VP debate thread.

Team Trump is winning on the Supreme Court front in my opinion.

Personally, I think we should just have the vote on Amy Comey Barrett. It sucks, but it's their right to fill the vacancy. Just accept it and move on.
Why won’t they answer if they will pack the court? Why the deflections?

Figure it out Azog. . . you're a smart guy.

Conservatives are outraged at the idea. Moderates and independents are offended at the very notion.

. . . and even a good portion of Democrats find it unseemly.

Why don't we ask the late great RBG what SHE thought of the idea?

So, if every sane person in the nation is against it, and even the left's SCOTUS saint said not to. . . then if they won't explicitly repudiate the idea before the election, what does that tell you as to why?

Figure it out.

  1. Susan Page SHAMED Chris Wallace. She started out stating the rules, kept order without being intrusive, enforced time without being argumentative and most of all, kept her role as moderator without becoming part of the debate! And without Wallace's schoolyard sheepish giggling every time he lost control. I hope Wallace learned something.
  2. Harris looked nervous and weak. At the beginning she kept coming back to trying to claim Trump "hid the truth" dramatically trying to claim the horror it brought to families! Then I thought about it and realized she was saying that Trump learned of the Covid threat late Feb. Announced it mid-March, two weeks later. During those two weeks no doubt everyone was scrambling to figure out what was going on and what to do about it and how to handle it! At that time in mid March, very few had the virus, the nearest case was at least 200 miles from me (I'm in a big city), and Harris was trying to make me belief this was the huge failing of Trump?
  3. Harris was the one who started interrupting rudely, just like Joe. Her constant smirk came off very bad.
  4. Pence did much better than I expected. He ate her lunch. He remained unfrazzled. Harris did much worse than I expected. Her arguments were hollow and forced. Pence was reassuring, steady, stable. Harris looked like a kook. Pence embarrassed her several times putting her on the spot, painting her in the corner.
Harris was out of her league. Pence was the chess-master. My only criticism of Pence is that several times when he went over the clock and Page told him, he kept going on too long and could have made his point and wrapped it up sooner. Both these people can see the clock.

All in all, this was the best performance by Pence I've ever seen. He was prepared for Harris. She looked like a schoolgirl out of her league and like she was trying to make political hay out of things which JUST DIDN'T STICK.

Trump was coming down with Covid last time and just wasn't himself. Pence dealt them a set back tonight. I look forward to Trump's next debate.
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That fly on Pence's head should be airlifted to Walter Reed.
Your such a loser. The best you have on Pence is that a fly landed on his head. Haha

Had Kamala kept her legs closed the flies would have stayed away

Wrong, flies are attracted to shit, in Pence's case Bullshit.

You should know about being attracted to shit.

You support Camel-A. Class D whore.
Pence speaks in complete sentences so he has that going for him over Trump. Harris still won even if it wasn’t a massacre.
"Harris still won." That's got to be one of the funniest things I've heard tonight.
Nobody said that......Pence bent her over and fucked the shit out of her
No one cares about your sexual fantasies about the backward Pilgrim zombie known as Mike Pence.
It's not mine, it's Claire McCaskill, the former D senator from Missouri

That perpetual, Karen-like smirk was a MASSIVE mistake for the struggling Biden campaign. Undecideds HATED it.
Seems to me when all you can talk about is a fly landing on one of the participants you have nothing of substance to talk about regarding your HO.
Pence speaks in complete sentences so he has that going for him over Trump. Harris still won even if it wasn’t a massacre.
"Harris still won." That's got to be one of the funniest things I've heard tonight.
Nobody said that......Pence bent her over and fucked the shit out of her
No one cares about your sexual fantasies about the backward Pilgrim zombie known as Mike Pence.
It's not mine, it's Claire McCaskill, the former D senator from Missouri

Well I’m sure you’re grateful she shared her porn with you.
I'm glad to see those pexiglass walls up. It's so comforting knowing this "horrible" virus will hit those and give up. It's also a great relief to know this virus only travels in a straight line. Oh, and I thought walls were racist or something like that. Yet Kamala insisted on having them.

Whatever happened to walls don't work? :SMILEW~130:

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