Wall Street nearly killed America under Bush, Trump puts them in charge

Republicans are responsible for the Great Depression and Great Recession...says the radical left.

I really don't know how they can be so ignorant. It has to purposeful.

This radical partisanship (really ignorance) is going to ruin us.
History is a bitch, isn't it.
Apparently you know nothing of history, but then it is my experience that most Lefties have learned nothing from history...or know nothing of history. If you did, you would not be a leftist.

That is the problem with lefties...you are generally uninformed so facts surprise you.

The problem is the Republicans mistakenly think trickle down works. I am tired of deregulations to let the rich elites prey on hard working taxpayers.
Damn you really are screwed up.

Under Dear Leader, what has happened to income inequality? He has doubled the national debt and yet millions of Americans still live in poverty...but the 1% sure got richer.

If regulations worked, Dear Leader who is the greatest regulator of all time, our economy would be booming.

That is the problem with some lefties. You are generally uninformed so facts surprise you.
Pretty telling, all this trash that wants the country to fail. I gave Obama a chance on his first term as he said things that if he had done, would have been great. He failed. But no one (you know who you are) will give Trump a chance. To me that makes you sorry trash.
Before posting you lefties ought to do at least a little research...your Dear Leader's administration was full of Wall Streeters....for Christ's sake he put Lil' Timmy Geithner as SOT...and if you bother to do a little more research you will find your rock star Bubba Clinton did much the same....his SOT was straight out of Goldman Sacks.

Now imagine what your beloved Cankles' administration would look like, with her clear devotion to Wall Street.

Why is it you lefties ignore the Wall Street connection under a D POTUS, but bitch about it under an R POTUS? Can't you be at least a little bit consistent once in awhile?
Geitner was a wall street insider & you asshats had a fit. Now you sit on your thumbs while Trump nominates wall street insider after another.

Clinton represented Wall Street as Senator. She also aid Dodd Frank did not go far enough.

Your orange buddy wants to ditch that law & release wall street to fuck us all over again.
We should ditch Dodd Frank...it is a typical big government crony capitalist heavy regulatory BS act that does not work...but dummies can't see it cause they love big government...even though centuries of history clearly prove it never works...but it does enrich the elites, wealthy and connected.

You bitch about Trump, yet you would have to be a total ignoramus to think Hillary's administration would not be entirely ruled by Wall Streeters.

Stop watching fake news and get educated.

Same way they deregulated everything in the 80's, screw Wall Street and the Banks if they don't like it. We need to keep Dodd Frank, or taxpayers need to just quit paying income tax, 1 day walk out of work across the whole US would show Congress that they are not in charge. Maybe a week and let the , lets not forget we pay their salaries and health insurance, and pensions.
Do you know who overturned the glass-steagall act?

I suspect you do not.

Please get informed before posting.

You blame the merge of Travelers and Citibank.
I blame the the illegal hedgefund trading of Freddie Mac which merged Gov. with private trading.
Wall street gambled & lost. They lobbied for & received deregulatory legislation. They put our economy at risk for profit. We had to bail them out in 2008.

So why is Donald Trump putting the federal government in their hands?

How dumb are you people.

What do investors know about running anything? How does screwing people out of their homes make you a good leader?

If I wanted to bring back manufacturing, certainly I would look for a person who has actually done it. Made something & not trade papers from a desk. Someone that had to work with & develop skilled workers & not run a fast food company.

So here we are. A bunch of uneducated, uninformed morions elected a Con Man to be President. He told you a pack of bull, you bought irt, & now he isn't deliverying, and you still love him.
My dog is smarter than you. Bush and Wallstreet crashed the economy? What's a morion anyway?

Neither of them created an atmosphere of buying homes people couldn't afford. The housing bubble and bust was the underlying problem.

We get it. You are upset and come here to lash out because it's all you have left. Now you have to eat shit for at least four years as one adoring policy after the other get over turned, thrown out and put in place. Tough shit morion, America has had enough of you.
"Morion" is a typo. Moron is you.

The Republicans basically ran Congress from 1995 through 2006., Bush was President for 7 years. And its no one's fault. I get it.

But you have been blaming Obama for the effects since day one.

Shall we make a pool to see the first month under Trump where we lose jobs? I'm betting March.
Thanks for explaining it, morion, what would we do without you? The fact is that spending went through the roof when the Dems took over congress. I blamed obama for the recession? You're a stupid liar, go prove me wrong.

obama has stood on the necks of business, like most libs he loves jobs but hates businesses. That's hindered growth and we have suffered long enough.
Republicans are responsible for the Great Depression and Great Recession...says the radical left.

I really don't know how they can be so ignorant. It has to purposeful.

This radical partisanship (really ignorance) is going to ruin us.

And Black Monday 1987, you own it. All three and 4th looks to be on the way.
That's funny, but typical of an uninformed lefty.

In 1987, both houses of Congress were controlled by Ds....just as they were under W when the Great Recession began.

When will you realize this simple truth...."there is little difference between the parties?"

Reagan cut all social programs, and left office a huge increase in the National Debt. He created the rich and the poor, and is the reason for the Savings and Loan Disaster which cost billions to taxpayers.
No, he didn't cut all social programs, what a dumb lie. Yes, debt went up, due to military and democrats helped too. But GDP went way up. Business boomed. You either don't know it or don't care. Either way it's not good.
Wall street gambled & lost. They lobbied for & received deregulatory legislation. They put our economy at risk for profit. We had to bail them out in 2008.

So why is Donald Trump putting the federal government in their hands?

How dumb are you people.

What do investors know about running anything? How does screwing people out of their homes make you a good leader?

If I wanted to bring back manufacturing, certainly I would look for a person who has actually done it. Made something & not trade papers from a desk. Someone that had to work with & develop skilled workers & not run a fast food company.

So here we are. A bunch of uneducated, uninformed morions elected a Con Man to be President. He told you a pack of bull, you bought irt, & now he isn't deliverying, and you still love him.
My dog is smarter than you. Bush and Wallstreet crashed the economy? What's a morion anyway?

Neither of them created an atmosphere of buying homes people couldn't afford. The housing bubble and bust was the underlying problem.

We get it. You are upset and come here to lash out because it's all you have left. Now you have to eat shit for at least four years as one adoring policy after the other get over turned, thrown out and put in place. Tough shit morion, America has had enough of you.
"Morion" is a typo. Moron is you.

The Republicans basically ran Congress from 1995 through 2006., Bush was President for 7 years. And its no one's fault. I get it.

But you have been blaming Obama for the effects since day one.

Shall we make a pool to see the first month under Trump where we lose jobs? I'm betting March.
Thanks for explaining it, morion, what would we do without you? The fact is that spending went through the roof when the Dems took over congress. I blamed obama for the recession? You're a stupid liar, go prove me wrong.

obama has stood on the necks of business, like most libs he loves jobs but hates businesses. That's hindered growth and we have suffered long enough.

So, what was all this extra spending the Democrats passed (and Bush signed) after January of 2007 that created the recession that started 4th quarter of that same year.

Just how fucking stupid are you?

You blame Obama for the effects of the recession and don't embarrass yourself further by denying it.
Republicans are responsible for the Great Depression and Great Recession...says the radical left.

I really don't know how they can be so ignorant. It has to purposeful.

This radical partisanship (really ignorance) is going to ruin us.
History is a bitch, isn't it.
Apparently you know nothing of history, but then it is my experience that most Lefties have learned nothing from history...or know nothing of history. If you did, you would not be a leftist.

That is the problem with lefties...you are generally uninformed so facts surprise you.

The problem is the Republicans mistakenly think trickle down works. I am tired of deregulations to let the rich elites prey on hard working taxpayers.
Damn you really are screwed up.

Under Dear Leader, what has happened to income inequality? He has doubled the national debt and yet millions of Americans still live in poverty...but the 1% sure got richer.

If regulations worked, Dear Leader who is the greatest regulator of all time, our economy would be booming.

That is the problem with some lefties. You are generally uninformed so facts surprise you.
So, how long will it take for our new Wall Street government eliminate poverty? A better question is how long before the next recession.
Wall street gambled & lost. They lobbied for & received deregulatory legislation. They put our economy at risk for profit. We had to bail them out in 2008.

So why is Donald Trump putting the federal government in their hands?

How dumb are you people.

What do investors know about running anything? How does screwing people out of their homes make you a good leader?

If I wanted to bring back manufacturing, certainly I would look for a person who has actually done it. Made something & not trade papers from a desk. Someone that had to work with & develop skilled workers & not run a fast food company.

So here we are. A bunch of uneducated, uninformed morions elected a Con Man to be President. He told you a pack of bull, you bought irt, & now he isn't deliverying, and you still love him.
My dog is smarter than you. Bush and Wallstreet crashed the economy? What's a morion anyway?

Neither of them created an atmosphere of buying homes people couldn't afford. The housing bubble and bust was the underlying problem.

We get it. You are upset and come here to lash out because it's all you have left. Now you have to eat shit for at least four years as one adoring policy after the other get over turned, thrown out and put in place. Tough shit morion, America has had enough of you.
"Morion" is a typo. Moron is you.

The Republicans basically ran Congress from 1995 through 2006., Bush was President for 7 years. And its no one's fault. I get it.

But you have been blaming Obama for the effects since day one.

Shall we make a pool to see the first month under Trump where we lose jobs? I'm betting March.
Thanks for explaining it, morion, what would we do without you? The fact is that spending went through the roof when the Dems took over congress. I blamed obama for the recession? You're a stupid liar, go prove me wrong.

obama has stood on the necks of business, like most libs he loves jobs but hates businesses. That's hindered growth and we have suffered long enough.

So, what was all this extra spending the Democrats passed (and Bush signed) after January of 2007 that created the recession that started 4th quarter of that same year.

Just how fucking stupid are you?

You blame Obama for the effects of the recession and don't embarrass yourself further by denying it.
I don't let punks put words in my mouth. The fact you need to explains the problem here. I responded to the idiotic assertion that the recession was Bush's fault and didn't make your claims.

I'm smart enough to know a loser when I see one.
Before posting you lefties ought to do at least a little research...your Dear Leader's administration was full of Wall Streeters....for Christ's sake he put Lil' Timmy Geithner as SOT...and if you bother to do a little more research you will find your rock star Bubba Clinton did much the same....his SOT was straight out of Goldman Sacks.

Now imagine what your beloved Cankles' administration would look like, with her clear devotion to Wall Street.

Why is it you lefties ignore the Wall Street connection under a D POTUS, but bitch about it under an R POTUS? Can't you be at least a little bit consistent once in awhile?
Geitner was a wall street insider & you asshats had a fit. Now you sit on your thumbs while Trump nominates wall street insider after another.

Clinton represented Wall Street as Senator. She also aid Dodd Frank did not go far enough.

Your orange buddy wants to ditch that law & release wall street to fuck us all over again.
We should ditch Dodd Frank...it is a typical big government crony capitalist heavy regulatory BS act that does not work...but dummies can't see it cause they love big government...even though centuries of history clearly prove it never works...but it does enrich the elites, wealthy and connected.

You bitch about Trump, yet you would have to be a total ignoramus to think Hillary's administration would not be entirely ruled by Wall Streeters.

Stop watching fake news and get educated.

Same way they deregulated everything in the 80's, screw Wall Street and the Banks if they don't like it. We need to keep Dodd Frank, or taxpayers need to just quit paying income tax, 1 day walk out of work across the whole US would show Congress that they are not in charge. Maybe a week and let the , lets not forget we pay their salaries and health insurance, and pensions.
Do you know who overturned the glass-steagall act?

I suspect you do not.

Please get informed before posting.

The Gramm, Leach, Bliley Act which passed with the majority of Republicans voting yes and the majority of Democrats voting no.

Gramm, Leach and Bliley were all REPUBLICANS.

Clinton signed the bill because of compromise. Your fucking, America hating Republicans got their repeal of Glass Steagal & Clinton got something he wanted.

Ypu people are sofa king stupid that it makes me sick.
Republicans are responsible for the Great Depression and Great Recession...says the radical left.

I really don't know how they can be so ignorant. It has to purposeful.

This radical partisanship (really ignorance) is going to ruin us.
History is a bitch, isn't it.
Apparently you know nothing of history, but then it is my experience that most Lefties have learned nothing from history...or know nothing of history. If you did, you would not be a leftist.

That is the problem with lefties...you are generally uninformed so facts surprise you.

The problem is the Republicans mistakenly think trickle down works. I am tired of deregulations to let the rich elites prey on hard working taxpayers.
Damn you really are screwed up.

Under Dear Leader, what has happened to income inequality? He has doubled the national debt and yet millions of Americans still live in poverty...but the 1% sure got richer.

If regulations worked, Dear Leader who is the greatest regulator of all time, our economy would be booming.

That is the problem with some lefties. You are generally uninformed so facts surprise you.
So, how long will it take for our new Wall Street government eliminate poverty? A better question is how long before the next recession.
When did we climb out of the recession? 1.2% gdp growth is nothing to brag about. The country needs to try something different than left wing hate, it does nothing productive.
Republicans are responsible for the Great Depression and Great Recession...says the radical left.

I really don't know how they can be so ignorant. It has to purposeful.

This radical partisanship (really ignorance) is going to ruin us.

And Black Monday 1987, you own it. All three and 4th looks to be on the way.
That's funny, but typical of an uninformed lefty.

In 1987, both houses of Congress were controlled by Ds....just as they were under W when the Great Recession began.

When will you realize this simple truth...."there is little difference between the parties?"

Reagan cut all social programs, and left office a huge increase in the National Debt. He created the rich and the poor, and is the reason for the Savings and Loan Disaster which cost billions to taxpayers.
No, he didn't cut all social programs, what a dumb lie. Yes, debt went up, due to military and democrats helped too. But GDP went way up. Business boomed. You either don't know it or don't care. Either way it's not good.

Yes he did, read about him. The rich got richer and the poorer. He created the largest debt in the 80's. He was actually a disaster as a Pres. as all Pubs have been. He froze min wage. He lowered taxes on the elites while raising taxes on the lower class. You have the same thing in office now, I can't wait till he screws you over, sorry he already did do a number on you.
Before posting you lefties ought to do at least a little research...your Dear Leader's administration was full of Wall Streeters....for Christ's sake he put Lil' Timmy Geithner as SOT...and if you bother to do a little more research you will find your rock star Bubba Clinton did much the same....his SOT was straight out of Goldman Sacks.

Now imagine what your beloved Cankles' administration would look like, with her clear devotion to Wall Street.

Why is it you lefties ignore the Wall Street connection under a D POTUS, but bitch about it under an R POTUS? Can't you be at least a little bit consistent once in awhile?
Geitner was a wall street insider & you asshats had a fit. Now you sit on your thumbs while Trump nominates wall street insider after another.

Clinton represented Wall Street as Senator. She also aid Dodd Frank did not go far enough.

Your orange buddy wants to ditch that law & release wall street to fuck us all over again.
We should ditch Dodd Frank...it is a typical big government crony capitalist heavy regulatory BS act that does not work...but dummies can't see it cause they love big government...even though centuries of history clearly prove it never works...but it does enrich the elites, wealthy and connected.

You bitch about Trump, yet you would have to be a total ignoramus to think Hillary's administration would not be entirely ruled by Wall Streeters.

Stop watching fake news and get educated.

Same way they deregulated everything in the 80's, screw Wall Street and the Banks if they don't like it. We need to keep Dodd Frank, or taxpayers need to just quit paying income tax, 1 day walk out of work across the whole US would show Congress that they are not in charge. Maybe a week and let the , lets not forget we pay their salaries and health insurance, and pensions.
Do you know who overturned the glass-steagall act?

I suspect you do not.

Please get informed before posting.

The Gramm, Leach, Bliley Act which passed with the majority of Republicans voting yes and the majority of Democrats voting no.

Gramm, Leach and Bliley were all REPUBLICANS.

Clinton signed the bill because of compromise. Your fucking, America hating Republicans got their repeal of Glass Steagal & Clinton got something he wanted.

Ypu people are sofa king stupid that it makes me sick.
LOL, Clinton had to compromise so he isn't to blame. But when Reagan or Bush compromised the got the full blame. My dog is smarter than you.
Before posting you lefties ought to do at least a little research...your Dear Leader's administration was full of Wall Streeters....for Christ's sake he put Lil' Timmy Geithner as SOT...and if you bother to do a little more research you will find your rock star Bubba Clinton did much the same....his SOT was straight out of Goldman Sacks.

Now imagine what your beloved Cankles' administration would look like, with her clear devotion to Wall Street.

Why is it you lefties ignore the Wall Street connection under a D POTUS, but bitch about it under an R POTUS? Can't you be at least a little bit consistent once in awhile?
Geitner was a wall street insider & you asshats had a fit. Now you sit on your thumbs while Trump nominates wall street insider after another.

Clinton represented Wall Street as Senator. She also aid Dodd Frank did not go far enough.

Your orange buddy wants to ditch that law & release wall street to fuck us all over again.
We should ditch Dodd Frank...it is a typical big government crony capitalist heavy regulatory BS act that does not work...but dummies can't see it cause they love big government...even though centuries of history clearly prove it never works...but it does enrich the elites, wealthy and connected.

You bitch about Trump, yet you would have to be a total ignoramus to think Hillary's administration would not be entirely ruled by Wall Streeters.

Stop watching fake news and get educated.

Same way they deregulated everything in the 80's, screw Wall Street and the Banks if they don't like it. We need to keep Dodd Frank, or taxpayers need to just quit paying income tax, 1 day walk out of work across the whole US would show Congress that they are not in charge. Maybe a week and let the , lets not forget we pay their salaries and health insurance, and pensions.
Do you know who overturned the glass-steagall act?

I suspect you do not.

Please get informed before posting.

The Gramm, Leach, Bliley Act which passed with the majority of Republicans voting yes and the majority of Democrats voting no.

Gramm, Leach and Bliley were all REPUBLICANS.

Clinton signed the bill because of compromise. Your fucking, America hating Republicans got their repeal of Glass Steagal & Clinton got something he wanted.

Ypu people are sofa king stupid that it makes me sick.
Silly...you need to really take stock in your beliefs.

There is little difference between Rs and Ds, but you seem to think they are so different even though decades of proof disputes your belief.

Rs bad.
Ds good.

Wall street gambled & lost. They lobbied for & received deregulatory legislation. They put our economy at risk for profit. We had to bail them out in 2008.

So why is Donald Trump putting the federal government in their hands?

How dumb are you people.

What do investors know about running anything? How does screwing people out of their homes make you a good leader?

If I wanted to bring back manufacturing, certainly I would look for a person who has actually done it. Made something & not trade papers from a desk. Someone that had to work with & develop skilled workers & not run a fast food company.

So here we are. A bunch of uneducated, uninformed morions elected a Con Man to be President. He told you a pack of bull, you bought irt, & now he isn't deliverying, and you still love him.
My dog is smarter than you. Bush and Wallstreet crashed the economy? What's a morion anyway?

Neither of them created an atmosphere of buying homes people couldn't afford. The housing bubble and bust was the underlying problem.

We get it. You are upset and come here to lash out because it's all you have left. Now you have to eat shit for at least four years as one adoring policy after the other get over turned, thrown out and put in place. Tough shit morion, America has had enough of you.
"Morion" is a typo. Moron is you.

The Republicans basically ran Congress from 1995 through 2006., Bush was President for 7 years. And its no one's fault. I get it.

But you have been blaming Obama for the effects since day one.

Shall we make a pool to see the first month under Trump where we lose jobs? I'm betting March.
Thanks for explaining it, morion, what would we do without you? The fact is that spending went through the roof when the Dems took over congress. I blamed obama for the recession? You're a stupid liar, go prove me wrong.

obama has stood on the necks of business, like most libs he loves jobs but hates businesses. That's hindered growth and we have suffered long enough.

So, what was all this extra spending the Democrats passed (and Bush signed) after January of 2007 that created the recession that started 4th quarter of that same year.

Just how fucking stupid are you?

You blame Obama for the effects of the recession and don't embarrass yourself further by denying it.
I don't let punks put words in my mouth. The fact you need to explains the problem here. I responded to the idiotic assertion that the recession was Bush's fault and didn't make your claims.

I'm smart enough to know a loser when I see one.

Slashing revenues at a time of war
Unfunded tax cuts
Unfunded wars
unfunded expansion to Medicare
Record Earmarks
The Iraq war (based on lies)
Bush & his cabinet appointments ran every department of the federal government for nearly seven years.
Republicans are responsible for the Great Depression and Great Recession...says the radical left.

I really don't know how they can be so ignorant. It has to purposeful.

This radical partisanship (really ignorance) is going to ruin us.

And Black Monday 1987, you own it. All three and 4th looks to be on the way.
That's funny, but typical of an uninformed lefty.

In 1987, both houses of Congress were controlled by Ds....just as they were under W when the Great Recession began.

When will you realize this simple truth...."there is little difference between the parties?"

Reagan cut all social programs, and left office a huge increase in the National Debt. He created the rich and the poor, and is the reason for the Savings and Loan Disaster which cost billions to taxpayers.
No, he didn't cut all social programs, what a dumb lie. Yes, debt went up, due to military and democrats helped too. But GDP went way up. Business boomed. You either don't know it or don't care. Either way it's not good.

Yes he did, read about him. The rich got richer and the poorer. He created the largest debt in the 80's. He was actually a disaster as a Pres. as all Pubs have been. He froze min wage. He lowered taxes on the elites while raising taxes on the lower class. You have the same thing in office now, I can't wait till he screws you over, sorry he already did do a number on you.
Wow! You really are out there where the buses don't run.

My guess is you get all your information from hard left wing sources. Right?
Wall street gambled & lost. They lobbied for & received deregulatory legislation. They put our economy at risk for profit. We had to bail them out in 2008.

So why is Donald Trump putting the federal government in their hands?

How dumb are you people.

What do investors know about running anything? How does screwing people out of their homes make you a good leader?

If I wanted to bring back manufacturing, certainly I would look for a person who has actually done it. Made something & not trade papers from a desk. Someone that had to work with & develop skilled workers & not run a fast food company.

So here we are. A bunch of uneducated, uninformed morions elected a Con Man to be President. He told you a pack of bull, you bought irt, & now he isn't deliverying, and you still love him.
Liberal engineers automated Republican jobs. Trump says he will bring them back. (snicker, giggle)

Liberal engineers?

Republicans are responsible for the Great Depression and Great Recession...says the radical left.

I really don't know how they can be so ignorant. It has to purposeful.

This radical partisanship (really ignorance) is going to ruin us.

And Black Monday 1987, you own it. All three and 4th looks to be on the way.
That's funny, but typical of an uninformed lefty.

In 1987, both houses of Congress were controlled by Ds....just as they were under W when the Great Recession began.

When will you realize this simple truth...."there is little difference between the parties?"

Reagan cut all social programs, and left office a huge increase in the National Debt. He created the rich and the poor, and is the reason for the Savings and Loan Disaster which cost billions to taxpayers.
No, he didn't cut all social programs, what a dumb lie. Yes, debt went up, due to military and democrats helped too. But GDP went way up. Business boomed. You either don't know it or don't care. Either way it's not good.

Yes he did, read about him. The rich got richer and the poorer. He created the largest debt in the 80's. He was actually a disaster as a Pres. as all Pubs have been. He froze min wage. He lowered taxes on the elites while raising taxes on the lower class. You have the same thing in office now, I can't wait till he screws you over, sorry he already did do a number on you.
The rich have never done better than with obama. Oops. The current policies favor the cronies, no question. Big government types too. However, history proves you are wrong. Left wing smears and lies are all you have.


Trickle Down Economics versus Trickle Down Socialism

Ronald Reagan’s economic plan saw GDP surge at a 3.5% clip – 4.9% after the recession. That’s a 32% bump.

During the Obama years, thanks to his big government policies, the US economy has stalled. Today the quarterly GDP was announced. The GDP for the first quarter of 2015 braked more sharply than expected at only a .2% pace. The US economy has grown an anemic 9.6% during the Obama years (excluding today’s dismal number).

Of course, Obama’s record on job growth is also much worse than President Reagan’s record.

Slashing revenues at a time of war
Unfunded tax cuts
Unfunded wars
unfunded expansion to Medicare
Record Earmarks
The Iraq war (based on lies)
Bush & his cabinet appointments ran every department of the federal government for nearly seven years.
Congress, including Hillary voted for the wars. The cost was about 2 trillion so how did that cripple the economy while obama's 10 trillion didn't? That makes no sense. Bush was no fiscal conservative but didn't spend like obama so you lefties and your brain dead talking points never even process it. Probably can't.
Republicans are responsible for the Great Depression and Great Recession...says the radical left.

I really don't know how they can be so ignorant. It has to purposeful.

This radical partisanship (really ignorance) is going to ruin us.

And Black Monday 1987, you own it. All three and 4th looks to be on the way.
Who had control of both houses then?
Republicans are responsible for the Great Depression and Great Recession...says the radical left.

I really don't know how they can be so ignorant. It has to purposeful.

This radical partisanship (really ignorance) is going to ruin us.

And Black Monday 1987, you own it. All three and 4th looks to be on the way.
That's funny, but typical of an uninformed lefty.

In 1987, both houses of Congress were controlled by Ds....just as they were under W when the Great Recession began.

When will you realize this simple truth...."there is little difference between the parties?"

Reagan cut all social programs, and left office a huge increase in the National Debt. He created the rich and the poor, and is the reason for the Savings and Loan Disaster which cost billions to taxpayers.
Lol, yet people lived and thrived.

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