Wage Strikes Planned at Fast-Food Outlets

Fast-food workers walk off: LIVE UPDATES ? RT USA

Good for them we all deserve better for sure.

The use of the terms "slave" and "wages" in the same sentence does not make sense.

Par for the course for most if not all of your posts.
Indentured servants aka slaves...same damn thing...I know common sense doesn't come into factor for you.

MW jobs are entry jobs, not for head of household. Work hard and you'll get raises and promotions. Raise MW and you just reduce job opportunities as folks are laid off. You also increase prices, harming the poor. My first job in 1970 paid $1.71/hour flipping burgers in a beach shack. Didn't expect to stay there OR earn a living wage from it. Did learn work ethic, to show up on time, do the job right, and moved on
Just pay more.Not everyone can afford to go to college or can afford to take time off to look for more work...you seem to think everyone fits into 1 or 2 categories. That ain't how it works.
If you think flipping burgers is a career, you have bigger problems than minimum wage.
Yep called capitalism and rich fucks using serfs to do their work for them and not paying them better wages for it.
Jeeze, how completely ignorant. People who work at McDonalds get paid what a worker at McDonalds should get paid. If you're 45 years old, married with kids, and you've been working there cooking food for 15 years, a bell should be going off in your head telling you that you NEED to find a skill set or another job!

Threads like this make my head hurt.
Your title says it all. CONservative. god forbid you actually give a shit about people eh? Lets just let the tax payer pay for the welfare these people need to get by huh> Much better than making the businesses pay livable wages.
1. What we have today in America is a ideological problem. Many are right when they say that the rise in minimum wage will simply be passed downward to the consumer. There is no possible way the wage costs will be passed upward to the CEO or franchisee. There are far too many people who seem comfortable with the idea of making a vast fortune off the blood sweet and tears of the poor while forcing the federal government to subsidize the lack in pay. Which is the core issue of the problem.

That McDouble from the Dollar Menu might not be quite the bargain you think it is. In 2012, fast-food giant McDonald’s (NYSE:MCD) cost the U.S. government (and taxpayers) $1.2 billion, according to a just-released paper from the National Employment Law Project.

The low wage--no benefits compensation "packages" that McDonald's and most other fast-food chains pay their restaurant workforce is costing U.S. taxpayers a lot of money. In fact, just the top 10 largest chains combined cost the U.S. government $3.8 billion in 2012. The reason? Low-wage workers who don’t receive benefits have to rely on public assistance to afford health care, food and other necessities. More than half of all fast-food workers participate in public assistance programs like Medicaid and SNAP (food stamps), programs that are funded by taxpayer dollars.

Meanwhile, these same top 10 fast-food chains earned $7.4 billion in profits, paid their CEOs a combined $52.7 million and distributed $7.7 billion in dividends and buybacks.

Source: Fast-Food Chains Are Supersizing Your Taxes [Infographic]

A McDonald's restaurant is operated by either a franchisee, an affiliate, or the corporation itself. McDonald's Corporation revenues come from the rent, royalties, and fees paid by the franchisees, as well as sales in company-operated restaurants. In 2012, McDonald's Corporation had annual revenues of $27.5 billion, and profits of $5.5 billion.

Source: McDonald's - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Worse McDonalds actively encourages it's employees to use the taxpayer to subsidize the low pay:


McDonald’s workers who are unable to pay their bills or stay above the poverty line should find help from food pantries or enlist in government benefit programs instead of seeking higher wages, according to a company resource line meant to help employees.

Nancy Salgado has worked for the fast-food corporation for over 10 years yet still earns $8.25 an hour, barely more than the $7.25 federal minimum wage. With help from the worker’s rights group Low Pay Is Not Ok, she phoned the company’s employee hotline, known as McResource, attempting to find some answers on how to improve her situation.

Source: McDonald?s company help line to broke worker: ?Go on food stamps? ? RT USA
How anyone can see a corporation making 5.5 BILLION dollars annually and costing tax payers 1.8 billion, and the collective costing them 3.8 BILLION while making 5-7 BILLION dollars in profits as a balanced and fair system(or capitalist in nature) is beyond me, furthermore they really don't understand the concepts of socialism or capitalism.

Basically we have a group of extremely rich people lobbying government to keep wages down so they can extort a vast fortune and then make the government pick up the tab.

2. There are hundreds of thousands of similarities between the Jew controlled Weimar Republic and America.

3. Any low end job should pay enough to give that person the ability to buy the most basic substance in life to survive. A single person today cannot survive on a minimum wage job without having the tax payer make up the added cost in their bills/food. This is killing the nation. There are hundreds of thousand of college students today living on their own, struggling to juggle work and school while getting food-stamps.


Food-stamp usage amongst college students has doubled over 10 years.

Benjamin Olson, a senior at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in Champaign, credits the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) — often called food stamps — with his ability to graduate on time after transferring from a community college.

"If I didn't have those benefits … I may have had to do another semester, take a semester off, or save for the next four years," says Olson.

Source:Student food stamp use doubled over 10 years
Many have claimed that college students are getting useless degrees and cannot find work. This simply is not true or the case in current America:


Student loan debt has nearly tripled in a decade as all other types of household debt decline post-recession - and now the interest rates may get tied to the market.

More students are borrowing to finance college degrees. Outstanding student debt hit $914 billion in 2012. That’s up nearly 280 percent since 2003. 14.4 percent of that debt is past due.

Student debt is now second only to mortgages as an overall household liability – eclipsing even credit card debt, which totals $672 billion. Student loans are also the only form of household debt that has increased since the recession. All other types have gone down.

The average 2012 college graduate owes $28,720 in student loans. Repayment is a problem for some as entry-level jobs are scarce. 53 percent of recent graduates are either unemployed or unable to find full-time work.

Source: Student Debt Piles Up As College Costs Rise, Jobs Become Scarce
4. There simply isn't enough middle class jobs to go around even with a college degree, but there are more and more low paying, temp jobs that benefit those who seek to force the taxpayer to subsidize the workforce:

In cities all across the country, workers stand on street corners, line up in alleys or wait in a neon-lit beauty salon for rickety vans to whisk them off to warehouses miles away. Some vans are so packed that to get to work, people must squat on milk crates, sit on the laps of passengers they do not know or sometimes lie on the floor, the other workers’ feet on top of them.

This is not Mexico. It is not Guatemala or Honduras. This is Chicago, New Jersey, Boston.

The people here are not day laborers looking for an odd job from a passing contractor. They are regular employees of temp agencies working in the supply chain of many of America’s largest companies – Walmart, Macy’s, Nike, Frito-Lay. They make our frozen pizzas, sort the recycling from our trash, cut our vegetables and clean our imported fish. They unload clothing and toys made overseas and pack them to fill our store shelves. They are as important to the global economy as shipping containers and Asian garment workers.

Many get by on minimum wage, renting rooms in rundown houses, eating dinners of beans and potatoes, and surviving on food banks and taxpayer-funded health care. They almost never get benefits and have little opportunity for advancement.

Across America, temporary work has become a mainstay of the economy, leading to the proliferation of what researchers have begun to call “temp towns.” They are often dense Latino neighborhoods teeming with temp agencies. Or they are cities where it has become nearly impossible even for whites and African-Americans with vocational training to find factory and warehouse work without first being directed to a temp firm.

Source: The Expendables: How the Temps Who Power Corporate Giants Are Getting Crushed - ProPublica
5. Jobs are getting even more scarce and it's increasingly difficult to find any decent job whatsoever in modern America:

#1 The number of part-time workers in the United States has just hit a brand new all-time high, but the number of full-time workers is still nearly 6 million below the old record that was set back in 2007.

#2 In America today, only 47 percent of adults have a full-time job.

#3 Even though the U.S. economy created nearly 200,000 jobs in June, the number of full-time jobs actually decreased.

#4 There are now 2.7 million temp workers in the United States - a new all-time high.

#5 One out of every ten jobs in the United States is now filled through a temp agency.

#6 The U.S. economy has actually lost manufacturing jobs for four consecutive months.

#7 The official unemployment rate has been at 7.5 percent or higher for 54 months in a row. That is the longest stretch in U.S. history.

#8 According to one recent survey, 76 percent of all Americans are living paycheck to paycheck.

#9 At this point, one out of every four American workers has a job that pays $10 an hour or less.

#10 High paying manufacturing jobs continue to be shipped overseas. Sadly, there are fewer Americans employed in manufacturing now than there was in 1950 even though the population of the country has more than doubled since then.

#11 Today, the United States actually has a higher percentage of workers doing low wage work than any other major industrialized nation does.

#12 The U.S. economy continues to trade good paying jobs for low paying jobs. 60 percent of the jobs lost during the last recession were mid-wage jobs, but 58 percent of the jobs created since then have been low wage jobs.

#13 Back in 1980, less than 30% of all jobs in the United States were low income jobs. Today, more than 40% of all jobs in the United States are low income jobs.

#14 At this point, an astounding 53 percent of all American workers make less than $30,000 a year.

#15 According to a study that was released by the Center for Economic and Policy Research, only 24.6 percent of all jobs in the United States qualify as "good jobs" at this point.

Source: 15 Signs That The Quality Of Jobs In America Is Going Downhill Really Fast
There's no easy way out of this. In fact there isn't any way out of this. Those fast food workers and their strike is destined to fail, sadly. This will certainly result in a lower standard of living for them. More people on the tax-payer tab and less productivity in America.

What I find interesting is terms being thrown around like "starter job" or "college job". These terms were non-existent 80 years ago and even the lowest manual labor job could earn you enough to feed yourself.

That being said wealth redistribution is certainly wrong and will kill a nation very quickly. What those who believe in those words don't realize is that a select few making millions off the blood, sweat and tears while lobbying the government to pick up the remainder of their slave-wage pay will destroy a nation just as quickly.

Forcing an employer to pay you enough so that you may EARN your most basic substance in life isn't wealth redistribution. An employer paying a wage so low that a person has to go on government assistance(the taxpayer) to make ends meet is wealth redistribution.

Ironically Mcdonalds is one the largest multicultural, ultra-liberal, Marxist-socialist corporations in America. They are forcing Marxist-socialism by keeping wages so low. They also support unchecked immigration,(more low wage workers), more government assistance programs(more Marxist-socialism), more multiculturalism(more destruction of the White race), and more open homosexuality(through their McDonald's Gay Lesbian & Allies Network, which is destruction of White values).

The recession was a monkey wrench in our consumerist economy. 75% of our economy is dependent off of consumerism. There are posts of mine back from 2008 when the recession was alive where I stated that we were now in a downward spiral and that it would only get progressively worse for the middle class until it was basically non-existent. Many here will eventually find themselves along side the lower wage working class, it is inevitable.
Just pay more.Not everyone can afford to go to college or can afford to take time off to look for more work...you seem to think everyone fits into 1 or 2 categories. That ain't how it works.

Not everyone needs to go to college. They can do a better job and get promotions. They can apply to join McDonald's management training courses. Of course, they won't advance unless they take action and stop being helpless.
I always told you people that the walk across the street from socialism to Naziville is a short one.

There's no discernible difference.

Hey, libturd scum!!!! How ya liking a Nazi being on your side!!??!!


Tell me how Nazis aren't socialists!! :lmao:

Fuck you
1. What we have today in America is a ideological problem. Many are right when they say that the rise in minimum wage will simply be passed downward to the consumer. There is no possible way the wage costs will be passed upward to the CEO or franchisee. There are far too many people who seem comfortable with the idea of making a vast fortune off the blood sweet and tears of the poor while forcing the federal government to subsidize the lack in pay. Which is the core issue of the problem.

We do have an idealogical problem. Our problem is there are too many socialist idealogues corrupting our culture.

No one is forcing the Federal government to subsidize anyone. In fact, they do it against the will of the people most of the time. They shouldn't be giving our tax money to any person, business, non-profit, nor any other government in the forms of subsidie and bail outs.

If the government stopped taxing us and giving our money to special interests the politicians are trying to buy off to get reelected, all of us, including minimum wage earners, would have to work less to make what they get to keep now and could use that extra money or time to obtain more skills.
Get gov't off America's back, as the Constitution intended, and good jobs will come back. Wages will go up, just as they have in North Dakota which is experiencing an oil boom on private land that BO can't stifle. Fast food employees there are earning WAY over MW!

Kill the ACA and the economy will respond immediately with investment and hiring. America doesn't need mandated wages OR fed-run/mandated HC insurance, what we need is a Constitution-respecting administration and Congress in DC!

The Striking Fast Food Workers Should Come To North Dakota | Say Anything

The Striking Fast Food Workers Should Come To North Dakota

Some interesting information about North Dakota’s workforce situation, on top of my post pointing out that in October North Dakota had roughly twice as many job openings as unemployed people.

First, from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, among the 372 metropolitan areas the BLS measured unemployment rates in, North Dakota had the top three: Bismarck (1.7%), Fargo (2.3%), and Grand Forks (2.5%). All four of North Dakota’s largest cities would have made the top of the list if Minot (1.7%) had a population of more than 50,000 (which it probably does, the Census numbers are widely considered to not be very accurate due to rapid growth).

Second, from North Dakota Workforce Intelligence, in October 21 of North Dakota’s 53 counties reported unemployment rates of less than 2%. Williams County, home to Williston and the heart of the oil boom, had an unemployment rate of 0.49%. In raw numbers, that’s 45,900 with jobs, 99.51% of the county’s 46,158 person workforce.

The image above, courtesy of Professor Mark Perry, shows North Dakota payroll employment over the last few years compared to the entire United States.

North Dakota is desperate for workers. Labor shortages are a topic of much discussion (case in point). As a result, wages are going up. North Dakota is leading the nation in growth of personal incomes.

That’s an interesting juxtaposition to the national debate right now over a “living wage.” Labor-backed protesters want the government to mandate a higher minimum wage (despite the fact that the minimum wage was invented to drive marginal workers out of the labor market).

But here in North Dakota, the proof is in the pudding. Economic growth is the best way to drive up wages and increase prosperity.
I always told you people that the walk across the street from socialism to Naziville is a short one.

There's no discernible difference.

Hey, libturd scum!!!! How ya liking a Nazi being on your side!!??!!


Tell me how Nazis aren't socialists!! :lmao:

Fuck you

I don't know about anyone else, but if a National socialist agreed with me about something, I'd be seriously questioning whether I was correct.
I don't recall slaves actually being paid anything. Nor did they have the rights to quit or strike.

It's demeaning to those who suffered true slavery to be compared to fat, coddled whingers.
Ah. So the chart shows that most of the time, the states that have no minimum wage law have lower unemployment than the state of washington, which has the HIGHEST minimum wage.

Do you have a point here. Did you think that proved ANYTHING???
If you'd follow the thread you'd see I wasn't the one trying to make a point from that chart, I was merely correcting another poster's numbers on his attempt to do so.

I'm sure that won't stop you from launching into another nonsensical "me boy" tirades you are known for.

Jesus, I feel like I am talking to a 2nd grader.
This isn't surprising, given you are basically arguing against yourself here. I just corrected another poster's counts, you then generated a bunch of new material to argue against. So yeah, you are talking to a 2nd grader, yourself.

Makes your opinion look stupid.
My statement was simply that there are 19 below 7%, and 12 above it. That isn't an opinion, it is fact.

The rest is you creating arguments I've not made, which is somewhat amusing to watch.

leading you to believe raising the mw means raising the ue rate.
I never said this, but don't let that stop you since it hasn't yet.

Which is, of course, against your beliefs.
My beliefs that 19 is greater than 12? Gotcha.

Good show, "meboy" you've managed to take arguing with imaginary friends to a new level. The surest sign of somewhat without the intellectual depth to hold a debate is they have to argue against their own targets instead of that which someone brings before them.

Btw I stand by the post you quoted when you generated all this: JoeB counted wrong, there are 19 states under 7% UE and 12 over when looking at just fed level 7.25% min wage.

Thanks for playing, "meboy"
Just pay more.Not everyone can afford to go to college or can afford to take time off to look for more work...you seem to think everyone fits into 1 or 2 categories. That ain't how it works.

Not everyone needs to go to college. They can do a better job and get promotions. They can apply to join McDonald's management training courses. Of course, they won't advance unless they take action and stop being helpless.

I have a niece who didn't have a degree, but started very young in retail at MW, and by working hard and being smart, is now a district manager of a large chain making HUGE money. As she was working her way up she did get a business degree but it made little difference in her skill and knowledge of the industry. Just to have on the resume.
The posts in this thread give me confidence that this country can be saved from libtardianism.

Its refreshing to see that a lot of people understand what made this country great and what is trying to destroy its greatness.

Thank you, obamacare, you destroyed liberalism in the USA for the next 100 years.
Just pay more.Not everyone can afford to go to college or can afford to take time off to look for more work...you seem to think everyone fits into 1 or 2 categories. That ain't how it works.

Not everyone needs to go to college. They can do a better job and get promotions. They can apply to join McDonald's management training courses. Of course, they won't advance unless they take action and stop being helpless.

I didn't go to College. But I hired several College Graduates. Not me as a manager, I'm talking me as owner.

Even sold my business to one when I retired.

You don't need College to be successful in this Country. In fact, for some people, College is a hindrance.

Too many College kids just go to College in order to qualify for a position that requires a degree but never uses it.

Like School Teacher. Somebody wanna tell me why you need a BA to teach 3rd Grade Arithmetic?

To this day, all you need is a strong work ethic and you can succeed.

dimocrap scum don't understand this.

Not saying College isn't a good thing for an awful lot of people but for a lot of other people, it's a waste of time.

I didn't go because, when I came back from the War, I didn't fit in. I tried it for a little while, but I didn't fit in.

I had one Prof telling us how wonderful and beautiful India was. I was there. I was in India. I saw the filth, the beggars, the dead newborns in the trash cans. It's better now, but only after throwing off the yoke of socialism.... Mostly

I decided not to waste my time.

In this Country, a work ethic is all you need

Good for them we all deserve better for sure.

I'm not against people asking for higher wages - folks do that all the time - I just urge them to consider the fact that a higher wage will likely result in a reduction to the workforce. Either McDonalds will pay 2 people at $7 or 1 at $15; there's no law saying "each McDonald's must have x employees". The 1 person will be forced to work harder for their increased pay, I guarantee it.

Will all the people that get laid off be better off? That's a good question and can be argued both ways. But just want to make sure that people consider this side effect.
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The management training program also applies toward hours of a 2 or 4 yr degree, if they take the time and initiative. There are a number of success stories of those working their way up and then becoming a franchise owner themselves: if they really want to get more out of life, rather than have someone hand things to them.

Mcdonald employee now runs his own Mcdonalds franchise restaurants. | PRLog
McDonald's Franchise Operators in N.J. Speak Candidly About Youth and Jobs | newjerseynewsroom.com
Training & Education :: McDonalds.com
The management training program also applies toward hours of a 2 or 4 yr degree, if they take the time and initiative. There are a number of success stories of those working their way up and then becoming a franchise owner themselves: if they really want to get more out of life, rather than have someone hand things to them.

Mcdonald employee now runs his own Mcdonalds franchise restaurants. | PRLog
McDonald's Franchise Operators in N.J. Speak Candidly About Youth and Jobs | newjerseynewsroom.com
Training & Education :: McDonalds.com

True, but don't think we should dismiss minimum wage, unions, and worker protection laws all together.

If you recall it wasn't more than 100 years ago where many people worked 14 hours a day, 6 days a week in slave like conditions for very little pay.
Have a niece who at 26 is now a regional manager for one of the largest regions in the country for Forever 21. At 16 she went to work for them in a local retail store. She has since flown all over the world as well for them. Never been to college. Just works hard and smart.
Have a niece who at 26 is now a regional manager for one of the largest regions in the country for Forever 21. At 16 she went to work for them in a local retail store. She has since flown all over the world as well for them. Never been to college. Just works hard and smart.

Sounds just like my niece. Began at 16, by 25 was already managing large chain stores, then a few years later district manager and head-hunters have lured her into better-paying positions at other corps.

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