Wal Mart Bill Struck Down

red states rule said:
You must not read very well then. I will try to include pictures in the future

Oh, pls do. Make sure you post pictures of Cuba and the happy Chinese workers too. :)
rtwngAvngr said:
As a neocon fascist, do you believe businesses would ever taken advantage of workers?

There was a time when we had 16 hr. workdays, no safety rules, child labor etc, in this country. Neocons seem to have forgotten this, and don't seem to care a fig about slave labor in our "favored nations". This is wrong. Let's remember history folks. Businesses will abuse you if you let them.

RWA, you and Cindy Sheehan have a lot in common, when you are both at a loss for a sensible argument you slander your opponent with the fascist label.....straight out of Demo playbook, in fact its play #1.
red states rule said:
You are a liberal. When losing a debate, you fall back on the tired and true personal attacks in a feeble attempt to elevate yourself and lower your opponent.

Don't worry RSR, until the ports deal and now his pathetic attempt to grab attention with his kook Jew bashing RWA was the biggest neocon here, he proudly supported corporations and outsourcing. Although i'm a protectionist paleocon and i'm not supporting your global economic stances RWA has no leg to stand on bashing you as a neocon.

Skip to the fifth paragraph.

As far as health care, anybody can get health care (illegal immigrants do). But not everybody can get health insurance, even on your own, if you have a pre-condition or a bad habit. Everyone seems to mix up "health care" with "health insurance". They're two separate issues.
red states rule said:
I am correct in your admiration of Cuba.

Libs want their union thugs to infest Wal Mart, steal the dues money fromt he workers, and hand the money over to the DNC

Libs should love Wal Mart. It allows the middle class to get what they need at a fair price.

So much for liberal compassion.

Jilly honey are you denying that unions collect dues from workers and give it to the DNC? I ask because you responded to this post with a troll smiley which would be immature and show a lack of debating skills.
bush lover said:

Skip to the fifth paragraph.

As far as health care, anybody can get health care (illegal immigrants do). But not everybody can get health insurance, even on your own, if you have a pre-condition or a bad habit. Everyone seems to mix up "health care" with "health insurance". They're two separate issues.

Name me one corporation with a workforce that is 100% happy. BTW this article had absolutely fucking zero to do with the discussion.
rtwngAvngr said:
Don't you think there should be some limits on what is done in the name of capitalism RSR? Do you approve of child prostitution? if not, why not?

LMFAO! RWA and Matts have someting in common! Assinine analogies and comparisons!

RWA pick it up, I know you can do it, pic it up because your stock here is falling faster than Enron.
OCA said:
Don't worry RSR, until the ports deal and now his pathetic attempt to grab attention with his kook Jew bashing RWA was the biggest neocon here, he proudly supported corporations and outsourcing. Although i'm a protectionist paleocon and i'm not supporting your global economic stances RWA has no leg to stand on bashing you as a neocon.

OCA, I am not worried about this twit. Libs like him and Jilly break out into a state of mouth frothing hysteria at the mere mention of Wal Mart.

Libs claim to be the party of tolerance and civility, but is reality, they are the people who are consumed with hate and rage.
OCA said:
LMFAO! RWA and Matts have someting in common! Assinine analogies and comparisons!

RWA pick it up, I know you can do it, pic it up because your stock here is falling faster than Enron.

Im not a neocon anymore. You're a paleocon who believes in overrunning the country with mexicans? That's laughable, ape-boy.

I'm blue chip.
rtwngAvngr said:
Im not a neocon anymore. You're a paleocon who believes in overrunning the country with mexicans? That's laughable, ape-boy.

I'm blue chip.

Lol i'm a capitalist.....you are a racist. You need some pussy.
OCA said:
Lol i'm a capitalist.....you are a racist. You need some pussy.

You don't think capitalism needs some moral boundaries? Anything to make a buck is ok? Even slave labor?

My stance on the borders has nothing to do with race. Functioning borders exist to protect the population from lifestyle diminishing influxes, economic or otherwise.

Try thinking for a change.

It's cute that you and RSR are part of the big brothers program though, I must admit. :rotflmao:

He obviously WAS getting reamed, or your paternal instinct wouldn't have kicked in. The thing is, Daddy can get bent over too.
jillian said:
Corporations ARE amoral. They are neither inherantly good nor inherantly evil. They exist for one reason, to make money.

My college perfessers had it wrong, then. THEY said that businesses exist to fill a need for a good or service. The money is just the gas in their vehicles.

Corporations left unchecked gave us sweat shops and dangerous conditions like those that gave us the Triangle fire. Absent government controls (though one can argue how much or how little) they do not act with restraint so long as they are making money. In that regard they are effected only by the actions of the consumer and not by the worker.
This seems pretty true.
OCA said:
RWA, you and Cindy Sheehan have a lot in common, when you are both at a loss for a sensible argument you slander your opponent with the fascist label.....straight out of Demo playbook, in fact its play #1.

I'm sorry your moral compass is in the shitter, bud.
Nienna said:
My college perfessers had it wrong, then. THEY said that businesses exist to fill a need for a good or service. The money is just the gas in their vehicles.

Interesting. Sounds as though they (you) are saying money is like gravey, a perk. Almost like the good or service isn't a way to make money and cash is only a vehicle in providing the good or service. Is that right?
rtwngAvngr said:
You don't think capitalism needs some moral boundaries? Anything to make a buck is ok? Even slave labor?

My stance on the borders has nothing to do with race. Functioning borders exist to protect the population from lifestyle diminishing influxes, economic or otherwise.

Try thinking for a change.

It's cute that you and RSR are part of the big brothers program though, I must admit. :rotflmao:

He obviously WAS getting reamed, or your paternal instinct wouldn't have kicked in. The thing is, Daddy can get bent over too.

RWA has this preoccupation with sex

Must be a Clintonista
rtwngAvngr said:
You don't think capitalism needs some moral boundaries? Anything to make a buck is ok? Even slave labor?

My stance on the borders has nothing to do with race. Functioning borders exist to protect the population from lifestyle diminishing influxes, economic or otherwise.

Try thinking for a change.

It's cute that you and RSR are part of the big brothers program though, I must admit. :rotflmao:

He obviously WAS getting reamed, or your paternal instinct wouldn't have kicked in. The thing is, Daddy can get bent over too.

RWA I have you cornered and you know it, wanna know how? You haven't posted in the hypocrite outsourcing thread.

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