Wage Strikes Planned at Fast-Food Outlets

Boy, facts just suck, don't they...

Arguably the most important thing in the debate about the minimum wage is that hardly anyone makes it. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics less than 3 percent of all workers take home $7.25 or less an hour and half who do are 24 years old or younger. And the vast majority—77 percent —of minimum wage earners belong to households that are above the poverty line. So when Fast Food Forward declares, “We can’t survive on $7.25!”, the good news is that very few people have to (and to the extent that they do, their income is supplemented by anti-poverty programs such as the Earned Income Tax Credit, food stamps, and housing subsidies). Staying at the minimum wage is also usually mercifully short-lived. For instance, between 1977 and 1997, two-thirds of full-time workers had moved on to higher pay within a year.

Big Labor?s Big Mac Attack
I didn't go to College. But I hired several College Graduates. Not me as a manager, I'm talking me as owner.

Even sold my business to one when I retired.

You don't need College to be successful in this Country. In fact, for some people, College is a hindrance.

Too many College kids just go to College in order to qualify for a position that requires a degree but never uses it.

Like School Teacher. Somebody wanna tell me why you need a BA to teach 3rd Grade Arithmetic?

To this day, all you need is a strong work ethic and you can succeed.

dimocrap scum don't understand this.

Not saying College isn't a good thing for an awful lot of people but for a lot of other people, it's a waste of time.

I didn't go because, when I came back from the War, I didn't fit in. I tried it for a little while, but I didn't fit in.

I had one Prof telling us how wonderful and beautiful India was. I was there. I was in India. I saw the filth, the beggars, the dead newborns in the trash cans. It's better now, but only after throwing off the yoke of socialism.... Mostly

I decided not to waste my time.

In this Country, a work ethic is all you need

That is so cute....and 2nd gradish
Have a niece who at 26 is now a regional manager for one of the largest regions in the country for Forever 21. At 16 she went to work for them in a local retail store. She has since flown all over the world as well for them. Never been to college. Just works hard and smart.

Sounds just like my niece. Began at 16, by 25 was already managing large chain stores, then a few years later district manager and head-hunters have lured her into better-paying positions at other corps.

but, but, but they could be getting food stamps, free cheese, subsidized housing, welfare payments----------and not ever have to show up for work-----------just keep voting dem. :lol:
Boy, facts just suck, don't they...

Arguably the most important thing in the debate about the minimum wage is that hardly anyone makes it. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics less than 3 percent of all workers take home $7.25 or less an hour and half who do are 24 years old or younger. And the vast majority—77 percent —of minimum wage earners belong to households that are above the poverty line. So when Fast Food Forward declares, “We can’t survive on $7.25!”, the good news is that very few people have to (and to the extent that they do, their income is supplemented by anti-poverty programs such as the Earned Income Tax Credit, food stamps, and housing subsidies). Staying at the minimum wage is also usually mercifully short-lived. For instance, between 1977 and 1997, two-thirds of full-time workers had moved on to higher pay within a year.

Big Labor?s Big Mac Attack

Proof that government is the solution. Wait, what?
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I didn't go to College. But I hired several College Graduates. Not me as a manager, I'm talking me as owner.

Even sold my business to one when I retired.

You don't need College to be successful in this Country. In fact, for some people, College is a hindrance.

Too many College kids just go to College in order to qualify for a position that requires a degree but never uses it.

Like School Teacher. Somebody wanna tell me why you need a BA to teach 3rd Grade Arithmetic?

To this day, all you need is a strong work ethic and you can succeed.

dimocrap scum don't understand this.

Not saying College isn't a good thing for an awful lot of people but for a lot of other people, it's a waste of time.

I didn't go because, when I came back from the War, I didn't fit in. I tried it for a little while, but I didn't fit in.

I had one Prof telling us how wonderful and beautiful India was. I was there. I was in India. I saw the filth, the beggars, the dead newborns in the trash cans. It's better now, but only after throwing off the yoke of socialism.... Mostly

I decided not to waste my time.

In this Country, a work ethic is all you need

That is so cute....and 2nd gradish

the truth really scares you, doesn't it? The truth that someone can make a success of themself without nanny govt help.

people like you are the real problem in this country, please move to north korea where they have the kind of govt you desire.
Fast-food workers walk off: LIVE UPDATES ? RT USA

Good for them we all deserve better for sure.

^ :lmao:

$7.50 or more per hour is "slave" wages.

Slaves got paid?? ! ??


A very persuasive OP!


Slaves were paid - with food and housing.

and whips and chains, today's slaves do not have to deal with whips and chains, but they are still slaves to the government. and too fucking stupid to realize it.
If it isn't the radical pedophiles who demand sex with underage boys or the pot heads who demand the option to sell drugs to our kids it's a mob of under educated fools hell bent on extortion. Typical democrat base. Who is going to pay for it when small businesses are forced to pay workers more for doing less? The fascists shoot themselves in the foot once again when fast food businesses have to operate with less personnel to compensate for higher wages.
It could be if you are self employed. The people who started McDonalds, Wendys, and Burger King have done well for themselves flipping burgers.

Not to mention most fast food restaurants have legitimate advancement opportunities. A lot of fast food workers just don't have the motivation to advance, or understand that it's not a job they want to make a career out of.

For the record, I'm all for fast food workers making a little more than they do now. While it's not exactly skilled labor, it's not the easiest job either. I don't envy many of them. But 15$ an hour to flip burgers? Are you f-ing kidding me?

Most MW jobs, most people that hire MW workers tend to 'over-staff'.

Mostly because the workers themselves are so unreliable. You can't count on them. They'll quit, they call in sick all the time, they lose interest, they get a better job, they go off to school or join the service or get preggo or move.....

So there's always more people in MW positions than the employer needs.

Raise the MW and the employer will simply cut 20% of his staff.... Or more.

They'll do what the bigger companies have done..... "Work harder, do the job of two people or get the FUCK out."

And they ain't kidding, either. At all.

dimocraps are just simply stupid human beings.

They will just slowly start to mechanize. Bring back the automat. I remember the automat. There were two employees that wiped down the tables at Horn and Hardart, and removed the trays that the diners didn't put away themselves. Most people put the trays away.

The price of fast food made the automat impractical, but with the use of debit cards and advanced bill recognition machinery, the automat might made a comeback and put these union protesters out of business.

Fast food workers are on the fast track to the unemployment line. Demands are just going to hasten the process. Even mid range restaurants are going to fast casual eliminating the need for many employees.
I dont have a problem with people asking for hire wages either. My problem comes when they try to force them to.
By that logic, cows are paid, too.

Yes, they are.

But of course, being provided food and lodging is not really the same as getting paid.

But actually it is. When a slave was "bad" (so to speak, of course) and didn't do his or her job, he/she would be whipped/forced to sleep outside/starved, etc. There was a reward for doing the job - which was housing, food, water, and safety.A "payment" is nothing more than an incentive to work.

Those are all forms of "payment".
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I dont have a problem with people asking for hire wages either. My problem comes when they try to force them to.

So you'd be against a top salesman going to his/her district manager and demanding a raise at the threat of quitting? I'm definitely not.

It's up to McDonald's to decide what their employees (and public image) is worth to them and will act accordingly.
I dont have a problem with people asking for hire wages either. My problem comes when they try to force them to.

So you'd be against a top salesman going to his/her district manager and demanding a raise at the threat of quitting? I'm definitely not.

It's up to McDonald's to decide what their employees (and public image) is worth to them and will act accordingly.

Commissioned Salesmen make their own pay-raises :eusa_eh:
I dont have a problem with people asking for hire wages either. My problem comes when they try to force them to.

So you'd be against a top salesman going to his/her district manager and demanding a raise at the threat of quitting? I'm definitely not.

It's up to McDonald's to decide what their employees (and public image) is worth to them and will act accordingly.

Commissioned Salesmen make their own pay-raises :eusa_eh:

Whatever, the example could just as easily apply to a talented marketing employee, or a financial analyst, etc.
Or. Just pay them better wages. So much easier and you get to keep your workers.

In that case, obviously they are paying the workers enough, as they are staying.

I always told you people that the walk across the street from socialism to Naziville is a short one.

There's no discernible difference.

Hey, libturd scum!!!! How ya liking a Nazi being on your side!!??!!


Tell me how Nazis aren't socialists!! :lmao:

Fuck you
I am very socialistic when it comes to economy etc. I am also VERY nationalist.

I always told you people that the walk across the street from socialism to Naziville is a short one.

There's no discernible difference.

Hey, libturd scum!!!! How ya liking a Nazi being on your side!!??!!


Tell me how Nazis aren't socialists!! :lmao:

Fuck you

I don't know about anyone else, but if a National socialist agreed with me about something, I'd be seriously questioning whether I was correct.

By that logic, cows are paid, too.

Yes, they are.

No. They aren't. That's not a definition. It's a daffynition. When you speak honestly you will admit that it is ridiculous to even CLAIM that cows get paid.

But of course, being provided food and lodging is not really the same as getting paid.

But actually it is. When a slave was "bad" (so to speak, of course) and didn't do his or her job, he/she would be whipped/forced to sleep outside/starved, etc. There was a reward for doing the job - which was housing, food, water, and safety.A "payment" is nothing more than an incentive to work.

Those are all forms of "payment".

No. They were not forms of payment. Those things to which you point were mere tools to keep property functioning. If you oil your engine, you aren't paying it. If you give it gasoline, you aren't paying it. If you put your car in a garage at night, you aren't providing it housing or payment.

If you store your grain in a silo, you aren't paying your grain, either.

The thing about slaves is: they didn't GET paid.
I dont have a problem with people asking for hire wages either. My problem comes when they try to force them to.

The rich owners should pay better voluntarily then but that won't happen. Who cares about the little man,the ones actually selling the rich people's chinese made crap. The government needs to get involved a lot more. Stop letting them take jobs overseas that then allows them to get stuff made cheaply and then sell it here cheaply and pay their workers shit wages. Force them to only sell American made stuff and then those workers can get better jobs paying better wages. Capitalism is for the rich and by the rich.

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