Wall $treet's Role in $yria


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2009
Los Angeles, California
There's no shortage of actors to blame for today's Oily Crusades in the Holy Land; however, there is a single star parasite earning much of the profits:

"As the dominant corporate sector in U.S. capitalism, the banks are also the most internationalist in scope; the recent second quarter profits of U.S. banks were $42.2 billion (!), most of this money was made in overseas investing using cheap Federal Reserve printed dollars.

"When there are overseas barriers to these types of profits, such as currency controls and other restrictions on foreign investment — as exist in Syria, Iran, and China — these nations are viewed as 'enemies' by the banks who cheerlead their destruction. A submissive nation with an 'open' economy is very good for the profits of U.S. corporations, and submissiveness is best taught by fear, i.e., the threat of military intervention."

Why not a War to End All Wars where all the rich bankers (and their families) die first?

Is Capitalism to Blame For the Syrian War Drive? » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names
Is capitalism to blame for Obama's illegal threat to bomb Syria?

"It’s true that AIPAC also has an independent power of politically influential lobbyists, with a limitless pocketbook — the nation of Israel —with which it can enact promises (bribes) of all kinds. And it’s true that Israel has a special place in U.S. geopolitics, essentially acting as a giant military base for U.S. foreign policy in the oil rich region.

"But the bigger picture is that the infamous AIPAC lobbyists are connected in myriad ways to the banking industry, weapons manufacturers and other giant corporations, and therefore should be viewed as an important member of the pro-war coalition led by the big banks.

"Ultimately, however, the U.S. empire existed before the nation of Israel was even born, and would continue if Israel no longer existed. Obama’s administration is not full of AIPAC lobbyists, but wealthy bankers."

Is Capitalism to Blame For the Syrian War Drive? » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

The New York Times is playing a similar role in Obama's impending illegal attack on Syria as it did when Republicans owned the White House in 2003.

"In a front-page article Tuesday, the New York Times reported that a United Nations report released the day before on the August 21 chemical weapons attack in the suburbs of Damascus “strongly implicated the Syrian government.”

"In fact, the report did no such thing. The story’s headline, 'UN implicates Syria in using chemical weapons,' is a cynical distortion of reality tailored to meet the needs of the US government for war propaganda."

In 2003 it was Judith Miller and Bill Keller spreading government propaganda designed to privatize the profit of Iraq's occupation while socializing its cost among those served in the illegal invasion.

Today it's a vet who cut his teeth in the first Gulf War who's shilling for more for-profit killing:

"The article distorting the findings of the UN inspectors is of a piece with the overall reporting on the Syria chemical weapons issue, which has treated US government assertions as fact while dismissing evidence to the contrary.

"Its byline was shared by C.J. Chivers, 'senior writer' at the New York Times, where he has enjoyed a meteoric rise since coming on as a New York police reporter in 1999.

"A former captain in the US Marine Corps and graduate of the Army Ranger school, Chivers was in the first Gulf War and participated in 'peacekeeping operations' in Los Angeles during the 1992 riots. In a 2005 interview withmediabistro.com, Chivers spoke of sharing 'a common understanding, a set of common memories, a group of ideals' with the military.

"He said this helped him 'immensely' in his journalistic career that took him to the US interventions in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and Syria, as well as to Russia, where as Moscow bureau chief he covered fighting in Chechnya, the Beslan school massacre and the Andijan massacre in Uzbekistan.

"Such shared 'ideals' no doubt made for intimate connections with the US military-intelligence complex, but would hardly foster a critical attitude toward Washington’s war propaganda.


Ultimately it's always about the money and the expansion of empire into central Asia that is driving it.
That seems to be the strategy Obama bought into about the time he left California for Columbia where he undoubtedly read Brzezinski's Grand Chessboard:

"The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy and Its Geostrategic Imperatives is one of the major works of Zbigniew Brzezinski. Brzezinski graduated with a PhD from Harvard University in 1953 and became Professor of American Foreign Policy at Johns Hopkins University before becoming the United States National Security Advisor from 1977 - 1981 under the administration of President Jimmy Carter.

"Regarding the landmass of Eurasia as the center of global power, Brzezinski sets out to formulate a Eurasian geostrategy for the United States. In particular, he writes, it is imperative that no Eurasian challenger should emerge capable of dominating Eurasia and thus also of challenging America's global pre-eminence.

"Much of his analysis is concerned with geostrategy in Central Asia, focusing on the exercise of power on the Eurasian landmass in a post-Soviet environment. In his chapter dedicated to what he refers to as the 'Global Balkans', Brzezinski makes use of Halford J. Mackinder's Heartland Theory.

Apparently Lebanon, Syria, and Iran are slated to join Libya and Iraq in the Middle East in order to make this happen, and I don't think it matters in the slightest which major party controls the White House or Congress.
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There's no shortage of actors to blame for today's Oily Crusades in the Holy Land; however, there is a single star parasite earning much of the profits:

"As the dominant corporate sector in U.S. capitalism, the banks are also the most internationalist in scope; the recent second quarter profits of U.S. banks were $42.2 billion (!), most of this money was made in overseas investing using cheap Federal Reserve printed dollars.

"When there are overseas barriers to these types of profits, such as currency controls and other restrictions on foreign investment — as exist in Syria, Iran, and China — these nations are viewed as 'enemies' by the banks who cheerlead their destruction. A submissive nation with an 'open' economy is very good for the profits of U.S. corporations, and submissiveness is best taught by fear, i.e., the threat of military intervention."

Why not a War to End All Wars where all the rich bankers (and their families) die first?

Is Capitalism to Blame For the Syrian War Drive? » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

You're just using one of the red herrings the ruling class's pseudo-Leftist pundits provide for those who believe in non-existent intellectual authorities. The oil-slimed 1% gets its loot from charging 20 times what oil is worth. That profit margin is set by Saudi Arabia so the petrocrats can piggyback off it and blame foreigners. Saudi is Sunni and wants our military to remove the Shiites and Shiite sympathizers in Iran, Iraq, and Syria.
Is capitalism to blame for Obama's illegal threat to bomb Syria?

"It’s true that AIPAC also has an independent power of politically influential lobbyists, with a limitless pocketbook — the nation of Israel —with which it can enact promises (bribes) of all kinds. And it’s true that Israel has a special place in U.S. geopolitics, essentially acting as a giant military base for U.S. foreign policy in the oil rich region.

"But the bigger picture is that the infamous AIPAC lobbyists are connected in myriad ways to the banking industry, weapons manufacturers and other giant corporations, and therefore should be viewed as an important member of the pro-war coalition led by the big banks.

"Ultimately, however, the U.S. empire existed before the nation of Israel was even born, and would continue if Israel no longer existed. Obama’s administration is not full of AIPAC lobbyists, but wealthy bankers."

Is Capitalism to Blame For the Syrian War Drive? » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

Bankers = Jews!!! = competitors of the 1%. That's what anti-semitism has always been about. That Christ-killer nonsense only signified that the rulers controlled the Christian authorities, just as they now control the universities and the media.
There's no shortage of actors to blame for today's Oily Crusades in the Holy Land; however, there is a single star parasite earning much of the profits:

"As the dominant corporate sector in U.S. capitalism, the banks are also the most internationalist in scope; the recent second quarter profits of U.S. banks were $42.2 billion (!), most of this money was made in overseas investing using cheap Federal Reserve printed dollars.

"When there are overseas barriers to these types of profits, such as currency controls and other restrictions on foreign investment — as exist in Syria, Iran, and China — these nations are viewed as 'enemies' by the banks who cheerlead their destruction. A submissive nation with an 'open' economy is very good for the profits of U.S. corporations, and submissiveness is best taught by fear, i.e., the threat of military intervention."

Why not a War to End All Wars where all the rich bankers (and their families) die first?

Is Capitalism to Blame For the Syrian War Drive? » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

You're just using one of the red herrings the ruling class's pseudo-Leftist pundits provide for those who believe in non-existent intellectual authorities. The oil-slimed 1% gets its loot from charging 20 times what oil is worth. That profit margin is set by Saudi Arabia so the petrocrats can piggyback off it and blame foreigners. Saudi is Sunni and wants our military to remove the Shiites and Shiite sympathizers in Iran, Iraq, and Syria.
Why did our military remove the Sunnis and their sympathizers in Iraq?
Ultimately it's always about the money and the expansion of empire into central Asia that is driving it.

Islam is civilization's mortal enemy. If we had real Americans deposing the 1%'s Greedheads, sweatshoppers, appeasers, and incompetent cowboys, we would crush Islam for all time, making it as harmless as Buddhism.

Is capitalism to blame for Obama's illegal threat to bomb Syria?

"It’s true that AIPAC also has an independent power of politically influential lobbyists, with a limitless pocketbook — the nation of Israel —with which it can enact promises (bribes) of all kinds. And it’s true that Israel has a special place in U.S. geopolitics, essentially acting as a giant military base for U.S. foreign policy in the oil rich region.

"But the bigger picture is that the infamous AIPAC lobbyists are connected in myriad ways to the banking industry, weapons manufacturers and other giant corporations, and therefore should be viewed as an important member of the pro-war coalition led by the big banks.

"Ultimately, however, the U.S. empire existed before the nation of Israel was even born, and would continue if Israel no longer existed. Obama’s administration is not full of AIPAC lobbyists, but wealthy bankers."

Is Capitalism to Blame For the Syrian War Drive? » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names
Since Georgie Boy has the mind set of a Commie, does anyone think he would ever blame the Communists for the millions of people who have died because of Communism. Then again, Georgie Boy would probably be right at home having tea with Mao and avidly questioning him how he got his ideas for his little Red Book. I don't think that Georgie Boy would have liked to have lived in Communist Russia where he would have spent hours shopping. He certainly liked the idea of the Capitalists who started supermarkets. So tell us, Georgie Boy, wasn't it more convenient for you to run into Ralph's or Vons instead of having to do your grocery shopping like people did in Communist Russia? Why not question some of the Russians now living your town which system they think is better. And, the bottom line here is that if Georgie Boy had the opportunity to work down at Wall Street or have a good job at a big bank, he would have loved the salary he was pulling in. It seems that those who had so little in life like Georgie Boy because of their own lack of initiative get some satisfaction in life blaming others for so and so predicaments.
Is capitalism to blame for Obama's illegal threat to bomb Syria?

"It’s true that AIPAC also has an independent power of politically influential lobbyists, with a limitless pocketbook — the nation of Israel —with which it can enact promises (bribes) of all kinds. And it’s true that Israel has a special place in U.S. geopolitics, essentially acting as a giant military base for U.S. foreign policy in the oil rich region.

"But the bigger picture is that the infamous AIPAC lobbyists are connected in myriad ways to the banking industry, weapons manufacturers and other giant corporations, and therefore should be viewed as an important member of the pro-war coalition led by the big banks.

"Ultimately, however, the U.S. empire existed before the nation of Israel was even born, and would continue if Israel no longer existed. Obama’s administration is not full of AIPAC lobbyists, but wealthy bankers."

Is Capitalism to Blame For the Syrian War Drive? » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names
Since Georgie Boy has the mind set of a Commie, does anyone think he would ever blame the Communists for the millions of people who have died because of Communism. Then again, Georgie Boy would probably be right at home having tea with Mao and avidly questioning him how he got his ideas for his little Red Book. I don't think that Georgie Boy would have liked to have lived in Communist Russia where he would have spent hours shopping. He certainly liked the idea of the Capitalists who started supermarkets. So tell us, Georgie Boy, wasn't it more convenient for you to run into Ralph's or Vons instead of having to do your grocery shopping like people did in Communist Russia? Why not question some of the Russians now living your town which system they think is better. And, the bottom line here is that if Georgie Boy had the opportunity to work down at Wall Street or have a good job at a big bank, he would have loved the salary he was pulling in. It seems that those who had so little in life like Georgie Boy because of their own lack of initiative get some satisfaction in life blaming others for so and so predicaments.
Some confuse initiative with blind obedience to authority which probably explains why Hossie constantly deflects from his own personal contributions to the misery inflicted by the Greatest Purveyor of Violence in the World and its loyal kosher minion in the Middle East.

"President Obama is using the same tactics as President Bush did before the Iraq War. When the UN Security Council would not support the U.S. war, Bush turned to the U.S. Congress for a war vote giving him 'all necessary means'.

"Ten years later Iraq lay in ruins.

"A million Iraqis died, millions became refugees. More than 1.5 million US soldiers were deployed to Iraq. Today thousands of U.S. and NATO soldiers are disabled, traumatized and 1/3 will suffer from PTSD.

"Just as in Iraq, Afghanistan and earlier in Vietnam this is again a U.S. war based on lies.

"Bombing Syria is NOT a ‘humanitarian intervention’.

"It is another war for Wall Street Profit!

"This time there is a risk of global confrontation or even world war.

"This war will only serve the billionaires and militarists who profit from war and conquest.

"The workers and poor will pay, in Syria and here in the U.S."

Why is it, Hossie, some slaves will serve the rich until the day they die?

Hands off Syria! Not another war! September 7 Demonstrations,
There's no shortage of actors to blame for today's Oily Crusades in the Holy Land; however, there is a single star parasite earning much of the profits:
rs (and their families) die first?[/B]

You're just using one of the red herrings the ruling class's pseudo-Leftist pundits provide for those who believe in non-existent intellectual authorities. The oil-slimed 1% gets its loot from charging 20 times what oil is worth. That profit margin is set by Saudi Arabia so the petrocrats can piggyback off it and blame foreigners. Saudi is Sunni and wants our military to remove the Shiites and Shiite sympathizers in Iran, Iraq, and Syria.
Why did our military remove the Sunnis and their sympathizers in Iraq?

Because Saddam, though a Sunni, was an enemy of the Saudi royals. Even worse, he was violating his OPEC and sanctions quotas and producing too much oil, lowering the Saudis' price-gouging profits
Is capitalism to blame for Obama's illegal threat to bomb Syria?

"Ultimately, however, the U.S. empire existed before the nation of Israel was even born, and would continue if Israel no longer existed. Obama’s administration is not full of AIPAC lobbyists, but wealthy bankers."

Is Capitalism to Blame For the Syrian War Drive? » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names
Since Georgie Boy has the mind set of a Commie, does anyone think he would ever blame the Communists for the millions of people who have died because of Communism. Then again, Georgie Boy would probably be right at home having tea with Mao and avidly questioning him how he got his ideas for his little Red Book. I don't think that Georgie Boy would have liked to have lived in Communist Russia where he would have spent hours shopping. He certainly liked the idea of the Capitalists who started supermarkets. So tell us, Georgie Boy, wasn't it more convenient for you to run into Ralph's or Vons instead of having to do your grocery shopping like people did in Communist Russia? Why not question some of the Russians now living your town which system they think is better. And, the bottom line here is that if Georgie Boy had the opportunity to work down at Wall Street or have a good job at a big bank, he would have loved the salary he was pulling in. It seems that those who had so little in life like Georgie Boy because of their own lack of initiative get some satisfaction in life blaming others for so and so predicaments.

Any criminal could say the same thing to georgephillip. Have you started practicing your perp walk yet? And the problems in Russia were more Russian than Communist.
Why did our military remove the Sunnis and their sympathizers in Iraq?

Because Saddam, though a Sunni, was an enemy of the Saudi royals. Even worse, he was violating his OPEC and sanctions quotas and producing too much oil, lowering the Saudis' price-gouging profits
And threatening the sanctity of the US Petrodollar, as I recall.
What inflationary effect in the US, if any, do you think would result from the fall of the global petrodollar?
Because Saddam, though a Sunni, was an enemy of the Saudi royals. Even worse, he was violating his OPEC and sanctions quotas and producing too much oil, lowering the Saudis' price-gouging profits
And threatening the sanctity of the US Petrodollar, as I recall.
What inflationary effect in the US, if any, do you think would result from the fall of the global petrodollar?

Practically all our inflation has been caused by OPEC price-gouging. That has been the most destructive part of the jihad. But we are not allowed to think about annexing their oilfields and driving the price down to $5 a barrel because our own oilcrats piggyback off the illegal cartel's gouging and control "our" government and media. We be Dhimmi.
And threatening the sanctity of the US Petrodollar, as I recall.
What inflationary effect in the US, if any, do you think would result from the fall of the global petrodollar?

Practically all our inflation has been caused by OPEC price-gouging. That has been the most destructive part of the jihad. But we are not allowed to think about annexing their oilfields and driving the price down to $5 a barrel because our own oilcrats piggyback off the illegal cartel's gouging and control "our" government and media. We be Dhimmi.
How much would it cost to "annex" their oil fields?
Practically all our inflation has been caused by OPEC price-gouging. That has been the most destructive part of the jihad. But we are not allowed to think about annexing their oilfields and driving the price down to $5 a barrel because our own oilcrats piggyback off the illegal cartel's gouging and control "our" government and media. We be Dhimmi.
How much would it cost to "annex" their oil fields?

It will net trillions. As far as a few Americans dying, they are going to continue to die in these off-target wars and terrorists incidents in a far greater number if we don't checkmate Islam. I like what Rome did to Carthage. They turned it into dust and poured salt on the ground so nothing would grow there ever again. If the Nazislamis give us any trouble after we bankrupt them by capturing their oil, NUKE MECCA!
"Baghdad Delenda Est.

"There's a legend, probably apocryphal, that the sharp bend in the border between Saudi Arabia and Jordan is the result of a slip of Winston Churchill's pencil while drawing up the dividing line between the two countries.

"Apparently, some folks believe Churchill was a bit sauced-up and couldn't draw a straight line.

"Others contend that Churchill's elbow was bumped.

"The important thing to keep in mind is that it doesn't matter if the story's true. Even if the line were precisely how Churchill wanted it, it would be no less arbitrary. The Europeans who designed the Middle East weren't like prospectors, shaking the dirt away in their pans until the gold nuggets of eternal nation-states appeared before them.

"They drew their lines out of self-interest.

"Even the Marxists and Arab apologists like Edward Said would agree that's true.

"This map of the Sykes-Picot Agreement of 1916 shows how the British and French wanted to divvy up the region."

Jonah Goldberg's Goldberg File on National Review Online
"Baghdad Delenda Est.

"There's a legend, probably apocryphal, that the sharp bend in the border between Saudi Arabia and Jordan is the result of a slip of Winston Churchill's pencil while drawing up the dividing line between the two countries.

"Apparently, some folks believe Churchill was a bit sauced-up and couldn't draw a straight line.

"Others contend that Churchill's elbow was bumped.

"The important thing to keep in mind is that it doesn't matter if the story's true. Even if the line were precisely how Churchill wanted it, it would be no less arbitrary. The Europeans who designed the Middle East weren't like prospectors, shaking the dirt away in their pans until the gold nuggets of eternal nation-states appeared before them.

"They drew their lines out of self-interest.

"Even the Marxists and Arab apologists like Edward Said would agree that's true.

"This map of the Sykes-Picot Agreement of 1916 shows how the British and French wanted to divvy up the region."

Jonah Goldberg's Goldberg File on National Review Online

Self-determination for backward savages determined to destroy us has been suicidal. The rabid Arab rabble did nothing to develop their resources, so the oilfields should have been taken from them for that reason alone: Use It or Lose It. By not doing that, our weak and self-interested Western collaborationists and appeasers first allowed outrageous price-gouging, which their own oil companies piggybacked off, followed immediately by the enablement of terrorism and other jihadist strategies. Not even in Israel did terrorism start until the 1973 Oil Embargo, the economic Pearl Harbor that determined the course of all history since then.
Is capitalism to blame for Obama's illegal threat to bomb Syria?

"Ultimately, however, the U.S. empire existed before the nation of Israel was even born, and would continue if Israel no longer existed. Obama’s administration is not full of AIPAC lobbyists, but wealthy bankers."

Is Capitalism to Blame For the Syrian War Drive? » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names
Since Georgie Boy has the mind set of a Commie, does anyone think he would ever blame the Communists for the millions of people who have died because of Communism. Then again, Georgie Boy would probably be right at home having tea with Mao and avidly questioning him how he got his ideas for his little Red Book. I don't think that Georgie Boy would have liked to have lived in Communist Russia where he would have spent hours shopping. He certainly liked the idea of the Capitalists who started supermarkets. So tell us, Georgie Boy, wasn't it more convenient for you to run into Ralph's or Vons instead of having to do your grocery shopping like people did in Communist Russia? Why not question some of the Russians now living your town which system they think is better. And, the bottom line here is that if Georgie Boy had the opportunity to work down at Wall Street or have a good job at a big bank, he would have loved the salary he was pulling in. It seems that those who had so little in life like Georgie Boy because of their own lack of initiative get some satisfaction in life blaming others for so and so predicaments.

Any criminal could say the same thing to georgephillip. Have you started practicing your perp walk yet? And the problems in Russia were more Russian than Communist.
What's yer point?
Since Georgie Boy has the mind set of a Commie, does anyone think he would ever blame the Communists for the millions of people who have died because of Communism. Then again, Georgie Boy would probably be right at home having tea with Mao and avidly questioning him how he got his ideas for his little Red Book. I don't think that Georgie Boy would have liked to have lived in Communist Russia where he would have spent hours shopping. He certainly liked the idea of the Capitalists who started supermarkets. So tell us, Georgie Boy, wasn't it more convenient for you to run into Ralph's or Vons instead of having to do your grocery shopping like people did in Communist Russia? Why not question some of the Russians now living your town which system they think is better. And, the bottom line here is that if Georgie Boy had the opportunity to work down at Wall Street or have a good job at a big bank, he would have loved the salary he was pulling in. It seems that those who had so little in life like Georgie Boy because of their own lack of initiative get some satisfaction in life blaming others for so and so predicaments.

Any criminal could say the same thing to georgephillip. Have you started practicing your perp walk yet? And the problems in Russia were more Russian than Communist.
What's yer point?

Your point is that you didn't get the answer you've been programmed to reply to, so your artificial mind blows a fuse.

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