Waiting period to buy a gun...?

M14 Shooter

The Light of Truth
Sep 26, 2007
Apparently, some people still think this is not just a good idea, but necessary.
Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence Gun Law Information Experts

To this end, a federal judge struck the waiting period on CA for most gun buyers
Federal judge strikes down California gun purchase waiting period in some cases Fox News

If a waiting period for an abortion is insufferable, how is if OK to force people to wait to buy a gun?
Fewer Waiting Periods For Guns Than For Abortions INFOGRAPHIC

I already own several guns and have a CCW permit -- why should I have to wait some arbitrary amount of time before I can exercise my right to arms?
I think the idea is two fold, one to do a background check which shouldn't take days. The second is to try and prevent someone buying a gun when enraged and using it. Gives some time to simmer down. Are either necessary or effective? I don't think so but since they really are not a big burden maybe doing nothing would actually be worse.
Apparently, some people still think this is not just a good idea, but necessary.
Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence Gun Law Information Experts

To this end, a federal judge struck the waiting period on CA for most gun buyers
Federal judge strikes down California gun purchase waiting period in some cases Fox News

If a waiting period for an abortion is insufferable, how is if OK to force people to wait to buy a gun?
Fewer Waiting Periods For Guns Than For Abortions INFOGRAPHIC

I already own several guns and have a CCW permit -- why should I have to wait some arbitrary amount of time before I can exercise my right to arms?
If you already have guns, why is there such an emergency to get another today?
Apparently, some people still think this is not just a good idea, but necessary.
Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence Gun Law Information Experts

To this end, a federal judge struck the waiting period on CA for most gun buyers
Federal judge strikes down California gun purchase waiting period in some cases Fox News

If a waiting period for an abortion is insufferable, how is if OK to force people to wait to buy a gun?
Fewer Waiting Periods For Guns Than For Abortions INFOGRAPHIC

I already own several guns and have a CCW permit -- why should I have to wait some arbitrary amount of time before I can exercise my right to arms?
If you already have guns, why is there such an emergency to get another today?
It's not a matter of urgency, it's a matter of restricting the exercise of a right w/o any legitimate reason to do so
Apparently, some people still think this is not just a good idea, but necessary.
Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence Gun Law Information Experts

To this end, a federal judge struck the waiting period on CA for most gun buyers
Federal judge strikes down California gun purchase waiting period in some cases Fox News

If a waiting period for an abortion is insufferable, how is if OK to force people to wait to buy a gun?
Fewer Waiting Periods For Guns Than For Abortions INFOGRAPHIC

I already own several guns and have a CCW permit -- why should I have to wait some arbitrary amount of time before I can exercise my right to arms?
If you already have guns, why is there such an emergency to get another today?

It's not an emergency. Let's say you have just bought a nice new car and the government says you can't take it out for a spin till a few days have passed. You already have a car, so you certainly don't need it that fast, but here's the government taking over control of YOUR money. They're not paying you interest on YOUR money. They are just saying you can't have what you paid for.

You really think that's "fair"? You really think that makes any sort of sense? I own a shitload of guns. I too have a CCW and have had a Class III FFL in the past. Fortunately I live in Nevada where we don't have to wait.
Apparently, some people still think this is not just a good idea, but necessary.
Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence Gun Law Information Experts

To this end, a federal judge struck the waiting period on CA for most gun buyers
Federal judge strikes down California gun purchase waiting period in some cases Fox News

If a waiting period for an abortion is insufferable, how is if OK to force people to wait to buy a gun?
Fewer Waiting Periods For Guns Than For Abortions INFOGRAPHIC

I already own several guns and have a CCW permit -- why should I have to wait some arbitrary amount of time before I can exercise my right to arms?

Another win for civil rights, another loss for the democrats.
I think the idea is two fold, one to do a background check which shouldn't take days.
Exactly. If it should not take days, why wait for days to have it done?
Further, with the current NICS provisions, there's nothing to compel the state to "dig deeper" into a background check; as such. there's no reason to give the state more time to do something it won't do.
The second is to try and prevent someone buying a gun when enraged and using it. Gives some time to simmer down.
How does this affect people who already own guns?
I don't think so but since they really are not a big burden maybe doing nothing would actually be worse.
It doesn't matter how "big" a burden seems -- unless said burden is necessary and effective, it is constitutionally impermissible.
Keep pushing the envelope and one day a sane majority on the Supreme Court will finally decide the right to own, possess or have in one's custody and control a gun is a privilege, not a right.
Keep pushing the envelope and one day a sane majority on the Supreme Court will finally decide the right to own, possess or have in one's custody and control a gun is a privilege, not a right.
Unsurprisingly, I don't see an answer to my questions.
Keep pushing the envelope and one day a sane majority on the Supreme Court will finally decide the right to own, possess or have in one's custody and control a gun is a privilege, not a right.

And that day will be the beginning of the revolution. Be careful what you wish for.
Keep pushing the envelope and one day a sane majority on the Supreme Court will finally decide the right to own, possess or have in one's custody and control a gun is a privilege, not a right.
Just before that, monkeys will fly out of my butt.
Who cares if you have to wait a couple days to get your gun?

You can still sleep with it when you get home
Apparently, some people still think this is not just a good idea, but necessary.
Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence Gun Law Information Experts

To this end, a federal judge struck the waiting period on CA for most gun buyers
Federal judge strikes down California gun purchase waiting period in some cases Fox News

If a waiting period for an abortion is insufferable, how is if OK to force people to wait to buy a gun?
Fewer Waiting Periods For Guns Than For Abortions INFOGRAPHIC

I already own several guns and have a CCW permit -- why should I have to wait some arbitrary amount of time before I can exercise my right to arms?
If you already have guns, why is there such an emergency to get another today?
It's not a matter of urgency, it's a matter of restricting the exercise of a right w/o any legitimate reason to do so
I'm a gun owner, and a 2nd amendment supporter.

I am also in favor of clarification on the 2nd amendment, so we all don't have to wind up appearing to be crack pots, and overreact to any regulation that might not be so much of an infringement on the 2nd.

I completely understand how defining the word "arms", in terms of what the constitution allows us to possess, isn't that easy. If I had my way, any weapons up to 50 cal, automatic or not, should be open carry and unregulated. I would draw the line at heavy weaponry that can take down airplanes at medium to high altitude, and/or explosives.

So when I hear people getting jumpy because you can't go buy a gun that same day, I sometimes wonder how peoductive that fight is. We need to pick out battles, and not let anti gun folks draw us into looking like paranoid militia types.
Apparently, some people still think this is not just a good idea, but necessary.
Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence Gun Law Information Experts

To this end, a federal judge struck the waiting period on CA for most gun buyers
Federal judge strikes down California gun purchase waiting period in some cases Fox News

If a waiting period for an abortion is insufferable, how is if OK to force people to wait to buy a gun?
Fewer Waiting Periods For Guns Than For Abortions INFOGRAPHIC

I already own several guns and have a CCW permit -- why should I have to wait some arbitrary amount of time before I can exercise my right to arms?
If you already have guns, why is there such an emergency to get another today?
It's not a matter of urgency, it's a matter of restricting the exercise of a right w/o any legitimate reason to do so
I'm a gun owner, and a 2nd amendment supporter.

I am also in favor of clarification on the 2nd amendment, so we all don't have to wind up appearing to be crack pots, and overreact to any regulation that might not be so much of an infringement on the 2nd.

I completely understand how defining the word "arms", in terms of what the constitution allows us to possess, isn't that easy. If I had my way, any weapons up to 50 cal, automatic or not, should be open carry and unregulated. I would draw the line at heavy weaponry that can take down airplanes at medium to high altitude, and/or explosives.

So when I hear people getting jumpy because you can't go buy a gun that same day, I sometimes wonder how peoductive that fight is. We need to pick out battles, and not let anti gun folks draw us into looking like paranoid militia types.
On the contrary -- there is no good sense in compromise, for compromise is impossible.
I ask you this: What do you get in return when you allow the other side to infringe on your right to arms just a little more?
No one can tell me why I should have to wait some arbitrary amount of time before I can exercise my right to arms?
I think the idea is two fold, one to do a background check which shouldn't take days. The second is to try and prevent someone buying a gun when enraged and using it. Gives some time to simmer down. Are either necessary or effective? I don't think so but since they really are not a big burden maybe doing nothing would actually be worse.

How about My ex boyfriend is getting out of jail and they failed to notify me. he gets out today....

I am being stalked by an ex and they just escalated,to the point I think he is going to kill me.......

happens all the time.......

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