Wage Strikes Planned at Fast-Food Outlets

National Socialism....worked wonders...should try it.

Worked wonders? You mean when it resulted in the murder of millions of people and global conflict? That's working wonders?
Jews declared war on Germany in 1933 look it up. Murder? What murder? You mean war? The same war that was started by jews worldwide declaring war on Germany in 1933....NS in of itself is for a specific people its not an international ideology. It isn't supposed to benefit others.Just people of that race/nationality.

So your only solution is violence?

The Free market is just the natural law of economics. People recognize they can do more together than they could apart so they voluntarily trade goods and services to get the things they want and need. This is a voluntary basis. People are free to buy or not buy whatever they want or dont want.

Wouldn't you be far more likely to get people higher wages by increasing their value to those who employ them creating a reason to increase their wages rather than threatening them with violence?

Violence solves problems. Especially with those who think they are above the rest of us.

So with people like yourself.
I care about people. White people of every stripe. I am not above anyone in the way you think I am above the rich snobs in morality and ethics because even though I am poor I try and help others worse off than me.
All of these far left idiots do not understand economics and must have failed math all the way through school.

Every time minimum wages go up the cost of living goes up. Otherwise we would still see $1.00/gallon gas be able to buy bread 2 for $1.00, etc. But the far left wants the income gap to grow not shrink.

Right. The lefties did this:

"""From 1978 to 2011, CEO compensation increased more than 725 percent, a rise substantially greater than stock market growth and the painfully slow 5.7 percent growth in worker compensation over the same period."""

CEO pay and the top 1%: How executive compensation and financial-sector pay have fueled income inequality | Economic Policy Institute
Why should people work hard like a slave? We live in the 21st century with automation and sure as hell could do a lot more with it. I hope robotics gets more into the growing of our food so we can have a "food stamp" like program for all.

People should be paid well for doing a service. This isn't China.

You righty can't get out of the 18th century!
Then Australia and western Europe's McD's should be an epic fail by your logic, right?

I already kicked you in your ovaries over this shit once. Don't make me do it again.

Fucking idiot, can we please stay in this Country?

I know a place in the Andromeda Galaxy that.....


Can't refute the hard evidence, can you? I doubt you made it past the headline.

I always make the headline font bigger and bolder for idiots like you. Sort of like flash cards for the semi-illiterate.

Move to Australia then, douchebag.

I'll kick in for a plane ticket.

Can we please stick to the United States of America for this discussion? You know even less about Australia than you do about the US, which is hard to believe but very true.

Australians also make on average $75k a year. Do the math, moron.

The cost of living there is extremely high. Food there is 50% higher, housing is 80% higher, one pair of Blue Jeans in Australia will cost you over a $100 not to mention their taxes are 30%-40% higher.

We know you hate America. So just fucking move, scumbag
NYC's MAYOR McNANNY and his liberal ilk will soon enough outlaw such junk food anyway and they will not give a flying fuck about the lost jobs for those menial laborers.

Until then, YOU might be willing to pay a buck more per beefy McSlime Burger, but the guys who run McDonalds on behalf of its shareholders (i.e., those with a fiduciary duty to use sound business judgment) probably don't share your "business" vision.

McDonalds would lose massive numbers of customers mighty damn fast to Burger King if McDonalds had to jack up the cost per burger significantly compared to the King.

So, let's be honest about what you and those "workers" really seek. It's called GOVERNMENT intervention in the form of a new minimum wage. It's "redistribution of wealth" and you know it, even if you and they will never admit it.

That's called pure conjecture.

And you still wont' touch the hard data provided about Australia and western Europe franchises....because you can't handle facts.

Wrong. It's called "obvious" and it's called "business judgment."

It probably seems like magic to a twit like you that the cost for burgers at dumps like McDonalds and Burger King are -- competitive.

It doesn't take much intelligence (i.e., therefore you are in over your head) to recognize that if McDonalds must pay twice as much to its employees, the cost per burger is going to have to go up. Unless Burger King is forced into that same wage box, they will NOT have to jack up their price per burger. Customers WILL ultimately be lost by McDonalds because of that.

You have my permission to blithely and stupidly deny reality. But reality doesn't change just because YOU are too foolish to admit it.

Now, if the GUBMINT compels an across the board increase in the minimum wage, which is plainly what YOU seek, then Burger King will get no advantage over McDonalds on THAT basis. But you can bet your stupid ignorant ass that jobs WILL get lost.

As for your "Australia" piece, rest assured, I didn't read your wall of words. I might peruse it later. I wonder if even YOU read it and understood it though. Why not provide a simple abstract of what you imagine it says. Why not provide a simple declarative sentence or two to summarize it? Go!

Check the date on that article, dumbass. It's an old story, but new to idiots like yourself.

While you like to blather away ad infinitum, I posted the facts about an AMERICAN franchise taken overseas and how they pay MORE over there than we do for a damn hamburger but the franchises have GREATER profits than the AMERICAN franchises.

Now go stick your head back in the sand before the whole fills back up.
All of these far left idiots do not understand economics and must have failed math all the way through school.

Every time minimum wages go up the cost of living goes up. Otherwise we would still see $1.00/gallon gas be able to buy bread 2 for $1.00, etc. But the far left wants the income gap to grow not shrink.

Right. The lefties did this:

"""From 1978 to 2011, CEO compensation increased more than 725 percent, a rise substantially greater than stock market growth and the painfully slow 5.7 percent growth in worker compensation over the same period."""

CEO pay and the top 1%: How executive compensation and financial-sector pay have fueled income inequality | Economic Policy Institute

Yes the far left has done it and once you wake up to that fact the better off we will be.
Why should people work hard like a slave? We live in the 21st century with automation and sure as hell could do a lot more with it. I hope robotics gets more into the growing of our food so we can have a "food stamp" like program for all.

People should be paid well for doing a service. This isn't China.

You righty can't get out of the 18th century!


So broom bushers in the machine shop should make the same as the machinist and engineers, right? i mean, this IS 'Merica!
Why should people work hard like a slave? We live in the 21st century with automation and sure as hell could do a lot more with it. I hope robotics gets more into the growing of our food so we can have a "food stamp" like program for all.

People should be paid well for doing a service. This isn't China.

You righty can't get out of the 18th century!

You ignore the fact that it is a low skill job... anyone can do it and there is a vast pool of ill-educated, government schooled people out there.

hence the low wage.. it is simple economics, even a simp like you should be able to wrap your pea-sized brain around that!
I wouldn't call them incentives, first of all.

They were "punishment." In a highly immoral setting, punishment was often inflicted to get the unpaid slaves to perform (more) work.

They STILL weren't paid. They were provided subsistence and they were victimized.

Now, if you want to debate whether or not McDonalds should be providing a different and better system of pay to its employees, I think such a discussion is fine. But to make the argument in the guise of "slave wages" is to start off with a pathetic and dishonest fallacy.

And if McDonalds should pay better for some non-beginner employees, that is a matter of business judgment and maybe collective bargaining. It is not a matter involving a general increase of government imposed "minimum" hourly wage. THAT is a very much separate debate.

Well, I can agree with some of your reasoning but will end with that I think that the term "slave wage" is meant to (somewhat sloppily) describe earning very little/nothing for a job that you do. A "slave" is someone who has no choice but to do something for someone. Obviously, these workers CAN choose to work elsewhere, but many have no education, no friends/family, and not working means starving.

Might have been their fault or someone else's, but nonetheless they are slaves to the system at this point.
In some of these folks world, sweeping the floor and hitting automation buttons costitutes "skilled" worker. And apparenty, they are in short supply, but high demand.

Why should people work hard like a slave? We live in the 21st century with automation and sure as hell could do a lot more with it. I hope robotics gets more into the growing of our food so we can have a "food stamp" like program for all.

People should be paid well for doing a service. This isn't China.

You righty can't get out of the 18th century!

You ignore the fact that it is a low skill job... anyone can do it and there is a vast pool of ill-educated, government schooled people out there.

hence the low wage.. it is simple economics, even a simp like you should be able to wrap your pea-sized brain around that!

And the reason that middle class to upper middle class wages have remained stagnant in comparison to executive wages?



You don't know.
I wouldn't call them incentives, first of all.

They were "punishment." In a highly immoral setting, punishment was often inflicted to get the unpaid slaves to perform (more) work.

They STILL weren't paid. They were provided subsistence and they were victimized.

Now, if you want to debate whether or not McDonalds should be providing a different and better system of pay to its employees, I think such a discussion is fine. But to make the argument in the guise of "slave wages" is to start off with a pathetic and dishonest fallacy.

And if McDonalds should pay better for some non-beginner employees, that is a matter of business judgment and maybe collective bargaining. It is not a matter involving a general increase of government imposed "minimum" hourly wage. THAT is a very much separate debate.

Well, I can agree with some of your reasoning but will end with that I think that the term "slave wage" is meant to (somewhat sloppily) describe earning very little/nothing for a job that you do. A "slave" is someone who has no choice but to do something for someone. Obviously, these workers CAN choose to work elsewhere, but many have no education, no friends/family, and not working means starving.

Might have been their fault or someone else's, but nonetheless they are slaves to the system at this point.

NOBODY is ever starving in America.

except, obviously, those, whose BMI is more than 50 :rolleyes:
If its such a simple job then why do the CEO's of this simply job company make millions while the actual workers make shit? Capitalism for the rich by the rich.

A CEO's pay is not always just a large salary, it is the stock options. There were many CEO's that took a $1 salary at one point, their stock options is what all the fuss it about.

But then again after the Obama stimulus that lined the pockets of the big DNC donors with insider trading not sure how anyone could support the Democrats at this point and make such claims.
If its such a simple job then why do the CEO's of this simply job company make millions while the actual workers make shit? Capitalism for the rich by the rich.

because they are WORTH that much and the ones down the ladder are worth the amount they are being paid.

Don't like the system? move to North Korea.
If its such a simple job then why do the CEO's of this simply job company make millions while the actual workers make shit? Capitalism for the rich by the rich.

because they are WORTH that much and the ones down the ladder are worth the amount they are being paid.

Don't like the system? move to North Korea.

How come they weren't worth that much more historically and they are now? I mean as a percentage, too.

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