Wal-Mart introduces new dress code, employees must buy own clothes

See, the narrative changes when you talk about Soldiers or Police officers. No one in their right mind believes they get paid according to their skills but all you have to do is mention someone flipping burgers then suddenly everyone does a complete 180 and says that companies pay according to skills.

They change their tune according to what segment of the population you are talking about and it smacks of envy or bullshit....

Or Envious bullshit

I don't know anyone who thinks Soldiers and Police officers do not deserve more. Looks like one big straw man you just put up there. Have fun tearing it down.

Thats the thing if people are only paid according to their skills then that would mean that they DONT deserve more or else the company would pay them more.

Or does that only apply to certain segments you deem appropriate?
See, the narrative changes when you talk about Soldiers or Police officers. No one in their right mind believes they get paid according to their skills but all you have to do is mention someone flipping burgers then suddenly everyone does a complete 180 and says that companies pay according to skills.

They change their tune according to what segment of the population you are talking about and it smacks of envy or bullshit....

Or Envious bullshit

I don't know anyone who thinks Soldiers and Police officers do not deserve more. Looks like one big straw man you just put up there. Have fun tearing it down.

Thats the thing if people are only paid according to their skills then that would mean that they DONT deserve more or else the company would pay them more.

Or does that only apply to certain segments you deem appropriate?
If you are not paying people for their skill level then what are you paying them for?
See, the narrative changes when you talk about Soldiers or Police officers. No one in their right mind believes they get paid according to their skills but all you have to do is mention someone flipping burgers then suddenly everyone does a complete 180 and says that companies pay according to skills.

They change their tune according to what segment of the population you are talking about and it smacks of envy or bullshit....

Or Envious bullshit

I don't know anyone who thinks Soldiers and Police officers do not deserve more. Looks like one big straw man you just put up there. Have fun tearing it down.

Thats the thing if people are only paid according to their skills then that would mean that they DONT deserve more or else the company would pay them more.

Or does that only apply to certain segments you deem appropriate?
If you are not paying people for their skill level then what are you paying them for?

Maximizing profits maybe...just a thought. Or maybe they dont care about profits
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Welfare is a human right. No one should be forced to work to have a house over their head, food in their belly, and clothes on their body, and education and healthcare.

That's one of the most ludicrous ideas I've ever heard. How do you think those things came to be? They simply don't exist unless someone WORKED to make it.

A "right" is something that you have and can't be taken away. It is not something that someone else can be forced to provide for you. What you are describing is nothing short of slavery, wherein one person is forced to work so the product of his work can be given to another.
The 'right to life' is not ludicrous, what is ludicrous is that some think that those that for various reasons find it difficult to work (meaning disability, illness and so on) should be forced to work for a welfare check - or even be left homeless on the street as they can't afford accommodation on their meagre welfare check.

Curious how you equate taxation with slavery, when taxation is partially voluntary, at worst the government is a [democratically elected] mafia, but you have the option of leaving and not being under their yolk no more.

I think the tax rate should be based on what government services you* use, and should allow you to opt out of using government services that you don't use. But that is for another thread.

*Which would include corporations as well, ever since they were declared people.
Welfare is a human right. No one should be forced to work to have a house over their head, food in their belly, and clothes on their body, and education and healthcare.

That's one of the most ludicrous ideas I've ever heard. How do you think those things came to be? They simply don't exist unless someone WORKED to make it.

A "right" is something that you have and can't be taken away. It is not something that someone else can be forced to provide for you. What you are describing is nothing short of slavery, wherein one person is forced to work so the product of his work can be given to another.
The 'right to life' is not ludicrous, what is ludicrous is that some think that those that for various reasons find it difficult to work (meaning disability, illness and so on) should be forced to work for a welfare check - or even be left homeless on the street as they can't afford accommodation on their meagre welfare check.

The right to life means no one has the right to terminate your life, not that anyone owes you a certain standard of living. Get the semantics straight and it's a lot easier to understand.

Curious how you equate taxation with slavery, when taxation is partially voluntary, at worst the government is a [democratically elected] mafia, but you have the option of leaving and not being under their yolk no more.

I wasn't talking about taxes per se. I was talking about how all these goods and services, which cost a lot of money, are going to be provided for free to those who otherwise would be expected to provide for themselves. Bottom line, if no one is going to pay for them, someone will have to be FORCED to work to produce them, only to see the fruits of their labor taken away from them. That's slavery. This is the problem with the idea that goods and services are "rights". They're not rights, because if no one produces them, they don't exist.

I think the tax rate should be based on what government services you* use, and should allow you to opt out of using government services that you don't use. But that is for another thread.

*Which would include corporations as well, ever since they were declared people.

What you just described is totally regressive, because the poor certainly consume a far greater portion of government services than the wealthy, and the wealthy would be able to opt out of paying taxes, thus making the poor pay all the taxes on the goods they consume. Is that what you intended?
That's my point when people try to say the minimum wage is what a person is worth.

what a coincidence that an entry level position in SO many different industries, and so many companies across so many states is worth EXACTLY the same.

I take it you work for the government, right?

What most businesses do when the government mandates a particular wage, is to modify the job so that value gained is consistent with the pay given. So if there is an entry level job where mandates from our rulers create a non-value added situation, what most will do is consolidate duties from a couple of positions to make the pay given equal to the value received.

I realize that most of you think that business has unlimited cash, and just doesn't give it to the "needy" because they are mean. But in the real world of commerce - which is nothing like government - a business must make a profit or close. That means that what I pay a worker is COST, and increases the "cost of goods sold." I must offset that by either raising prices or cutting costs. Customers don't like it when prices are raised. Customers is a concept most government workers cannot grasp - but in the real world, the customer is who pays the bills.
Common practice usually means screwing the little guy.

Employer determined deductions are taken out before taxes.

If you had ever had a job in your life, instead of spending your day smoking dope and sponging off your mom, you'd have a different perspective on this.

Oh, do us a favor and don't pretend that you have a clue about preparation of payroll or cafeteria plans.
Since every state receives Federal monies how would you know this? If WalMart opens in an enterprise zone, wouldn't that make it Federal?

You're an idiot.

You told a blatant lie and got called on it. Zero subsidies go to Walmart.

The Union pigs are greedy fuckers, they have raped the public treasury to the point that there is nothing left. They desperately need a new host to feed off of. Oh, Walmart makes money, so does McDonald's - so the greedy fuckers from SEIU think they can go rape these businesses.
WalMart 'reestablished' their dress code? Why don't you post WalMarts dress code from two years ago and prove your point.

What business is it of yours what the dress code for Walmart is? The greedy fuckers from SEIU want to rape Walmart to stuff their little piggy pockets full of cash - I get it - unions have failed in every segment except government - so your master think they can get the government to help them rape and pillage.

But the dress code of a business is none of your concern, nor the concern of the piggy Union bosses drooling over the prospect of looting the wealth of others...
Or pay the enough so they qualify for welfare then pocket extra profits. So yanno, I wont pay an extra .5 cents for a toilet brush made in China. We have to compete with China....womp womp

Then why don't you start a business making toilet brushes, pay laborers $50 an hour and put the Chinese out of business?

You know what is best, so why not demonstrate how it's done?
Or pay the enough so they qualify for welfare then pocket extra profits. So yanno, I wont pay an extra .5 cents for a toilet brush made in China. We have to compete with China....womp womp

Then why don't you start a business making toilet brushes, pay laborers $50 an hour and put the Chinese out of business?

You know what is best, so why not demonstrate how it's done?

Why dont you suck a fat dick?
Why dont you suck a fat dick?

Because I don't spend my time demanding that others follow my guidelines in sucking fat dicks.

You demand that businesses follow your commands - even though you have never run a business, have zero grasp of business or finance principles, and never been involved in the management of businesses.
Why dont you suck a fat dick?

Because I don't spend my time demanding that others follow my guidelines in sucking fat dicks.

You demand that businesses follow your commands - even though you have never run a business, have zero grasp of business or finance principles, and never been involved in the management of businesses.

Heres an idea, why dont you start sucking fat dicks to show everyone how its done. I dont have commands fucktard I'm someone on a message board dummy. Exaggerate much
Heres an idea, why dont you start sucking fat dicks to show everyone how its done. I dont have commands fucktard I'm someone on a message board dummy. Exaggerate much

I realize that you're stupid - it's why you're a leftist.

But I don't tell others how to suck fat dicks.

YOU do tell others how to run a business - even though you are about as ignorant as it is possible to be on the subject. You think that you should be able to dictate to Walmart what their dress code is.

Stick to something you know about, sucking fat dicks; and I'll stick to what I know about, business.
Heres an idea, why dont you start sucking fat dicks to show everyone how its done. I dont have commands fucktard I'm someone on a message board dummy. Exaggerate much

I realize that you're stupid - it's why you're a leftist.

But I don't tell others how to suck fat dicks.

YOU do tell others how to run a business

No I post on a message board. I dont command anything drama queen

- even though you are about as ignorant as it is possible to be on the subject. You think that you should be able to dictate to Walmart what their dress code is.

Once again, I'm a dude on a MB stop with your whining about controlling some shit.

Stick to something you know about, sucking fat dicks; and I'll stick to what I know about, business.

The business of dick to throat action
The right to life means no one has the right to terminate your life, not that anyone owes you a certain standard of living. Get the semantics straight and it's a lot easier to understand.
Another guy that hasn't read the constitution, speeches of the founding fathers, or the declaration of human rights. But by all means rant and rave about how giving life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness through charity and good governance is 'slavery', can really see those chains in Sweden, Norway, Denmark and so on that live longer and have better living standards and working conditions. All altruism is 'evil' is the right wing mantra, but the false free market and corporatism is the real 'evil', not giving beggars food, clothes and a place to sleep at the expense of some fat cat on wall street.

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