Wall Street, China, Taiwan, Russia, WW3, Nuclear bomb commercials, and cognitive dissonance...

Should Wall Street disinvest in China?

  • Yes

    Votes: 1 100.0%
  • No

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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We should be taxing Wallstreet & China to retard their growth! But Republicans give them tax breaks, loopholes & subsidies instead so they can own everything.

Vote for Clinton, he'll fix it..........Vote for Obama, he'll fix it.

Is it fixed yet?
China has been playing a long game investing in countries all over the world, making those counties beholden to it or friendly to them.
While folks in the US look at Africa as nothing but people living in grass huts China has been investing billions in the area, cultivation future customers.
They have been doing this for decades while in this country each new Administration does all they can do to undo what the last one did whether it was good or not.
The US has been pissing away $55b a year on "foreign aid" since WW2.
China has a "belt & road" program that gets poor nations hooked on Chinese aid.
The US is burning money while China is using their aid for material gains.
You idiot! Wallstreet owns everything, so why do you want to give it to China? We should be taxing Wallstreet & China to retard their growth! But Republicans give them tax breaks, loopholes & subsidies instead so they can own everything.
Wall Street used to own everything.
They moved a lot of factories to China, who copies everything and then sells it back to us.
Now China owns everything, especially if they decide to nationalize everything in China.
Its not about politics, its about greed that backfired.
The US has been pissing away $55b a year on "foreign aid" since WW2.
China has a "belt & road" program that gets poor nations hooked on Chinese aid.
The US is burning money while China is using their aid for material gains.

Pretty much
Does China spend nearly a trillion annually on their war machine?
Do they operate over 600 foreign military bases?
Do they have massive navies trolling all the oceans?
Does China place economic sanctions on numerous nations causing terrible hardships?
1. Their costs are much less because their labor is cheap. But their military is currently ranked 3rd, and rising.
2. They are buying land, which can be converted to military bases
3. Their navy is larger than the US navy, but not as modern
4. US and NATO sanctions are only against bad actor nations.
1. Their costs are much less because their labor is cheap. But their military is currently ranked 3rd, and rising.
2. They are buying land, which can be converted to military bases
3. Their navy is larger than the US navy, but not as modern
4. US and NATO sanctions are only against bad actor nations.
Links proving any of this?

Sanctions are an act of war and don’t result in regime change the empire so desires. It does harm the poor of these nations. Cuba, Venezuela, and others are not bad actor nations.

Your paranoia is getting the best of your.
Links proving any of this?
Sanctions are an act of war and don’t result in regime change the empire so desires. It does harm the poor of these nations. Cuba, Venezuela, and others are not bad actor nations.
Your paranoia is getting the best of your.
My God, its called GOOGLE

Cuba and Venezuela are commie dictatorships in the Americas. We want regime change and will NOT support dictatorships.
Russia, NK, Iran, Syria are bad actors.
You mean surrender to China. They will keep taking and taking.
If you like that, I hope they take Wall Street first,
In a few more years they will be able to simply buy and own 51% of the US.

What have they "taken"?
My God, its called GOOGLE

Cuba and Venezuela are commie dictatorships in the Americas. We want regime change and will NOT support dictatorships.
Russia, NK, Iran, Syria are bad actors.
You are a typical imperialist conservative. You need to open your mind and realize the USG can’t continue to control world.
You are a typical imperialist conservative. You need to open your mind and realize the USG can’t continue to control world.
The TRUTH is the TRUTH. I proved my truths with LINKS. You type shit. See the difference?
The USG can't even control the US.
The TRUTH is the TRUTH. I proved my truths with LINKS. You type shit. See the difference?
The USG can't even control the US.
No. I don’t. You post propaganda put out by the empire and think it’s the truth.
They did not "take" a single one of those factories. We gave them to them. You are condemning the wrong entity here.
Chinese government subsidies took those factories.
I didn't say "stole"
Their government subsidies and low wage rates took the factories from the US.

No they did not. We gave them to them because "investor return" became the most important thing in this country.
No they did not. We gave them to them because "investor return" became the most important thing in this country.
Same net-net result. The factories and jobs moved to China. It takes two to tango.
Same net-net result. The factories and jobs moved to China. It takes two to tango.

And you only want to condemn China for doing what we would freely do ourselves. Did we turn away the Japanese when they started manufacturing cars here in the US?

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