Wage Strikes Planned at Fast-Food Outlets

DId you actually READ your own chart. The highest minimum wage state was Washington, which has an unemployment rate of 7%, LOWER than most of the states with the Federal standard.

I count 19 at $7.25 that have an unemployment rate lower than Washington, and only 12 at $7.25 that have higher.
Ah. So the chart shows that most of the time, the states that have no minimum wage law have lower unemployment than the state of washington, which has the HIGHEST minimum wage.

Do you have a point here. Did you think that proved ANYTHING???

The issue, should you have sufficient ability to remeber ANYTHING, was does raising the minimum wage cause unemployment to rise. Now, I know this is difficult for you, but this chart has NOTHING to do with raising the minimum wage. It is simply looking at wage rates.
Now, here is the thing. Unemployment is due to MANY things. Many. If it were due to the minimum wage only, then we would see no variations between states having the same minimum wage.
Jesus, I feel like I am talking to a 2nd grader.

Really involved studies have been done, me boy. Man years of effort, providing reports of over 250 pages. Makes your opinion look stupid. Because you base it on some clown showing the ue rates by states and leading you to believe raising the mw means raising the ue rate.

So, you can do what you seem to want to do, which is believe what you want to believe. Makes life much easier. Or you could look at the studies out there, done by impartial sources. Throw out the agenda driven stuff, and you still have hundreds of such studies.

Which is, of course, against your beliefs. You want to believe what makes you happy. And you are happy if you have SIMPLE answers. Answers that make you angry. And answers that are easy for you to get. Makes you feel so smart. Which is, by the way, what all the studies show cons do. And what makes them IGNORANT.

Rational people would look at what the folks who are paid to analyze what these relationships are in actuality, without agenda. Like the following:

Baker and Kimball note that “If the minimum wage had kept pace with productivity growth it would be $16.54 in 2012 dollars.”

“This is one of the most studied topics in economics, and the evidence is clear: modest minimum wage increases don’t have much impact on employment,” Schmitt said. “An increase to $9.00 per hour would be hugely important for the workers getting it, but the idea that this would lead to less employment is just not supported by the evidence.”
New Paper Finds Modest Minimum Wage Increases Have Little Impact on Employment | Press Releases

Read the report based on the study. And other studies. There is NO provable relation between raising the minimum wage and increases in unemployment.
By the way, you may notice I provided a link. But, if you have any brain activity at all, you can simply google the subject. And in an hour or so, ACTUALLY KNOW SOMETHING.

Just cons, who align themselves perfectly with the dogma flowing from bat shit crazy con web sites, regurgitating the dogma that raising the mw will have disastrous results in increased unemployment.
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RShermr..post 278...what states have no minimum wage laws? You said it..own up to it.
RShermr..post 278...what states have no minimum wage laws? You said it..own up to it.
Own up to what??? Are you simply asking for which states have no minimum wage laws?? Those would be Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, South Carolina, and Tennessee.
In addition, there are many states which simply follow the federal mw law. Which is, in essence, to like having no state law.

Uh, just wondering. Why did you NOT look it up yourself. Or follow the link I provided. The study linked provides the names of those states. Or, you could just go to a list of states with the lowest education level, and find them there. Or to a list of states with the lowest standard of living, and find them there.
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MW jobs are entry jobs, not for head of household. Work hard and you'll get raises and promotions. Raise MW and you just reduce job opportunities as folks are laid off. You also increase prices, harming the poor. My first job in 1970 paid $1.71/hour flipping burgers in a beach shack. Didn't expect to stay there OR earn a living wage from it. Did learn work ethic, to show up on time, do the job right, and moved on
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slave wages... that's an oxymoron.

They can protest all they want, but when you can hire a 16 year old to do virtually the same job and they do it better, you probably shouldnt be complaining. Instead, you should better yourself and get to the point where you are able to do more good and create more value and then you can recieve it.
If you think flipping burgers is a career, you have bigger problems than minimum wage.

It could be if you are self employed. The people who started McDonalds, Wendys, and Burger King have done well for themselves flipping burgers.
RShermr..post 278...what states have no minimum wage laws? You said it..own up to it.
Own up to what??? Are you simply asking for which states have no minimum wage laws?? Those would be Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, South Carolina, and Tennessee.
In addition, there are many states which simply follow the federal mw law. Which is, in essence, to like having no state law.

Uh, just wondering. Why did you NOT look it up yourself. Or follow the link I provided. The study linked provides the names of those states. Or, you could just go to a list of states with the lowest education level, and find them there. Or to a list of states with the lowest standard of living, and find them there.

A lot of words to say nothing at all. There are no states without minimum wage laws. Try another angle.
If you think flipping burgers is a career, you have bigger problems than minimum wage.

It could be if you are self employed. The people who started McDonalds, Wendys, and Burger King have done well for themselves flipping burgers.

Not to mention most fast food restaurants have legitimate advancement opportunities. A lot of fast food workers just don't have the motivation to advance, or understand that it's not a job they want to make a career out of.

For the record, I'm all for fast food workers making a little more than they do now. While it's not exactly skilled labor, it's not the easiest job either. I don't envy many of them. But 15$ an hour to flip burgers? Are you f-ing kidding me?
Jeeze, how completely ignorant. People who work at McDonalds get paid what a worker at McDonalds should get paid. If you're 45 years old, married with kids, and you've been working there cooking food for 15 years, a bell should be going off in your head telling you that you NEED to find a skill set or another job!

Threads like this make my head hurt.
If you think flipping burgers is a career, you have bigger problems than minimum wage.

It could be if you are self employed. The people who started McDonalds, Wendys, and Burger King have done well for themselves flipping burgers.

Not to mention most fast food restaurants have legitimate advancement opportunities. A lot of fast food workers just don't have the motivation to advance, or understand that it's not a job they want to make a career out of.

For the record, I'm all for fast food workers making a little more than they do now. While it's not exactly skilled labor, it's not the easiest job either. I don't envy many of them. But 15$ an hour to flip burgers? Are you f-ing kidding me?

Most MW jobs, most people that hire MW workers tend to 'over-staff'.

Mostly because the workers themselves are so unreliable. You can't count on them. They'll quit, they call in sick all the time, they lose interest, they get a better job, they go off to school or join the service or get preggo or move.....

So there's always more people in MW positions than the employer needs.

Raise the MW and the employer will simply cut 20% of his staff.... Or more.

They'll do what the bigger companies have done..... "Work harder, do the job of two people or get the FUCK out."

And they ain't kidding, either. At all.

dimocraps are just simply stupid human beings.
RShermr..post 278...what states have no minimum wage laws? You said it..own up to it.
Own up to what??? Are you simply asking for which states have no minimum wage laws?? Those would be Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, South Carolina, and Tennessee.
In addition, there are many states which simply follow the federal mw law. Which is, in essence, to like having no state law.

Uh, just wondering. Why did you NOT look it up yourself. Or follow the link I provided. The study linked provides the names of those states. Or, you could just go to a list of states with the lowest education level, and find them there. Or to a list of states with the lowest standard of living, and find them there.

A lot of words to say nothing at all. There are no states without minimum wage laws. Try another angle.

He just gave you the answer. Those are states without min wage laws. They are bound by Federal law but that isnt what you asked.
Are you really this stupid?
Jeeze, how completely ignorant. People who work at McDonalds get paid what a worker at McDonalds should get paid. If you're 45 years old, married with kids, and you've been working there cooking food for 15 years, a bell should be going off in your head telling you that you NEED to find a skill set or another job!

Threads like this make my head hurt.

This is coming straight from OFA. obama's propaganda arm.

Did you not hear his speech yesterday? He switched from the ACA to minimum wage.

You don't really think the ignorant fucks in here that carry the dimocraps' water for them have ever had an original thought do you? :lmao:

I hope not.

This came directly from obama's OFA. They're lying and propagandizing like the good little Nazis they are
"Slave wages?" They know nothing about slavery, just ask Bashir...

Maybe someone should defecate in their mouths...

Good GOD, these people should have worked in the industry 30 years ago...

The thing I have never understood, who make fast food their career choice? Unless you're in management, the sole purpose of a fast food job is to get you through highschool with a full tank of gas and plenty of pot...

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