Waiting for just 1 person receiving subpoena to Say...

"No sorry, I don't recognize you as legitimate house majority, because you won on false pretenses through abuse of power and weaponization of your position of power and Gov't agencies to manipulate and rig the mid term elections through false charges set up through Dems colluding with other foreign nations like Russia and Britain in acts of treason."
"Therefore there is no legitimate rights for an illegal Dem partisan oversight of it's opposition as continuation of that treasonous act and abuse of power."
Then ask for the OCE (oversights the congress) to do it's job in the investigation of the Dems overthrow of the rightful Gov't.
I'm waiting for all criminal CRCs to tell courts that they don't have to obey subpoenas anymore because their god's minions don't have to.

Disobeying a subpoena issued by any current day Democrat entity is not only a righteous and honorable civil disobedience, but a patriotic duty.
Refusing to be part of the coup is patriotic, as is refusing to be party to the left's implimentation of Russia's divide and conquer. Shmucks on the left are doing what Russia couldn't do, which is why Putin was laughing with the Saudis King over this partisen mess they created.
"No sorry, I don't recognize you as legitimate house majority, because you won on false pretenses through abuse of power and weaponization of your position of power and Gov't agencies to manipulate and rig the mid term elections through false charges set up through Dems colluding with other foreign nations like Russia and Britain in acts of treason."
"Therefore there is no legitimate rights for an illegal Dem partisan oversight of it's opposition as continuation of that treasonous act and abuse of power."
Then ask for the OCE (oversights the congress) to do it's job in the investigation of the Dems overthrow of the rightful Gov't.

Oh he'll yes, I agree wholeheartedly with you. Please,please, please do that!
Seeing that Nadless has NO enforcement authority, I wouldn't even show up. Just laugh at him. Although Nadless collapsed today. Trump may get awarded this figh by TKO.

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