Wall $treet's Role in $yria

Speaking of 'rebuttal' of Coward George's 'article' - we can start with the first four words, which were "Investigative journalist Seymour Hersh's......"

Right there we have a problem. The man is a shit-flinging ideologue, much like USMB's Coward George, the man who uses 'Jew' and 'Rabbi' as an insult.

Why does a Commie parasite use the same kind of dirty verbal garbage that the Nazi-sucking fascists do?
Speaking of 'rebuttal' of Coward George's 'article' - we can start with the first four words, which were "Investigative journalist Seymour Hersh's......"

Right there we have a problem. The man is a shit-flinging ideologue, much like USMB's Coward George, the man who uses 'Jew' and 'Rabbi' as an insult.

Why does a Commie parasite use the same kind of dirty verbal garbage that the Nazi-sucking fascists do?
"The story of how U.S. Navy Seals killed Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden in a 2011 raid on an compound in Pakistan is 'one big lie,' veteran journalist Seymour Hersh claimed.

“'Not one word of it is true,' the Pulitzer Prize-winning New Yorker writer told the Guardian in an interview. Hersh is currently working on a book about national security, which reportedly includes a chapter on the bin Laden raid. Hersh hinted at revelations to come in his book.

“'It’s pathetic, they are more than obsequious,' Hersh said of the American media. 'They are afraid to pick on this guy [Obama].'”

Seymour Hersh Says Story of Osama bin Laden Raid is ?One Big Lie? | TIME.com
Speaking of 'rebuttal' of Coward George's 'article' - we can start with the first four words, which were "Investigative journalist Seymour Hersh's......"

Right there we have a problem. The man is a shit-flinging ideologue, much like USMB's Coward George, the man who uses 'Jew' and 'Rabbi' as an insult.

Why does a Commie parasite use the same kind of dirty verbal garbage that the Nazi-sucking fascists do?
"The story of how U.S. Navy Seals killed Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden in a 2011 raid on an compound in Pakistan is 'one big lie,' veteran journalist Seymour Hersh claimed.

“'Not one word of it is true,' the Pulitzer Prize-winning New Yorker writer told the Guardian in an interview. Hersh is currently working on a book about national security, which reportedly includes a chapter on the bin Laden raid. Hersh hinted at revelations to come in his book.

“'It’s pathetic, they are more than obsequious,' Hersh said of the American media. 'They are afraid to pick on this guy [Obama].'”

Seymour Hersh Says Story of Osama bin Laden Raid is ?One Big Lie? | TIME.com
The Deceits of Seymour Hersh

James Kirchick — March 2012

Last June, the distinguished American journalist Seymour Hersh published an article in the New Yorker entitled “Iran and the Bomb: How Real Is the Nuclear Threat?” His answer: not very. There exists no “irrefutable evidence of an ongoing hidden nuclear-weapons program in Iran,” Hersh asserted, relying upon the words of anonymous “intelligence and diplomatic officials.” Hersh concluded with a quote from Mohamed ElBaradei, who had retired as director-general of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) two years earlier: “During my time at the agency,” ElBaradei said, “we haven’t seen a shred of evidence that Iran has been weaponizing, in terms of building nuclear-weapons facilities and using enriched materials.”

A week before Hersh’s piece hit newsstands, news came of a letter sent by Yukiya Amano, ElBaradei’s successor, to the head of Iran’s Atomic Energy Organization. The IAEA had received “further information related to such possible undisclosed nuclear-related activities.” Amano wished to “reiterate the concern about the existence of possible military dimensions to Iran’s nuclear program.” Iran, as it has always done, dismissed the evidence collected by the IAEA as forgeries.

In September, the IAEA revealed it had received information about Iranian “activities related to the development of a nuclear payload for a missile.” Two months later, the agency released yet another report confirming what everyone already knew: The regime is pursuing a nuclear-weapons program. Among other information, the agency revealed tests “relevant to the development of a nuclear explosive device,” “the acquisition of nuclear-weapons development information and documentation from a clandestine nuclear-supply network,” and “work on the development of an indigenous design of a nuclear weapon including the testing of components.” The IAEA cited more than 1,000 document pages of “credible” information related to Iranian weaponization, accumulated by “more than 10 member states.”

« The Deceits of Seymour Hersh Commentary Magazine
Speaking of 'rebuttal' of Coward George's 'article' - we can start with the first four words, which were "Investigative journalist Seymour Hersh's......"

Right there we have a problem. The man is a shit-flinging ideologue, much like USMB's Coward George, the man who uses 'Jew' and 'Rabbi' as an insult.

Why does a Commie parasite use the same kind of dirty verbal garbage that the Nazi-sucking fascists do?
"The story of how U.S. Navy Seals killed Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden in a 2011 raid on an compound in Pakistan is 'one big lie,' veteran journalist Seymour Hersh claimed.

“'Not one word of it is true,' the Pulitzer Prize-winning New Yorker writer told the Guardian in an interview. Hersh is currently working on a book about national security, which reportedly includes a chapter on the bin Laden raid. Hersh hinted at revelations to come in his book.

“'It’s pathetic, they are more than obsequious,' Hersh said of the American media. 'They are afraid to pick on this guy [Obama].'”

Seymour Hersh Says Story of Osama bin Laden Raid is ?One Big Lie? | TIME.com
The Deceits of Seymour Hersh

James Kirchick — March 2012

Last June, the distinguished American journalist Seymour Hersh published an article in the New Yorker entitled “Iran and the Bomb: How Real Is the Nuclear Threat?” His answer: not very. There exists no “irrefutable evidence of an ongoing hidden nuclear-weapons program in Iran,” Hersh asserted, relying upon the words of anonymous “intelligence and diplomatic officials.” Hersh concluded with a quote from Mohamed ElBaradei, who had retired as director-general of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) two years earlier: “During my time at the agency,” ElBaradei said, “we haven’t seen a shred of evidence that Iran has been weaponizing, in terms of building nuclear-weapons facilities and using enriched materials.”

A week before Hersh’s piece hit newsstands, news came of a letter sent by Yukiya Amano, ElBaradei’s successor, to the head of Iran’s Atomic Energy Organization. The IAEA had received “further information related to such possible undisclosed nuclear-related activities.” Amano wished to “reiterate the concern about the existence of possible military dimensions to Iran’s nuclear program.” Iran, as it has always done, dismissed the evidence collected by the IAEA as forgeries.

In September, the IAEA revealed it had received information about Iranian “activities related to the development of a nuclear payload for a missile.” Two months later, the agency released yet another report confirming what everyone already knew: The regime is pursuing a nuclear-weapons program. Among other information, the agency revealed tests “relevant to the development of a nuclear explosive device,” “the acquisition of nuclear-weapons development information and documentation from a clandestine nuclear-supply network,” and “work on the development of an indigenous design of a nuclear weapon including the testing of components.” The IAEA cited more than 1,000 document pages of “credible” information related to Iranian weaponization, accumulated by “more than 10 member states.”

« The Deceits of Seymour Hersh Commentary Magazine
So one week before Hersh's piece was due to hit the news stands, anonymous reports emerge "confirming what everyone already knew" about Iran's attempt to obtain nuclear weapons. Everyone doesn't know that. Many of those making that claim today were responsible for another illegal US invasion of Iraq in pursuit of WMD "everyone already knew" was hidden east, west, north, and south of Tikrit, somewhat.

We're both old enough to remember the first time Hersh was accused of deceit:

"Here for the first time in electronic form are the unabridged original dispatches by Seymour Hersh on the 1968 My Lai massacre in Vietnam. The articles are relevant again in light of the revelations of the Marines massacre of twenty-four Iraqi civilians at Haditha last November (as detailed in today’s New York Times account) for several reasons, among them the parallels between the two massacres in terms of methods, motives and the U.S. military and government cover-up—until the press got a hold of the story.

"At My Lai as at Haditha, the killings were planned, deliberate and executed with leisurly cold-bloodedness. At My Lai as at Haditha, revenge was the motive. At My Lai as at Haditha, the military had the evidence early on, lied about it, covered it up, and, in the My Lai case, may have been involved in murdering a helicopter pilot who threatened to go public with the story. Hersh’s pieces were originally published in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch on November 13, 20 and 25, 1969. Hersh won the Pulitzer Prize in 1970 'For his exclusive disclosure of the Vietnam War tragedy at the hamlet of My Lai.”—pt.]'"

The My Lai Massacre: Seymour Hersh's Complete and Unabridged Reporting for the St. Louis Post Dispatch, November 1969 /Candide's Notebooks
"The story of how U.S. Navy Seals killed Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden in a 2011 raid on an compound in Pakistan is 'one big lie,' veteran journalist Seymour Hersh claimed.

“'Not one word of it is true,' the Pulitzer Prize-winning New Yorker writer told the Guardian in an interview. Hersh is currently working on a book about national security, which reportedly includes a chapter on the bin Laden raid. Hersh hinted at revelations to come in his book.

“'It’s pathetic, they are more than obsequious,' Hersh said of the American media. 'They are afraid to pick on this guy [Obama].'”

Seymour Hersh Says Story of Osama bin Laden Raid is ?One Big Lie? | TIME.com
The Deceits of Seymour Hersh

James Kirchick — March 2012

Last June, the distinguished American journalist Seymour Hersh published an article in the New Yorker entitled “Iran and the Bomb: How Real Is the Nuclear Threat?” His answer: not very. There exists no “irrefutable evidence of an ongoing hidden nuclear-weapons program in Iran,” Hersh asserted, relying upon the words of anonymous “intelligence and diplomatic officials.” Hersh concluded with a quote from Mohamed ElBaradei, who had retired as director-general of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) two years earlier: “During my time at the agency,” ElBaradei said, “we haven’t seen a shred of evidence that Iran has been weaponizing, in terms of building nuclear-weapons facilities and using enriched materials.”

A week before Hersh’s piece hit newsstands, news came of a letter sent by Yukiya Amano, ElBaradei’s successor, to the head of Iran’s Atomic Energy Organization. The IAEA had received “further information related to such possible undisclosed nuclear-related activities.” Amano wished to “reiterate the concern about the existence of possible military dimensions to Iran’s nuclear program.” Iran, as it has always done, dismissed the evidence collected by the IAEA as forgeries.

In September, the IAEA revealed it had received information about Iranian “activities related to the development of a nuclear payload for a missile.” Two months later, the agency released yet another report confirming what everyone already knew: The regime is pursuing a nuclear-weapons program. Among other information, the agency revealed tests “relevant to the development of a nuclear explosive device,” “the acquisition of nuclear-weapons development information and documentation from a clandestine nuclear-supply network,” and “work on the development of an indigenous design of a nuclear weapon including the testing of components.” The IAEA cited more than 1,000 document pages of “credible” information related to Iranian weaponization, accumulated by “more than 10 member states.”

« The Deceits of Seymour Hersh Commentary Magazine
So one week before Hersh's piece was due to hit the news stands, anonymous reports emerge "confirming what everyone already knew" about Iran's attempt to obtain nuclear weapons. Everyone doesn't know that. Many of those making that claim today were responsible for another illegal US invasion of Iraq in pursuit of WMD "everyone already knew" was hidden east, west, north, and south of Tikrit, somewhat.

We're both old enough to remember the first time Hersh was accused of deceit:

"Here for the first time in electronic form are the unabridged original dispatches by Seymour Hersh on the 1968 My Lai massacre in Vietnam. The articles are relevant again in light of the revelations of the Marines massacre of twenty-four Iraqi civilians at Haditha last November (as detailed in today’s New York Times account) for several reasons, among them the parallels between the two massacres in terms of methods, motives and the U.S. military and government cover-up—until the press got a hold of the story.

"At My Lai as at Haditha, the killings were planned, deliberate and executed with leisurly cold-bloodedness. At My Lai as at Haditha, revenge was the motive. At My Lai as at Haditha, the military had the evidence early on, lied about it, covered it up, and, in the My Lai case, may have been involved in murdering a helicopter pilot who threatened to go public with the story. Hersh’s pieces were originally published in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch on November 13, 20 and 25, 1969. Hersh won the Pulitzer Prize in 1970 'For his exclusive disclosure of the Vietnam War tragedy at the hamlet of My Lai.”—pt.]'"

The My Lai Massacre: Seymour Hersh's Complete and Unabridged Reporting for the St. Louis Post Dispatch, November 1969 /Candide's Notebooks
Poor Georgie Boy is that dim that he doesn't realize that many times journalists have fudged or told false stories and have been called out for them Meanwhile, Georgie Boy you can worship at the feet of any journalist who serves your purpose in trying to get the viewers to hate America as you do. This is just a forum, and if this is the only way you get your entertainment in life, go for it. Cut and paste your life away.
The Deceits of Seymour Hersh

James Kirchick — March 2012

Last June, the distinguished American journalist Seymour Hersh published an article in the New Yorker entitled “Iran and the Bomb: How Real Is the Nuclear Threat?” His answer: not very. There exists no “irrefutable evidence of an ongoing hidden nuclear-weapons program in Iran,” Hersh asserted, relying upon the words of anonymous “intelligence and diplomatic officials.” Hersh concluded with a quote from Mohamed ElBaradei, who had retired as director-general of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) two years earlier: “During my time at the agency,” ElBaradei said, “we haven’t seen a shred of evidence that Iran has been weaponizing, in terms of building nuclear-weapons facilities and using enriched materials.”

A week before Hersh’s piece hit newsstands, news came of a letter sent by Yukiya Amano, ElBaradei’s successor, to the head of Iran’s Atomic Energy Organization. The IAEA had received “further information related to such possible undisclosed nuclear-related activities.” Amano wished to “reiterate the concern about the existence of possible military dimensions to Iran’s nuclear program.” Iran, as it has always done, dismissed the evidence collected by the IAEA as forgeries.

In September, the IAEA revealed it had received information about Iranian “activities related to the development of a nuclear payload for a missile.” Two months later, the agency released yet another report confirming what everyone already knew: The regime is pursuing a nuclear-weapons program. Among other information, the agency revealed tests “relevant to the development of a nuclear explosive device,” “the acquisition of nuclear-weapons development information and documentation from a clandestine nuclear-supply network,” and “work on the development of an indigenous design of a nuclear weapon including the testing of components.” The IAEA cited more than 1,000 document pages of “credible” information related to Iranian weaponization, accumulated by “more than 10 member states.”

« The Deceits of Seymour Hersh Commentary Magazine
So one week before Hersh's piece was due to hit the news stands, anonymous reports emerge "confirming what everyone already knew" about Iran's attempt to obtain nuclear weapons. Everyone doesn't know that. Many of those making that claim today were responsible for another illegal US invasion of Iraq in pursuit of WMD "everyone already knew" was hidden east, west, north, and south of Tikrit, somewhat.

We're both old enough to remember the first time Hersh was accused of deceit:

"Here for the first time in electronic form are the unabridged original dispatches by Seymour Hersh on the 1968 My Lai massacre in Vietnam. The articles are relevant again in light of the revelations of the Marines massacre of twenty-four Iraqi civilians at Haditha last November (as detailed in today’s New York Times account) for several reasons, among them the parallels between the two massacres in terms of methods, motives and the U.S. military and government cover-up—until the press got a hold of the story.

"At My Lai as at Haditha, the killings were planned, deliberate and executed with leisurly cold-bloodedness. At My Lai as at Haditha, revenge was the motive. At My Lai as at Haditha, the military had the evidence early on, lied about it, covered it up, and, in the My Lai case, may have been involved in murdering a helicopter pilot who threatened to go public with the story. Hersh’s pieces were originally published in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch on November 13, 20 and 25, 1969. Hersh won the Pulitzer Prize in 1970 'For his exclusive disclosure of the Vietnam War tragedy at the hamlet of My Lai.”—pt.]'"

The My Lai Massacre: Seymour Hersh's Complete and Unabridged Reporting for the St. Louis Post Dispatch, November 1969 /Candide's Notebooks
Poor Georgie Boy is that dim that he doesn't realize that many times journalists have fudged or told false stories and have been called out for them Meanwhile, Georgie Boy you can worship at the feet of any journalist who serves your purpose in trying to get the viewers to hate America as you do. This is just a forum, and if this is the only way you get your entertainment in life, go for it. Cut and paste your life away.
Sounds like Hossie is running out of shit to squawk about; what's your bitch, Bibi, gonna do now that Obama's talking to Rouhani?
Last edited:
So one week before Hersh's piece was due to hit the news stands, anonymous reports emerge "confirming what everyone already knew" about Iran's attempt to obtain nuclear weapons. Everyone doesn't know that. Many of those making that claim today were responsible for another illegal US invasion of Iraq in pursuit of WMD "everyone already knew" was hidden east, west, north, and south of Tikrit, somewhat.

We're both old enough to remember the first time Hersh was accused of deceit:

"Here for the first time in electronic form are the unabridged original dispatches by Seymour Hersh on the 1968 My Lai massacre in Vietnam. The articles are relevant again in light of the revelations of the Marines massacre of twenty-four Iraqi civilians at Haditha last November (as detailed in today’s New York Times account) for several reasons, among them the parallels between the two massacres in terms of methods, motives and the U.S. military and government cover-up—until the press got a hold of the story.

"At My Lai as at Haditha, the killings were planned, deliberate and executed with leisurly cold-bloodedness. At My Lai as at Haditha, revenge was the motive. At My Lai as at Haditha, the military had the evidence early on, lied about it, covered it up, and, in the My Lai case, may have been involved in murdering a helicopter pilot who threatened to go public with the story. Hersh’s pieces were originally published in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch on November 13, 20 and 25, 1969. Hersh won the Pulitzer Prize in 1970 'For his exclusive disclosure of the Vietnam War tragedy at the hamlet of My Lai.”—pt.]'"

The My Lai Massacre: Seymour Hersh's Complete and Unabridged Reporting for the St. Louis Post Dispatch, November 1969 /Candide's Notebooks
Poor Georgie Boy is that dim that he doesn't realize that many times journalists have fudged or told false stories and have been called out for them Meanwhile, Georgie Boy you can worship at the feet of any journalist who serves your purpose in trying to get the viewers to hate America as you do. This is just a forum, and if this is the only way you get your entertainment in life, go for it. Cut and paste your life away.
Sounds like Hossie is running out of shit to squawk about; what's your bitch, Bibi, gonna do now that Obama's talking to Rouhani?
Methinks Bibi gonna fast track his original plans for them reactors.
So one week before Hersh's piece was due to hit the news stands, anonymous reports emerge "confirming what everyone already knew" about Iran's attempt to obtain nuclear weapons. Everyone doesn't know that. Many of those making that claim today were responsible for another illegal US invasion of Iraq in pursuit of WMD "everyone already knew" was hidden east, west, north, and south of Tikrit, somewhat.

We're both old enough to remember the first time Hersh was accused of deceit:

"Here for the first time in electronic form are the unabridged original dispatches by Seymour Hersh on the 1968 My Lai massacre in Vietnam. The articles are relevant again in light of the revelations of the Marines massacre of twenty-four Iraqi civilians at Haditha last November (as detailed in today’s New York Times account) for several reasons, among them the parallels between the two massacres in terms of methods, motives and the U.S. military and government cover-up—until the press got a hold of the story.

"At My Lai as at Haditha, the killings were planned, deliberate and executed with leisurly cold-bloodedness. At My Lai as at Haditha, revenge was the motive. At My Lai as at Haditha, the military had the evidence early on, lied about it, covered it up, and, in the My Lai case, may have been involved in murdering a helicopter pilot who threatened to go public with the story. Hersh’s pieces were originally published in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch on November 13, 20 and 25, 1969. Hersh won the Pulitzer Prize in 1970 'For his exclusive disclosure of the Vietnam War tragedy at the hamlet of My Lai.”—pt.]'"

The My Lai Massacre: Seymour Hersh's Complete and Unabridged Reporting for the St. Louis Post Dispatch, November 1969 /Candide's Notebooks
Poor Georgie Boy is that dim that he doesn't realize that many times journalists have fudged or told false stories and have been called out for them Meanwhile, Georgie Boy you can worship at the feet of any journalist who serves your purpose in trying to get the viewers to hate America as you do. This is just a forum, and if this is the only way you get your entertainment in life, go for it. Cut and paste your life away.
Sounds like Hossie is running out of shit to squawk about; what's your bitch, Bibi, gonna do now that Obama's talking to Rouhani?
But, Georgie Boy, you are the one looking for all kinds of "shit" to diss America and Israel/Jews because you hate these entities. Meanwhile, perhaps you should do a little research to see what is happening to your Black brethren in Africa and the Middle East. However, since you are not interested in what is happening to your fellow Blacks, at least get a little fresh air today as a break from trying to find all the "shit" that you like to post. By the way, Georgie Boy, how does it feel to be a "bitch" dhimmi for your new friends who would look at you and call you abd.
Poor Georgie Boy is that dim that he doesn't realize that many times journalists have fudged or told false stories and have been called out for them Meanwhile, Georgie Boy you can worship at the feet of any journalist who serves your purpose in trying to get the viewers to hate America as you do. This is just a forum, and if this is the only way you get your entertainment in life, go for it. Cut and paste your life away.
Sounds like Hossie is running out of shit to squawk about; what's your bitch, Bibi, gonna do now that Obama's talking to Rouhani?
But, Georgie Boy, you are the one looking for all kinds of "shit" to diss America and Israel/Jews because you hate these entities. Meanwhile, perhaps you should do a little research to see what is happening to your Black brethren in Africa and the Middle East. However, since you are not interested in what is happening to your fellow Blacks, at least get a little fresh air today as a break from trying to find all the "shit" that you like to post. By the way, Georgie Boy, how does it feel to be a "bitch" dhimmi for your new friends who would look at you and call you abd.
What makes you "think" I'm Black, Bitch?
Sounds like Hossie is running out of shit to squawk about; what's your bitch, Bibi, gonna do now that Obama's talking to Rouhani?
But, Georgie Boy, you are the one looking for all kinds of "shit" to diss America and Israel/Jews because you hate these entities. Meanwhile, perhaps you should do a little research to see what is happening to your Black brethren in Africa and the Middle East. However, since you are not interested in what is happening to your fellow Blacks, at least get a little fresh air today as a break from trying to find all the "shit" that you like to post. By the way, Georgie Boy, how does it feel to be a "bitch" dhimmi for your new friends who would look at you and call you abd.
What makes you "think" I'm Black, Bitch?
Why, Georgie Boy, you once posted something from what you called your favorite radio show which featured all Blacks -- Black authors, Black poets, Black singers, etc? I doubt if there are Whites who would call something like this their favorite radio show. And when have you ever denied being Black before no matter how many times it has been brought up? You would have said at the offset that it was a mistake to think you were Black, and of course it is not a crime to be a Black man, but one would think that a Black man would also be concerned about what is happening to other Blacks in Africa and the Middle East. You are so, so silent, but have so much derogatory stuff to cut and paste about America, Jews and Israel. All of a sudden you are having a hissy fit because when you posted "your bitch Bibi,: you didn't like to be called back a "bitch Dhimmi??? Hmm, I wonder if Black men with the mind set of Georgie Boy call White men "bitches besides "Honkies?"
But, Georgie Boy, you are the one looking for all kinds of "shit" to diss America and Israel/Jews because you hate these entities. Meanwhile, perhaps you should do a little research to see what is happening to your Black brethren in Africa and the Middle East. However, since you are not interested in what is happening to your fellow Blacks, at least get a little fresh air today as a break from trying to find all the "shit" that you like to post. By the way, Georgie Boy, how does it feel to be a "bitch" dhimmi for your new friends who would look at you and call you abd.
What makes you "think" I'm Black, Bitch?
Why, Georgie Boy, you once posted something from what you called your favorite radio show which featured all Blacks -- Black authors, Black poets, Black singers, etc? I doubt if there are Whites who would call something like this their favorite radio show. And when have you ever denied being Black before no matter how many times it has been brought up? You would have said at the offset that it was a mistake to think you were Black, and of course it is not a crime to be a Black man, but one would think that a Black man would also be concerned about what is happening to other Blacks in Africa and the Middle East. You are so, so silent, but have so much derogatory stuff to cut and paste about America, Jews and Israel. All of a sudden you are having a hissy fit because when you posted "your bitch Bibi,: you didn't like to be called back a "bitch Dhimmi??? Hmm, I wonder if Black men with the mind set of Georgie Boy call White men "bitches besides "Honkies?"
Who except a bigot would find it doubtful some whites are impressed with talented Blacks? Are you going back to your (Jim Crow) roots?
Move to Jerusalem.
What makes you "think" I'm Black, Bitch?
Why, Georgie Boy, you once posted something from what you called your favorite radio show which featured all Blacks -- Black authors, Black poets, Black singers, etc? I doubt if there are Whites who would call something like this their favorite radio show. And when have you ever denied being Black before no matter how many times it has been brought up? You would have said at the offset that it was a mistake to think you were Black, and of course it is not a crime to be a Black man, but one would think that a Black man would also be concerned about what is happening to other Blacks in Africa and the Middle East. You are so, so silent, but have so much derogatory stuff to cut and paste about America, Jews and Israel. All of a sudden you are having a hissy fit because when you posted "your bitch Bibi,: you didn't like to be called back a "bitch Dhimmi??? Hmm, I wonder if Black men with the mind set of Georgie Boy call White men "bitches besides "Honkies?"
Who except a bigot would find it doubtful some whites are impressed with talented Blacks? Are you going back to your (Jim Crow) roots?
Move to Jerusalem.
I will reiterate, Georgie Boy. You had plenty of time to deny that you were Black when it was first mentioned. That you kept silent and said nothing speaks an awful lot. Meanwhile, Georgie Boy, nobody here really cares what race you belong to, but what is your fixation with the Jews and Israel when there are others in the Middle East, Africa and Southeast Asia who are faring terribly? Doesn't it bother you to see people being blown up all the time just because of their religion, or like the Nigeria Christians having their throats slit? Doesn't something like this bother you even though you can't blame the Jews for it?
17 funerals to upstage family wedding ? The Express Tribune
Why, Georgie Boy, you once posted something from what you called your favorite radio show which featured all Blacks -- Black authors, Black poets, Black singers, etc? I doubt if there are Whites who would call something like this their favorite radio show. And when have you ever denied being Black before no matter how many times it has been brought up? You would have said at the offset that it was a mistake to think you were Black, and of course it is not a crime to be a Black man, but one would think that a Black man would also be concerned about what is happening to other Blacks in Africa and the Middle East. You are so, so silent, but have so much derogatory stuff to cut and paste about America, Jews and Israel. All of a sudden you are having a hissy fit because when you posted "your bitch Bibi,: you didn't like to be called back a "bitch Dhimmi??? Hmm, I wonder if Black men with the mind set of Georgie Boy call White men "bitches besides "Honkies?"
Who except a bigot would find it doubtful some whites are impressed with talented Blacks? Are you going back to your (Jim Crow) roots?
Move to Jerusalem.
I will reiterate, Georgie Boy. You had plenty of time to deny that you were Black when it was first mentioned. That you kept silent and said nothing speaks an awful lot. Meanwhile, Georgie Boy, nobody here really cares what race you belong to, but what is your fixation with the Jews and Israel when there are others in the Middle East, Africa and Southeast Asia who are faring terribly? Doesn't it bother you to see people being blown up all the time just because of their religion, or like the Nigeria Christians having their throats slit? Doesn't something like this bother you even though you can't blame the Jews for it?
17 funerals to upstage family wedding ? The Express Tribune
You do little more than reiterate bigotry and deflection with every post, and your hypocrisy would be comical in most contexts. I was bothered enough by the people of Southeast Asia being blown to hell for $$$ I choose not to participate. You, on the other hand, allegedly choose to go back for seconds. I also chose to focus on the terror the US and its proxies rain on the Middle East and post in the appropriate forums. You apparently have little to say about any crime committed by the US government or Israel, hence you squawk endlessly about your "concern" for Sudanese, and Nigerian victims of the same colonialist violence that I condemn in Palestine and "Pinkville".
Who except a bigot would find it doubtful some whites are impressed with talented Blacks? Are you going back to your (Jim Crow) roots?
Move to Jerusalem.
I will reiterate, Georgie Boy. You had plenty of time to deny that you were Black when it was first mentioned. That you kept silent and said nothing speaks an awful lot. Meanwhile, Georgie Boy, nobody here really cares what race you belong to, but what is your fixation with the Jews and Israel when there are others in the Middle East, Africa and Southeast Asia who are faring terribly? Doesn't it bother you to see people being blown up all the time just because of their religion, or like the Nigeria Christians having their throats slit? Doesn't something like this bother you even though you can't blame the Jews for it?
17 funerals to upstage family wedding ? The Express Tribune
You do little more than reiterate bigotry and deflection with every post, and your hypocrisy would be comical in most contexts. I was bothered enough by the people of Southeast Asia being blown to hell for $$$ I choose not to participate. You, on the other hand, allegedly choose to go back for seconds. I also chose to focus on the terror the US and its proxies rain on the Middle East and post in the appropriate forums. You apparently have little to say about any crime committed by the US government or Israel, hence you squawk endlessly about your "concern" for Sudanese, and Nigerian victims of the same colonialist violence that I condemn in Palestine and "Pinkville".
My heart bleeds purple piss for you, amigo.
I will reiterate, Georgie Boy. You had plenty of time to deny that you were Black when it was first mentioned. That you kept silent and said nothing speaks an awful lot. Meanwhile, Georgie Boy, nobody here really cares what race you belong to, but what is your fixation with the Jews and Israel when there are others in the Middle East, Africa and Southeast Asia who are faring terribly? Doesn't it bother you to see people being blown up all the time just because of their religion, or like the Nigeria Christians having their throats slit? Doesn't something like this bother you even though you can't blame the Jews for it?
17 funerals to upstage family wedding ? The Express Tribune
You do little more than reiterate bigotry and deflection with every post, and your hypocrisy would be comical in most contexts. I was bothered enough by the people of Southeast Asia being blown to hell for $$$ I choose not to participate. You, on the other hand, allegedly choose to go back for seconds. I also chose to focus on the terror the US and its proxies rain on the Middle East and post in the appropriate forums. You apparently have little to say about any crime committed by the US government or Israel, hence you squawk endlessly about your "concern" for Sudanese, and Nigerian victims of the same colonialist violence that I condemn in Palestine and "Pinkville".
My heart bleeds purple piss for you, amigo.
Your link:

"It was a tragedy not only for Sartaj’s family but for the entire impoverished village – a cluster of mud-houses situated near the Afghan refugees camp Munda. Sartaj Baba, as he’s locally known, was not in the hujra to accept condolences according to Pakhtun traditions. He was at a neighbour’s place as he could not face the sight of eight caskets in the courtyard of his house. His three sons were also dumbfounded – losing consciousness at intervals."

Tell us whose military created Munda.
You do little more than reiterate bigotry and deflection with every post, and your hypocrisy would be comical in most contexts. I was bothered enough by the people of Southeast Asia being blown to hell for $$$ I choose not to participate. You, on the other hand, allegedly choose to go back for seconds. I also chose to focus on the terror the US and its proxies rain on the Middle East and post in the appropriate forums. You apparently have little to say about any crime committed by the US government or Israel, hence you squawk endlessly about your "concern" for Sudanese, and Nigerian victims of the same colonialist violence that I condemn in Palestine and "Pinkville".
My heart bleeds purple piss for you, amigo.
Your link:

"It was a tragedy not only for Sartaj’s family but for the entire impoverished village – a cluster of mud-houses situated near the Afghan refugees camp Munda. Sartaj Baba, as he’s locally known, was not in the hujra to accept condolences according to Pakhtun traditions. He was at a neighbour’s place as he could not face the sight of eight caskets in the courtyard of his house. His three sons were also dumbfounded – losing consciousness at intervals."

Tell us whose military created Munda.
I wonder if the one with a yellow streak down his back could tell us who helped the previous Jordanian King murder thousands of "Palestinians" in the incident called Black September. No doubt he had no problems with this same army murdering over 3 million (mainly Hindus) in Bangladesh plus the rape off thousands of women. By the way, Georgie Boy, there is a young Afghan women being treated in a hospital in your own city whose ear and nose were cut off by her husband. I am sure she would appreciate a visit from you since you have so much time on your hands. And horrors of horrors, she is being helped by an establishment started by Jews, who would even help Georgie Boy if he needed their services even though he hates the Jews.

Grossman Burn Foundation - Bibi Aisha
My heart bleeds purple piss for you, amigo.
Your link:

"It was a tragedy not only for Sartaj’s family but for the entire impoverished village – a cluster of mud-houses situated near the Afghan refugees camp Munda. Sartaj Baba, as he’s locally known, was not in the hujra to accept condolences according to Pakhtun traditions. He was at a neighbour’s place as he could not face the sight of eight caskets in the courtyard of his house. His three sons were also dumbfounded – losing consciousness at intervals."

Tell us whose military created Munda.
I wonder if the one with a yellow streak down his back could tell us who helped the previous Jordanian King murder thousands of "Palestinians" in the incident called Black September. No doubt he had no problems with this same army murdering over 3 million (mainly Hindus) in Bangladesh plus the rape off thousands of women. By the way, Georgie Boy, there is a young Afghan women being treated in a hospital in your own city whose ear and nose were cut off by her husband. I am sure she would appreciate a visit from you since you have so much time on your hands. And horrors of horrors, she is being helped by an establishment started by Jews, who would even help Georgie Boy if he needed their services even though he hates the Jews.

Grossman Burn Foundation - Bibi Aisha
Munda and the "young Afghan woman" that you shed crocodile tears over share a common terror, namely the greatest purveyor of violence in the world and the monied interests that profit from their misery.

"Thus, the U.S. pro-war coalition pushes U.S. foreign policy towards war, particularly against U.S.-capitalist hostile countries, with the AIPAC tail eagerly wagging behind — but not wagging the dog itself.

"It is this coalition of mega-corporations that the neoconservatives and other elite think tanks speak for when they endlessly discuss how to best project U.S. military power abroad.

"These strategists — such as the Project For a New American Century — are the 'vanguard' of American capitalism, and their geopolitical outlook is firmly rooted in the economic interests of the corporations that most benefit from overseas investing.

"This fanatic drive to maintain and expand the U.S. global empire of military bases — which help keep submissive nations in line — is a core ingredient to making the massive profits that are the motor force of U.S. capitalism."

Is Capitalism to Blame For the Syrian War Drive? » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names
There's no shortage of actors to blame for today's Oily Crusades in the Holy Land; however, there is a single star parasite earning much of the profits:

"As the dominant corporate sector in U.S. capitalism, the banks are also the most internationalist in scope; the recent second quarter profits of U.S. banks were $42.2 billion (!), most of this money was made in overseas investing using cheap Federal Reserve printed dollars.

"When there are overseas barriers to these types of profits, such as currency controls and other restrictions on foreign investment — as exist in Syria, Iran, and China — these nations are viewed as 'enemies' by the banks who cheerlead their destruction. A submissive nation with an 'open' economy is very good for the profits of U.S. corporations, and submissiveness is best taught by fear, i.e., the threat of military intervention."

Why not a War to End All Wars where all the rich bankers (and their families) die first?

Is Capitalism to Blame For the Syrian War Drive? » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

I heard this on the radio and looked for it on youtube. Found it.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S1ZWopGWu7k]All Wars Are Bankers Wars - YouTube[/ame]
Your link:

"It was a tragedy not only for Sartaj’s family but for the entire impoverished village – a cluster of mud-houses situated near the Afghan refugees camp Munda. Sartaj Baba, as he’s locally known, was not in the hujra to accept condolences according to Pakhtun traditions. He was at a neighbour’s place as he could not face the sight of eight caskets in the courtyard of his house. His three sons were also dumbfounded – losing consciousness at intervals."

Tell us whose military created Munda.
I wonder if the one with a yellow streak down his back could tell us who helped the previous Jordanian King murder thousands of "Palestinians" in the incident called Black September. No doubt he had no problems with this same army murdering over 3 million (mainly Hindus) in Bangladesh plus the rape off thousands of women. By the way, Georgie Boy, there is a young Afghan women being treated in a hospital in your own city whose ear and nose were cut off by her husband. I am sure she would appreciate a visit from you since you have so much time on your hands. And horrors of horrors, she is being helped by an establishment started by Jews, who would even help Georgie Boy if he needed their services even though he hates the Jews.

Grossman Burn Foundation - Bibi Aisha
Munda and the "young Afghan woman" that you shed crocodile tears over share a common terror, namely the greatest purveyor of violence in the world and the monied interests that profit from their misery.

"Thus, the U.S. pro-war coalition pushes U.S. foreign policy towards war, particularly against U.S.-capitalist hostile countries, with the AIPAC tail eagerly wagging behind — but not wagging the dog itself.

"It is this coalition of mega-corporations that the neoconservatives and other elite think tanks speak for when they endlessly discuss how to best project U.S. military power abroad.

"These strategists — such as the Project For a New American Century — are the 'vanguard' of American capitalism, and their geopolitical outlook is firmly rooted in the economic interests of the corporations that most benefit from overseas investing.

"This fanatic drive to maintain and expand the U.S. global empire of military bases — which help keep submissive nations in line — is a core ingredient to making the massive profits that are the motor force of U.S. capitalism."

Is Capitalism to Blame For the Syrian War Drive? » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names
That's right, Georgie Boy, blame what happens to many Muslim women by their husbands is America's fault. As you can see, there goes Georgie Boy, the King of Cut and Pastes of this forum, while many Muslim women are treated worse than animals. I guess this means that Georgie Boy wouldn't be visiting that unfortunate Afghani young woman even though the hospital is in his own city. Get this, folks, Georgie Boy wants to blame Wall St. for what happens to these Muslim women. Maybe Georgie Boy will find a way to blame Wall Street for this.
BBC News - Bangladesh man 'admits' cutting off wife's fingers
There's no shortage of actors to blame for today's Oily Crusades in the Holy Land; however, there is a single star parasite earning much of the profits:

"As the dominant corporate sector in U.S. capitalism, the banks are also the most internationalist in scope; the recent second quarter profits of U.S. banks were $42.2 billion (!), most of this money was made in overseas investing using cheap Federal Reserve printed dollars.

"When there are overseas barriers to these types of profits, such as currency controls and other restrictions on foreign investment — as exist in Syria, Iran, and China — these nations are viewed as 'enemies' by the banks who cheerlead their destruction. A submissive nation with an 'open' economy is very good for the profits of U.S. corporations, and submissiveness is best taught by fear, i.e., the threat of military intervention."

Why not a War to End All Wars where all the rich bankers (and their families) die first?

Is Capitalism to Blame For the Syrian War Drive? » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

I heard this on the radio and looked for it on youtube. Found it.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S1ZWopGWu7k]All Wars Are Bankers Wars - YouTube[/ame]
So, tell us, Tinnie, what bankers were responsible for the Muslims in the Sudan murdering over two million Christians, and the President there is still calling for the murder of Christians as well as the Black tribes. I guess Tinnie thinks that the over three million people (mainly Hindus) killed in Bangladesh was because the bankers egged the Muslims on. Perhaps Tommer cam tell us is what banks are responsible for the Muslims to blow up each other. Do the bankers whisper in the ears of the suicide and car bombers that the money is waiting up there in the Islamic paradise. I think the viewers can see that Muslims and the other anti-Semites want to blame everything on the bankers, with Israel behind it of course. instead of putting the blame where it really belongs -- on the barbarians who think nothing of killing non Muslims and Muslims of other sects. I wonder if Tinnie is aware of what his fellow Arabs are doing these days without any help from these "so-called bankers."

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