Waffle House shooting, at least 4 killed

An unarmed black man rushes and disarms a white man in a Waffle House that has already killed a number of people.

Conservative's brains across the land...

You bastards keep spewing the same lies. I hope to God you get your war!
Another day and another mass shooting. What happens regularly here is very rare where there is strong gun control.

Just like any other bed wetter's thread, this is bullshit.

Mass shootings happen daily in Mexico, with some of the world's strictest gun control you stupid, servile, ignorant piece of shit.

Mexico murder rate soars with 7,667 killed in 3 months

From your link:

The bloodshed follows a proliferation of gangs involved in drug trafficking, as well as stealing fuel, kidnappings, extortion and other criminal activities.

The shooting in Mexico are drug or gang related. The mass shooting in the US are random....for no reason.

No one is downplaying the crime is Mexico....but the easy access of guns in the US makes random shooting almost uneventful....unless the shooter is a Muslim or immigrant. Then it is terrorism and becomes a critical event.

How much you wanna bet the shooter was on an SSRI antidepressant?

They nearly all are.

But we shouldn’t talk about that, the left loves Big Pharma.

U pull that out of your ass? Yup....you RW nutcases do that a lot.

People who take antidepressants are '50% more likely to be convicted of assault' | Daily Mail Online

Wake up
It is quite clearly in reference to a militia.
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

It sure doesn't mention self defense....

If the 2nd amendment only pertains to a militia, why did the Supreme Court rule the DC handgun ban unconstitutional (and thus illegal) and cited the 2nd amendment as an individual right to keep and bear arms as the reason for their decision?


The Second Amendment protects an individual right to possess a firearm unconnected with service in a militia, and to use that arm for traditionally lawful purposes, such as self-defense within the home.
It is quite clearly in reference to a militia.
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

It sure doesn't mention self defense....

If the 2nd amendment only pertains to a militia, why did the Supreme Court rule the DC handgun ban unconstitutional (and thus illegal) and cited the 2nd amendment as an individual right to keep and bear arms?

These pos do nothing but lie repeatedly. There is no reason that will reach them. They will only understand one thing. When the war these bastards are begging for comes, they will understand that.
The Supreme Court of the USA ruled that the 2nd amendment does not pertain to ONLY those in a militia.

So it's over and done. The 2nd amendment is for the individual.

If "BRAIN" has an issue with that, they should take it up with the SCOTUS.
breaking news on cnn.

T-minus 5 minutes till gun nuts claim this is a phoney work.

His name is James Shaw.

And the man who saved lives was a black man a hero ........sorry republican racists

Also puts the lie to the notion that the ONLY thing that stops a bad guy with a gun, is a good guy with a gun.

It takes an enormous amount of bravery for an unarmed man to go after a shooter like that.

The bad thing is guys like this are so few and far between. I suggested the Pulse night club shooter could have been stopped by being rushed and got nothing but derision. The fact is it can be done, but it requires the proper mindset.

Most of that mindset is, screw it im probably going to die”.

Remember the good old days when clubs had heavy glass ashtrays on every table and real glasses instead of plastic cups. Imagine having a bunch of those thrown at you while trying to take aim. Of course that was back before we had a nation of pussy men.

Ok, got more of the info.

The FBI did take this kid's guns....then returned them to his dad. His dad then gave his son back several of the weapons, to include the AR-15. They live / lived in Illinois. The kid then went to Tennessee where he / they were legal. He then shot up the Waffle House.

GHow much trouble do you think the father is going to be in, gioving his son back the weapons, to include the murder weapon?

None, bad judgment is not a crime.

Ok, got more of the info.

The FBI did take this kid's guns....then returned them to his dad. His dad then gave his son back several of the weapons, to include the AR-15. They live / lived in Illinois. The kid then went to Tennessee where he / they were legal. He then shot up the Waffle House.

GHow much trouble do you think the father is going to be in, gioving his son back the weapons, to include the murder weapon?
Amazing what is happening to the youth of today ?? The root of these problems must be found, remedied, and solved quickly.

If liberalism/leftist culture has created this stuff, then it needs to be known or found out in order to change this stuff quickly. If conservatism is at fault, then that needs to be researched and solved as well.

It's called a lack of discipline and personal responsibility, it started about 50 years ago and has gotten steadily worse.

'Nashville mayor calls for gun reform after Waffle House shooting'

I could not agree more with the Nashville Mayor. Here are some suggestions for new Gun Legislation in Nashville:

New Regulation For ALL Restaurants, not JUST for the Waffle House:

Citizens caught carrying an AR-15 while being completely naked from the waist down in public will be arrested, their weapon confiscated, and they will be registered as a 'Sex Offender'.


When I was younger my momma told me that nothing good happens out in the city after midnight....looks momma is still right. :(

Nashville mayor calls for gun reform after Waffle House shooting
Damn Mexicans, Muslims & Blacks MUST BE STOPPED! :rolleyes-41:

Yes, a crazy white guy that would have killed far more people except a young black man wrested the gun away from him.

The gun jammed.....

What about all the crazy minorities in democrat controlled voting districts who have murdered the majority of 11,004 people...usually other minorities?

You don't care about those victims...right?
I care that liars with no sanity or conscience like you are, at present, preventing the control of the weapons that are used in most mass shootings.

Stop lying, hand guns are used in most mass shootings.

Ok, got more of the info.

The FBI did take this kid's guns....then returned them to his dad. His dad then gave his son back several of the weapons, to include the AR-15. They live / lived in Illinois. The kid then went to Tennessee where he / they were legal. He then shot up the Waffle House.

GHow much trouble do you think the father is going to be in, gioving his son back the weapons, to include the murder weapon?
Amazing what is happening to the youth of today ?? The root of these problems must be found, remedied, and solved quickly.

If liberalism/leftist culture has created this stuff, then it needs to be known or found out in order to change this stuff quickly. If conservatism is at fault, then that needs to be researched and solved as well.

It's called a lack of discipline and personal responsibility, it started about 50 years ago and has gotten steadily worse.


What about parental responsibility?

The kid is from Illinois...what was he doing in a restricted area at / near the WH?

After being arrested by the Secret Service, what was the parents' response?

After their home was raided and 5 weapons were confiscated from the kid, was this a surprise to the parents/? What did they do...besides give the kid back his AR-15?

Legally, since his dad gave him back the murder weapon, I am sure he can be partially held accountable for doing so. Wonder if anyone will sue the father / parents?
Ok, got more of the info.

The FBI did take this kid's guns....then returned them to his dad. His dad then gave his son back several of the weapons, to include the AR-15. They live / lived in Illinois. The kid then went to Tennessee where he / they were legal. He then shot up the Waffle House.

GHow much trouble do you think the father is going to be in, gioving his son back the weapons, to include the murder weapon?
Amazing what is happening to the youth of today ?? The root of these problems must be found, remedied, and solved quickly.

If liberalism/leftist culture has created this stuff, then it needs to be known or found out in order to change this stuff quickly. If conservatism is at fault, then that needs to be researched and solved as well.

It's called a lack of discipline and personal responsibility, it started about 50 years ago and has gotten steadily worse.


What about parental responsibility?

The kid is from Illinois...what was he doing in a restricted area at / near the WH?

After being arrested by the Secret Service, what was the parents' response?

After their home was raided and 5 weapons were confiscated from the kid, was this a surprise to the parents/? What did they do...besides give the kid back his AR-15?

Legally, since his dad gave him back the murder weapon, I am sure he can be partially held accountable for doing so. Wonder if anyone will sue the father / parents?

First thing you need to realize is this was no kid. He was in his late 20s when he went to the WH, saying he wanted to talk to Trump.

Second, no charges were filed so the guy had a clean record and was not a federally prohibited person.

IL took away his unconstitutional IL firearms ownership card, his dad was a valid card holder so they gave the weapons to him with the assurance he would not allow him to have access while he lived in IL.

The guy moved to TN where they don't have the commie policies IL has. The father returned the guys guns legally. You can question the fathers judgment, but bad judgment isn't a crime.

He was in his late 20s when he went to the WH, saying he wanted to talk to Trump.
Yeah, this guy who would later shoot up a Waffle House, killing several people, while necked from the waist down, was ILLEGALLY in a restricted area at the WH....

Such a nice kid, no threat.....

Second, no charges were filed so the guy had a clean record and was not a federally prohibited person.

Mistakes are certainly made people regret or second guess later....

IL took away his unconstitutional IL firearms ownership card, his dad was a valid card holder so they gave the weapons to him with the assurance he would not allow him to have access while he lived in IL.

I think you mean his Constitutional Rights were violated. Mental illness and how to deal with it is a serious problem and puzzle. He was obviously a little disturbed. 'Dropping trou', going 'commando solo', and shooting up a waffle House - killing several people - ain't normal / right in the head....
His name is James Shaw.

And the man who saved lives was a black man a hero ........sorry republican racists

Also puts the lie to the notion that the ONLY thing that stops a bad guy with a gun, is a good guy with a gun.

It takes an enormous amount of bravery for an unarmed man to go after a shooter like that.

The bad thing is guys like this are so few and far between. I suggested the Pulse night club shooter could have been stopped by being rushed and got nothing but derision. The fact is it can be done, but it requires the proper mindset.

Most of that mindset is, screw it im probably going to die”.

Remember the good old days when clubs had heavy glass ashtrays on every table and real glasses instead of plastic cups. Imagine having a bunch of those thrown at you while trying to take aim. Of course that was back before we had a nation of pussy men.

He was in his late 20s when he went to the WH, saying he wanted to talk to Trump.
Yeah, this guy who would later shoot up a Waffle House, killing several people, while necked from the waist down, was ILLEGALLY in a restricted area at the WH....

Such a nice kid, no threat.....

Second, no charges were filed so the guy had a clean record and was not a federally prohibited person.

Mistakes are certainly made people regret or second guess later....

IL took away his unconstitutional IL firearms ownership card, his dad was a valid card holder so they gave the weapons to him with the assurance he would not allow him to have access while he lived in IL.

I think you mean his Constitutional Rights were violated. Mental illness and how to deal with it is a serious problem and puzzle. He was obviously a little disturbed. 'Dropping trou', going 'commando solo', and shooting up a waffle House - killing several people - ain't normal / right in the head....

Yep, hindsight is always 20/20, if only we were all fortune tellers.

You know, instead of arguing about race why don't you guys actually discuss something that is pertinent to this event?

One of the things that disturbs me about this is that he got enough attention from the police that they took away his guns.

A while later, authorities gave the guns back to the shooter's father, who then gave the guns to the shooter.

So much for gun regulations being followed.
You got a link? Not that I don't believe you, but I haven't seen any details at all.

Here ya go.......................

Tennessee Waffle House shooting suspect may be armed, police say - CNN

Suspect was once arrested near White House
In July 2017, the United States Secret Service arrested Reinking for being in a restricted area near the White House in Washington, police said.
Authorities in Tazewell County, Illinois, and the FBI interviewed Reinking, Aaron said. At the FBI's request, Reinking's Illinois firearms authorization was revoked, and four weapons -- including the AR-15 used in the Sunday's shooting -- were seized, Aaron said.
Tazwell County authorities later returned the guns to Reinking's father, who acknowledged giving them back to his son, Aaron said.

That is why we need a Federal background check!

Thanks for that.
You know, instead of arguing about race why don't you guys actually discuss something that is pertinent to this event?

One of the things that disturbs me about this is that he got enough attention from the police that they took away his guns.

A while later, authorities gave the guns back to the shooter's father, who then gave the guns to the shooter.

So much for gun regulations being followed.

No laws were broken. The shooter had his IL gun ownership card revoked, there were no charges ever filed in relation to that. When they guy left the State he had every right to get his guns back. TN, not being a commie State like IL, doesn't require a license to just own a firearm.


So, you believe that it was right for the police to return his guns to him, even though he had already been in trouble?

He was never charged, so he was never a prohibited person. Rights can only be taken away through due process. The guys fathers judgment could be questioned, but bad judgment isn't illegal either.


His judgement should be questioned! Aiding and abetting?
A 29-year-old guy, naked, starts shooting through the windows from the parking lot at 3:30 in the morning and the discussion is about his GUN?

The guy had been arrested by the Secret Service for having four guns in a restricted area near the White House in July 2017 and the discussion is about his GUN?

The guns confiscated at his arrest were returned to his father, who returned the guns to the shooter and the discussion is about his GUN?

He had complained previously to police that voices were screaming at him and that he was being stalked by singer Tailor Swift and the discussion is about his GUN?

Come on anti-gun nuts, at least make some effort to at least appear sincere!
Good point! The GUN played no role in this shooting and neither did Taylor Swift. Are you really that stupid?

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