Wake Up Call 2013- Obama's DHS Prepares For Civil War

The 2nd amendment exists so that the people can protect themselves from the government.

To ignore that is to ignore history.

Those second amendment remedies would be useless against a modern military force

More NRA fantasies to pull money from redneck gun owners
We need YOU to fight off the Evil Gubmint

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The 2nd amendment exists so that the people can protect themselves from the government.

To ignore that is to ignore history.

Those second amendment remedies would be useless against a modern military force

More NRA fantasies to pull money from redneck gun owners
We need YOU to fight off the Evil Gubmint


What you obama lovers fail to realize is that in the event of any kind of civil rebellion the military would side with the people and against the tyrants. That has been the lesson of history. So, there is no fantasy here, just a very unpleasant reality.

I don't see it happening here, but if you think that the military would be loyal to a marxist oppressor then you are mistaken.
The Posse Comitatus Act is the United States federal law (18 U.S.C. § 1385, original at 20 Stat. 152) that was passed on June 18, 1878, after the end of Reconstruction and was updated in 1981. Its intent (in concert with the Insurrection Act of 1807) was to limit the powers of Federal government in using federal military personnel to enforce the State laws.
The Bill/Act as modified in 1981 refers to the Armed Forces of the United States. It does not apply to the National Guard under state authority from acting in a law enforcement capacity within its home state or in an adjacent state if invited by that state's governor. The U.S. Coast Guard, which operates under the Department of Homeland Security, is also not covered by the Posse Comitatus Act, primarily because the Coast Guard has both a maritime law enforcement mission and a federal regulatory agency mission.
When you see the legislation that has been passed such as the repeal of the Posse Comitatus Act, it now allows the military to take over police duties. That was the 1878 Posse Comitatus Act following the Civil War. The military was everywhere (after that war until 1878).
So now the military can come back onto the streets. They know that unrest is bubbling over everywhere. It’s happening in Romania, Slovenia, and around the world. The unemployment levels are hitting new highs. People are going into poverty and losing everything.
I hadn’t realized Posse Comitatus had been repealed. On December 31, 2011, Obama signed the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) codifying indefinite military detention without charge or trial into law for the first time in American history. The ACLU has significant discussion of the ramifications.

The laws were written for WHITE Presidents. They do not say in the bill that this applies to BLACK Presidents too. Obama is within his rights to declare by executive order that these laws do not apply to him and he can use HIS Military any way he wants to

All he has to do is declare all gun owners to be unlawful comabatants and line you up for the Death Camps

I've been seeing a lot of death wishes being hurled at people by liberals lately. This is the weakest justification of the president's behavior ever. Race had no influence on the Posse Comitatus Act, nor the Insurrection Act, and no, he cant use his military any way he wants. You really have gone off your rocker this morning, haven't you? We will raise hell and and high water before our president declares us all enemy combatants!

You misunderestimate the evil intentions of President Obama

He needs just one more Supreme Court Justice to overturn all laws relating to the powers of the Executive Branch. None of those laws say that they apply to a BLACK President

You are a mere pawn in the game of life to Rresident Obama

He will have no problems squashing you
The 2nd amendment exists so that the people can protect themselves from the government.

To ignore that is to ignore history.

Those second amendment remedies would be useless against a modern military force

More NRA fantasies to pull money from redneck gun owners
We need YOU to fight off the Evil Gubmint


1 million men and women vs 165 million gun owners? Not even they could withstand that onslaught. I think we got a budding fascist over here!!
The 2nd amendment exists so that the people can protect themselves from the government.

To ignore that is to ignore history.

Those second amendment remedies would be useless against a modern military force

More NRA fantasies to pull money from redneck gun owners
We need YOU to fight off the Evil Gubmint


What you obama lovers fail to realize is that in the event of any kind of civil rebellion the military would side with the people and against the tyrants. That has been the lesson of history. So, there is no fantasy here, just a very unpleasant reality.

I don't see it happening here, but if you think that the military would be loyal to a marxist oppressor then you are mistaken.

More NRA fantasies

The Military will side against those firing at them. And you "From my Cold Dead Fingers" crowd have made your intentions known.

You Red Neck Gun Owners will be the ones considered tyrants

Look how they treated John Brown when he tried his insurrection
The laws were written for WHITE Presidents. They do not say in the bill that this applies to BLACK Presidents too. Obama is within his rights to declare by executive order that these laws do not apply to him and he can use HIS Military any way he wants to

All he has to do is declare all gun owners to be unlawful comabatants and line you up for the Death Camps

I've been seeing a lot of death wishes being hurled at people by liberals lately. This is the weakest justification of the president's behavior ever. Race had no influence on the Posse Comitatus Act, nor the Insurrection Act, and no, he cant use his military any way he wants. You really have gone off your rocker this morning, haven't you? We will raise hell and and high water before our president declares us all enemy combatants!

You misunderestimate the evil intentions of President Obama

He needs just one more Supreme Court Justice to overturn all laws relating to the powers of the Executive Branch. None of those laws say that they apply to a BLACK President

You are a mere pawn in the game of life to President Obama

He will have no problems squashing you

Rofl. Have you gone insane? Or are you just mocking people? I am nobody's pawn, I am a soldier of the Lord God Almighty.

And even if you were serious, what makes you believe he would think any more of you?
The laws were written for WHITE Presidents. They do not say in the bill that this applies to BLACK Presidents too. Obama is within his rights to declare by executive order that these laws do not apply to him and he can use HIS Military any way he wants to

All he has to do is declare all gun owners to be unlawful comabatants and line you up for the Death Camps

I've been seeing a lot of death wishes being hurled at people by liberals lately. This is the weakest justification of the president's behavior ever. Race had no influence on the Posse Comitatus Act, nor the Insurrection Act, and no, he cant use his military any way he wants. You really have gone off your rocker this morning, haven't you? We will raise hell and and high water before our president declares us all enemy combatants!

You misunderestimate the evil intentions of President Obama

He needs just one more Supreme Court Justice to overturn all laws relating to the powers of the Executive Branch. None of those laws say that they apply to a BLACK President

You are a mere pawn in the game of life to Rresident Obama

He will have no problems squashing you

I know that you think you are being funny and clever, but that is exactly how Chavez and Castro came to power, and Hitler, Mussolini, Mao, and Pol Pot.

be careful what you joke about.
The 2nd amendment exists so that the people can protect themselves from the government.

To ignore that is to ignore history.

Those second amendment remedies would be useless against a modern military force

More NRA fantasies to pull money from redneck gun owners
We need YOU to fight off the Evil Gubmint


1 million men and women vs 165 million gun owners? Not even they could withstand that onslaught. I think we got a budding fascist over here!!

I'd go with the 1 million trained, fully armed soldiers supported by a full communications network, intelligence and air power
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I think RW has finally lost it. His head is probably on fire right now. Oh the horror! How can people possibly have rights and freedom?!

:rofl: :lmao: :lol:
I've been seeing a lot of death wishes being hurled at people by liberals lately. This is the weakest justification of the president's behavior ever. Race had no influence on the Posse Comitatus Act, nor the Insurrection Act, and no, he cant use his military any way he wants. You really have gone off your rocker this morning, haven't you? We will raise hell and and high water before our president declares us all enemy combatants!

You misunderestimate the evil intentions of President Obama

He needs just one more Supreme Court Justice to overturn all laws relating to the powers of the Executive Branch. None of those laws say that they apply to a BLACK President

You are a mere pawn in the game of life to Rresident Obama

He will have no problems squashing you

I know that you think you are being funny and clever, but that is exactly how Chavez and Castro came to power, and Hitler, Mussolini, Mao, and Pol Pot.

be careful what you joke about.

I'm not joking....read the OP
Those second amendment remedies would be useless against a modern military force

More NRA fantasies to pull money from redneck gun owners
We need YOU to fight off the Evil Gubmint


1 million men and women vs 165 million gun owners? Not even they could withstand that onslaught. I think we got a budding fascist over here!!

I'd go with the 1 million trained, fully armed soldiers supported by a full comunications network, intelligence and air power

Ah, sure, remember the battle at Thermopylae? That's what I thought.
1 million men and women vs 165 million gun owners? Not even they could withstand that onslaught. I think we got a budding fascist over here!!

I'd go with the 1 million trained, fully armed soldiers supported by a full comunications network, intelligence and air power

Ah, sure, remember the battle at Thermopylae? That's what I thought.

It was before my time

Did they have Attack Helicopters?
You misunderestimate the evil intentions of President Obama

He needs just one more Supreme Court Justice to overturn all laws relating to the powers of the Executive Branch. None of those laws say that they apply to a BLACK President

You are a mere pawn in the game of life to Rresident Obama

He will have no problems squashing you

I know that you think you are being funny and clever, but that is exactly how Chavez and Castro came to power, and Hitler, Mussolini, Mao, and Pol Pot.

be careful what you joke about.

I'm not joking....read the OP

I may scrap my plans for the day and toy with you for a while. Your delusions of totalitarianism are fascinating to say the least. You sound just like Hitler did before he slaughtered 6,000,000 Jews.
You misunderestimate the evil intentions of President Obama

He needs just one more Supreme Court Justice to overturn all laws relating to the powers of the Executive Branch. None of those laws say that they apply to a BLACK President

You are a mere pawn in the game of life to Rresident Obama

He will have no problems squashing you

I know that you think you are being funny and clever, but that is exactly how Chavez and Castro came to power, and Hitler, Mussolini, Mao, and Pol Pot.

be careful what you joke about.

I'm not joking....read the OP

then you have your head up your ass. :cuckoo:
I'd go with the 1 million trained, fully armed soldiers supported by a full comunications network, intelligence and air power

Ah, sure, remember the battle at Thermopylae? That's what I thought.

It was before my time

Did they have Attack Helicopters?

23,600 men vs the full on might of the Persian Army, over 2,600,000 men strong.

Guess who won? Even so, do you think that our soldiers would blindly follow his orders? You must be joking, there is no way in hell you're serious. :cuckoo:
Ah, sure, remember the battle at Thermopylae? That's what I thought.

It was before my time

Did they have Attack Helicopters?

23,600 men vs the full on might of the Persian Army, over 2,600,000 men strong.

Guess who won? Even so, do you think that our soldiers would blindly follow his orders? You must be joking, there is no way in hell you're serious. :cuckoo:

The problem with your analogy is you have to ask ....In todays situation

Who would be the Spartans and who would be the Persians?

Todays Spartans are our Rangers, SEALS and RECON units while the poorly led, poorly trained, poorly equipped Persians would be the Red Neck gun owners
It was before my time

Did they have Attack Helicopters?

23,600 men vs the full on might of the Persian Army, over 2,600,000 men strong.

Guess who won? Even so, do you think that our soldiers would blindly follow his orders? You must be joking, there is no way in hell you're serious. :cuckoo:

The problem with your analogy is you have to ask ....In todays situation

Who would be the Spartans and who would be the Persians?

Todays Spartans are our Rangers, SEALS and RECON units while the poorly led, poorly trained, poorly equipped Persians would be the Red Neck gun owners

the rangers, seals, etc would be on our side, they would not side with the tyranists.
It was before my time

Did they have Attack Helicopters?

23,600 men vs the full on might of the Persian Army, over 2,600,000 men strong.

Guess who won? Even so, do you think that our soldiers would blindly follow his orders? You must be joking, there is no way in hell you're serious. :cuckoo:

The problem with your analogy is you have to ask ....In today's situation

Who would be the Spartans and who would be the Persians?

Todays Spartans are our Rangers, SEALS and RECON units while the poorly led, poorly trained, poorly equipped Persians would be the Red Neck gun owners

Alright, now I'm annoyed. This isn't funny anymore.

What you fail to understand, is the the Persians went on to win that battle before being defeated altogether in the Battle of Plataea. The battle of Thermopylae is perhaps the greatest of example of patriotism from an inferior defending force against a superior force. But oh hey, the Revolutionaries had no business defeating the British either, but they did. Indeed, you should study history my friend.
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Why are all of you patriots waiting until the shit hits the fan? Don't you have enough faith in your predictions of doom to take preemptive action to save our country?

I mean, all of these warnings are nice and everything.....but if we can't count on the "prepared" Americans to act, what good are you? Do something already!

Typical response from those who want everyone else to do the work for them, while reaping the benefits of other's labor.



You get called out and all you can do is twaffle.


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