wait , sonic bans guns and gets robbed lol

Criminals LOVE gun bans. What better way to get what you want when there's nobody to stand in your way?

I've always thought that the best way to insure criminal activity is to post a sign that says "Gun Free Zone" or "No Guns".

Nothing like robbing or shooting up a place where you are pretty damned sure no one is going to shoot back at you. :whip:
Criminals LOVE gun bans. What better way to get what you want when there's nobody to stand in your way?

I've always thought that the best way to insure criminal activity is to post a sign that says "Gun Free Zone" or "No Guns".

Nothing like robbing or shooting up a place where you are pretty damned sure no one is going to shoot back at you. :whip:

And why would a private citizen carrying put his life on the line to defend a fast food restaurant?
Criminals LOVE gun bans. What better way to get what you want when there's nobody to stand in your way?

I've always thought that the best way to insure criminal activity is to post a sign that says "Gun Free Zone" or "No Guns".

Nothing like robbing or shooting up a place where you are pretty damned sure no one is going to shoot back at you. :whip:

Little idiot #2.
Criminals LOVE gun bans. What better way to get what you want when there's nobody to stand in your way?

I've always thought that the best way to insure criminal activity is to post a sign that says "Gun Free Zone" or "No Guns".

Nothing like robbing or shooting up a place where you are pretty damned sure no one is going to shoot back at you. :whip:

And why would a private citizen carrying put his life on the line to defend a fast food restaurant?
Especially when that's the exact OPPOSITE of what they want. Just wannabe heroes who've watch too many Bruce Willis movies.
My daughter's first job, ten years ago, was at a Sonic...I wouldn't let my 15 year old work there now with such an open invitation to criminals.
My daughter's first job, ten years ago, was at a Sonic...I wouldn't let my 15 year old work there now with such an open invitation to criminals.
And what was your daughter required to do in case of a robbery, give him the money and do as he says or you're fired correct? Yep.

It's cash, you don't shoot the place up for it regardless of what side of law and order you're on.
My daughter's first job, ten years ago, was at a Sonic...I wouldn't let my 15 year old work there now with such an open invitation to criminals.
And what was your daughter required to do in case of a robbery, give him the money and do as he says or you're fired correct? Yep.

It's cash, you don't shoot the place up for it regardless of what side of law and order you're on.

You certainly do give criminals a lot of credit for using their brains.:lol: Yeah, people who rob convenience stores/fast food joints have never fired at the person behind the counter on their way out because they think logically, and aren't ever hopped up on drugs. You're an ignorant fuck.:D
Criminals LOVE gun bans. What better way to get what you want when there's nobody to stand in your way?

I've always thought that the best way to insure criminal activity is to post a sign that says "Gun Free Zone" or "No Guns".

Nothing like robbing or shooting up a place where you are pretty damned sure no one is going to shoot back at you. :whip:

And why would a private citizen carrying put his life on the line to defend a fast food restaurant?

I'm all about defending the underdog but by carrying I'm also protecting myself. I'm simply not stupid so why would I ASS-U-ME that a criminal who's willing to pull a gun in the first place isn't also willing to use it?
My daughter's first job, ten years ago, was at a Sonic...I wouldn't let my 15 year old work there now with such an open invitation to criminals.
And what was your daughter required to do in case of a robbery, give him the money and do as he says or you're fired correct? Yep.

It's cash, you don't shoot the place up for it regardless of what side of law and order you're on.

Was robbed in one of these places years ago. The robber had a sawed off shotgun pressed to my head as I tried to open the safe.

Sure wish someone had had a gun to blow the SOB away.

3 weeks later he kidnapped a female manager taking a night deposit. Drove her 90 miles away and left her tied to a tree. Lucky a hunter found her the next day.

Wet my pants wouldn't understand though.
My daughter's first job, ten years ago, was at a Sonic...I wouldn't let my 15 year old work there now with such an open invitation to criminals.
And what was your daughter required to do in case of a robbery, give him the money and do as he says or you're fired correct? Yep.

It's cash, you don't shoot the place up for it regardless of what side of law and order you're on.

"Doing what he says" could very well include walking to a back room and disrobing. I won't get into what else might happen. I'd rather blow the dude's head off before he got that far.

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