Walker says he will sue the Daily Beast over abortion claim

Tennessee Senators will not change, though I could do without Marsha. I lose nothing.

False. With the Americans controlling the Senate, the dream of your Reich to pack the court dies. Even getting Soros judges on the lower courts will become more difficult. Pretty soon you have courts that follow the law rather than your Reich.
Walker appeared on Hannity.

Should he have gone on the View or something?


Now we know the accusation is true.

Let's see some proof?

All you fucking Nazis have is slander and libel.

You of the evil side seek to create pain and misery - but you're stupid, which is what balances the universe.

Evil is stupid - you are stupid.

6 months of nonstop slander against Walker and he closed a 10 point deficit into a 4 point lead - and continues to pull away from the wife beater. Yet you think "hey Cleetus, we needz us sumore slander.."

Fucking morons.
you won't hear anything past the initial reporting anyway, because that's how progressives work.

1. Make a vague accusation backed up with at best circumstantial evidence, at worse, unsourced rumors
2. Set up the titles and first paragraphs of the articles to pretend there is more proof than exists
3. Ignore all counter-evidence
4. Stop caring because the original story was enough to damage the person in question.

Rinse, and repeat.
Still hearing about it, hun. How's Walker's lawsuit coming along?
Should he have gone on the View or something?


Let's see some proof?

All you fucking Nazis have is slander and libel.

You of the evil side seek to create pain and misery - but you're stupid, which is what balances the universe.

Evil is stupid - you are stupid.

6 months of nonstop slander against Walker and he closed a 10 point deficit into a 4 point lead - and continues to pull away from the wife beater. Yet you think "hey Cleetus, we needz us sumore slander.."

Fucking morons.
False. With the Americans controlling the Senate, the dream of your Reich to pack the court dies. Even getting Soros judges on the lower courts will become more difficult. Pretty soon you have courts that follow the law rather than your Reich.
I have no "Reich", no party. You are a fool.
Should he have gone on the View or something?


Let's see some proof?

All you fucking Nazis have is slander and libel.

You of the evil side seek to create pain and misery - but you're stupid, which is what balances the universe.

Evil is stupid - you are stupid.

6 months of nonstop slander against Walker and he closed a 10 point deficit into a 4 point lead - and continues to pull away from the wife beater. Yet you think "hey Cleetus, we needz us sumore slander.."

Fucking morons.
Yea, ok. Let's take a look at your guy. Has four kids that he abandoned, never paid a dime in child support, put a gun to his ex wife's head when he wasen't beating on her, is an adulterer, a liar who claimed to work in law enforcement, claimed to run four hospitals & now YOU find out that he paid for an abortion. Despite Walker's history YOU still support him & I'm a "fucking moron"? You're nothing but a goddam hypocrite with your evangelical "family values" horseshit. There's no bottom for you people, is there? Walker is a usefull idiot, that's why Trump & his mob are backing him.

Take your Nazi talking points & wipe your face in it.
What is the name of the woman who had the abortion?

Can't answer?

Yeah, because you and your filthy Reich are fucking liars...
You want her name asshole so you can destroy her life like you fascist assholes have done to others.

Want her name, ya fuck? Ask Walker. He knows damn well who she is. HE wrote the check, idiot.

Maybe you'll get her name when Walker files his lawsuit. Hold your breath & wait for it.
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You want her name asshole so you can destroy her life like you fascist assholes have done to others.

Want her name, ya fuck? Ask Walker. He knows damn well who she is. HE wrote the check, idiot.

Maybe you'll get her name when Walker files his lawsuit. Hold your breath & wait for it.
Is her name Christine Balsey Ford?
He doesn't need to prove something is false. They need to prove it's true.
Walker said he would sue “on Tuesday morning”, and it’s Wednesday.
Looks like Walker ruined this thread along with the reputation of the author.
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Walker is a train wreck of a candidate. Your generic republican easily beats Warnock. Why they had to run Walker is beyond anyone’s thinking.

Well, he is literally the most popular person in The State of Georgia.
If they can source how they got the info, they are fine. Republicans are always threatening to sue for what often turns out to be the truth. It is part of the Trump thing, "Deny, deny and deny) to make the denial look good, but usually means nothing and they lose or it is kicked out of court.

Show the chain of custody of a rumor?

Pretty low standards you have there, boy.
And that's the question, isn't it?

The Nazi smear machine has accused Walker of everything from rape to bad hygiene already.

Does anyone really care what the latest smear from the democrats is? From day one the Reich has defamed Walker, and yet voters still prefer him to Warnock. Will one more smear from the democrats sway voters who didn't buy the last 40,000 smears the democrats put out?

You know how insane a truly Conservative Thinking AA makes the left-wing loons.

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