Wal Mart workers filing injuction

Be a bad idea....Target or K Mart or Costco could just occupy it then....push Wal Mart out of that town for good....

Actually no.

In order to build another store someone would have to buy the site. If Walmart so desired it could offer the site to the city as a pre-built park with a deed restriction under which any other use would cause it to revert to Walmart. What liberal could ever refuse a free anything? Especially if it were "green"! Legal in most states. I recently saw an ancient high school rehabilitated by a city because, had they even closed it, the very valuable site (which had been donated through a will) would revert ot the other heirs.

Or, depending on zoning, Walmart might elect to sell cheap to a developer to throw up very low cost living quarters...cheap 4-bedroom houses, maybe apartments, stuff that woudl cost far more in school requirements than would be brought in through taxes.

At the end of the day Walmart could, if it choose, build another store across a city or county line nearby but why would they do that?
If I was Walmart I would call it a re-model and it would be the SLOWEST re-model in history, could take YEARS.
Walmart denies claims it targeted wage protestors with store closings - Yahoo Finance

Good for them. Has anyone seen the video of inside the store in California? Since when does it require to block the entire view of the store to do plumbing work?
The block off stores to keep down vandalism and squatters.
They had cops there to protect against that. They blocked the INSIDE of the store off
The moment the owners decided to...
Nice avoiding of the question...Wal Mart is lying....They are targeting employees who rightfully want to unionize. Why the other 4 stores then? Wal Mart was already spanked in Canada due to their targeting workers rights.
The "black Friday" stores got hit NOT for unions but because THOSE employees REFUSED to work. SCREW EM!
Yeah screw them sorry bastards that want better wages and job safety! The fact you support a piece of garbage like Cruz tells me all I need to know about you.
No idea what the inside of a WalMart looks like. I did hear it smells tho.

Yes, the smell of capitalism.
Slave labor and low wages? No wonder it stinks.
Walmart denies claims it targeted wage protestors with store closings - Yahoo Finance

Good for them. Has anyone seen the video of inside the store in California? Since when does it require to block the entire view of the store to do plumbing work?

What if they did target wage protestors for store closings? Is that illegal?
Sounds like discrimination to me.

Indeed, I discriminated against Ford when I bought a Chevy. An employer discriminates against the high school grad for a college grad. However, both these forms of discrimination are legal. Of course it would be discrimination if they shut down a Wal-Mart. If they had kept the Wal-Mart open and shut down another Wal-Mart elsewhere they would have discriminated against an alternative location. Would they not? The question is whether it is legal to shut down a Wal-Mart because workers are protesting. I think it's perfectly legal. The workers do not own the business and Wal-mart can pretty much shut down one of their stores for any reason they deem necessary just as they can choose to open one for whatever reason they deem necessary. Those workers are not entitled to the jobs they preform for Wal-Mart. The only legal obligation Wal-Mart has with regard to store openings/closings and profitability is to the shareholders, not the workers.

Funny that the left protests Wal-Mart when they open a store in a neighborhood and then protests louder when they choose to move away. Such a double standard proves the irrationality of the left.
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Walmart denies claims it targeted wage protestors with store closings - Yahoo Finance

Good for them. Has anyone seen the video of inside the store in California? Since when does it require to block the entire view of the store to do plumbing work?

What if they did target wage protestors for store closings? Is that illegal?
Sounds like discrimination to me.
When you lay off or fire ALL your workers it'a closing and that's all.
An instance where Walmart's most attractive option might be to bulldoze the store and turn it into a public park with a little pond and bike paths.

It would be a peaceful place because liberals would shun it.

You're kidding, right? They'd picket the friggin' park.
The moment the owners decided to...
Nice avoiding of the question...Wal Mart is lying....They are targeting employees who rightfully want to unionize. Why the other 4 stores then? Wal Mart was already spanked in Canada due to their targeting workers rights.

Target moved out of Canada altogether, they must have got spanked hard!

If Walmart wants to shut down their stores, I have no problem with that at all it will funnel business to the mom and pops.
Who pay even lower wages and have zero benefits.
The moment the owners decided to...
Nice avoiding of the question...Wal Mart is lying....They are targeting employees who rightfully want to unionize. Why the other 4 stores then? Wal Mart was already spanked in Canada due to their targeting workers rights.

Target moved out of Canada altogether, they must have got spanked hard!

If Walmart wants to shut down their stores, I have no problem with that at all it will funnel business to the mom and pops.
Who pay even lower wages and have zero benefits.

Not going to dispute that. But I like the mom and pops, always have, always will.

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