Wall for strong gun control

I actually don't think a wall is necessary....Repeal and abolish the socialistic welfare freebie state, and the problem goes away on its own.

But Marxist moonbats like you will never have that, so you tee up band-aid answers like a wall for the other side.

It disgusts me we need to have a barrier because there are people who will undermine our security for their own benefit.

I agree in part about your assertion eliminating the nanny state, but it should also be impossible to exist illegally in a country that can seem to track how much porn you watch, what kind of products you might be interested in, or everything you've ever said in a high school yearbook should someone nominate you for SCOTUS.

Your security is undermined daily by the corporate state itself, the wall is for their protection from the citizens. The power structure knows full well it has lost all semblance of legitimacy. They know what the climate system's, the economic system's, and the political system's futures hold; the people will need to be managed somehow. That's why the police have been militarized and the people need to be walled in like fish in a barrel. The jobs are not coming back. Not ones you can live on. Not enough.
Thats the only option for the wall. HELL THE FUCK NO!!!!
I actually don't think a wall is necessary....Repeal and abolish the socialistic welfare freebie state, and the problem goes away on its own.

But Marxist moonbats like you will never have that, so you tee up band-aid answers like a wall for the other side.
if you repeal welfare millions of white conservatives will be affected. I have no problem with that. :rolleyes:

How would Blacks eat?
Sometimes the police shoot us citizens for no reason. Sometimes they take their guns and run away from mass school shootings with them. Sometimes they use violence on citizens for protesting and questioning the authoritarianism of concentrated power and wealth. As we like to say, the gun is just a tool, the gun didn't do anything by itself. Guns have always been used on we the people by the power structure, much more so that any occasion where some american used a gun to challenge his overreaching govt, which was supposed to be the big deal we needed them for.

Own, permitted to carry, but the gun by and large is a fetish symbol in america; a fetish symbol of fweedumb to a people who cannot locate a collective backbone and question a predatory economic/political system that now sees fit to wall them in with their militarized police and constant 24/7/365 surveillance state. Ous is a people to scared to live in a free and open society.

Real freedom terrifies all of those who look to The State as an answer to life's challenges and problems.

Please build a wall around me. You have 8 endless hot shooting wars up and running, you have THE most expansive military empire occupational footprint ever known to humankind, and THE most expansive incarceration/bondage apparatus ever known to humanity.

Please wall me in.

Thats the only option for the wall. HELL THE FUCK NO!!!!
I actually don't think a wall is necessary....Repeal and abolish the socialistic welfare freebie state, and the problem goes away on its own.

But Marxist moonbats like you will never have that, so you tee up band-aid answers like a wall for the other side.
if you repeal welfare millions of white conservatives will be affected. I have no problem with that. :rolleyes:

How would Blacks eat?

Everyone's on the menu now cornpone, better wake up.
Trump is claiming to want to protect us with this wall. Well nothing would protect us more than some strong gun control. Our homicide rate is 4-5X higher than countries with strong gun control. Trade the wall for strong gun control!

Haha...so weird that you Loons can’t make simple distinctions.
Your founders granted you the right to bear arms....your founders never granted wetbacks the right to invade our nation and fuck America all up.
What other rights / liberties do you hate?
if you repeal welfare millions of white conservatives will be affected. I have no problem with that. :rolleyes:

Me either.

We get to keep our money, and walking abortions like you starve to death and reduce "Global Warming".


Trump is claiming to want to protect us with this wall. Well nothing would protect us more than some strong gun control. Our homicide rate is 4-5X higher than countries with strong gun control. Trade the wall for strong gun control!
Why don't you just ask to exchange it for the First Amendment? We know you snowflakes hate that one.

You have the right to lie all day long every day in america. That MUST be protected at all costs. That's how we built this great nation and gaslight the unsubstantial people.

That's an option also...

Thats the only option for the wall. HELL THE FUCK NO!!!!
I actually don't think a wall is necessary....Repeal and abolish the socialistic welfare freebie state, and the problem goes away on its own.

But Marxist moonbats like you will never have that, so you tee up band-aid answers like a wall for the other side.
if you repeal welfare millions of white conservatives will be affected. I have no problem with that. :rolleyes:

How would Blacks eat?

Everyone's on the menu now cornpone, better wake up.

How racist of you...are you implying that Blacks would commit cannibalism before going to work?
if you repeal welfare millions of white conservatives will be affected. I have no problem with that. :rolleyes:

Me either.

We get to keep our money, and walking abortions like you starve to death and reduce "Global Warming".



The people with all the money and power get to wind you all up and watch ya'll have a go at each other on their behalf while they extract and redistribute more and more societal wealth as the ecosystem further degrades and more and more cities and municipalities across america enjoy a toxic public water supply. A couple generations of that on a walled in society should make them quite manageable.
Thats the only option for the wall. HELL THE FUCK NO!!!!
I actually don't think a wall is necessary....Repeal and abolish the socialistic welfare freebie state, and the problem goes away on its own.

But Marxist moonbats like you will never have that, so you tee up band-aid answers like a wall for the other side.
if you repeal welfare millions of white conservatives will be affected. I have no problem with that. :rolleyes:

How would Blacks eat?

Everyone's on the menu now cornpone, better wake up.

How racist of you...are you implying that Blacks would commit cannibalism before going to work?
Euros did in the settling of North America.
if you repeal welfare millions of white conservatives will be affected. I have no problem with that. :rolleyes:

Me either.

We get to keep our money, and walking abortions like you starve to death and reduce "Global Warming".



The people with all the money and power get you wind you all up and watch ya'll have a go at each other on their behalf while they extract and redistribute more and more societal wealth as the ecosystem further degrades and more and more cities and municipalities across america enjoy a toxic public water supply.

Hold on, so as I bicker with twisted, LefTarded fools my checking account is being heisted?
That sounds like rational thought to you?
I actually don't think a wall is necessary....Repeal and abolish the socialistic welfare freebie state, and the problem goes away on its own.

But Marxist moonbats like you will never have that, so you tee up band-aid answers like a wall for the other side.
if you repeal welfare millions of white conservatives will be affected. I have no problem with that. :rolleyes:

How would Blacks eat?

Everyone's on the menu now cornpone, better wake up.

How racist of you...are you implying that Blacks would commit cannibalism before going to work?
Euros did in the settling of North America.

You hear that Nuggas.... H B Lowrie is asserting that your people are so fucking lazy that they will eat one another before they stop having children and go to work. That’s fucked up.
Trump is claiming to want to protect us with this wall. Well nothing would protect us more than some strong gun control. Our homicide rate is 4-5X higher than countries with strong gun control. Trade the wall for strong gun control!
Total bullshit from a liar.
Trump is claiming to want to protect us with this wall. Well nothing would protect us more than some strong gun control. Our homicide rate is 4-5X higher than countries with strong gun control. Trade the wall for strong gun control!

So, the Brainless Twat is still stuck on the totally failed idea that more gun laws on top of the thousands we already have and do not enforced fully disarming the law-abiding victims of daily crime so that the armed criminal can shoot, rob and kill without fear is the REAL issue in this country! What better way to encourage more criminals across the border than into a police state of millions of helpless, unarmed victims!

HOW ODD, Brainless that when police go out to stop crime, THEY TAKE GUNS with them!

HOW ODD, Brainless that when Border Agents go south to stop illegals from criminally entering the USA THEY TAKE GUNS with them.

Sometimes the police shoot us citizens for no reason. Sometimes they take their guns and run away from mass school shootings with them. Sometimes they use violence on citizens for protesting and questioning the authoritarianism of concentrated power and wealth. As we like to say, the gun is just a tool, the gun didn't do anything by itself. Guns have always been used on we the people by the power structure, much more so than on any occasion where some american used a gun to challenge his overreaching govt, which was supposed to be the big deal we needed them for.

Own, permitted to carry, but the gun by and large is a fetish symbol in america; a fetish symbol of fweedumb to a people who cannot locate a collective backbone and question a predatory economic/political system that now sees fit to wall them in with their militarized police and constant 24/7/365 surveillance state. Ours is a people to scared to live in a free and open society.
You have described liberal scum to a T.
Trump is claiming to want to protect us with this wall. Well nothing would protect us more than some strong gun control. Our homicide rate is 4-5X higher than countries with strong gun control. Trade the wall for strong gun control!

Haha...so weird that you Loons can’t make simple distinctions.
Your founders granted you the right to bear arms....your founders never granted wetbacks the right to invade our nation and fuck America all up.
What other rights / liberties do you hate?

Some of us are well aware of what the power structure does to populations it has historically found in the way of its version of progress, go back and look at the coal wars son. It eats whites too. Your kind have become redundant. Your privilege was temporal. The wealth extraction apparatus no longer requires you.
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Trump is claiming to want to protect us with this wall. Well nothing would protect us more than some strong gun control. Our homicide rate is 4-5X higher than countries with strong gun control. Trade the wall for strong gun control!

So, the Brainless Twat is still stuck on the totally failed idea that more gun laws on top of the thousands we already have and do not enforced fully disarming the law-abiding victims of daily crime so that the armed criminal can shoot, rob and kill without fear is the REAL issue in this country! What better way to encourage more criminals across the border than into a police state of millions of helpless, unarmed victims!

HOW ODD, Brainless that when police go out to stop crime, THEY TAKE GUNS with them!

HOW ODD, Brainless that when Border Agents go south to stop illegals from criminally entering the USA THEY TAKE GUNS with them.

Sometimes the police shoot us citizens for no reason. Sometimes they take their guns and run away from mass school shootings with them. Sometimes they use violence on citizens for protesting and questioning the authoritarianism of concentrated power and wealth. As we like to say, the gun is just a tool, the gun didn't do anything by itself. Guns have always been used on we the people by the power structure, much more so than on any occasion where some american used a gun to challenge his overreaching govt, which was supposed to be the big deal we needed them for.

Own, permitted to carry, but the gun by and large is a fetish symbol in america; a fetish symbol of fweedumb to a people who cannot locate a collective backbone and question a predatory economic/political system that now sees fit to wall them in with their militarized police and constant 24/7/365 surveillance state. Ours is a people to scared to live in a free and open society.
You have described liberal scum to a T.

All concentrated wealth and power needs to do is wall the people in and keep them pointed at each other, the american people will do the rest.
All concentrated wealth and power needs to do is wall the people in and keep them pointed at each other, the american people will do the rest.
"And if they ever unite against our power, we'll just hit them with a
bio-pandemic and blame Iran for it."
In the meantime they'll all scurry off to their islands and leave us to rot
in a Mad Max police state.

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