Wage Strikes Planned at Fast-Food Outlets

Again, I'm not even sure where to begin.

Evidently you think that blame for meltdown can be put in one place. Holy crap, that thing was decades in the making, and the list of culprits is long and deep. So I really don't know what to say there, where to start. I've explained it to my kids, and they get it, but I was willing to spend more time with them.

As I've mentioned in other threads, I actually don't have a problem raising the minimum wage, as long as they're not creating a net negative. Nor do I have problems with unions, as long as they're not creating a net negative. The problem is that people who are absolutely naïve and ignorant about business economics are basing their "arguments" on nothing more than emotion, and that is not helping.

So you're emoting to the wrong guy. And it would be easier to take your posts seriously if you would spend any time whatsoever in demonstrating a belief that people can improve their own lives in America.


Oh, we all at fault. It wasn't those 1%ers at all, who hoarded 43% of the wealth and still didn't think it was enough. They are too big to fail and too big to jail.

Hey, how come you never think that causes a "negative".

Free Trade was a negative.
Big Tax Cuts were a negative.

We did everything the assholes said, and we got a train wreck.

We're way off track here, I sure wish we weren't, but let me try this:

I think, since incomes have exploded on the top end, that we should add two new progressive marginal tax rates, at 44.9% and 49.9%. Assuming, of course, that we see some progress on efficiencies in the government so that we're not pissing those extra dollars away.

What say you?


works for me.

Of course, while we should always strive for 'efficiency', what really needs to happen is to build up the other end of the spectrum. And, yes, government spending on infrastructure does that.
....We clamped down on raising the minimum wage (It would be about $15.00 if it kept up with inflation). We signed free trade treaties. We cut taxes on the rich. We deregulated everything. We let them bust the labor unions. How that work out again?
Pretty good, and that policy set served well with both political parties until '09--

--when both parties dropped the ball; that's what tanked the economy.
I almost hope they are successful.
When they are let go because what they do doesn't justify the wage they make now, much less what they demand, maybe then they will learn the economic lesson that the school they dropped out of should have taught them.

Entry level jobs pay shit and are not a career.
The body fluids part might be just a wee bit correct ;) Doesn't change the fact that people who want to pontificate on the economy should know what they're talking about. My point is that ~900,000 jobs from MickeyD's alone that are a net loss due to government programs and low wages aren't really that great and I'd absolutely love to hear Mac justify his earlier statement. I know he's a businessman and all but I feel pretty comfortable calling him out on this issue.

the problem isn't the wage it's the too easy to get government freebies.
Once again libs create an either or scenario that isn't reality. No shock.
The choice here is not between jobs at $8/hr and jobs at 12/hr. The choice is between jobs at 8/hr and no jobs at 12/hr. For people complaining that fast food companies rip off taxpayers, how much more money would taxpayers be on the hook for if fast food companies didnt employ the people they did, didnt pay sales taxes, didnt pay real estate taxes, didnt pay payroll taxes, and the like? And McD's and some others provided health insurance at some level. At least until Obamacare made that illegal too.
Once again libs create an either or scenario that isn't reality. No shock.
The choice here is not between jobs at $8/hr and jobs at 12/hr. The choice is between jobs at 8/hr and no jobs at 12/hr. For people complaining that fast food companies rip off taxpayers, how much more money would taxpayers be on the hook for if fast food companies didnt employ the people they did, didnt pay sales taxes, didnt pay real estate taxes, didnt pay payroll taxes, and the like? And McD's and some others provided health insurance at some level. At least until Obamacare made that illegal too.

Your argument would have some merit if Cities and States that have imposed higher minimum wages had either higher unemployment rates or completely lacked fast food franchises.

Neither is actually the case. They chalk it up as "the cost of doing business" and get on with it.
Funny that conservatives always want low wages. Always. If only they could get wages down to the level that they are currently in China, they would all be doing a happy dance. And if they could get the upper level to higher earnings levels, why, that would be PERFECT in their small minds. Perhaps carried to an extreme, they could make it so that the top .00000001% got 100% of the earnings, and the rest of the population got 0%.
But it is kind of a comedy routine. Only they do not understand that it is they who are the joke. Because what they push for, and what they are led to push for, has always and always will be the determinate of a failed once great economy. Always. Because, of course, they do not read. They have, of course, a nose ring, which allows them to be lead easily.

As an example, they ALWAYS, ALWAYS say that increasing the minimum wage will decrease jobs. Which, of course, is only true in the bat shit crazy con web sites. And in their small little minds.
I don't own a McDonald's franchise nor do I eat fast food so I don't care if they raise the wage to $100 an hour.

It's no skin off my ass.
Once again libs create an either or scenario that isn't reality. No shock.
The choice here is not between jobs at $8/hr and jobs at 12/hr. The choice is between jobs at 8/hr and no jobs at 12/hr. For people complaining that fast food companies rip off taxpayers, how much more money would taxpayers be on the hook for if fast food companies didnt employ the people they did, didnt pay sales taxes, didnt pay real estate taxes, didnt pay payroll taxes, and the like? And McD's and some others provided health insurance at some level. At least until Obamacare made that illegal too.

Your argument would have some merit if Cities and States that have imposed higher minimum wages had either higher unemployment rates or completely lacked fast food franchises.

Neither is actually the case. They chalk it up as "the cost of doing business" and get on with it.
Yup. But that is what the actual economic studies will tell you. Some initial decrease in jobs, but small in number, SOMETIMES. Some increase in jobs, SOMETIMES. Usually no change at all.
Funny how the con mind works. They want to believe what they want to believe. Because, after all, the hundreds of millions of dollars the cons pore into con web sites provide them all they want to hear, and all they want to believe. Critical thought is of NO interest to a con. There are at least a hundred studies out there that help explain the problem:
University Study Shows People With Lower IQ's Are Political Conservatives
University Study Shows People With Lower IQ's Are Political Conservatives

Brock University Study Low IQ & Conservative Beliefs Linked to Prejudice | Racism, Bias & Politics | Right-Wing and Left-Wing Ideology | LiveScience

New Study Reveals That Stupidity Can Make You Conservative And Racist

U of Arkansas study Study ?Proves? Conservatism Linked To Stupidity - The Ulsterman Report

Watching Fox makes you stupid Study: Watching Fox News Actually Makes You Stupid | Jillian Rayfield | Politics News | Rolling Stone

British Cohort study Right-wingers are less intelligent than left wingers, says controversial study - and conservative politics can lead people to be racist | Mail Online

LiveScience study Social conservatives have a lower I.Q.? (probably) - Gene Expression | DiscoverMagazine.com

Alterman Study: Conservatives Display Ignorance | Nel's New Day

But then, cons do not believe in studies. Or science. Or education. Hell, they have a nose ring that was installed to allow them to be directed by those trying to influence their beliefs. Why study anything when you can simply be told what to believe. And, yes, they do prove that ignorance is bliss.
Once again libs create an either or scenario that isn't reality. No shock.
The choice here is not between jobs at $8/hr and jobs at 12/hr. The choice is between jobs at 8/hr and no jobs at 12/hr. For people complaining that fast food companies rip off taxpayers, how much more money would taxpayers be on the hook for if fast food companies didnt employ the people they did, didnt pay sales taxes, didnt pay real estate taxes, didnt pay payroll taxes, and the like? And McD's and some others provided health insurance at some level. At least until Obamacare made that illegal too.

Your argument would have some merit if Cities and States that have imposed higher minimum wages had either higher unemployment rates or completely lacked fast food franchises.

Neither is actually the case. They chalk it up as "the cost of doing business" and get on with it.
Yup. But that is what the actual economic studies will tell you. Some initial decrease in jobs, but small in number, SOMETIMES. Some increase in jobs, SOMETIMES. Usually no change at all.
Funny how the con mind works. They want to believe what they want to believe. Because, after all, the hundreds of millions of dollars the cons pore into con web sites provide them all they want to hear, and all they want to believe. Critical thought is of NO interest to a con. There are at least a hundred studies out there that help explain the problem:
University Study Shows People With Lower IQ's Are Political Conservatives
University Study Shows People With Lower IQ's Are Political Conservatives

Brock University Study Low IQ & Conservative Beliefs Linked to Prejudice | Racism, Bias & Politics | Right-Wing and Left-Wing Ideology | LiveScience

New Study Reveals That Stupidity Can Make You Conservative And Racist

U of Arkansas study Study ?Proves? Conservatism Linked To Stupidity - The Ulsterman Report

Watching Fox makes you stupid Study: Watching Fox News Actually Makes You Stupid | Jillian Rayfield | Politics News | Rolling Stone

British Cohort study Right-wingers are less intelligent than left wingers, says controversial study - and conservative politics can lead people to be racist | Mail Online

LiveScience study Social conservatives have a lower I.Q.? (probably) - Gene Expression | DiscoverMagazine.com

Alterman Study: Conservatives Display Ignorance | Nel's New Day

But then, cons do not believe in studies. Or science. Or education. Hell, they have a nose ring that was installed to allow them to be directed by those trying to influence their beliefs. Why study anything when you can simply be told what to believe. And, yes, they do prove that ignorance is bliss.
Funny that conservatives always want low wages. Always. If only they could get wages down to the level that they are currently in China, they would all be doing a happy dance. And if they could get the upper level to higher earnings levels, why, that would be PERFECT in their small minds. Perhaps carried to an extreme, they could make it so that the top .00000001% got 100% of the earnings, and the rest of the population got 0%.

Early candidate for Straw Man of the Day award.


Funny that conservatives always want low wages. Always. If only they could get wages down to the level that they are currently in China, they would all be doing a happy dance. And if they could get the upper level to higher earnings levels, why, that would be PERFECT in their small minds. Perhaps carried to an extreme, they could make it so that the top .00000001% got 100% of the earnings, and the rest of the population got 0%.

Early candidate for Straw Man of the Day award.


And the first effort to prove my point. Thanks, Mac. Nice timing. As usual, a con who takes a portion of a post out of the total, and comments on it. And yes, I do understand that trying to understand a complete post is a bit much for your very limited cognitive capability. Not your fault, of course. Because ignorance is generally congenital. Just plain bad luck.
Funny that conservatives always want low wages. Always. If only they could get wages down to the level that they are currently in China, they would all be doing a happy dance. And if they could get the upper level to higher earnings levels, why, that would be PERFECT in their small minds. Perhaps carried to an extreme, they could make it so that the top .00000001% got 100% of the earnings, and the rest of the population got 0%.

Early candidate for Straw Man of the Day award.


And the first effort to prove my point. Thanks, Mac. Nice timing. As usual, a con who takes a portion of a post out of the total, and comments on it. And yes, I do understand that trying to understand a complete post is a bit much for your very limited cognitive capability. Not your fault, of course. Because ignorance is generally congenital. Just plain bad luck.

And directly we go to the personal insults. Right on cue.

Tell me, where do I stand on foreign policy? Gay rights? Income taxation? Abortion? Unions?

Here, I'll help: You don't know, but that doesn't stop you from making simplistic assumptions.

Very limited cognitive capability, indeed.

Grow up.

Last edited:
Once again libs create an either or scenario that isn't reality. No shock.
The choice here is not between jobs at $8/hr and jobs at 12/hr. The choice is between jobs at 8/hr and no jobs at 12/hr. For people complaining that fast food companies rip off taxpayers, how much more money would taxpayers be on the hook for if fast food companies didnt employ the people they did, didnt pay sales taxes, didnt pay real estate taxes, didnt pay payroll taxes, and the like? And McD's and some others provided health insurance at some level. At least until Obamacare made that illegal too.

Your argument would have some merit if Cities and States that have imposed higher minimum wages had either higher unemployment rates or completely lacked fast food franchises.

Neither is actually the case. They chalk it up as "the cost of doing business" and get on with it.
Your argument would have some merit if you could support that in any way.
Once again libs create an either or scenario that isn't reality. No shock.
The choice here is not between jobs at $8/hr and jobs at 12/hr. The choice is between jobs at 8/hr and no jobs at 12/hr. For people complaining that fast food companies rip off taxpayers, how much more money would taxpayers be on the hook for if fast food companies didnt employ the people they did, didnt pay sales taxes, didnt pay real estate taxes, didnt pay payroll taxes, and the like? And McD's and some others provided health insurance at some level. At least until Obamacare made that illegal too.

Your argument would have some merit if Cities and States that have imposed higher minimum wages had either higher unemployment rates or completely lacked fast food franchises.

Neither is actually the case. They chalk it up as "the cost of doing business" and get on with it.
Your argument would have some merit if you could support that in any way.
Did you support your argument?? I seem to have missed that.
So, let me understand this. You make a statement that is totally unsupported. Then you want to have someone provide support for their argument.

Early candidate for Straw Man of the Day award.


And the first effort to prove my point. Thanks, Mac. Nice timing. As usual, a con who takes a portion of a post out of the total, and comments on it. And yes, I do understand that trying to understand a complete post is a bit much for your very limited cognitive capability. Not your fault, of course. Because ignorance is generally congenital. Just plain bad luck.

And directly we go to the personal insults. Right on cue.

Tell me, where do I stand on foreign policy? Gay rights? Income taxation? Abortion? Unions?

Here, I'll help: You don't know, but that doesn't stop you from making simplistic assumptions.

Very limited cognitive capability, indeed.

Grow up.


What do you expect from an economically inept, 12th tier poster who thinks anyone who doesn't agree with the bullshit he spews is a "con"?

Just another predictable moron in the herd of predictable morons at USMB.
...if Cities and States that have imposed higher minimum wages had either higher unemployment rates or completely lacked fast food franchises. Neither is actually the case...
Fast food is everywhere. Jeesh. So let's get clear on the min.wage/unemployment facts--

--that all low unemployment states have no state min. wage, and the high unemployment states have higher min. wages. If anyone wants, we can also look at how unemployment goes up with min. wage boosts.
Shame on you. Posting actual facts that contradict Joe's deeply held beliefs. Now he'll have to tell you your source is untrustworthy, or it is irrelevant, or there is some other factor like racism at work.
And the first effort to prove my point. Thanks, Mac. Nice timing. As usual, a con who takes a portion of a post out of the total, and comments on it. And yes, I do understand that trying to understand a complete post is a bit much for your very limited cognitive capability. Not your fault, of course. Because ignorance is generally congenital. Just plain bad luck.

And directly we go to the personal insults. Right on cue.

Tell me, where do I stand on foreign policy? Gay rights? Income taxation? Abortion? Unions?

Here, I'll help: You don't know, but that doesn't stop you from making simplistic assumptions.

Very limited cognitive capability, indeed.

Grow up.


What do you expect from an economically inept, 12th tier poster who thinks anyone who doesn't agree with the bullshit he spews is a "con"?

Just another predictable moron in the herd of predictable morons at USMB.

I just toss the softballs up in the air, they knock 'em over the fence for me.



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