Wage Strikes Planned at Fast-Food Outlets

...if Cities and States that have imposed higher minimum wages had either higher unemployment rates or completely lacked fast food franchises. Neither is actually the case...
Fast food is everywhere. Jeesh. So let's get clear on the min.wage/unemployment facts--

--that all low unemployment states have no state min. wage, and the high unemployment states have higher min. wages. If anyone wants, we can also look at how unemployment goes up with min. wage boosts.
Just imagine what you could do if you could read a chart. First, me boy, the chart provides only current unemployment rates and current minimum wage rates. Those without minimum wage laws are, of course, subject to the national minimum rate. So, you are saying that high minimum wage rates mean high unemployment. Which explains why Washington, with the highest minimum wage rate has an unemployment rate lower than N. Carolina with NO state rate. So, apparently your hypotheses is, in technical terms, bullshit.
Being a con, you make assumptions that affect your desired outcome. Two problems, me poor ignorant tool:
1. The issue is does unemployment go up as the minimum wage rate increases. This chart is a static description of unemployment rates and min. wage rates. It makes NO ATTEMPT TO EXPLAIN THOSE DIFFERENCES. And an intelligent person would understand that there are many reasons for high unemployment rates. Which, I understand, leaves you out.
2. The linkage between the two rates does not hold up in even this chart.

By the way, I can not find this chart on the sources provided. Seems to be a reordered version of the numbers from ncsi.org, with modifications. Care to provide a link, or are you suggesting we should trust you?

So, your premises is nonsense, as the chart does not track CHANGES in the minimum wage rate. Nor explain why it shows the state with the HIGHEST mw rate (Washington) having a lower rate than the national rate and many of the no state rate states. Or why the state with the 2nd highest mw rate has the same ue rate as New York, which has NO minimum wage law. Nor why the state with the third highest mw rate (Vermont} has an unemployment rate lower than all but four states in the union.

Please try to stop wasting people's time. You and your group of con tool dipshits are simply proving my point. I know that cons are generally dumb, but this is embarrassing. Is ignorance bliss, dipshit??
...if Cities and States that have imposed higher minimum wages had either higher unemployment rates or completely lacked fast food franchises. Neither is actually the case...
Fast food is everywhere. Jeesh. So let's get clear on the min.wage/unemployment facts--

--that all low unemployment states have no state min. wage, and the high unemployment states have higher min. wages. If anyone wants, we can also look at how unemployment goes up with min. wage boosts.
...there are many reasons for high unemployment rates...
...shits are simply proving my point. I know that cons are generally dumb, but this is embarrassing. Is ignorance bliss, dipshit??
We seem to be going off on the wrong track here. Let's all take a deep breath and agree that we get higher unemployment when we got higher minimum wages.
His post is a good illustration that a little knowledge is an absurd thing.

The NJ/PA fast food study demonstrated that an an increase in the minimum wage (.80 cents) in NJ resulted in a 2.76 full-time equivalent rise in employment. It did not cause an increase in unemployment.

You cannot tie the rise in employment to the rise in minimum wage.

Correlation and causation and all that

Sure I can, it was a DID study.
...an increase in the minimum wage (.80 cents) in NJ resulted in a 2.76 full-time equivalent rise in employment...
Smart of you not to show a link because a follow up study showed that the new jobs were all in Pennsylvania across the river.

Look --if some guy's labor results in a loss to the company above a certain level, there is no minimum wage law that can possibly make the hiring worth while. If it could, then hey --why wouldn't you want a $million/hr min. wage?

I read the EPI paper. It was more of an ideological screed than an actual study. You seem reasonable, where should I start?
Funny that conservatives always want low wages. Always. If only they could get wages down to the level that they are currently in China, they would all be doing a happy dance. And if they could get the upper level to higher earnings levels, why, that would be PERFECT in their small minds. Perhaps carried to an extreme, they could make it so that the top .00000001% got 100% of the earnings, and the rest of the population got 0%.
Lol you might as well type out "please nobody in this thread take me seriously" and be done with it.

Damn what a stupid fucking post.
We could solve this whole op beef with a JG, that's a Job Guarantee.

What a great idea! This was workers would know they have a job, not matter how bad their job performance. They'd have no incentive to work hard and every incentive to screw off and show up drunk. If at all.
What a great idea.
We could solve this whole op beef with a JG, that's a Job Guarantee.

What a great idea! This was workers would know they have a job, not matter how bad their job performance. They'd have no incentive to work hard and every incentive to screw off and show up drunk. If at all.
What a great idea.

Stop it. I didn't say that. Im taking full employment.
The USSR had full employment. You'd think people would learn.
We could solve this whole op beef with a JG, that's a Job Guarantee.

What a great idea! This was workers would know they have a job, not matter how bad their job performance. They'd have no incentive to work hard and every incentive to screw off and show up drunk. If at all.
What a great idea.

Stop it. I didn't say that. Im taking full employment.

We had full employment under Bush.
Then what are you talking about?
...an increase in the minimum wage (.80 cents) in NJ resulted in a 2.76 full-time equivalent rise in employment...
Smart of you not to show a link because a follow up study showed that the new jobs were all in Pennsylvania across the river. Look --if some guy's labor results in a loss to the company above a certain level, there is no minimum wage law that can possibly make the hiring worth while. If it could, then hey --why wouldn't you want a $million/hr min. wage?
I read the EPI paper. It was more of an ideological screed than an actual study. You seem reasonable, where should I start?
From what I'm able to gather, I think we're all talking about the soap-opera that began in 1992 (timeline here) that tried to say that when it comes to the minimum wage, if the price increases then more people will buy it. It all seems to come out like the tariff debate where the protectionists say raising tax costs makes everyone end up with more money.

It's politics, and an economist w/ a PhD will say anything he's paid to say. That's why my preference has always been to do my own study and make my own conclusions --something that's actually pretty easy in the info-age where we can swap data and compare notes on forums like this...
The NJ/PA fast food study demonstrated that an an increase in the minimum wage (.80 cents) in NJ resulted in a 2.76 full-time equivalent rise in employment. It did not cause an increase in unemployment.

You cannot tie the rise in employment to the rise in minimum wage.

Correlation and causation and all that

Sure I can, it was a DID study.

You showed a correlation not a cause.
...if Cities and States that have imposed higher minimum wages had either higher unemployment rates or completely lacked fast food franchises. Neither is actually the case...
Fast food is everywhere. Jeesh. So let's get clear on the min.wage/unemployment facts--

--that all low unemployment states have no state min. wage, and the high unemployment states have higher min. wages. If anyone wants, we can also look at how unemployment goes up with min. wage boosts.

DId you actually READ your own chart. The highest minimum wage state was Washington, which has an unemployment rate of 7%, LOWER than most of the states with the Federal standard.
...if Cities and States that have imposed higher minimum wages had either higher unemployment rates or completely lacked fast food franchises. Neither is actually the case...
Fast food is everywhere. Jeesh. So let's get clear on the min.wage/unemployment facts--

--that all low unemployment states have no state min. wage, and the high unemployment states have higher min. wages. If anyone wants, we can also look at how unemployment goes up with min. wage boosts.

DId you actually READ your own chart. The highest minimum wage state was Washington, which has an unemployment rate of 7%, LOWER than most of the states with the Federal standard.

which means what- exactly?
DId you actually READ your own chart. The highest minimum wage state was Washington, which has an unemployment rate of 7%, LOWER than most of the states with the Federal standard.

I count 19 at $7.25 that have an unemployment rate lower than Washington, and only 12 at $7.25 that have higher.
Don't ask me to be civil but then play stupid. I've read the thread, so have you and so has everyone else. My comment on jobs that are a net loss is valid, rebuttal?

Okay, since you refuse to clarify, I'll try to answer. If my answer does not address your question properly, please let me know.

So you're saying that 900,000 McDonald's jobs have been lost, and that those people are now on government programs, costing the taxpayer?

Sure, people on assistance are a net cost to taxpayers. That's easy. But I'm not sure on whom you're pinning the blame. McDonald's?

Is that what you're talking about?


You really want to resort to the "I refuse to clarify" game? Alright. I asked you two specific questions but I guess I'm the one who doesn't want to "clarify", whatever. I'll have fun watching Joe dissect you. And I still don't believe you own a business and stop trying to claim authority that isn't yours to claim.

That seems to be your pattern here. You make claims but refuse to offer anything to substantiate them. Then you call those that hold your feet to the fire stupid or retarded as if you are the final authority on everything.

You are not; not even close! Credibility and authority is earned and so far, you haven't earned anything but scorn and ridicule.

Do good work and get raises. Do good work and get promoted. Find another employer who will pay you more for your skillset. Improve your skillset and get a better job. Take a risk and start a business.

Just like millions and millions and millions of others have.

You can do it. I have faith in you.


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