Wal Mart workers filing injuction

So do I. However, its not justification for shutting down a business that brings substantial savings to the lower income people of any area.
A business ANY business does NOT have to show ANYBODY ANY reason for closing. That IS the owners PERSONAL freedom of choice.

Don't use the word "freedom" around a Marxist. They neither know what that entails nor do they think of it the same way you do.
I think every Marxist in history to include Marx himself failed to understand Marxism.
It's not hard to understand.. If you truly want to know more, check here:
Beginners Guide to Marxism by Marxists Internet Archive 2009

Don't need to...the beginners guide to marxism is written in the mass graves in Russia, China, Cambodia, Cuba.........
Oh for the love of...

you can't get past 100 million murdered people....in the name of marxist communism.........but somehow you fools do it.....
If I use the same standard you use to count deaths due to "marxist communism," you can't get past the hundreds of millions dead due to capitalism.

The incidental antidote that you're no doubt going to use to slander capitalism isn't exactly the equivalent of forced Marxism spun massed starvation and annihilation.
It's their store.

Wal-Mart can close it anytime it likes, for whatever reason strikes its fancy at the moment, right?

A business ANY business does NOT have to show ANYBODY ANY reason for closing. That IS the owners PERSONAL freedom of choice.

Don't use the word "freedom" around a Marxist. They neither know what that entails nor do they think of it the same way you do.
It's not hard to understand.. If you truly want to know more, check here:
Beginners Guide to Marxism by Marxists Internet Archive 2009

Don't need to...the beginners guide to marxism is written in the mass graves in Russia, China, Cambodia, Cuba.........
Oh for the love of...

you can't get past 100 million murdered people....in the name of marxist communism.........but somehow you fools do it.....
If I use the same standard you use to count deaths due to "marxist communism," you can't get past the hundreds of millions dead due to capitalism.

The incidental antidote that you're no doubt going to use to slander capitalism isn't exactly the equivalent of forced Marxism spun massed starvation and annihilation.
Forced massed starvation? Utter bullshit, at least in reference to Mao, mao never intentially meant to starve millions of his people, he made bad policy decisions, and the weather/conditions didn't help.
Don't use the word "freedom" around a Marxist. They neither know what that entails nor do they think of it the same way you do.
Don't need to...the beginners guide to marxism is written in the mass graves in Russia, China, Cambodia, Cuba.........
Oh for the love of...

you can't get past 100 million murdered people....in the name of marxist communism.........but somehow you fools do it.....
If I use the same standard you use to count deaths due to "marxist communism," you can't get past the hundreds of millions dead due to capitalism.

The incidental antidote that you're no doubt going to use to slander capitalism isn't exactly the equivalent of forced Marxism spun massed starvation and annihilation.
Forced massed starvation? Utter bullshit, at least in reference to Mao, mao never intentially meant to starve millions of his people, he made bad policy decisions, and the weather/conditions didn't help.

Did I mention that my graduate degree is in history? Military History to be specific, but that's neither here nor there.
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I think every Marxist in history to include Marx himself failed to understand Marxism.
It's not hard to understand.. If you truly want to know more, check here:
Beginners Guide to Marxism by Marxists Internet Archive 2009

College Educated liberal arts major here. If you think I got a graduate degree without being forced to read Marx from a bunch of Marxist professors you are sadly mistaken.

Dittos here....in fact....I had that asshole bill ayers, the domestic terrorist bomber and personal friend of obama.....you know if obama had his own personal tim mcveigh.....give a lecture to one of my history classes....what a smug asshole.....

Marx is the number one philosopher taught in University's now days. Full departments are centered around his school of thought.
I seriously doubt that, show me some evidence, I can't find anything on it.

For example, if you were to take a political philosophy class you would spend over half of your semester studying Marx and those who subscribe to Marx and the other half studying everyone else and those who's ideologies are loosely connected to Marx.
It's not hard to understand.. If you truly want to know more, check here:
Beginners Guide to Marxism by Marxists Internet Archive 2009

College Educated liberal arts major here. If you think I got a graduate degree without being forced to read Marx from a bunch of Marxist professors you are sadly mistaken.

Dittos here....in fact....I had that asshole bill ayers, the domestic terrorist bomber and personal friend of obama.....you know if obama had his own personal tim mcveigh.....give a lecture to one of my history classes....what a smug asshole.....

Marx is the number one philosopher taught in University's now days. Full departments are centered around his school of thought.
I seriously doubt that, show me some evidence, I can't find anything on it.

For example, if you were to take a political philosophy class you would spend over half of your semester studying Marx and those who subscribe to Marx and the other half studying everyone else and those who's ideologies are loosely connected to Marx.
Show me where this is happening, I don't believe you. I found a 1989 article, try again.
College Educated liberal arts major here. If you think I got a graduate degree without being forced to read Marx from a bunch of Marxist professors you are sadly mistaken.

Dittos here....in fact....I had that asshole bill ayers, the domestic terrorist bomber and personal friend of obama.....you know if obama had his own personal tim mcveigh.....give a lecture to one of my history classes....what a smug asshole.....

Marx is the number one philosopher taught in University's now days. Full departments are centered around his school of thought.
I seriously doubt that, show me some evidence, I can't find anything on it.

For example, if you were to take a political philosophy class you would spend over half of your semester studying Marx and those who subscribe to Marx and the other half studying everyone else and those who's ideologies are loosely connected to Marx.
Show me where this is happening, I don't believe you. I found a 1989 article, try again.

I honestly don't care what you believe. I'm indifferent as to the subject matter and don't really care if I convince you one way or the other. I also don't care to argue the point as my curiosity in Marxism in the classroom was confirmed after 6 years of higher learning.
It's their store.

Wal-Mart can close it anytime it likes, for whatever reason strikes its fancy at the moment, right?


They were talking about Wal-Mart targeting protestors.
Pfft ... More like the protestors stuck targets all over their backs and are whining about getting shot.

It's their store.

Wal-Mart can close it anytime it likes, for whatever reason strikes its fancy at the moment, right?


They were talking about Wal-Mart targeting protestors.
Pfft ... More like the protestors stuck targets all over their backs and are whining about getting shot.

The can file for injunction until they're blue in the face, but...

What would such an injunction say?

"Wal-Mart, you cannot close?"

Hell, they're closed ALREADY, aren't they?

It's a fait accompli.

A little like locking the barn doors after the horses have run away.
It's their store.

Wal-Mart can close it anytime it likes, for whatever reason strikes its fancy at the moment, right?


They were talking about Wal-Mart targeting protestors.
Pfft ... More like the protestors stuck targets all over their backs and are whining about getting shot.

The can file for injunction until they're blue in the face, but...

What would such an injunction say?

"Wal-Mart, you cannot close?"

Hell, they're closed ALREADY, aren't they?

It's a fait accompli.

A little like locking the barn doors after the horses have run away.
Note to Kondor3....Liberals do that a lot.
You know so much, I should let you pick out my socks..

That's holey unnecessary.
It's their store.

Wal-Mart can close it anytime it likes, for whatever reason strikes its fancy at the moment, right?


They were talking about Wal-Mart targeting protestors.
Pfft ... More like the protestors stuck targets all over their backs and are whining about getting shot.

The can file for injunction until they're blue in the face, but...

What would such an injunction say?

"Wal-Mart, you cannot close?"

Hell, they're closed ALREADY, aren't they?

It's a fait accompli.

A little like locking the barn doors after the horses have run away.
Walmart is no dummy. They did the same thing in Canada when union thugs tried to take them to court. They closed their Canadian locations and scrapped plans to open any new ones.
Be a bad idea....Target or K Mart or Costco could just occupy it then....push Wal Mart out of that town for good....

Actually no.

In order to build another store someone would have to buy the site. If Walmart so desired it could offer the site to the city as a pre-built park with a deed restriction under which any other use would cause it to revert to Walmart. What liberal could ever refuse a free anything? Especially if it were "green"! Legal in most states. I recently saw an ancient high school rehabilitated by a city because, had they even closed it, the very valuable site (which had been donated through a will) would revert ot the other heirs.

Or, depending on zoning, Walmart might elect to sell cheap to a developer to throw up very low cost living quarters...cheap 4-bedroom houses, maybe apartments, stuff that woudl cost far more in school requirements than would be brought in through taxes.

At the end of the day Walmart could, if it choose, build another store across a city or county line nearby but why would they do that?
If I was Walmart I would call it a re-model and it would be the SLOWEST re-model in history, could take YEARS.

I might make sure the store "accidentally" burned to the ground. Oops...looks like somebody tossed a cigarette into that roll-off filled with cardboard...and SOME JACKASS put all the gasoline for the generators right next to it...
Be a bad idea....Target or K Mart or Costco could just occupy it then....push Wal Mart out of that town for good....

Actually no.

In order to build another store someone would have to buy the site. If Walmart so desired it could offer the site to the city as a pre-built park with a deed restriction under which any other use would cause it to revert to Walmart. What liberal could ever refuse a free anything? Especially if it were "green"! Legal in most states. I recently saw an ancient high school rehabilitated by a city because, had they even closed it, the very valuable site (which had been donated through a will) would revert ot the other heirs.

Or, depending on zoning, Walmart might elect to sell cheap to a developer to throw up very low cost living quarters...cheap 4-bedroom houses, maybe apartments, stuff that woudl cost far more in school requirements than would be brought in through taxes.

At the end of the day Walmart could, if it choose, build another store across a city or county line nearby but why would they do that?
If I was Walmart I would call it a re-model and it would be the SLOWEST re-model in history, could take YEARS.

I might make sure the store "accidentally" burned to the ground. Oops...looks like somebody tossed a cigarette into that roll-off filled with cardboard...and SOME JACKASS put all the gasoline for the generators right next to it...
Nah, much cheaper and LEGAL just to let the local democrats bust the windows and loot for things like fixtures. THEN the city will ask you to tear it down. And you can write the loss off on your taxes. Let it rot!
Be a bad idea....Target or K Mart or Costco could just occupy it then....push Wal Mart out of that town for good....

Actually no.

In order to build another store someone would have to buy the site. If Walmart so desired it could offer the site to the city as a pre-built park with a deed restriction under which any other use would cause it to revert to Walmart. What liberal could ever refuse a free anything? Especially if it were "green"! Legal in most states. I recently saw an ancient high school rehabilitated by a city because, had they even closed it, the very valuable site (which had been donated through a will) would revert ot the other heirs.

Or, depending on zoning, Walmart might elect to sell cheap to a developer to throw up very low cost living quarters...cheap 4-bedroom houses, maybe apartments, stuff that woudl cost far more in school requirements than would be brought in through taxes.

At the end of the day Walmart could, if it choose, build another store across a city or county line nearby but why would they do that?
If I was Walmart I would call it a re-model and it would be the SLOWEST re-model in history, could take YEARS.

I might make sure the store "accidentally" burned to the ground. Oops...looks like somebody tossed a cigarette into that roll-off filled with cardboard...and SOME JACKASS put all the gasoline for the generators right next to it...
Nah, much cheaper and LEGAL just to let the local democrats bust the windows and loot for things like fixtures. THEN the city will ask you to tear it down. And you can write the loss off on your taxes. Let it rot!
I like jarlaxle's idea better
Walmart denies claims it targeted wage protestors with store closings - Yahoo Finance

Good for them. Has anyone seen the video of inside the store in California? Since when does it require to block the entire view of the store to do plumbing work?
Injunction for what? Walmart does not want to deal with unions. That is their choice.
The former workers gripes may pass muster with some CA state judge who has a bug up his ass about large companies. But don't think for a second Walmart will not appeal to federal court. In which case the hyper liberal 9th Circus will most likely rule in favor of the workers. Then it goes to SCOTUS where the workers will lose this silly case.
The moment the owners decided to...
Nice avoiding of the question...Wal Mart is lying....They are targeting employees who rightfully want to unionize. Why the other 4 stores then? Wal Mart was already spanked in Canada due to their targeting workers rights.
You can leave out "rightfully"...
Remember this. Walmart could have fired the workers . As workers not represented by a labor collective, those that decided to not go to work as scheduled were in fact participating in an illegal strike.
The one thing you knee jerk reacted to without considering is that Walmart gave the workers two months pay and offer a severance for any workers displaced that wish to move on.
The workers have no case. They will not get their injunction.
Canada is unfortunately saddled with pro union federal laws that incidentally are being reined in by the CDN Federal Government.
Unions do one thing. Drive up the cost of doing business and drive up the cost of living.
An instance where Walmart's most attractive option might be to bulldoze the store and turn it into a public park with a little pond and bike paths.

It would be a peaceful place because liberals would shun it.
Be a bad idea....Target or K Mart or Costco could just occupy it then....push Wal Mart out of that town for good....
Yeah...And those companies are non union as well. And that is a good thing. Unions should jyst go away quietly into the night. Nobody wants them around.
You do realize that only 7% of the private sector workforce is unionized, do you not?
The moment the owners decided to...
Nice avoiding of the question...Wal Mart is lying....They are targeting employees who rightfully want to unionize. Why the other 4 stores then? Wal Mart was already spanked in Canada due to their targeting workers rights.
They announced plans to close down 2,000 stores and eliminate a layer of management...
No...They eliminated 14000 management positions because they deleted a level of management. Those people, former "zone managers" are being offered assistant store manager and dept mgr slots.
Wal-Mart to Cut Management Role to Simplify Store Operations - Bloomberg Business

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