Wake Up Call 2013- Obama's DHS Prepares For Civil War

Sorry bout that,

1. One day I will be the one looking like the genius while you who have bad mouthed me here will look the fool.

They did not put an order in for 1.5 billion rounds of ammo

They executed a contract that allows them to buy up to that amount over a five year period. We have only had about 46 threads on this

46 threads huh??? Quite an exaggeration....of course, you and plasmabutt will use that figure as undisputable facts.

Divide1.5 billion into 5 years and you get 300,000,000 a year, dude. That still is a tall order and stalls filling orders for the public.
Perhaps you could figure out what the orders are from the government.

Does the phrase "up to" mean anything to you? It is a cap on the procurement not an order for ammunition

Give me some friggin' numbers that you must know about...or is that your opinion. "up to" means nothing. At least I gave you a source that said differently, lefty.
Our military personnel were not born and raised on military bases. They came from the same places all of us came from, and it's not likely they are going to be ok with slaughtering fellow Americans because their cic tells them to. I'm sure a lot of the more rabid black ones with an axe to grind against Whitey probably would, but most would side with the citizens.
Does anyone think our military is going to wage war against their neighbors, people who share their moral beliefs, people they grew up with? If Obama wants to slaughter Americans, he's gonna have to get a foreign power to do it for him.

Gun nuts overestimate how much their country loves them

The first time some redneck gun nut kills one of their buddies they will have no problem slaughtering the whole bunch of ya.


Can't wait till they try out their theory.
Liberals think all gun owners are toothless rednecks. They'll find out that's not the case.
They did not put an order in for 1.5 billion rounds of ammo

They executed a contract that allows them to buy up to that amount over a five year period. We have only had about 46 threads on this

46 threads huh??? Quite an exaggeration....of course, you and plasmabutt will use that figure as undisputable facts.

Divide1.5 billion into 5 years and you get 300,000,000 a year, dude. That still is a tall order and stalls filling orders for the public.
Perhaps you could figure out what the orders are from the government.

Does the phrase "up to" mean anything to you? It is a cap on the procurement not an order for ammunition

More importantly, does the term "misinformation" mean anything to you? Because all you do is fill this board with it...
Liberals think all gun owners are toothless rednecks. They'll find out that's not the case.

So...what are you guys waiting for? Why not try to take over an air force base or marine encampment....Fort Riley or what have you? You're not going to let someone shoot at you first right?

Are you a coward?
RUBE #1: Give me all the ammo you have.

GUN SHOP OWNER: Here you go.

Two minutes later...

RUBE #2: Give me all the ammo you have.

GUN SHOP OWNER: I'm all out.


Fucking idiots.

LIBTARD #1: Give me all of the money, food, supplies, and healthcare you have and I'll vote for who ever and what ever you want

GOVERNMENT: Here you go.

Two minutes later...

LIBTARD #2: Give me all of the money, food, supplies, and healthcare you have and I'll vote for who ever and what ever you want

GOVERNMENT: I'm all out.

LIBTARD #2: OH MY GOD! Do you fucking expect me to provide for myself?!? Fuck those "evil" rich people who work their asses off!!! Go repossess everything they have earned and hand it over to me immediately.

Fucking idiots.
Politics as usual?

Listen to the sheriff. If you don't own a gun now, you need to go get one.



I'm gonna. Just in the middle of 2017 when all the paranoid dumdums sell 10 of the 50 guns they bought and there is a glut of ammo.
Liberals think all gun owners are toothless rednecks. They'll find out that's not the case.

So...what are you guys waiting for? Why not try to take over an air force base or marine encampment....Fort Riley or what have you? You're not going to let someone shoot at you first right?

Are you a coward?
Legitimate gun owners are peaceful people and want to avoid violence. You are trying to incite it.
You are such a fucking arrogant prick. If the government usurped its own Constitution and attacked and arrested citizens- YOU ought to want to stand against it...but I suspect you'd be one of those nasty little pricks snitching off anyone involved in the resistance. The kind of cowardly, nasty, little pricks that are seen in history, as worse than the armed tyrants.

I'm sorry but I will have to side with my country on this one against the traitorous gun nuts who would take up arms against this great country


clevergirl's post gets an A+ in profanity and emotional hysteria, but her straw man & ad hominem retort earns her a large RED F!

And all you have is your panties in a twist....so back at you. Calling people "gun nuts" because they DO KNOW HISTORY and understand their constitutional; [protections...deserves the title arrogant prick...nay- an arrogant fucking prick :D
This is the reason that vitriol is needed here.

Believe that if it makes you happy. It isn't true.

This stupid woman assumes that the citizenry of this country consists of nutjob social conservatives and their fake cries for austerity. This essentially retarded specimen fails to grasp that liberals.......even the extreme ones.....are FUCKING CITIZENS.

No she just assumes that the citizens of the United States want to uphold the Constitution and the the military will honor their oath to do so, even if the politicians decide to ignore theirs.

As for liberals being F#^&ing citizens, maybe they should be thinking citizens instead.

Her son has had conversations with her about his willingness to participate in an overthrow of this government? He assures her that most soldiers will turn their weapons on their CIC? He does not deserve to wear that uniform. Period.

Im sure King George said the same thing about Washington and his army. If the government is waging war against the citizens, oppressing them, and refusing to obey the citizens & the Constitution, those soldiers, who swore to uphold and defend the Constitution from enemies foreign and domestic would be honor bound to defend it regardless of whether you call them traitors.

And a soldier who does not honor his oath to defend the Constitution would not deserve to wear that uniform.

You can go to the ends of the earth as a US Soldier.......defending our interests and preserving our rights. But the day you sit and chat with your idiot mother about how you'll join the rebel forces against the US.......you need to fuck off.

So you think they should go to the ends of the earth to preserve our rights but shut up and just take it when politicians trample our rights at home? You think their oath to defend the Constitution is gone simply because the President wants to violate it?
Not only will the non-prepared leftist want to steal everything you have in a disaster, they will want your guns the most.

They only want to take after the hard work is done

I'm sorry but I will have to side with my country on this one against the traitorous gun nuts who would take up arms against this great country


clevergirl's post gets an A+ in profanity and emotional hysteria, but her straw man & ad hominem retort earns her a large RED F!

And all you have is your panties in a twist....so back at you. Calling people "gun nuts" because they DO KNOW HISTORY and understand their constitutional; [protections...deserves the title arrogant prick...nay- an arrogant fucking prick :D

No, actually most gun owners are respectful American citizens who use their guns for personal protection, hunting, target shooting and collecting

The gun nuts that I speak of have an extreme hatred and fear of their own government. They cling to the Constitution but do not trust it and the governmental system that it established

It is these gun nuts who will be quickly and thoroughly squashed if they allow their extremist fantasies turn into reality
Liberals think all gun owners are toothless rednecks. They'll find out that's not the case.

So...what are you guys waiting for? Why not try to take over an air force base or marine encampment....Fort Riley or what have you? You're not going to let someone shoot at you first right?

Are you a coward?
Legitimate gun owners are peaceful people and want to avoid violence. You are trying to incite it.

I apologize.

I thought, mistakenly, that you were one of the dozens of conservatives here that swear the country is going into the crapper, the current administration wants to "slaughter" Americans, etc....

If you believe those things, why are you (not "you" you but those who believe those things) waiting for people to come after you; it doesn't make sense; take your guns and do something proactive since, as many who think like you put it; the gun ensures your freedom.
Liberals think all gun owners are toothless rednecks. They'll find out that's not the case.

So...what are you guys waiting for? Why not try to take over an air force base or marine encampment....Fort Riley or what have you? You're not going to let someone shoot at you first right?

Are you a coward?
Legitimate gun owners are peaceful people and want to avoid violence. You are trying to incite it.

Oh please. You almost never hear about Gun Owners who say things like, "I would never want any sort of violence to take place."

They're always the type that says, "BRING IT!"
The gun nuts are cowards.

We see them backing down from their threats already.
Show me some events in history that side with your case.

Fact is, all of the time, most of the armed forces participate in aiding the government.

No, not most, just some.
Again, I'll repeat myself.....my son has been in the Army since 2003, he's now in Psy Ops, heading for Afghanistan this fall....been to Iraq 3 times. We got into this conversation a few months ago. He said he knows that the majority of the military will fight WITH the US citizens. You'll get some that won't and will do whatever their told. But it's not going to match the many that will protect us. Just because this has never happened before, doesn't mean it isn't going to this time.

This is the reason that vitriol is needed here.

This stupid woman assumes that the citizenry of this country consists of nutjob social conservatives and their fake cries for austerity. This essentially retarded specimen fails to grasp that liberals.......even the extreme ones.....are FUCKING CITIZENS.

Her son has had conversations with her about his willingness to participate in an overthrow of this government? He assures her that most soldiers will turn their weapons on their CIC? He does not deserve to wear that uniform. Period.

You can go to the ends of the earth as a US Soldier.......defending our interests and preserving our rights. But the day you sit and chat with your idiot mother about how you'll join the rebel forces against the US.......you need to fuck off.

You fucking scumbag...you're putting words in my mouth and my sons that wasn't said! All that he said was he didn't believe ALL the military would be fighting against the US citizens....if you think they would then your a dumber ass than you come across to be! He never ASSURED me of anything, it was HIS OPINION. Our military are not robots and brainwashed like other countries (or like liberals are!) We already know you liberals would fight against the rest of us and for your government, you don't know any better!

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