Voter choice but the better question is was Harris his best choice and the answer is no!

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