Wage Strikes Planned at Fast-Food Outlets


Lets be clear.....29 year old half wit losers.
And the job isnt hard or it would already pay more.
And you equate a burger flippers knowledge with a CEO's?

Never go full retard.....

What I find is most CEO's are clueless as to what their own companies do on a day to day basis. They come in with a bunch of buzzwords and then turn out to be wrong about... everything.

But keep deriding the majority of people in this country as losers. It's not like they are the majority and will vote in someone who is going to fix things...

Oh, wait. They totally did that.

Lets see how that works out in the upcoming elections shall we. The truth is finally starting to sink in for those who voted for this clown. Obammy fucked with peoples health care and wallet in a huge way. If you think the tax payers haven't noticed you're crazy.

actually, I don't hear anyone talking about this at all outside these boards.

No one will be talking about it come next November.

I was in a meeting with my GM and a vendor today, and they did talk about what assclowns the Republicans were for shutting down the government last month.
Looks like McDonald's will be hiring in the very near future.... :eusa_shifty:

Really, and that's good for the owner of a McDonald's Franchise. I'm taking your comment to mean such employers will fire those who strike, correct? Take a guess which is more cost effective, making employees feel valued and paying them a little more, or recruiting, interviewing, doing background checks and training new employees (who will soon be asking for higher pay and benefits)?

There ain't a whole lot of training needed to work at MCds.

Really? Is that a product of experience or arrogance?
Why would I want to change the subject?
You don't know?
tell me.
Look fella, if you don't know why you do things then I'm not going to tell you. You'd be much better off talking to this lady--
--'cause my forte's econ.
Be a rebel. Start a fast food joint on your own. Assume the risk and pay your people $15.00 an hour.

Market it that way.

We pay our employees $15.00 per hour

Report back here with your results

Why are you all waiting for others to run with this brilliant idea?

There must be a sound reason

Ever been to a Sushi Bar?
Do you actually believe that a single parent can take care of a kid on the fast food wage? They can't.

Of course they can't.

And yet they go ahead and have the kid anyway.

How does this become their employer's fault? Such that he suddenly has to fork over an extra $7.00/hour for no extra work, because his employee had a kid?

Maybe she should have had an abortion and then you could hate her for that instead of for her being poor.
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You are playing semantic games. And losing.
Posting crap articles from lib outlets does not change that.

Mark Twain was thinking of people like you when he wrote, "there are liars, damn liars and statistics".

You attempted to comport 25,24,23, 22, 21, and 20 year olds as teens to 'prove' a point. In another thread you complained that the PPACA allowed 26 year old adults as too old to remain on their parents health insurance policy.
Again you are playing semantic games. Teenagers are overwhelmingly represented among min wage workers. Which makes sense of course. I posted proof of that. Your niggling does not change the fact.

You're either dumber than I thought (and that makes you Stephanie Stupid) or you're a liar of omission, commission and pathology. I suspect all of the them.
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From the NY Times: "Life on $7.25 an Hour,
Older Workers Are Increasingly Entering Fast-Food Industry"

You may now attack the source, the typical response from you and other dishonest characters on the far right.

NO, the source I am sure is unimpeachable. After all, they write:
These days, according to the National Employment Law Project, the average age of fast-food workers is 29. Forty percent are 25 or older;

That means 60% are under 25. Which supports my point, not refutes it.
You want to try again? Or are you tired of being pwned by me?
What amazes me is that these people are happy to keep people underpaid, and then expect these same people to serve them healthy, sanitary food they will then put in their bodies.

And they bitch about the crappy customer service. I'd provide shitty service to the shitty customers too, if I wasn't being paid a decent wage.

As Pop23 pointed out earlier in this thread, perhaps it's time for those who think they see the big picture to lead the way. Simple as pie:

1. Do what it takes to start and get a fast food business up and running. This will include huge financial risk, ridiculously long hours, little sleep and great frustrations. But remember, you're not building this, someone "else" is, something like that.

2. Start hiring people for your business. Your lowest hourly rate will be $15.00 an hour.

3. Oh, by the way, there will be people who would have made MORE than minimum wage before, such as more highly-skilled people and your managers. So you'll need to pay them $18.00 and $21.00 an hour. It's only fair, right?

4. Run with it. Advertise to the city (advertising is expensive, but you're a rich and greedy business owner, so this shouldn't be a problem at all) that you pay your people $15.00 to $21.00 an hour at your fast food establishment.

5. Keep good track of your progress. I'm sure you'll be able to afford a top-notch CPA, because you're loaded and all.

6. Report back ASAP and rub your magnificent success in our face.

The stunningly simplistic thought I'm seeing by people who have absolutely no idea what they're talking about is really quite amazing.

So, who takes me up on this easy deal?


As Pop23 pointed out earlier in this thread, perhaps it's time for those who think they see the big picture to lead the way. Simple as pie:

1. Do what it takes to start and get a fast food business up and running. This will include huge financial risk, ridiculously long hours, little sleep and great frustrations. But remember, you're not building this, someone "else" is, something like that.

2. Start hiring people for your business. Your lowest hourly rate will be $15.00 an hour.

3. Oh, by the way, there will be people who would have made MORE than minimum wage before, such as more highly-skilled people and your managers. So you'll need to pay them $18.00 and $21.00 an hour. It's only fair, right?

4. Run with it. Advertise to the city (advertising is expensive, but you're a rich and greedy business owner, so this shouldn't be a problem at all) that you pay your people $15.00 to $21.00 an hour at your fast food establishment.

5. Keep good track of your progress. I'm sure you'll be able to afford a top-notch CPA, because you're loaded and all.

6. Report back ASAP and rub your magnificent success in our face.

The stunningly simplistic thought I'm seeing by people who have absolutely no idea what they're talking about is really quite amazing.

So, who takes me up on this easy deal?



I invested in and ultimately wound up running a business.

Wages were the least of the problems.

I would have gladly paid that in trade for a power grid that didn't go out once a week causing massive hits to my bottom line.

As Pop23 pointed out earlier in this thread, perhaps it's time for those who think they see the big picture to lead the way. Simple as pie:

1. Do what it takes to start and get a fast food business up and running. This will include huge financial risk, ridiculously long hours, little sleep and great frustrations. But remember, you're not building this, someone "else" is, something like that.

2. Start hiring people for your business. Your lowest hourly rate will be $15.00 an hour.

3. Oh, by the way, there will be people who would have made MORE than minimum wage before, such as more highly-skilled people and your managers. So you'll need to pay them $18.00 and $21.00 an hour. It's only fair, right?

4. Run with it. Advertise to the city (advertising is expensive, but you're a rich and greedy business owner, so this shouldn't be a problem at all) that you pay your people $15.00 to $21.00 an hour at your fast food establishment.

5. Keep good track of your progress. I'm sure you'll be able to afford a top-notch CPA, because you're loaded and all.

6. Report back ASAP and rub your magnificent success in our face.

The stunningly simplistic thought I'm seeing by people who have absolutely no idea what they're talking about is really quite amazing.

So, who takes me up on this easy deal?


Let's go the other way with this because there is a flip side:

Start your own fast food joint.

pay minimum wage.

Employ people who can't buy jack shit.

Call local talk-radio and talk about how you provide jobs and stimulate the economy.

If I have to choose between your vision and the opposite side...I'm going Bizarro world on that one.

As Pop23 pointed out earlier in this thread, perhaps it's time for those who think they see the big picture to lead the way. Simple as pie:

1. Do what it takes to start and get a fast food business up and running. This will include huge financial risk, ridiculously long hours, little sleep and great frustrations. But remember, you're not building this, someone "else" is, something like that.

2. Start hiring people for your business. Your lowest hourly rate will be $15.00 an hour.

3. Oh, by the way, there will be people who would have made MORE than minimum wage before, such as more highly-skilled people and your managers. So you'll need to pay them $18.00 and $21.00 an hour. It's only fair, right?

4. Run with it. Advertise to the city (advertising is expensive, but you're a rich and greedy business owner, so this shouldn't be a problem at all) that you pay your people $15.00 to $21.00 an hour at your fast food establishment.

5. Keep good track of your progress. I'm sure you'll be able to afford a top-notch CPA, because you're loaded and all.

6. Report back ASAP and rub your magnificent success in our face.

The stunningly simplistic thought I'm seeing by people who have absolutely no idea what they're talking about is really quite amazing.

So, who takes me up on this easy deal?


Let's go the other way with this because there is a flip side:

Start your own fast food joint.

pay minimum wage.

Employ people who can't buy jack shit.

Call local talk-radio and talk about how you provide jobs and stimulate the economy.

If I have to choose between your vision and the opposite side...I'm going Bizarro world on that one.

I guess this deflection means you're not going to take me up on the deal, huh?

Dang, it seems like it would be so EASY.


As Pop23 pointed out earlier in this thread, perhaps it's time for those who think they see the big picture to lead the way. Simple as pie:

1. Do what it takes to start and get a fast food business up and running. This will include huge financial risk, ridiculously long hours, little sleep and great frustrations. But remember, you're not building this, someone "else" is, something like that.

2. Start hiring people for your business. Your lowest hourly rate will be $15.00 an hour.

3. Oh, by the way, there will be people who would have made MORE than minimum wage before, such as more highly-skilled people and your managers. So you'll need to pay them $18.00 and $21.00 an hour. It's only fair, right?

4. Run with it. Advertise to the city (advertising is expensive, but you're a rich and greedy business owner, so this shouldn't be a problem at all) that you pay your people $15.00 to $21.00 an hour at your fast food establishment.

5. Keep good track of your progress. I'm sure you'll be able to afford a top-notch CPA, because you're loaded and all.

6. Report back ASAP and rub your magnificent success in our face.

The stunningly simplistic thought I'm seeing by people who have absolutely no idea what they're talking about is really quite amazing.

So, who takes me up on this easy deal?


Let's go the other way with this because there is a flip side:

Start your own fast food joint.

pay minimum wage.

Employ people who can't buy jack shit.

Call local talk-radio and talk about how you provide jobs and stimulate the economy.

If I have to choose between your vision and the opposite side...I'm going Bizarro world on that one.

I guess this deflection means you're not going to take me up on the deal, huh?

Dang, it seems like it would be so EASY.


Talk about deflection. I don't see you starting up your own FF franchise, I'm not going to either because it's a bad deal unless you have volume right off the bat.

The real question is...what good does it do to have millions of people under-employed and not making enough to spend discretionary income? We have a serious problem in this country right now and it's frustrating to see so many not willing to see it.

As Pop23 pointed out earlier in this thread, perhaps it's time for those who think they see the big picture to lead the way. Simple as pie:

1. Do what it takes to start and get a fast food business up and running. This will include huge financial risk, ridiculously long hours, little sleep and great frustrations. But remember, you're not building this, someone "else" is, something like that.

2. Start hiring people for your business. Your lowest hourly rate will be $15.00 an hour.

3. Oh, by the way, there will be people who would have made MORE than minimum wage before, such as more highly-skilled people and your managers. So you'll need to pay them $18.00 and $21.00 an hour. It's only fair, right?

4. Run with it. Advertise to the city (advertising is expensive, but you're a rich and greedy business owner, so this shouldn't be a problem at all) that you pay your people $15.00 to $21.00 an hour at your fast food establishment.

5. Keep good track of your progress. I'm sure you'll be able to afford a top-notch CPA, because you're loaded and all.

6. Report back ASAP and rub your magnificent success in our face.

The stunningly simplistic thought I'm seeing by people who have absolutely no idea what they're talking about is really quite amazing.

So, who takes me up on this easy deal?


Let's go the other way with this because there is a flip side:

Start your own fast food joint.

pay minimum wage.

Employ people who can't buy jack shit.

Call local talk-radio and talk about how you provide jobs and stimulate the economy.

If I have to choose between your vision and the opposite side...I'm going Bizarro world on that one.

I guess this deflection means you're not going to take me up on the deal, huh?

Dang, it seems like it would be so EASY.


Ever own your own business?
Let's go the other way with this because there is a flip side:

Start your own fast food joint.

pay minimum wage.

Employ people who can't buy jack shit.

Call local talk-radio and talk about how you provide jobs and stimulate the economy.

If I have to choose between your vision and the opposite side...I'm going Bizarro world on that one.

I guess this deflection means you're not going to take me up on the deal, huh?

Dang, it seems like it would be so EASY.


Talk about deflection. I don't see you starting up your own FF franchise, I'm not going to either because it's a bad deal unless you have volume right off the bat.

The real question is...what good does it do to have millions of people under-employed and not making enough to spend discretionary income? We have a serious problem in this country right now and it's frustrating to see so many not willing to see it.

Indeed we do have a serious problem in this country right now. But those who know absolutely nothing about business economics nor economics in general are not helping anything when they (a) fire off simplistic expectations of business based on pure ignorance and emotion, and (b) assume that so many people in this country are absolutely incapable of improving their own lives.

These people are simply (and I do mean "simply") exacerbating the problem.

Let's go the other way with this because there is a flip side:

Start your own fast food joint.

pay minimum wage.

Employ people who can't buy jack shit.

Call local talk-radio and talk about how you provide jobs and stimulate the economy.

If I have to choose between your vision and the opposite side...I'm going Bizarro world on that one.

I guess this deflection means you're not going to take me up on the deal, huh?

Dang, it seems like it would be so EASY.


Ever own your own business?

Yes, of course, more than one. I own one now. And I have roughly 30 businesses as clients, and I'm working with them every day.

And seeing what I'm seeing here would be funny if it were not so destructive.


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