Wake Up Call 2013- Obama's DHS Prepares For Civil War

RUBE #1: Give me all the ammo you have.

GUN SHOP OWNER: Here you go.

Two minutes later...

RUBE #2: Give me all the ammo you have.

GUN SHOP OWNER: I'm all out.


Fucking idiots.

I think you may be a fucking idiot, also, G.
I'm certainly not saying that the gov bought my ammo. I'm saying that the manufactuers are filling the gov. orders before making the type of ammo I need.
Try and think outside of the box
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If you mean they would attack us for attacking the Govt....you couldn't be more wrong.

Show me some events in history that side with your case.

Fact is, all of the time, most of the armed forces participate in aiding the government.

No, not most, just some.
Again, I'll repeat myself.....my son has been in the Army since 2003, he's now in Psy Ops, heading for Afghanistan this fall....been to Iraq 3 times. We got into this conversation a few months ago. He said he knows that the majority of the military will fight WITH the US citizens. You'll get some that won't and will do whatever their told. But it's not going to match the many that will protect us. Just because this has never happened before, doesn't mean it isn't going to this time.

Nobody cares about your son. Don't bring him into this forum.

Also... "protect us". Fucking lol. You guys are talking about instigating a civil war, not having one instigated upon you. Because the latter? That will not happen.
caroljo's son said nothing of the sort.

You guys start a civil war and your neighbors will put you down with a little help from the other neighbors.

Are you guys crazy?
These hoarders remind me of the idiot End of the World people you encounter online. They buy up a lot of rice and water, and then when the world doesn't end at the appointed hour, they are stuck with a shitload of rice and water, and egg on their faces.

There are going to be a lot of fools stuck with buckets of bullets, and they will probably never realize THEY were the ones causing the shortages.
I for one am not a hoarder, but, I do understand what your saying.
But, I doubt you know the full story.

If you're a gun owner, in case you haven't noticed, it's very hard to find bullets right now. Recently the Department of Homeland Security put in an order for 1.5 Billion rounds of hollow point bullets. No that is not a typo, that's 1,500,000,000 bullets or about 5 rounds for every American. On top of that just this month it was reported DHS ordered another 360,000 rounds. All of the major ammunition manufacturers are too busy fulfilling the government's orders to keep up with consumer demand. Store shelves at Bass Pro and Cabela's now look more like a desolate wasteland.
Where Did all the Ammo Go? - Springfield Outdoor Recreation | Examiner.com

They did not put an order in for 1.5 billion rounds of ammo

They executed a contract that allows them to buy up to that amount over a five year period. We have only had about 46 threads on this
The Posse Comitatus Act is the United States federal law (18 U.S.C. § 1385, original at 20 Stat. 152) that was passed on June 18, 1878, after the end of Reconstruction and was updated in 1981. Its intent (in concert with the Insurrection Act of 1807) was to limit the powers of Federal government in using federal military personnel to enforce the State laws.
The Bill/Act as modified in 1981 refers to the Armed Forces of the United States. It does not apply to the National Guard under state authority from acting in a law enforcement capacity within its home state or in an adjacent state if invited by that state's governor. The U.S. Coast Guard, which operates under the Department of Homeland Security, is also not covered by the Posse Comitatus Act, primarily because the Coast Guard has both a maritime law enforcement mission and a federal regulatory agency mission.
When you see the legislation that has been passed such as the repeal of the Posse Comitatus Act, it now allows the military to take over police duties. That was the 1878 Posse Comitatus Act following the Civil War. The military was everywhere (after that war until 1878).
So now the military can come back onto the streets. They know that unrest is bubbling over everywhere. It’s happening in Romania, Slovenia, and around the world. The unemployment levels are hitting new highs. People are going into poverty and losing everything.
I hadn’t realized Posse Comitatus had been repealed. On December 31, 2011, Obama signed the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) codifying indefinite military detention without charge or trial into law for the first time in American history. The ACLU has significant discussion of the ramifications.

The laws were written for WHITE Presidents. They do not say in the bill that this applies to BLACK Presidents too. Obama is within his rights to declare by executive order that these laws do not apply to him and he can use HIS Military any way he wants to

All he has to do is declare all gun owners to be unlawful comabatants and line you up for the Death Camps

:eusa_hand: Hold it!!

He's only HALF black. Half the laws apply and it's up to the Congressional Black Caucus to decide which ones.
These hoarders remind me of the idiot End of the World people you encounter online. They buy up a lot of rice and water, and then when the world doesn't end at the appointed hour, they are stuck with a shitload of rice and water, and egg on their faces.

There are going to be a lot of fools stuck with buckets of bullets, and they will probably never realize THEY were the ones causing the shortages.
I for one am not a hoarder, but, I do understand what your saying.
But, I doubt you know the full story.

If you're a gun owner, in case you haven't noticed, it's very hard to find bullets right now. Recently the Department of Homeland Security put in an order for 1.5 Billion rounds of hollow point bullets. No that is not a typo, that's 1,500,000,000 bullets or about 5 rounds for every American. On top of that just this month it was reported DHS ordered another 360,000 rounds. All of the major ammunition manufacturers are too busy fulfilling the government's orders to keep up with consumer demand. Store shelves at Bass Pro and Cabela's now look more like a desolate wasteland.
Where Did all the Ammo Go? - Springfield Outdoor Recreation | Examiner.com

They did not put an order in for 1.5 billion rounds of ammo

They executed a contract that allows them to buy up to that amount over a five year period. We have only had about 46 threads on this

You would think that with 46 threads about this stupid issue he would have known this already.

Ignorance it makes you paranoid.
These hoarders remind me of the idiot End of the World people you encounter online. They buy up a lot of rice and water, and then when the world doesn't end at the appointed hour, they are stuck with a shitload of rice and water, and egg on their faces.

There are going to be a lot of fools stuck with buckets of bullets, and they will probably never realize THEY were the ones causing the shortages.
I for one am not a hoarder, but, I do understand what your saying.
But, I doubt you know the full story.

If you're a gun owner, in case you haven't noticed, it's very hard to find bullets right now. Recently the Department of Homeland Security put in an order for 1.5 Billion rounds of hollow point bullets. No that is not a typo, that's 1,500,000,000 bullets or about 5 rounds for every American. On top of that just this month it was reported DHS ordered another 360,000 rounds. All of the major ammunition manufacturers are too busy fulfilling the government's orders to keep up with consumer demand. Store shelves at Bass Pro and Cabela's now look more like a desolate wasteland.
Where Did all the Ammo Go? - Springfield Outdoor Recreation | Examiner.com

They did not put an order in for 1.5 billion rounds of ammo

They executed a contract that allows them to buy up to that amount over a five year period. We have only had about 46 threads on this

46 threads huh??? Quite an exaggeration....of course, you and plasmabutt will use that figure as undisputable facts.

Divide1.5 billion into 5 years and you get 300,000,000 a year, dude. That still is a tall order and stalls filling orders for the public.
Perhaps you could figure out what the orders are from the government.
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I for one am not a hoarder, but, I do understand what your saying.
But, I doubt you know the full story.

If you're a gun owner, in case you haven't noticed, it's very hard to find bullets right now. Recently the Department of Homeland Security put in an order for 1.5 Billion rounds of hollow point bullets. No that is not a typo, that's 1,500,000,000 bullets or about 5 rounds for every American. On top of that just this month it was reported DHS ordered another 360,000 rounds. All of the major ammunition manufacturers are too busy fulfilling the government's orders to keep up with consumer demand. Store shelves at Bass Pro and Cabela's now look more like a desolate wasteland.
Where Did all the Ammo Go? - Springfield Outdoor Recreation | Examiner.com

They did not put an order in for 1.5 billion rounds of ammo

They executed a contract that allows them to buy up to that amount over a five year period. We have only had about 46 threads on this

46 threads huh??? Quite an exaggeration....of course, you and plasmabutt will use that figure as undisputable facts.

Divide1.5 billion into 5 years and you get 300,000,000 a year, dude. That still is a tall order and stalls filling orders for the public.
Perhaps you could figure out what the orders are from the government.

Proof that post count is not an indicator of ones ability to employ reason.

This question has been answered here several times. There is no "there", there.
I for one am not a hoarder, but, I do understand what your saying.
But, I doubt you know the full story.

If you're a gun owner, in case you haven't noticed, it's very hard to find bullets right now. Recently the Department of Homeland Security put in an order for 1.5 Billion rounds of hollow point bullets. No that is not a typo, that's 1,500,000,000 bullets or about 5 rounds for every American. On top of that just this month it was reported DHS ordered another 360,000 rounds. All of the major ammunition manufacturers are too busy fulfilling the government's orders to keep up with consumer demand. Store shelves at Bass Pro and Cabela's now look more like a desolate wasteland.
Where Did all the Ammo Go? - Springfield Outdoor Recreation | Examiner.com

They did not put an order in for 1.5 billion rounds of ammo

They executed a contract that allows them to buy up to that amount over a five year period. We have only had about 46 threads on this

46 threads huh??? Quite an exaggeration....of course, you and plasmabutt will use that figure as undisputable facts.

Divide1.5 billion into 5 years and you get 300,000,000 a year, dude. That still is a tall order and stalls filling orders for the public.
Perhaps you could figure out what the orders are from the government.

He Said 46 to make the point you are being absurd.....which you are.
If you mean they would attack us for attacking the Govt....you couldn't be more wrong.

Show me some events in history that side with your case.

Fact is, all of the time, most of the armed forces participate in aiding the government.

No, not most, just some.
Again, I'll repeat myself.....my son has been in the Army since 2003, he's now in Psy Ops, heading for Afghanistan this fall....been to Iraq 3 times. We got into this conversation a few months ago. He said he knows that the majority of the military will fight WITH the US citizens. You'll get some that won't and will do whatever their told. But it's not going to match the many that will protect us. Just because this has never happened before, doesn't mean it isn't going to this time.

This is the reason that vitriol is needed here.

This stupid woman assumes that the citizenry of this country consists of nutjob social conservatives and their fake cries for austerity. This essentially retarded specimen fails to grasp that liberals.......even the extreme ones.....are FUCKING CITIZENS.

Her son has had conversations with her about his willingness to participate in an overthrow of this government? He assures her that most soldiers will turn their weapons on their CIC? He does not deserve to wear that uniform. Period.

You can go to the ends of the earth as a US Soldier.......defending our interests and preserving our rights. But the day you sit and chat with your idiot mother about how you'll join the rebel forces against the US.......you need to fuck off.
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They did not put an order in for 1.5 billion rounds of ammo

They executed a contract that allows them to buy up to that amount over a five year period. We have only had about 46 threads on this

46 threads huh??? Quite an exaggeration....of course, you and plasmabutt will use that figure as undisputable facts.

Divide1.5 billion into 5 years and you get 300,000,000 a year, dude. That still is a tall order and stalls filling orders for the public.
Perhaps you could figure out what the orders are from the government.

He Said 46 to make the point you are being absurd.....which you are.

Did he? He made a statement with a defined number, I took him at his word.
I get so confused with liberaltalk. Sometimes they use (what I think as absurd) as a fact.
It just keeps me guessing. :eusa_whistle:
Did he? He made a statement with a defined number, I took him at his word. I get so confused with liberaltalk. Sometimes they use (what I think as absurd) as a fact. It just keeps me guessing. :eusa_whistle:

You folks in your corner can be every bit as confused and absurd here as are some of the far lefties on the Board.
Our military personnel were not born and raised on military bases. They came from the same places all of us came from, and it's not likely they are going to be ok with slaughtering fellow Americans because their cic tells them to. I'm sure a lot of the more rabid black ones with an axe to grind against Whitey probably would, but most would side with the citizens.
Does anyone think our military is going to wage war against their neighbors, people who share their moral beliefs, people they grew up with? If Obama wants to slaughter Americans, he's gonna have to get a foreign power to do it for him.
You hadn't heard? He's already mapped out a strategy to bring tens of thousands of Muslims here. He can easily manipulate them into a jihadist state by telling them anything he likes, just like he already does to his base. It's a huge house of cards: LA Times US Considers taking in Syrian refugees

Right now, 1.6 million of them have fled Syria's borders due to a terrorist regime showing its true colors--the color of using poisons against its own people, religious persecution, and genocidal mania. Syria has already killed 93,000 of its own citizens in just a few short years. NYTimes: Death Toll in Syrian Civil War Near 93,000, U.N. Says
I for one am not a hoarder, but, I do understand what your saying.
But, I doubt you know the full story.

If you're a gun owner, in case you haven't noticed, it's very hard to find bullets right now. Recently the Department of Homeland Security put in an order for 1.5 Billion rounds of hollow point bullets. No that is not a typo, that's 1,500,000,000 bullets or about 5 rounds for every American. On top of that just this month it was reported DHS ordered another 360,000 rounds. All of the major ammunition manufacturers are too busy fulfilling the government's orders to keep up with consumer demand. Store shelves at Bass Pro and Cabela's now look more like a desolate wasteland.
Where Did all the Ammo Go? - Springfield Outdoor Recreation | Examiner.com

They did not put an order in for 1.5 billion rounds of ammo

They executed a contract that allows them to buy up to that amount over a five year period. We have only had about 46 threads on this

46 threads huh??? Quite an exaggeration....of course, you and plasmabutt will use that figure as undisputable facts.

Divide1.5 billion into 5 years and you get 300,000,000 a year, dude. That still is a tall order and stalls filling orders for the public.
Perhaps you could figure out what the orders are from the government.

Does the phrase "up to" mean anything to you? It is a cap on the procurement not an order for ammunition
How many of these 458 zillion bullets have actually been delivered to DHS?

Or are these simply pre-order reservations for ten years in advance.
You hadn't heard? He's already mapped out a strategy to bring tens of thousands of Muslims here. He can easily manipulate them into a jihadist state by telling them anything he likes, just like he already does to his base. It's a huge house of cards: LA Times US Considers taking in Syrian refugees

Right now, 1.6 million of them have fled Syria's borders due to a terrorist regime showing its true colors--the color of using poisons against its own people, religious persecution, and genocidal mania. Syria has already killed 93,000 of its own citizens in just a few short years. NYTimes: Death Toll in Syrian Civil War Near 93,000, U.N. Says

wow, that's really, really paranoid.
There's always a plan for civil war. It's like Russia and Germany are fighting for control of USA. There just haven't been enough Bush's in the White House.

With Russia, we get a Socialist state and limited freedoms.
With Germany, well, by then, this place will be all Mexicans.

The only problem with this idea is China, yet they are allies with Russia.

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