Waiting period to buy a gun...?

Keep pushing the envelope and one day a sane majority on the Supreme Court will finally decide the right to own, possess or have in one's custody and control a gun is a privilege, not a right.

And that day will be the beginning of the revolution. Be careful what you wish for.

they make statements like that and wonder why we don't trust them....

Gun control should be a privilege, only sober, sane, non violent and honest citizens should be able to have a license to own, possess or have in their custody and control a gun. It's really that simple, do the crime (dui, sell drugs, commit domestic violence, rape, rob, or murder) and you lose the license; if later you have a gun you go to prison for life, or you can surrender your US Citizenship and passport and move to a gun friendly nation if you can find one.
Who can name the most notorious U.S. school shooting in history? Was it Columbine in Colorado? Nope, for some reason the liberal media was able to ignore the worst school shooting in history in Virginia Tech Blacksburg barely a decade ago. The shooter, a Korean immigrant was notorious on campus and feared by both faculty and students. When he was arrested for stalking female students the university put the pressure on local police and he was released pending court ordered psychiatric evaluation. The law was in place both statewide and federally to prevent people who are undergoing court ordered psychiatric counseling from purchasing a firearm but Virginia liberals decided that the privacy of crazy people trumped the safety of citizens so the instant name check didn't prevent the monster from purchasing a firearm. Every mass shooting in modern history was perpetrated by a crazy left winger from the dyed red haired theater shooter to the jihad US Army Major that the system ignored.
Keep pushing the envelope and one day a sane majority on the Supreme Court will finally decide the right to own, possess or have in one's custody and control a gun is a privilege, not a right.

And that day will be the beginning of the revolution. Be careful what you wish for.

they make statements like that and wonder why we don't trust them....

Gun control should be a privilege, only sober, sane, non violent and honest citizens should be able to have a license to own, possess or have in their custody and control a gun. It's really that simple, do the crime (dui, sell drugs, commit domestic violence, rape, rob, or murder) and you lose the license; if later you have a gun you go to prison for life, or you can surrender your US Citizenship and passport and move to a gun friendly nation if you can find one.

Fortunately for us the Founders didn't hold to your provincial, elitist, point of view. Fortunately the Founders realized the problems endemic in a Class based society, such as existed in the UK when the US broke away from that oppressive system that consigned millions to working at near slave wages so the "privileged" could lead their lives of luxury.

Must piss you off that the peasants get all the rights that you do.
Who can name the most notorious U.S. school shooting in history? Was it Columbine in Colorado? Nope, for some reason the liberal media was able to ignore the worst school shooting in history in Virginia Tech Blacksburg barely a decade ago. The shooter, a Korean immigrant was notorious on campus and feared by both faculty and students. When he was arrested for stalking female students the university put the pressure on local police and he was released pending court ordered psychiatric evaluation. The law was in place both statewide and federally to prevent people who are undergoing court ordered psychiatric counseling from purchasing a firearm but Virginia liberals decided that the privacy of crazy people trumped the safety of citizens so the instant name check didn't prevent the monster from purchasing a firearm. Every mass shooting in modern history was perpetrated by a crazy left winger from the dyed red haired theater shooter to the jihad US Army Major that the system ignored.

Left wingers are not liberals, no matter how many times Rush or Sean or Ted and Rand tell you so. And how do you know Virginia liberals made the decision you allege? You seem to have forgotten to post the evidence. It seems more in line with Libertarian ideals than those of liberals or progressives.
Apparently, some people still think this is not just a good idea, but necessary.
Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence Gun Law Information Experts

To this end, a federal judge struck the waiting period on CA for most gun buyers
Federal judge strikes down California gun purchase waiting period in some cases Fox News

If a waiting period for an abortion is insufferable, how is if OK to force people to wait to buy a gun?
Fewer Waiting Periods For Guns Than For Abortions INFOGRAPHIC

I already own several guns and have a CCW permit -- why should I have to wait some arbitrary amount of time before I can exercise my right to arms?
Wtf. This is a terrible thread. You have said nothing of any value and people applaud you for it as usual. I don't know if I've ever seen a more self important individual on the Internet. Why are participants so excited about guns and their rights for guns.
Apparently, some people still think this is not just a good idea, but necessary.
Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence Gun Law Information Experts

To this end, a federal judge struck the waiting period on CA for most gun buyers
Federal judge strikes down California gun purchase waiting period in some cases Fox News

If a waiting period for an abortion is insufferable, how is if OK to force people to wait to buy a gun?
Fewer Waiting Periods For Guns Than For Abortions INFOGRAPHIC

I already own several guns and have a CCW permit -- why should I have to wait some arbitrary amount of time before I can exercise my right to arms?
Wtf. This is a terrible thread. You have said nothing of any value and people applaud you for it as usual. I don't know if I've ever seen a more self important individual on the Internet. Why are participants so excited about guns and their rights for guns.

Because the stop bad guys from raping, stabbing, shooting, beating, robbing and murdering good people....nothing else does that as well as a gun.....

On average....Americans use guns 1.6 million times a year to stop or prevent violent criminal attack and save lives...that is something to be excited about....a lot of lives not ruined by thugs and lowlifes....a lot of women not damaged by rape....
Apparently, some people still think this is not just a good idea, but necessary.
Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence Gun Law Information Experts

To this end, a federal judge struck the waiting period on CA for most gun buyers
Federal judge strikes down California gun purchase waiting period in some cases Fox News

If a waiting period for an abortion is insufferable, how is if OK to force people to wait to buy a gun?
Fewer Waiting Periods For Guns Than For Abortions INFOGRAPHIC

I already own several guns and have a CCW permit -- why should I have to wait some arbitrary amount of time before I can exercise my right to arms?
Wtf. This is a terrible thread. You have said nothing of any value and people applaud you for it as usual. I don't know if I've ever seen a more self important individual on the Internet. Why are participants so excited about guns and their rights for guns.

Because the stop bad guys from raping, stabbing, shooting, beating, robbing and murdering good people....nothing else does that as well as a gun.....

On average....Americans use guns 1.6 million times a year to stop or prevent violent criminal attack and save lives...that is something to be excited about....a lot of lives not ruined by thugs and lowlifes....a lot of women not damaged by rape....
But we lose such fine citizens as Trayvon, Big Mike, and the Loosie Peddler whose name I do not recall.
Keep pushing the envelope and one day a sane majority on the Supreme Court will finally decide the right to own, possess or have in one's custody and control a gun is a privilege, not a right.

And that day will be the beginning of the revolution. Be careful what you wish for.

they make statements like that and wonder why we don't trust them....

Gun control should be a privilege, only sober, sane, non violent and honest citizens should be able to have a license to own, possess or have in their custody and control a gun. It's really that simple, do the crime (dui, sell drugs, commit domestic violence, rape, rob, or murder) and you lose the license; if later you have a gun you go to prison for life, or you can surrender your US Citizenship and passport and move to a gun friendly nation if you can find one.

Fortunately for us the Founders didn't hold to your provincial, elitist, point of view. Fortunately the Founders realized the problems endemic in a Class based society, such as existed in the UK when the US broke away from that oppressive system that consigned millions to working at near slave wages so the "privileged" could lead their lives of luxury.

Must piss you off that the peasants get all the rights that you do.

History simplified to fit a 21st Century ideology. Have you read 1984?
Waiting periods are un-Constitutional because they are not rationally based, as there is no evidence in support of their efficacy.

From the ruling cited in the OP:

'There is no evidence that a “cooling off period,” such as that provided by the 10-day waiting period, prevents impulsive acts of violence by individuals who already possess a firearm. A waiting period for a newly purchased firearm will not deter an individual from committing impulsive acts of violence with a separate firearm that is already in his or her possession.'

Moreover, waiting periods are not consistently applied by government. In Florida, for example, those in possession of a Florida Concealed Weapon or Firearm License are not subject to the three-day handgun waiting period required by the State; whether or not one is prone to impulsive criminal acts is not a criterion for being eligible for the License.

In time, as Second Amendment jurisprudence continues to evolve, we'll likely see waiting periods fall by the Constitutional wayside.
Apparently, some people still think this is not just a good idea, but necessary.
Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence Gun Law Information Experts

To this end, a federal judge struck the waiting period on CA for most gun buyers
Federal judge strikes down California gun purchase waiting period in some cases Fox News

If a waiting period for an abortion is insufferable, how is if OK to force people to wait to buy a gun?
Fewer Waiting Periods For Guns Than For Abortions INFOGRAPHIC

I already own several guns and have a CCW permit -- why should I have to wait some arbitrary amount of time before I can exercise my right to arms?
Wtf. This is a terrible thread. You have said nothing of any value and people applaud you for it as usual. I don't know if I've ever seen a more self important individual on the Internet. Why are participants so excited about guns and their rights for guns.
Your failure to address the issue at hand is well-noted.
Apparently, some people still think this is not just a good idea, but necessary.
Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence Gun Law Information Experts

To this end, a federal judge struck the waiting period on CA for most gun buyers
Federal judge strikes down California gun purchase waiting period in some cases Fox News

If a waiting period for an abortion is insufferable, how is if OK to force people to wait to buy a gun?
Fewer Waiting Periods For Guns Than For Abortions INFOGRAPHIC

I already own several guns and have a CCW permit -- why should I have to wait some arbitrary amount of time before I can exercise my right to arms?

Ever the moderate, I suggest a compromise. When purchasing your first firearm, you have a waiting period. Subsequent firearms though, no waiting period.
What about a woman that gets fearful of some guy's threats and decides to finally arm herself. She has to wait 10 days but gets murdered in the mean time. Who did it help?
That way, law-abidding gun owners (as evidence by having weapons already and still be eligible to buy more) aren't unduly burdened by redundant legislation intended to 'cool-off' a hothead since they already have weaponry, but you give someone who didn't already have weapons some time to consider.
What about a woman that gets fearful of some guy's threats and decides to finally arm herself. She has to wait 10 days but gets murdered in the mean time. Who did it help?


Making a threat or giving a 'reasonable person' reason to believe a threat has been made is a crime. Call the police.
Apparently, some people still think this is not just a good idea, but necessary.
Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence Gun Law Information Experts

To this end, a federal judge struck the waiting period on CA for most gun buyers
Federal judge strikes down California gun purchase waiting period in some cases Fox News

If a waiting period for an abortion is insufferable, how is if OK to force people to wait to buy a gun?
Fewer Waiting Periods For Guns Than For Abortions INFOGRAPHIC

I already own several guns and have a CCW permit -- why should I have to wait some arbitrary amount of time before I can exercise my right to arms?

Ever the moderate, I suggest a compromise. When purchasing your first firearm, you have a waiting period. Subsequent firearms though, no waiting period.
There's no sound basis for any waiting period.
Apparently, some people still think this is not just a good idea, but necessary.
Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence Gun Law Information Experts

To this end, a federal judge struck the waiting period on CA for most gun buyers
Federal judge strikes down California gun purchase waiting period in some cases Fox News

If a waiting period for an abortion is insufferable, how is if OK to force people to wait to buy a gun?
Fewer Waiting Periods For Guns Than For Abortions INFOGRAPHIC

I already own several guns and have a CCW permit -- why should I have to wait some arbitrary amount of time before I can exercise my right to arms?

Ever the moderate, I suggest a compromise. When purchasing your first firearm, you have a waiting period. Subsequent firearms though, no waiting period.
There's no sound basis for any waiting period.

No sound basis for many taxes. :)
Apparently, some people still think this is not just a good idea, but necessary.
Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence Gun Law Information Experts

To this end, a federal judge struck the waiting period on CA for most gun buyers
Federal judge strikes down California gun purchase waiting period in some cases Fox News

If a waiting period for an abortion is insufferable, how is if OK to force people to wait to buy a gun?
Fewer Waiting Periods For Guns Than For Abortions INFOGRAPHIC

I already own several guns and have a CCW permit -- why should I have to wait some arbitrary amount of time before I can exercise my right to arms?

Ever the moderate, I suggest a compromise. When purchasing your first firearm, you have a waiting period. Subsequent firearms though, no waiting period.
There's no sound basis for any waiting period.
No sound basis for many taxes. :)
That really doesn't matter - you cannot constitutionally restrict a right without, at the very very least, a demonstrably sound reason for doing so.
How many gun purchases are actually the first ever? Of those, how many are due to extreme need? Where if they don't leave the store with a weapon the person is victimized before whatever the waiting period is has elapsed?

Point of protecting gun owners' rights is compromising so as to demonstrate when gun control measures are intended to be punitive instead of practical. If you present a compromise like mine to people wanting waiting periods, if they really wanna protect the public they HAVE to accept the compromise measure. If they don't you can decry them as being anti 2nd Amendment (since an existing gun owner is unaffected by the intent of waiting periods anyway having weapons at home already.)

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