Wage Strikes Planned at Fast-Food Outlets

slave wages... that's an oxymoron.

They can protest all they want, but when you can hire a 16 year old to do virtually the same job and they do it better, you probably shouldnt be complaining. Instead, you should better yourself and get to the point where you are able to do more good and create more value and then you can recieve it.

I think you're expecting too much.
Sad how the right supports using the government to help people fucked over by these corporations. Increasing minimum wage = less welfare.

Not necessarily. What happens when you increase minimum wage and companies lay off 1 out of every two employees and force the 1 guy to take on the work of two for the pay increase?

The guy who gets laid off certainly will be needing some welfare...

Then Australia and western Europe's McD's should be an epic fail by your logic, right?

I already kicked you in your ovaries over this shit once. Don't make me do it again.

Fucking idiot, can we please stay in this Country?

I know a place in the Andromeda Galaxy that.....

The rich owners should pay better voluntarily then but that won't happen. Who cares about the little man,the ones actually selling the rich people's chinese made crap. The government needs to get involved a lot more. Stop letting them take jobs overseas that then allows them to get stuff made cheaply and then sell it here cheaply and pay their workers shit wages. Force them to only sell American made stuff and then those workers can get better jobs paying better wages. Capitalism is for the rich and by the rich.

When you set up one of these businesses yourself and paid those high wages for a year or two, what happened?

What? You didn't?

So all your ravings here are just wishful thinking with no experience or connection to reality?
National Socialism....worked wonders...should try it.


You cared enough to comment...sad when those not affected by it don't give a shit...sick society we live in.You do realize by them not getting livable wages they get on welfare that is paid for by you so...why wouldn't you want the employers to pay higher wages? Makes sense.

Because the far right wants to go back to the gilded age where most are poor and there's a few super rich. Think of Mexico.
You cared enough to comment...sad when those not affected by it don't give a shit...sick society we live in.You do realize by them not getting livable wages they get on welfare that is paid for by you so...why wouldn't you want the employers to pay higher wages? Makes sense.

How McDonald's and Wal-Mart Became Welfare Queens
By Barry Ritholtz Nov 13, 2013 9:23 AM ET

"... As it turns out, McDonald's has a “McResource” line that helps employees and their families enroll in various state and local assistance programs."""

"""Why are profitable, dividend-paying firms receiving taxpayer subsidies? The short answer is, because they can."""

How McDonald's and Wal-Mart Became Welfare Queens - Bloomberg

Look.... You stupid....

McDonalds is a Corporation.

McDonalds restaurants are independently owned franchises. By regular guys and regular girls.

Most of them are just small businessmen trying to get by in this world. I seriously doubt many of them are Subchapter C Corporations.

Sub S corporations don't pay dividends.

You people are just fucking stupid

Ohhh looks like she touched a nerve eh kiddo? Tsk Tsk. So mean when someone smacks you in the face with reality.
I dont have a problem with people asking for hire wages either. My problem comes when they try to force them to.

The rich owners should pay better voluntarily then but that won't happen. Who cares about the little man,the ones actually selling the rich people's chinese made crap. The government needs to get involved a lot more. Stop letting them take jobs overseas that then allows them to get stuff made cheaply and then sell it here cheaply and pay their workers shit wages. Force them to only sell American made stuff and then those workers can get better jobs paying better wages. Capitalism is for the rich and by the rich.

So your only solution is violence?

The Free market is just the natural law of economics. People recognize they can do more together than they could apart so they voluntarily trade goods and services to get the things they want and need. This is a voluntary basis. People are free to buy or not buy whatever they want or dont want.

Wouldn't you be far more likely to get people higher wages by increasing their value to those who employ them creating a reason to increase their wages rather than threatening them with violence?
No one is going to touch the post I made about how Australian McD's pay $15 (USD) per hour and have higher profits than domestic McD's.

Just start saying the protestors today are sent in on buses and paid to be there.

Yeah, right.

"Again, take Australia. According to the The Economist, Aussies have paid anywhere from 6 cents to 70 cents extra for their Big Macs compared to Americans over the past two years, a 1 percent to 17 percent premium.

If you were to simply double the cost of labor at your average U.S. Mickey D's and tack it onto the price of a sandwich, you'd expect customers to be paying at least a dollar more."""

I'd gladly pay a buck more for a Big Mac to get thousands of workers off welfare.

NYC's MAYOR McNANNY and his liberal ilk will soon enough outlaw such junk food anyway and they will not give a flying fuck about the lost jobs for those menial laborers.

Until then, YOU might be willing to pay a buck more per beefy McSlime Burger, but the guys who run McDonalds on behalf of its shareholders (i.e., those with a fiduciary duty to use sound business judgment) probably don't share your "business" vision.

McDonalds would lose massive numbers of customers mighty damn fast to Burger King if McDonalds had to jack up the cost per burger significantly compared to the King.

So, let's be honest about what you and those "workers" really seek. It's called GOVERNMENT intervention in the form of a new minimum wage. It's "redistribution of wealth" and you know it, even if you and they will never admit it.
Not necessarily. What happens when you increase minimum wage and companies lay off 1 out of every two employees and force the 1 guy to take on the work of two for the pay increase?

The guy who gets laid off certainly will be needing some welfare...

Then Australia and western Europe's McD's should be an epic fail by your logic, right?

I already kicked you in your ovaries over this shit once. Don't make me do it again.

Fucking idiot, can we please stay in this Country?

I know a place in the Andromeda Galaxy that.....


Can't refute the hard evidence, can you? I doubt you made it past the headline.

I always make the headline font bigger and bolder for idiots like you. Sort of like flash cards for the semi-illiterate.
No one is going to touch the post I made about how Australian McD's pay $15 (USD) per hour and have higher profits than domestic McD's.

Just start saying the protestors today are sent in on buses and paid to be there.

Yeah, right.

"Again, take Australia. According to the The Economist, Aussies have paid anywhere from 6 cents to 70 cents extra for their Big Macs compared to Americans over the past two years, a 1 percent to 17 percent premium.

If you were to simply double the cost of labor at your average U.S. Mickey D's and tack it onto the price of a sandwich, you'd expect customers to be paying at least a dollar more."""

I'd gladly pay a buck more for a Big Mac to get thousands of workers off welfare.

NYC's MAYOR McNANNY and his liberal ilk will soon enough outlaw such junk food anyway and they will not give a flying fuck about the lost jobs for those menial laborers.

Until then, YOU might be willing to pay a buck more per beefy McSlime Burger, but the guys who run McDonalds on behalf of its shareholders (i.e., those with a fiduciary duty to use sound business judgment) probably don't share your "business" vision.

McDonalds would lose massive numbers of customers mighty damn fast to Burger King if McDonalds had to jack up the cost per burger significantly compared to the King.

So, let's be honest about what you and those "workers" really seek. It's called GOVERNMENT intervention in the form of a new minimum wage. It's "redistribution of wealth" and you know it, even if you and they will never admit it.

That's called pure conjecture.

And you still wont' touch the hard data provided about Australia and western Europe franchises....because you can't handle facts.
I dont have a problem with people asking for hire wages either. My problem comes when they try to force them to.

The rich owners should pay better voluntarily then but that won't happen. Who cares about the little man,the ones actually selling the rich people's chinese made crap. The government needs to get involved a lot more. Stop letting them take jobs overseas that then allows them to get stuff made cheaply and then sell it here cheaply and pay their workers shit wages. Force them to only sell American made stuff and then those workers can get better jobs paying better wages. Capitalism is for the rich and by the rich.

So your only solution is violence?

The Free market is just the natural law of economics. People recognize they can do more together than they could apart so they voluntarily trade goods and services to get the things they want and need. This is a voluntary basis. People are free to buy or not buy whatever they want or dont want.

Wouldn't you be far more likely to get people higher wages by increasing their value to those who employ them creating a reason to increase their wages rather than threatening them with violence?

Violence solves problems. Especially with those who think they are above the rest of us.
The rich owners should pay better voluntarily then but that won't happen. Who cares about the little man,the ones actually selling the rich people's chinese made crap. The government needs to get involved a lot more. Stop letting them take jobs overseas that then allows them to get stuff made cheaply and then sell it here cheaply and pay their workers shit wages. Force them to only sell American made stuff and then those workers can get better jobs paying better wages. Capitalism is for the rich and by the rich.

When you set up one of these businesses yourself and paid those high wages for a year or two, what happened?

What? You didn't?

So all your ravings here are just wishful thinking with no experience or connection to reality?
National Socialism....worked wonders...should try it.

How McDonald's and Wal-Mart Became Welfare Queens
By Barry Ritholtz Nov 13, 2013 9:23 AM ET

"... As it turns out, McDonald's has a “McResource” line that helps employees and their families enroll in various state and local assistance programs."""

"""Why are profitable, dividend-paying firms receiving taxpayer subsidies? The short answer is, because they can."""

How McDonald's and Wal-Mart Became Welfare Queens - Bloomberg

Look.... You stupid....

McDonalds is a Corporation.

McDonalds restaurants are independently owned franchises. By regular guys and regular girls.

Most of them are just small businessmen trying to get by in this world. I seriously doubt many of them are Subchapter C Corporations.

Sub S corporations don't pay dividends.

You people are just fucking stupid

Ohhh looks like she touched a nerve eh kiddo? Tsk Tsk. So mean when someone smacks you in the face with reality.

Indeed. And given the fact that that nerve is deeply embedded beneath layers of adipose tissue deposited there from too many visits to McDonald's, that was no easy feat.
The rich owners should pay better voluntarily then but that won't happen. Who cares about the little man,the ones actually selling the rich people's chinese made crap. The government needs to get involved a lot more. Stop letting them take jobs overseas that then allows them to get stuff made cheaply and then sell it here cheaply and pay their workers shit wages. Force them to only sell American made stuff and then those workers can get better jobs paying better wages. Capitalism is for the rich and by the rich.

So your only solution is violence?

The Free market is just the natural law of economics. People recognize they can do more together than they could apart so they voluntarily trade goods and services to get the things they want and need. This is a voluntary basis. People are free to buy or not buy whatever they want or dont want.

Wouldn't you be far more likely to get people higher wages by increasing their value to those who employ them creating a reason to increase their wages rather than threatening them with violence?

Violence solves problems. Especially with those who think they are above the rest of us.

So with people like yourself.
Ame®icano;8250567 said:
slave wages... that's an oxymoron.

They can protest all they want, but when you can hire a 16 year old to do virtually the same job and they do it better, you probably shouldnt be complaining. Instead, you should better yourself and get to the point where you are able to do more good and create more value and then you can recieve it.

I think you're expecting too much.

And I think my expectations are at a minimum.
I didn't go to College. But I hired several College Graduates. Not me as a manager, I'm talking me as owner.

Even sold my business to one when I retired.

You don't need College to be successful in this Country. In fact, for some people, College is a hindrance.

Too many College kids just go to College in order to qualify for a position that requires a degree but never uses it.

Like School Teacher. Somebody wanna tell me why you need a BA to teach 3rd Grade Arithmetic?

To this day, all you need is a strong work ethic and you can succeed.

dimocrap scum don't understand this.

Not saying College isn't a good thing for an awful lot of people but for a lot of other people, it's a waste of time.

I didn't go because, when I came back from the War, I didn't fit in. I tried it for a little while, but I didn't fit in.

I had one Prof telling us how wonderful and beautiful India was. I was there. I was in India. I saw the filth, the beggars, the dead newborns in the trash cans. It's better now, but only after throwing off the yoke of socialism.... Mostly

I decided not to waste my time.

In this Country, a work ethic is all you need

That is so cute....and 2nd gradish

the truth really scares you, doesn't it? The truth that someone can make a success of themself without nanny govt help.

people like you are the real problem in this country, please move to north korea where they have the kind of govt you desire.

Yes the truth has me shaking in my boots. Of course someone can make it without govt. In fact your education is so great that you thought I said something about not making it without govt help.

People like you...the uneducated...reactionaries are the problem with this country.

Guarantee that Edge is over 50. The fact is that MOST JOBS REQUIRE you to have a degree. He's talking about how it USED to be
BTW, you know that most of these so-called "strikes" are just staged events, where people who don't even work there, are paid by SEIU union thugs to show up and "protest", don't you?


It looks like astroturfing is alive and well in the Democrat party and their hard-left handlers.

You've heard about the so-called "fast-food strikes" that keep popping up. Another was this week. Their publicists have been trying to pretend they are "grassroots" movements - people who are simply upset, and who take to the streets to protest.

Not even close, it turns out. SEIU (the Service Employees International Union) has been actively starting these protests and organizing them. And, when they couldn't find enough people who thought they were worth paying attention to, SEIU has been paying strangers to come in, act like "employees" of the business being struck, and carry signs in "protest".

Democrats and other hard-left fanatics have been trying to legislate against the will of the people for quite some time now. It's really no surprise that they are faking "concern" over various employers who only pay what the employees' labor is worth, and staging fake "protests" and "strikes" to try to pretend they have some sort of backing from normal people.

Looks like they are still at it.

Is there no form of fakery and lying these people won't stoop to, to pretend they have a legitimate grievance?


Fast-food protests really front for guess who

Fast-food protests really front for guess who

Claims to be 'movement of workers' seeking higher wages

by Aaron Klein
Published: 2 days ago

Fast Food Forward, the group organizing the fast-food strikes set for New York City tomorrow, bills itself as a “movement of NYC fast food workers to raise wages and gain rights at work.” However, WND has found the group is actually a front for the progressive SEIU labor union and is led by paid professionals from the union as well as from the latest incarnation of the controversial ACORN group.

While it has been highly publicized that SEIU – Service Employees International Union – backs the fast-food protests, the new revelation shows its paid employees are actually leading and organizing a major component of the movement.

Besides directing the New York contingent, Fast Food Forward has been instrumental in fueling the protests scheduled nationwide.

Fast Food Forward’s president and lead organizer is activist Kendall Fells. He has been widely quoted by news media as simply organizing for the fast-food group.

USA Today, for example, reported: “Kendall Fells, a New York City-based organizer for Fast Food Forward, said demonstrations are planned for 100 cities, in addition to the 100 cities where workers will strike.” The New York Times labeled Fells only as one of Fast Food Forward’s main organizers. UPI similarly reported Fells is “one of the organizers of Thursday’s strikes.”

Fells, however, is more than just a Fast Food Forward organizer. He has been a paid SEIU organizer since at least 2007.

In 2007, Fells took in $73,129 as an SEIU organizer.
In 2008, his SEIU salary increased to $95,913. In 2009, Fells made $100,071 from his SEIU efforts. He made a similar salary in 2010.
In 2011, Fells’ SEIU salary jumped to $120,151. Last year, he took in $111,000 as a New York City coordinator for the SEIU.

Meanwhile, Fast Food Forward’s secretary-treasurer is activist Kevin Doyle. WND found Doyle has been employed by the SEIU since 2009. He is currently executive vice president of SEIU Local 32BJ.

Fast Food Forward’s vice president is Jonathan Westin. It turns out Westin doubles as organizing director for New York Communities for Change, the reincarnation of ACORN.
Some people have children or incapable of advancing further. These are the first that you'd like seeing suffer.

The billionaire doesn't worry and wouldn't worry if they had to pay 1,000 dollars more to their employees.
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No one is going to touch the post I made about how Australian McD's pay $15 (USD) per hour and have higher profits than domestic McD's.

Just start saying the protestors today are sent in on buses and paid to be there.

Yeah, right.

"Again, take Australia. According to the The Economist, Aussies have paid anywhere from 6 cents to 70 cents extra for their Big Macs compared to Americans over the past two years, a 1 percent to 17 percent premium.

If you were to simply double the cost of labor at your average U.S. Mickey D's and tack it onto the price of a sandwich, you'd expect customers to be paying at least a dollar more."""

I'd gladly pay a buck more for a Big Mac to get thousands of workers off welfare.

NYC's MAYOR McNANNY and his liberal ilk will soon enough outlaw such junk food anyway and they will not give a flying fuck about the lost jobs for those menial laborers.

Until then, YOU might be willing to pay a buck more per beefy McSlime Burger, but the guys who run McDonalds on behalf of its shareholders (i.e., those with a fiduciary duty to use sound business judgment) probably don't share your "business" vision.

McDonalds would lose massive numbers of customers mighty damn fast to Burger King if McDonalds had to jack up the cost per burger significantly compared to the King.

So, let's be honest about what you and those "workers" really seek. It's called GOVERNMENT intervention in the form of a new minimum wage. It's "redistribution of wealth" and you know it, even if you and they will never admit it.

That's called pure conjecture.

And you still wont' touch the hard data provided about Australia and western Europe franchises....because you can't handle facts.

Wrong. It's called "obvious" and it's called "business judgment."

It probably seems like magic to a twit like you that the cost for burgers at dumps like McDonalds and Burger King are -- competitive.

It doesn't take much intelligence (i.e., therefore you are in over your head) to recognize that if McDonalds must pay twice as much to its employees, the cost per burger is going to have to go up. Unless Burger King is forced into that same wage box, they will NOT have to jack up their price per burger. Customers WILL ultimately be lost by McDonalds because of that.

You have my permission to blithely and stupidly deny reality. But reality doesn't change just because YOU are too foolish to admit it.

Now, if the GUBMINT compels an across the board increase in the minimum wage, which is plainly what YOU seek, then Burger King will get no advantage over McDonalds on THAT basis. But you can bet your stupid ignorant ass that jobs WILL get lost.

As for your "Australia" piece, rest assured, I didn't read your wall of words. I might peruse it later. I wonder if even YOU read it and understood it though. Why not provide a simple abstract of what you imagine it says. Why not provide a simple declarative sentence or two to summarize it? Go!
All of these far left idiots do not understand economics and must have failed math all the way through school.

Every time minimum wages go up the cost of living goes up. Otherwise we would still see $1.00/gallon gas be able to buy bread 2 for $1.00, etc. But the far left wants the income gap to grow not shrink.
$15 bucks an hour? Trickle up poor. Why do liberals always think they will get ahead and every thing would everything would cost the same?
McDonald's et al. problem is that the franchise owners didn't stick to the Walmart business model and hire under-educated, illiterate people. They hired educated people in their towns who lost their good paying middle class jobs a few years ago when "Wall Street got drunk" (George W. Bush, 2008) and the economy crashed.

These educated people have gotten stuck in these jobs because the economy is stuck.

These same educated employees have enlightened their fellow less-educated workers and I would bet most of them are very aware of the Australian/western European model and used that as a teaching tool to get these people into the streets.

God bless them, I hope they win the war because this is just the first battle and they will most likely be fired for exercising their 1st Amendment rights.
The growing gap as a percentage between executive pay and employee pay is because nobody works hard any more.

Yea, right.

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