Walker says he will sue the Daily Beast over abortion claim

Warlock ran over his baby mama and was dragged out of his baptist "summer camp" in handcuffs for pouring piss on 12-year olds that wet the bed.

Game. Set. Match.

Who knows -
How corrupt is the Georgia Election System.

No intelligent person believes that 2 left wing loons legitimately won Senate seats in 2020 in Georgia.
Yea, ok. Let's take a look at your guy. Has four kids that he abandoned, never paid a dime in child support, put a gun to his ex wife's head when he wasen't beating on her, is an adulterer, a liar who claimed to work in law enforcement, claimed to run four hospitals & now YOU find out that he paid for an abortion. Despite Walker's history YOU still support him & I'm a "fucking moron"? You're nothing but a goddam hypocrite with your evangelical "family values" horseshit. There's no bottom for you people, is there? Walker is a usefull idiot, that's why Trump & his mob are backing him.

Take your Nazi talking points & wipe your face in it.

Sure he does, at least that the story you Nazis have spewed for 6 months.

And during that time Walker has a 14 point move, from 10 down to 4 up.

Some might say you vile filth would have done better shutting up. So by all means Herr Himmler, keep up the defamation campaign.
The right's war is on the left's commie press Looneybin.
Threatening the press with a baseless, meritless lawsuit is central to the right’s war on a free press – a reprehensible effort to silence the press where publishers must incur the expense of defending themselves from baseless, meritless lawsuits by conservatives hostile to the facts, the truth, and a free press.
Threatening the press with a baseless, meritless lawsuit is central to the right’s war on a free press – a reprehensible effort to silence the press where publishers must incur the expense of defending themselves from baseless, meritless lawsuits by conservatives hostile to the facts, the truth, and a free press.
You are a real wacko, you know that?
This press is owned by the Reich with rare exception and all sane Americans know it.
Tick tick tick Dimmer.
Sure, sure.

That 100% of your posts support the Nazi democrats means nothing...

I mean you of the fascist left are just filled with integrity.. :lmao:
Hey Billiejean. Where’s the lawsuit? They said they would file it on Tuesday.

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