Waiting Out The Transgender Catastrophe

Can you put yourself in the frame of mind for another…say, the Church officials in charge of the Inquisition, or of Lenin ordering the deaths of millions for the sake of the doctrines he believed would benefit mankind….?

Throughout history there are examples of horrific behaviors that their proponents fervently believed were the right thing to do. We are living through on of such times.

The delusional individuals and the alleged professionals who support the transgender fraud, probably believe that they are correct…as Lenin did and the perpetrators of the Inquisition did.

Yes, those who want to treat the Transgendered with dignity are JUST LIKE LENIN!!! I know you have to believe that, malfunctioning robot lady.

There is no such thing as 'transgendered.'

These are folks who have delusion, or are mentally ill.

As such, I can see why you'd have a certain.....empathy ....for same.

They, like you, would benefit from therapy.
Can you put yourself in the frame of mind for another…say, the Church officials in charge of the Inquisition, or of Lenin ordering the deaths of millions for the sake of the doctrines he believed would benefit mankind….?

Throughout history there are examples of horrific behaviors that their proponents fervently believed were the right thing to do. We are living through on of such times.

The delusional individuals and the alleged professionals who support the transgender fraud, probably believe that they are correct…as Lenin did and the perpetrators of the Inquisition did.

Yes, those who want to treat the Transgendered with dignity are JUST LIKE LENIN!!! I know you have to believe that, malfunctioning robot lady.

There is no such thing as 'transgendered.'

These are folks who have delusion, or are mentally ill.

As such, I can see why you'd have a certain.....empathy ....for same.

They, like you, would benefit from therapy.
View attachment 272398

I truly love it when you post, as it validates everything I say about Liberals, Leftists, Progressives, communists......

Rather than try to debate issues, your knee-jerk response to conservatives eating your lunch is "Shut Up!!!!"

....and when we don't shut up....followed by violence.

For context: every presidential assassin in the history of the nation has been a liberal- or has not been associated with a political outlook- none were right-wingers.

Can you put yourself in the frame of mind for another…say, the Church officials in charge of the Inquisition, or of Lenin ordering the deaths of millions for the sake of the doctrines he believed would benefit mankind….?

Throughout history there are examples of horrific behaviors that their proponents fervently believed were the right thing to do. We are living through on of such times.

The delusional individuals and the alleged professionals who support the transgender fraud, probably believe that they are correct…as Lenin did and the perpetrators of the Inquisition did.

Yes, those who want to treat the Transgendered with dignity are JUST LIKE LENIN!!! I know you have to believe that, malfunctioning robot lady.

There is no such thing as 'transgendered.'

These are folks who have delusion, or are mentally ill.

As such, I can see why you'd have a certain.....empathy ....for same.

They, like you, would benefit from therapy.
View attachment 272398

I truly love it when you post, as it validates everything I say about Liberals, Leftists, Progressives, communists......

Rather than try to debate issues, your knee-jerk response to conservatives eating your lunch is "Shut Up!!!!"

....and when we don't shut up....followed by violence.

For context: every presidential assassin in the history of the nation has been a liberal- or has not been associated with a political outlook- none were right-wingers.

When you stop pontificating and posting unhinged rants and start debating, I will be happy to engage you. I attempted to do so by posting evidence that there is a biological basis for gender dysphoria. Instead of responding to it, you just keep bleating that there is no such thing as transgender. That does not speak well for your level of intellectual functioning.
Can you put yourself in the frame of mind for another…say, the Church officials in charge of the Inquisition, or of Lenin ordering the deaths of millions for the sake of the doctrines he believed would benefit mankind….?

Throughout history there are examples of horrific behaviors that their proponents fervently believed were the right thing to do. We are living through on of such times.

The delusional individuals and the alleged professionals who support the transgender fraud, probably believe that they are correct…as Lenin did and the perpetrators of the Inquisition did.

Yes, those who want to treat the Transgendered with dignity are JUST LIKE LENIN!!! I know you have to believe that, malfunctioning robot lady.

There is no such thing as 'transgendered.'

These are folks who have delusion, or are mentally ill.

As such, I can see why you'd have a certain.....empathy ....for same.

They, like you, would benefit from therapy.
View attachment 272398

I truly love it when you post, as it validates everything I say about Liberals, Leftists, Progressives, communists......

Rather than try to debate issues, your knee-jerk response to conservatives eating your lunch is "Shut Up!!!!"

....and when we don't shut up....followed by violence.

For context: every presidential assassin in the history of the nation has been a liberal- or has not been associated with a political outlook- none were right-wingers.

When you stop pontificating and posting unhinged rants and start debating, I will be happy to engage you.

Why would I ever....EVER....want to 'engage' you????

I used you to demonstrate that Leftists like you are both stupid and dishonest....you'd steal a free sample.

I don't have any need to 'debate'.....I simply prove why I'm right, as I did with you several times.

Be sure to stop back next time you'd like another custard pie smashed in your ugly kisser.
Yes, those who want to treat the Transgendered with dignity are JUST LIKE LENIN!!! I know you have to believe that, malfunctioning robot lady.

There is no such thing as 'transgendered.'

These are folks who have delusion, or are mentally ill.

As such, I can see why you'd have a certain.....empathy ....for same.

They, like you, would benefit from therapy.
View attachment 272398

I truly love it when you post, as it validates everything I say about Liberals, Leftists, Progressives, communists......

Rather than try to debate issues, your knee-jerk response to conservatives eating your lunch is "Shut Up!!!!"

....and when we don't shut up....followed by violence.

For context: every presidential assassin in the history of the nation has been a liberal- or has not been associated with a political outlook- none were right-wingers.

When you stop pontificating and posting unhinged rants and start debating, I will be happy to engage you.

Why would I ever....EVER....want to 'engage' you????

I used you to demonstrate that Leftists like you are both stupid and dishonest....you'd steal a free sample.

I don't have any need to 'debate'.....I simply prove why I'm right, as I did with you several times.

Be sure to stop back next time you'd like another custard pie smashed in your ugly kisser.
Thank you for proving my point. After accusing me of not debating, you post this crap that is nothing more than a cop out. You won't debate because all you have ate appeals to ignorance, ad hominins and other assorted logical fallacies
There is no such thing as 'transgendered.'

These are folks who have delusion, or are mentally ill.

As such, I can see why you'd have a certain.....empathy ....for same.

They, like you, would benefit from therapy.
View attachment 272398

I truly love it when you post, as it validates everything I say about Liberals, Leftists, Progressives, communists......

Rather than try to debate issues, your knee-jerk response to conservatives eating your lunch is "Shut Up!!!!"

....and when we don't shut up....followed by violence.

For context: every presidential assassin in the history of the nation has been a liberal- or has not been associated with a political outlook- none were right-wingers.

When you stop pontificating and posting unhinged rants and start debating, I will be happy to engage you.

Why would I ever....EVER....want to 'engage' you????

I used you to demonstrate that Leftists like you are both stupid and dishonest....you'd steal a free sample.

I don't have any need to 'debate'.....I simply prove why I'm right, as I did with you several times.

Be sure to stop back next time you'd like another custard pie smashed in your ugly kisser.
Thank you for proving my point. After accusing me of not debating, you post this crap that is nothing more than a cop out. You won't debate because all you have ate appeals to ignorance, ad hominins and other assorted logical fallacies

"After accusing me of not debating..."

Link or lie?

I truly love it when you post, as it validates everything I say about Liberals, Leftists, Progressives, communists......

Rather than try to debate issues, your knee-jerk response to conservatives eating your lunch is "Shut Up!!!!"

....and when we don't shut up....followed by violence.

For context: every presidential assassin in the history of the nation has been a liberal- or has not been associated with a political outlook- none were right-wingers.

When you stop pontificating and posting unhinged rants and start debating, I will be happy to engage you.

Why would I ever....EVER....want to 'engage' you????

I used you to demonstrate that Leftists like you are both stupid and dishonest....you'd steal a free sample.

I don't have any need to 'debate'.....I simply prove why I'm right, as I did with you several times.

Be sure to stop back next time you'd like another custard pie smashed in your ugly kisser.
Thank you for proving my point. After accusing me of not debating, you post this crap that is nothing more than a cop out. You won't debate because all you have ate appeals to ignorance, ad hominins and other assorted logical fallacies

"After accusing me of not debating..."

Link or lie?
Post 122, only this morning

Rather than try to debate issues, your knee-jerk response to conservatives eating your lunch is "Shut Up!!!!"

Khrist ! You have a short memory!!
There is no such thing as 'transgendered.'

These are folks who have delusion, or are mentally ill.

As such, I can see why you'd have a certain.....empathy ....for same.

They, like you, would benefit from therapy.

Therapy is a scam. Used to be people like you thought that being gay was a mental illness.

You might want to watch out, some day, being homophobic or transphobic might be declared a mental illness.
You don't understand that YOU are a victim of a hoax.

What hoax would that be, dope?

"Believe in me and you'll have everlasting life!" Send me $1000.00 and I'll guarantee the same. But wait, there's more! For a limited time, if you send a "gift" of $1000.00 I'll send you a written guarantee suitable for hanging, printed right here in the United States of America at Kinko's who's corporate offices are in Plano, Tx.

All you've done is document that you have no understanding of the Judeo-Christian faith....and that you are a government school grad.

Let's cut to the chase.....Judeo-Christianity is the basis of Western Civilization, and of liberty.

Three millennia ago, due to the start of monotheism, humanity began to construct the ‘house’ we live in today, the palace known as Western Civilization. Genesis 1:26 suddenly made every individual special, and made the argument against slavery.
In 1215, the Magna Carta underscored the premise with this language:
“Know ye, that we, in the presence of God, and for the salvation of our soul, and the souls of all our ancestors and heirs,….”
1215: Magna Carta - Online Library of Liberty

It appears you know less than nothing.

Religious faith is a spiritual apprehension rather than proof. Why (other than profit) base your life on a non-truth?

"Religious faith is a spiritual apprehension rather than proof. Why (other than profit) base your life on a non-truth?"

A prime example of rule #2.

Rule #2
To know what the Left is guilty of, just watch what they blame the other side of doing.

Your description applies more accurately to communism and other Leftist tendencies.
They have never proven true, no matter how many they have slain in advancing same.

Profit is a term used in Leftist tracts, not religious ones.

Every Leftist is, essentially, a Marxist…even though most eschew the title since the fall of the Soviet Union. Even so, Left-wing ideas are predicated on Marx’s materialist view. Philosophically, the term implies that only material things are real.

While the Judeo-Christian society labels actions as ‘good’ or ‘evil,’ due to morality and/or self-control, the Left sees the results as due to material inequality, i.e., violent crime due to poverty.

The Left has been far more interested in fighting material inequality than tyranny, which is why Lenin, Mao, Pol Pot, Ho Chi Minh, Castro, etc., tend to have the support of Leftists around the world.

I appreciate your posts, as I could never post any as stereotypical of the indoctrinated Leftists as you have.

Unlike you, I see my actions are a result of who I am, NOT in the conflict you have between the right thing to do vs. your religious beliefs. You need to remember that ALL religious books were written by men, misogynists, immoral, greedy, and (but not limited to) hypocritical.
Jessica Simpson gets shamed for dying her young daughters hair but turning your just as young child into a freak is lauded.....Society in unmoored
What hoax would that be, dope?

"Believe in me and you'll have everlasting life!" Send me $1000.00 and I'll guarantee the same. But wait, there's more! For a limited time, if you send a "gift" of $1000.00 I'll send you a written guarantee suitable for hanging, printed right here in the United States of America at Kinko's who's corporate offices are in Plano, Tx.

All you've done is document that you have no understanding of the Judeo-Christian faith....and that you are a government school grad.

Let's cut to the chase.....Judeo-Christianity is the basis of Western Civilization, and of liberty.

Three millennia ago, due to the start of monotheism, humanity began to construct the ‘house’ we live in today, the palace known as Western Civilization. Genesis 1:26 suddenly made every individual special, and made the argument against slavery.
In 1215, the Magna Carta underscored the premise with this language:
“Know ye, that we, in the presence of God, and for the salvation of our soul, and the souls of all our ancestors and heirs,….”
1215: Magna Carta - Online Library of Liberty

It appears you know less than nothing.

Religious faith is a spiritual apprehension rather than proof. Why (other than profit) base your life on a non-truth?

"Religious faith is a spiritual apprehension rather than proof. Why (other than profit) base your life on a non-truth?"

A prime example of rule #2.

Rule #2
To know what the Left is guilty of, just watch what they blame the other side of doing.

Your description applies more accurately to communism and other Leftist tendencies.
They have never proven true, no matter how many they have slain in advancing same.

Profit is a term used in Leftist tracts, not religious ones.

Every Leftist is, essentially, a Marxist…even though most eschew the title since the fall of the Soviet Union. Even so, Left-wing ideas are predicated on Marx’s materialist view. Philosophically, the term implies that only material things are real.

While the Judeo-Christian society labels actions as ‘good’ or ‘evil,’ due to morality and/or self-control, the Left sees the results as due to material inequality, i.e., violent crime due to poverty.

The Left has been far more interested in fighting material inequality than tyranny, which is why Lenin, Mao, Pol Pot, Ho Chi Minh, Castro, etc., tend to have the support of Leftists around the world.

I appreciate your posts, as I could never post any as stereotypical of the indoctrinated Leftists as you have.

Unlike you, I see my actions are a result of who I am, NOT in the conflict you have between the right thing to do vs. your religious beliefs. You need to remember that ALL religious books were written by men, misogynists, immoral, greedy, and (but not limited to) hypocritical.

"Unlike you," blah blah blah.....

That's because you're not as smart as I am.

I understand.
Jessica Simpson gets shamed for dying her young daughters hair but turning your just as young child into a freak is lauded.....Society in unmoored

That child was usually suffering gender dysphoria long before their parents got involved.

Transgender movement: forcing everyone to participate in some people's delusions.

Male and Female are biological categories. People lie; DNA doesn’t.

Gender dysphoria, a conflict between a person's physical or assigned gender and the gender with which he/she/ claims to identify, is a mental illness.

Demanding that other people participate in the delusion is not a right.

They deserve therapy, not credence.

I see it in your future, as well.
Jessica Simpson gets shamed for dying her young daughters hair but turning your just as young child into a freak is lauded.....Society in unmoored

That child was usually suffering gender dysphoria long before their parents got involved.

Transgender movement: forcing everyone to participate in some people's delusions.

Male and Female are biological categories. People lie; DNA doesn’t.

Gender dysphoria, a conflict between a person's physical or assigned gender and the gender with which he/she/ claims to identify, is a mental illness.

Demanding that other people participate in the delusion is not a right.

They deserve therapy, not credence.

I see it in your future, as well.

I just read an article on women's health in which a gynecologist was talking about a women's periods. The magazine, Insider, DELETED "women's periods" and inserted [people with periods]

It pulled me out of the article entirely and I had to read and re-read that.

I thought: you're kidding me. Now we have PEOPLE WITH PERIODS. Because if you're menstruating, I guess..you may be a man.

I just read an article on women's health in which a gynecologist was talking about a women's periods. The magazine, Insider, DELETED "women's periods" and inserted [people with periods]

It pulled me out of the article entirely and I had to read and re-read that.

I thought: you're kidding me. Now we have PEOPLE WITH PERIODS. Because if you're menstruating, I guess..you may be a man.


If two words take you totally out of an article, then that's kind of on you.

One more time for you and Mail Order Bride from Hell.

How does the existence of trans-gendered people have ANY EFFECT ON YOUR LIFE?

It doesn't. None at all.
Jessica Simpson gets shamed for dying her young daughters hair but turning your just as young child into a freak is lauded.....Society in unmoored

That child was usually suffering gender dysphoria long before their parents got involved.

Transgender movement: forcing everyone to participate in some people's delusions.

Male and Female are biological categories. People lie; DNA doesn’t.

Gender dysphoria, a conflict between a person's physical or assigned gender and the gender with which he/she/ claims to identify, is a mental illness.

Demanding that other people participate in the delusion is not a right.

They deserve therapy, not credence.

I see it in your future, as well.

I just read an article on women's health in which a gynecologist was talking about a women's periods. The magazine, Insider, DELETED "women's periods" and inserted [people with periods]

It pulled me out of the article entirely and I had to read and re-read that.

I thought: you're kidding me. Now we have PEOPLE WITH PERIODS. Because if you're menstruating, I guess..you may be a man.


The Leftists are very sick people....

And…if you had the slightest doubt that they are insane, Democrat candidate for President, Julian Castro, definitively stated “he wants “trans women” to have access to “women’s reproductive rights,”abortion, as well.

Trans women or, as some would call them, men, cannot actually have an abortion as their bodies cannot be pregnant.” According To Julián Castro, 'Trans Women' (Also Called Men) Have The Right To Abortion
I just read an article on women's health in which a gynecologist was talking about a women's periods. The magazine, Insider, DELETED "women's periods" and inserted [people with periods]

It pulled me out of the article entirely and I had to read and re-read that.

I thought: you're kidding me. Now we have PEOPLE WITH PERIODS. Because if you're menstruating, I guess..you may be a man.


If two words take you totally out of an article, then that's kind of on you.

One more time for you and Mail Order Bride from Hell.

How does the existence of trans-gendered people have ANY EFFECT ON YOUR LIFE?

It doesn't. None at all.
Can very easily intrude into other peoples lives unwanted and unknown until damage has been done, ..Studies find social media and peer pressure play big role in "suddenly questioning kids". Has exploded across the UK. Small children dont conceive of this on their own. Someone introduced the thought into their head and nutured it.
Staff Quit U.K. National Health Service Over Transgender Experiment On Children
Can very easily intrude into other peoples lives unwanted and unknown until damage has been done, ..Studies find social media and peer pressure play big role in "suddenly questioning kids". Has exploded across the UK. Small children dont conceive of this on their own. Someone introduced the thought into their head and nutured it.
Staff Quit U.K. National Health Service Over Transgender Experiment On Children

you'd have more credibility if you didn't use rabid right wing sources for your nonsense. You are getting seriously into Chemtrails making frogs gay territory here.

the article said that they found more kids that they identified as gay were actually transgender.. not sure any real coercion was going on here.

The Leftists are very sick people....

And…if you had the slightest doubt that they are insane, Democrat candidate for President, Julian Castro, definitively stated “he wants “trans women” to have access to “women’s reproductive rights,”abortion, as well.

Trans women or, as some would call them, men, cannot actually have an abortion as their bodies cannot be pregnant.”

NO, but the hormones they take do lead to other medical issues that have to be treated.

Again, waiting for you to tell me how trans-people effect your life in any way, shape or form.

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