Wage Strikes Planned at Fast-Food Outlets

By that logic, cows are paid, too.

Yes, they are.

No. They aren't. That's not a definition. It's a daffynition. When you speak honestly you will admit that it is ridiculous to even CLAIM that cows get paid.

But of course, being provided food and lodging is not really the same as getting paid.

But actually it is. When a slave was "bad" (so to speak, of course) and didn't do his or her job, he/she would be whipped/forced to sleep outside/starved, etc. There was a reward for doing the job - which was housing, food, water, and safety.A "payment" is nothing more than an incentive to work.

Those are all forms of "payment".

No. They were not forms of payment. Those things to which you point were mere tools to keep property functioning. If you oil your engine, you aren't paying it. If you give it gasoline, you aren't paying it. If you put your car in a garage at night, you aren't providing it housing or payment.

If you store your grain in a silo, you aren't paying your grain, either.

The thing about slaves is: they didn't GET paid.

Obviously, I get your point. It's a stretch to say that cows "get paid", lol.

But... did slaves have incentives to do the job and not f'ck up? What do you call those incentives?
Or. Just pay them better wages. So much easier and you get to keep your workers.

Gimme gimme gimme.. I don't want to do anything more to get more.. just gimme

You and your fucking ilk are disgusting

Hmmmm....Facts and hard data just FASCINATE me:

The Magical World Where McDonald's Pays $15 an Hour?
It's Australia

Even in countries with a high minimum wage, the golden arches manage to turn a profit. Here's how.

The land down under is, of course, not the only high-wage country in the world where McDonald's does lucrative business. The company actually earns more revenue out of Europe than than it does from the United States. France, with its roughly $12.00 hourly minimum, has more than 1,200 locations. (Australia has about 900).


According to the The Economist, Aussies have paid anywhere from 6 cents to 70 cents extra for their Big Macs compared to Americans over the past two years, a 1 percent to 17 percent premium. If you were to simply double the cost of labor at your average U.S. Mickey D's and tack it onto the price of a sandwich, you'd expect customers to be paying at least a dollar more.

The Magical World Where McDonald's Pays $15 an Hour? It's Australia - Jordan Weissmann - The Atlantic
I dont have a problem with people asking for hire wages either. My problem comes when they try to force them to.

So you'd be against a top salesman going to his/her district manager and demanding a raise at the threat of quitting? I'm definitely not.

It's up to McDonald's to decide what their employees (and public image) is worth to them and will act accordingly.

See, here is the key. Now those that deserve the raises get them. Being forced to raise all, noone will get raises thereafter-even if they deserve it because the price of the product overall has now gone up, along with more taxes to be paid. .
BTW, you know that most of these so-called "strikes" are just staged events, where people who don't even work there, are paid by SEIU union thugs to show up and "protest", don't you?


It looks like astroturfing is alive and well in the Democrat party and their hard-left handlers.

You've heard about the so-called "fast-food strikes" that keep popping up. Another was this week. Their publicists have been trying to pretend they are "grassroots" movements - people who are simply upset, and who take to the streets to protest.

Not even close, it turns out. SEIU (the Service Employees International Union) has been actively starting these protests and organizing them. And, when they couldn't find enough people who thought they were worth paying attention to, SEIU has been paying strangers to come in, act like "employees" of the business being struck, and carry signs in "protest".

Democrats and other hard-left fanatics have been trying to legislate against the will of the people for quite some time now. It's really no surprise that they are faking "concern" over various employers who only pay what the employees' labor is worth, and staging fake "protests" and "strikes" to try to pretend they have some sort of backing from normal people.

Looks like they are still at it.

Is there no form of fakery and lying these people won't stoop to, to pretend they have a legitimate grievance?


Fast-food protests really front for guess who

Fast-food protests really front for guess who

Claims to be 'movement of workers' seeking higher wages

by Aaron Klein
Published: 2 days ago

Fast Food Forward, the group organizing the fast-food strikes set for New York City tomorrow, bills itself as a “movement of NYC fast food workers to raise wages and gain rights at work.” However, WND has found the group is actually a front for the progressive SEIU labor union and is led by paid professionals from the union as well as from the latest incarnation of the controversial ACORN group.

While it has been highly publicized that SEIU – Service Employees International Union – backs the fast-food protests, the new revelation shows its paid employees are actually leading and organizing a major component of the movement.

Besides directing the New York contingent, Fast Food Forward has been instrumental in fueling the protests scheduled nationwide.

Fast Food Forward’s president and lead organizer is activist Kendall Fells. He has been widely quoted by news media as simply organizing for the fast-food group.

USA Today, for example, reported: “Kendall Fells, a New York City-based organizer for Fast Food Forward, said demonstrations are planned for 100 cities, in addition to the 100 cities where workers will strike.” The New York Times labeled Fells only as one of Fast Food Forward’s main organizers. UPI similarly reported Fells is “one of the organizers of Thursday’s strikes.”

Fells, however, is more than just a Fast Food Forward organizer. He has been a paid SEIU organizer since at least 2007.

In 2007, Fells took in $73,129 as an SEIU organizer.
In 2008, his SEIU salary increased to $95,913. In 2009, Fells made $100,071 from his SEIU efforts. He made a similar salary in 2010.
In 2011, Fells’ SEIU salary jumped to $120,151. Last year, he took in $111,000 as a New York City coordinator for the SEIU.

Meanwhile, Fast Food Forward’s secretary-treasurer is activist Kevin Doyle. WND found Doyle has been employed by the SEIU since 2009. He is currently executive vice president of SEIU Local 32BJ.

Fast Food Forward’s vice president is Jonathan Westin. It turns out Westin doubles as organizing director for New York Communities for Change, the reincarnation of ACORN.
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I dont have a problem with people asking for hire wages either. My problem comes when they try to force them to.

So you'd be against a top salesman going to his/her district manager and demanding a raise at the threat of quitting? I'm definitely not.

It's up to McDonald's to decide what their employees (and public image) is worth to them and will act accordingly.

Commissioned Salesmen make their own pay-raises :eusa_eh:

And again, obviously if an employee is going to demand a higher wage they will need to generate good reasons to pay the higher wage or they're out of luck.

The tactic that the fast food employees are using is brilliant. A single employee is easily replaceable, however a huge group of employees not so much and could seriously screw up operations if they were to strike/quit. Large groups create leverage in the negotiations.

Also, they now have the public's eye on the situation. Not only does McDonald's have to face a large number of employees not working from saying "no" to a raise, they also have to face public scrutiny which could hurt business as well.

Again, these are all common sense tactics that the fast food employees are using, and don't realize why people are so pissed about it. They have a right to strike if they want to, and McDonald's reserves the right to fire them if they think it's the best course of action.

You cared enough to comment...sad when those not affected by it don't give a shit...sick society we live in.You do realize by them not getting livable wages they get on welfare that is paid for by you so...why wouldn't you want the employers to pay higher wages? Makes sense.

Because the far right wants to go back to the gilded age where most are poor and there's a few super rich. Think of Mexico.

You cared enough to comment...sad when those not affected by it don't give a shit...sick society we live in.You do realize by them not getting livable wages they get on welfare that is paid for by you so...why wouldn't you want the employers to pay higher wages? Makes sense.

How McDonald's and Wal-Mart Became Welfare Queens
By Barry Ritholtz Nov 13, 2013 9:23 AM ET

"... As it turns out, McDonald's has a “McResource” line that helps employees and their families enroll in various state and local assistance programs."""

"""Why are profitable, dividend-paying firms receiving taxpayer subsidies? The short answer is, because they can."""

How McDonald's and Wal-Mart Became Welfare Queens - Bloomberg
Yes, they are.

No. They aren't. That's not a definition. It's a daffynition. When you speak honestly you will admit that it is ridiculous to even CLAIM that cows get paid.

But actually it is. When a slave was "bad" (so to speak, of course) and didn't do his or her job, he/she would be whipped/forced to sleep outside/starved, etc. There was a reward for doing the job - which was housing, food, water, and safety.A "payment" is nothing more than an incentive to work.

Those are all forms of "payment".

No. They were not forms of payment. Those things to which you point were mere tools to keep property functioning. If you oil your engine, you aren't paying it. If you give it gasoline, you aren't paying it. If you put your car in a garage at night, you aren't providing it housing or payment.

If you store your grain in a silo, you aren't paying your grain, either.

The thing about slaves is: they didn't GET paid.

Obviously, I get your point. It's a stretch to say that cows "get paid", lol.

But... did slaves have incentives to do the job and not f'ck up? What do you call those incentives?

I wouldn't call them incentives, first of all.

They were "punishment." In a highly immoral setting, punishment was often inflicted to get the unpaid slaves to perform (more) work.

They STILL weren't paid. They were provided subsistence and they were victimized.

Now, if you want to debate whether or not McDonalds should be providing a different and better system of pay to its employees, I think such a discussion is fine. But to make the argument in the guise of "slave wages" is to start off with a pathetic and dishonest fallacy.

And if McDonalds should pay better for some non-beginner employees, that is a matter of business judgment and maybe collective bargaining. It is not a matter involving a general increase of government imposed "minimum" hourly wage. THAT is a very much separate debate.

You cared enough to comment...sad when those not affected by it don't give a shit...sick society we live in.You do realize by them not getting livable wages they get on welfare that is paid for by you so...why wouldn't you want the employers to pay higher wages? Makes sense.

How McDonald's and Wal-Mart Became Welfare Queens
By Barry Ritholtz Nov 13, 2013 9:23 AM ET

"... As it turns out, McDonald's has a “McResource” line that helps employees and their families enroll in various state and local assistance programs."""

"""Why are profitable, dividend-paying firms receiving taxpayer subsidies? The short answer is, because they can."""

How McDonald's and Wal-Mart Became Welfare Queens - Bloomberg

Sad how the right supports using the government to help people fucked over by these corporations. Increasing minimum wage = less welfare.
I dont have a problem with people asking for hire wages either. My problem comes when they try to force them to.

So you'd be against a top salesman going to his/her district manager and demanding a raise at the threat of quitting? I'm definitely not.

It's up to McDonald's to decide what their employees (and public image) is worth to them and will act accordingly.

See, here is the key. Now those that deserve the raises get them. Being forced to raise all, noone will get raises thereafter-even if they deserve it because the price of the product overall has now gone up, along with more taxes to be paid. .

No, it's not the case that people who deserve higher wages will receive a higher wage. Companies don't always proactively look to give out raises, most of the time an employee must ask or demand a raise before anything changes.

These fast food people are simply doing what millions have done in the past throughout history - demand a raise (or else).
I dont have a problem with people asking for hire wages either. My problem comes when they try to force them to.

So you'd be against a top salesman going to his/her district manager and demanding a raise at the threat of quitting? I'm definitely not.

It's up to McDonald's to decide what their employees (and public image) is worth to them and will act accordingly.

I don't see the thread of quiting as a use of force. Im talking about violence, attempts to shut down the business, etc.

I dont think leaving the employment of someone is use of force.
Sad how the right supports using the government to help people fucked over by these corporations. Increasing minimum wage = less welfare.

Not necessarily. What happens when you increase minimum wage and companies lay off 1 out of every two employees and force the 1 guy to take on the work of two for the pay increase?

The guy who gets laid off certainly will be needing some welfare...
No one is going to touch the post I made about how Australian McD's pay $15 (USD) per hour and have higher profits than domestic McD's.

Just start saying the protesters today are sent in on buses and paid to be there because the right continually fails to dig below the surface and LEARN.

"Again, take Australia. According to the The Economist, Aussies have paid anywhere from 6 cents to 70 cents extra for their Big Macs compared to Americans over the past two years, a 1 percent to 17 percent premium.

If you were to simply double the cost of labor at your average U.S. Mickey D's and tack it onto the price of a sandwich, you'd expect customers to be paying at least a dollar more."""

I'd gladly pay a buck more for a Big Mac to get thousands of workers off welfare.
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You cared enough to comment...sad when those not affected by it don't give a shit...sick society we live in.You do realize by them not getting livable wages they get on welfare that is paid for by you so...why wouldn't you want the employers to pay higher wages? Makes sense.

How McDonald's and Wal-Mart Became Welfare Queens
By Barry Ritholtz Nov 13, 2013 9:23 AM ET

"... As it turns out, McDonald's has a “McResource” line that helps employees and their families enroll in various state and local assistance programs."""

"""Why are profitable, dividend-paying firms receiving taxpayer subsidies? The short answer is, because they can."""

How McDonald's and Wal-Mart Became Welfare Queens - Bloomberg

Look.... You stupid....

McDonalds is a Corporation.

McDonalds restaurants are independently owned franchises. By regular guys and regular girls.

Most of them are just small businessmen trying to get by in this world. I seriously doubt many of them are Subchapter C Corporations.

Sub S corporations don't pay dividends.

You people are just fucking stupid
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Fast Food Corporations are already thiking about the next step:

Next Outsourced Job: Fast Food Order Taker

McDonald's has begun outsourcing drive-through orders in 40 of its restaurants, using 125 workers at a call center in California and submitting orders back over the Internet.
Next Outsourced Job: Fast Food Order Taker | Workbench
don't believe that, then try:

Sure. A person or a company is going to react to new regulations, they're not just going to bend over and take it. So pile on costs and/or regulations to a person or corporation, and they will find a way to mitigate the damage.

Often, this leads to unintended (if predictable) consequences.

This is what bureaucrats just can't get through their heads.

I don't see the thread of quiting as a use of force. Im talking about violence, attempts to shut down the business, etc.

I dont think leaving the employment of someone is use of force.

Not sure I get your point; are the strikers planning a violent overthrow of the company? I don’t advocate or endorse violence in anyway.

But striking is a perfectly legal way to demand a raise. It tells the employer, “pay us more or you won’t have anyone to run your stores”. That’s exactly the same as a district manager telling his boss “pay me more or you’ll have no one to run this region of the country as well as I do”.
Sad how the right supports using the government to help people fucked over by these corporations. Increasing minimum wage = less welfare.

Not necessarily. What happens when you increase minimum wage and companies lay off 1 out of every two employees and force the 1 guy to take on the work of two for the pay increase?

The guy who gets laid off certainly will be needing some welfare...

Then Australia and western Europe's McD's should be an epic fail by your logic, right?

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