Wall $treet's Role in $yria

There's no shortage of actors to blame for today's Oily Crusades in the Holy Land; however, there is a single star parasite earning much of the profits:

"As the dominant corporate sector in U.S. capitalism, the banks are also the most internationalist in scope; the recent second quarter profits of U.S. banks were $42.2 billion (!), most of this money was made in overseas investing using cheap Federal Reserve printed dollars.

"When there are overseas barriers to these types of profits, such as currency controls and other restrictions on foreign investment — as exist in Syria, Iran, and China — these nations are viewed as 'enemies' by the banks who cheerlead their destruction. A submissive nation with an 'open' economy is very good for the profits of U.S. corporations, and submissiveness is best taught by fear, i.e., the threat of military intervention."

Why not a War to End All Wars where all the rich bankers (and their families) die first?

Is Capitalism to Blame For the Syrian War Drive? » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

I heard this on the radio and looked for it on youtube. Found it.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S1ZWopGWu7k]All Wars Are Bankers Wars - YouTube[/ame]
So, tell us, Tinnie, what bankers were responsible for the Muslims in the Sudan murdering over two million Christians, and the President there is still calling for the murder of Christians as well as the Black tribes. I guess Tinnie thinks that the over three million people (mainly Hindus) killed in Bangladesh was because the bankers egged the Muslims on. Perhaps Tommer cam tell us is what banks are responsible for the Muslims to blow up each other. Do the bankers whisper in the ears of the suicide and car bombers that the money is waiting up there in the Islamic paradise. I think the viewers can see that Muslims and the other anti-Semites want to blame everything on the bankers, with Israel behind it of course. instead of putting the blame where it really belongs -- on the barbarians who think nothing of killing non Muslims and Muslims of other sects. I wonder if Tinnie is aware of what his fellow Arabs are doing these days without any help from these "so-called bankers."

You are concerned. Perhaps you can tell us: who are the players and who are the payers? Who is supplying the money? Who is supplying the weapons? Who is fanning the flames? Who is expecting to benefit?
I heard this on the radio and looked for it on youtube. Found it.

All Wars Are Bankers Wars - YouTube
So, tell us, Tinnie, what bankers were responsible for the Muslims in the Sudan murdering over two million Christians, and the President there is still calling for the murder of Christians as well as the Black tribes. I guess Tinnie thinks that the over three million people (mainly Hindus) killed in Bangladesh was because the bankers egged the Muslims on. Perhaps Tommer cam tell us is what banks are responsible for the Muslims to blow up each other. Do the bankers whisper in the ears of the suicide and car bombers that the money is waiting up there in the Islamic paradise. I think the viewers can see that Muslims and the other anti-Semites want to blame everything on the bankers, with Israel behind it of course. instead of putting the blame where it really belongs -- on the barbarians who think nothing of killing non Muslims and Muslims of other sects. I wonder if Tinnie is aware of what his fellow Arabs are doing these days without any help from these "so-called bankers."

You are concerned. Perhaps you can tell us: who are the players and who are the payers? Who is supplying the money? Who is supplying the weapons? Who is fanning the flames? Who is expecting to benefit?
Why not tell us what bankers are involved, since you brought it up, I might buy some stock if Tinnie thinks they will do well. Tinnie and others with the same mind set want to blame everything on others instead of those who are really involved. He would never consider (or maybe he just plays dumb) that his Arab brethren, especially the younger ones, wanted some more freedom than they had under dictators. As the young Egyptian men had said previously that under Morsi the uprising didn't turn out as they wanted it to be. They felt that a new dictator replaced the previous one. The young Arabs know that there is a whole wide modern world out there, and they want the freedom to experience it. They don't want some extremist radical leaders like Morsi holding them back. I think most intelligent viewers realize that Georgie Boy started this thread because he has to blame someone for his unfortunate circumstances which were his own fault so Wall Street and the bankers are the ones he feels he should blame for something or other. Perhaps you are one of those Arabs who really don't want to see the Arab youth achieve what they want to achieve in the various Middle East countries..
I wonder if the one with a yellow streak down his back could tell us who helped the previous Jordanian King murder thousands of "Palestinians" in the incident called Black September. No doubt he had no problems with this same army murdering over 3 million (mainly Hindus) in Bangladesh plus the rape off thousands of women. By the way, Georgie Boy, there is a young Afghan women being treated in a hospital in your own city whose ear and nose were cut off by her husband. I am sure she would appreciate a visit from you since you have so much time on your hands. And horrors of horrors, she is being helped by an establishment started by Jews, who would even help Georgie Boy if he needed their services even though he hates the Jews.

Grossman Burn Foundation - Bibi Aisha
Munda and the "young Afghan woman" that you shed crocodile tears over share a common terror, namely the greatest purveyor of violence in the world and the monied interests that profit from their misery.

"Thus, the U.S. pro-war coalition pushes U.S. foreign policy towards war, particularly against U.S.-capitalist hostile countries, with the AIPAC tail eagerly wagging behind — but not wagging the dog itself.

"It is this coalition of mega-corporations that the neoconservatives and other elite think tanks speak for when they endlessly discuss how to best project U.S. military power abroad.

"These strategists — such as the Project For a New American Century — are the 'vanguard' of American capitalism, and their geopolitical outlook is firmly rooted in the economic interests of the corporations that most benefit from overseas investing.

"This fanatic drive to maintain and expand the U.S. global empire of military bases — which help keep submissive nations in line — is a core ingredient to making the massive profits that are the motor force of U.S. capitalism."

Is Capitalism to Blame For the Syrian War Drive? » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names
That's right, Georgie Boy, blame what happens to many Muslim women by their husbands is America's fault. As you can see, there goes Georgie Boy, the King of Cut and Pastes of this forum, while many Muslim women are treated worse than animals. I guess this means that Georgie Boy wouldn't be visiting that unfortunate Afghani young woman even though the hospital is in his own city. Get this, folks, Georgie Boy wants to blame Wall St. for what happens to these Muslim women. Maybe Georgie Boy will find a way to blame Wall Street for this.
BBC News - Bangladesh man 'admits' cutting off wife's fingers
When did I blame the US for religious fundamentalism's hatred of women?
I wouldn't apologize for Muslim crimes against women any more than I would for the epidemic of rapes in the US Military, Hossie, how 'bout you? It is worth noting again how the US and its western corporate caliphate supported radical Islam in the past as a weapon against secular Arabs who actually wanted to control our oil underneath their soil. If you're honestly confused about the role the profit motive plays in industrial-scale warfare, maybe this will help:

"Many commentators have correctly stated that geopolitics is a main motivation for Obama wanting to bomb Syria, acting as a gateway to Iran. Other commentators have also correctly discussed the specific economic (capitalistic) interests as a war motive.

"And others still have, again correctly, focused on the importance of Israel as a factor towards pushing for war in Syria and eventually Iran. All three answers are correct, and have an inter-dependence that is complicated and difficult to quantify, since much of the truth is hidden from public view."

Is Capitalism to Blame For the Syrian War Drive? » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names
Munda and the "young Afghan woman" that you shed crocodile tears over share a common terror, namely the greatest purveyor of violence in the world and the monied interests that profit from their misery.

"Thus, the U.S. pro-war coalition pushes U.S. foreign policy towards war, particularly against U.S.-capitalist hostile countries, with the AIPAC tail eagerly wagging behind — but not wagging the dog itself.

"It is this coalition of mega-corporations that the neoconservatives and other elite think tanks speak for when they endlessly discuss how to best project U.S. military power abroad.

"These strategists — such as the Project For a New American Century — are the 'vanguard' of American capitalism, and their geopolitical outlook is firmly rooted in the economic interests of the corporations that most benefit from overseas investing.

"This fanatic drive to maintain and expand the U.S. global empire of military bases — which help keep submissive nations in line — is a core ingredient to making the massive profits that are the motor force of U.S. capitalism."

Is Capitalism to Blame For the Syrian War Drive? » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names
That's right, Georgie Boy, blame what happens to many Muslim women by their husbands is America's fault. As you can see, there goes Georgie Boy, the King of Cut and Pastes of this forum, while many Muslim women are treated worse than animals. I guess this means that Georgie Boy wouldn't be visiting that unfortunate Afghani young woman even though the hospital is in his own city. Get this, folks, Georgie Boy wants to blame Wall St. for what happens to these Muslim women. Maybe Georgie Boy will find a way to blame Wall Street for this.
BBC News - Bangladesh man 'admits' cutting off wife's fingers
When did I blame the US for religious fundamentalism's hatred of women?
I wouldn't apologize for Muslim crimes against women any more than I would for the epidemic of rapes in the US Military, Hossie, how 'bout you? It is worth noting again how the US and its western corporate caliphate supported radical Islam in the past as a weapon against secular Arabs who actually wanted to control our oil underneath their soil. If you're honestly confused about the role the profit motive plays in industrial-scale warfare, maybe this will help:

"Many commentators have correctly stated that geopolitics is a main motivation for Obama wanting to bomb Syria, acting as a gateway to Iran. Other commentators have also correctly discussed the specific economic (capitalistic) interests as a war motive.

"And others still have, again correctly, focused on the importance of Israel as a factor towards pushing for war in Syria and eventually Iran. All three answers are correct, and have an inter-dependence that is complicated and difficult to quantify, since much of the truth is hidden from public view."

Is Capitalism to Blame For the Syrian War Drive? » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names
Did anyone really think that the King of Cut and Paste was not going to give the viewers any more of his cut and paste jobs. Georgie Boy, you can cut and paste to your heart's content if it makes you feel that you are doing such an important job in getting people to hate the U.S., Israel and the Jews, but that doesn't mean that all the viewers are going to believe all the nonsense in your cut and paste jobs from such sites as Counterpunch. I don't think that Georgie Boy would blink if an honest Muslim was in front of him and said that all these uprising are because the people, especially the young, were dissatisfied with the way things were going in their countries. He would tell this Muslim that this isn't so and that it really is others who are behind all these uprisings and civil wars.
That's right, Georgie Boy, blame what happens to many Muslim women by their husbands is America's fault. As you can see, there goes Georgie Boy, the King of Cut and Pastes of this forum, while many Muslim women are treated worse than animals. I guess this means that Georgie Boy wouldn't be visiting that unfortunate Afghani young woman even though the hospital is in his own city. Get this, folks, Georgie Boy wants to blame Wall St. for what happens to these Muslim women. Maybe Georgie Boy will find a way to blame Wall Street for this.
BBC News - Bangladesh man 'admits' cutting off wife's fingers
When did I blame the US for religious fundamentalism's hatred of women?
I wouldn't apologize for Muslim crimes against women any more than I would for the epidemic of rapes in the US Military, Hossie, how 'bout you? It is worth noting again how the US and its western corporate caliphate supported radical Islam in the past as a weapon against secular Arabs who actually wanted to control our oil underneath their soil. If you're honestly confused about the role the profit motive plays in industrial-scale warfare, maybe this will help:

"Many commentators have correctly stated that geopolitics is a main motivation for Obama wanting to bomb Syria, acting as a gateway to Iran. Other commentators have also correctly discussed the specific economic (capitalistic) interests as a war motive.

"And others still have, again correctly, focused on the importance of Israel as a factor towards pushing for war in Syria and eventually Iran. All three answers are correct, and have an inter-dependence that is complicated and difficult to quantify, since much of the truth is hidden from public view."

Is Capitalism to Blame For the Syrian War Drive? » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names
Did anyone really think that the King of Cut and Paste was not going to give the viewers any more of his cut and paste jobs. Georgie Boy, you can cut and paste to your heart's content if it makes you feel that you are doing such an important job in getting people to hate the U.S., Israel and the Jews, but that doesn't mean that all the viewers are going to believe all the nonsense in your cut and paste jobs from such sites as Counterpunch. I don't think that Georgie Boy would blink if an honest Muslim was in front of him and said that all these uprising are because the people, especially the young, were dissatisfied with the way things were going in their countries. He would tell this Muslim that this isn't so and that it really is others who are behind all these uprisings and civil wars.
One of the biggest objections young Muslims are making is sky-high unemployment numbers even among those who've sacrificed enough of their time and initiative to obtain a college degree. That condition is directly related to the financial sector's influence on the global economy; money that should be creating goods and services and providing middle-class income is being used to make more money by gambling with exotic financial instruments with taxpayers covering all losses. Young Arabs have noticed how the US props up dictators in their countries who sell them out to Wall Street and the Pentagon; they've also noticed Israel has been condemned by more UNSC Resolutions than any other country on the planet and wonder why the US supports such a rogue state. Maybe you can answer their questions?
When did I blame the US for religious fundamentalism's hatred of women?
I wouldn't apologize for Muslim crimes against women any more than I would for the epidemic of rapes in the US Military, Hossie, how 'bout you? It is worth noting again how the US and its western corporate caliphate supported radical Islam in the past as a weapon against secular Arabs who actually wanted to control our oil underneath their soil. If you're honestly confused about the role the profit motive plays in industrial-scale warfare, maybe this will help:

"Many commentators have correctly stated that geopolitics is a main motivation for Obama wanting to bomb Syria, acting as a gateway to Iran. Other commentators have also correctly discussed the specific economic (capitalistic) interests as a war motive.

"And others still have, again correctly, focused on the importance of Israel as a factor towards pushing for war in Syria and eventually Iran. All three answers are correct, and have an inter-dependence that is complicated and difficult to quantify, since much of the truth is hidden from public view."

Is Capitalism to Blame For the Syrian War Drive? » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names
Did anyone really think that the King of Cut and Paste was not going to give the viewers any more of his cut and paste jobs. Georgie Boy, you can cut and paste to your heart's content if it makes you feel that you are doing such an important job in getting people to hate the U.S., Israel and the Jews, but that doesn't mean that all the viewers are going to believe all the nonsense in your cut and paste jobs from such sites as Counterpunch. I don't think that Georgie Boy would blink if an honest Muslim was in front of him and said that all these uprising are because the people, especially the young, were dissatisfied with the way things were going in their countries. He would tell this Muslim that this isn't so and that it really is others who are behind all these uprisings and civil wars.
One of the biggest objections young Muslims are making is sky-high unemployment numbers even among those who've sacrificed enough of their time and initiative to obtain a college degree. That condition is directly related to the financial sector's influence on the global economy; money that should be creating goods and services and providing middle-class income is being used to make more money by gambling with exotic financial instruments with taxpayers covering all losses. Young Arabs have noticed how the US props up dictators in their countries who sell them out to Wall Street and the Pentagon; they've also noticed Israel has been condemned by more UNSC Resolutions than any other country on the planet and wonder why the US supports such a rogue state. Maybe you can answer their questions?
I can't give a qualified answer but I'll check with Jroc or Rhodescholar and see if they'll answer.
"The international game of geopolitics mirrors the corporate competition for international markets. With each country the U.S. dominates politically — through war — U.S. corporations profit as the primary lender, the primary military salesman, while also winning the tastiest natural resources 'concessions,' and the biggest infrastructural contracts to build public works, not to mention many other privileges."

Is Capitalism to Blame For the Syrian War Drive? » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

Privileges that stem from toppling seven Muslim states in five years will be short-lived if the architects of the Corporate Caliphate expect any democratic support for their crimes in the US or the UK, much less from their victims in the New Middle East.
"The international game of geopolitics mirrors the corporate competition for international markets. With each country the U.S. dominates politically — through war — U.S. corporations profit as the primary lender, the primary military salesman, while also winning the tastiest natural resources 'concessions,' and the biggest infrastructural contracts to build public works, not to mention many other privileges."

Is Capitalism to Blame For the Syrian War Drive? » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

Privileges that stem from toppling seven Muslim states in five years will be short-lived if the architects of the Corporate Caliphate expect any democratic support for their crimes in the US or the UK, much less from their victims in the New Middle East.

A central bank was set up in Libya before the government fell.

When is Syria going to get its central bank?

Watch this space.
"The international game of geopolitics mirrors the corporate competition for international markets. With each country the U.S. dominates politically — through war — U.S. corporations profit as the primary lender, the primary military salesman, while also winning the tastiest natural resources 'concessions,' and the biggest infrastructural contracts to build public works, not to mention many other privileges."

Is Capitalism to Blame For the Syrian War Drive? » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

Privileges that stem from toppling seven Muslim states in five years will be short-lived if the architects of the Corporate Caliphate expect any democratic support for their crimes in the US or the UK, much less from their victims in the New Middle East.

A central bank was set up in Libya before the government fell.

When is Syria going to get its central bank?

Watch this space.
One of the last mistakes made by Saddam and Gaddafi was believing they had a sovereign right to sell their oil without using US dollars. Maybe Assad will survive simply because he lacks enough oil to threaten Wall Street's oil cartel?
"The international game of geopolitics mirrors the corporate competition for international markets. With each country the U.S. dominates politically — through war — U.S. corporations profit as the primary lender, the primary military salesman, while also winning the tastiest natural resources 'concessions,' and the biggest infrastructural contracts to build public works, not to mention many other privileges."

Is Capitalism to Blame For the Syrian War Drive? » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

Privileges that stem from toppling seven Muslim states in five years will be short-lived if the architects of the Corporate Caliphate expect any democratic support for their crimes in the US or the UK, much less from their victims in the New Middle East.
Georgie Boy will dig up whatever serves his purpose and then repeat the articles over and over. Meanwhile, naturally, it doesn't suit his purpose to take to heart what the extremist rebels (who appear to come from many different Muslim countries) have said -- that Syria is the stepping stone to the worldwide Caliphate. It is more expedient for him to blame the U.S. and the bankers because of his own circumstances in life (because of his lack of initiative) than to actually pay attention to what is happening elsewhere. Look at how the Muslims are slowly taking over Europe. Can Georgie Boy find some way to blame the U.S. and the corporate bankers for what is happening there? He has even overlooked Sunni Man's statement that the Shiites will be pushed into enclaves, meaning that he believes the Sunnis will be running things. Perhaps you should ask Sunni Man how to convert because that might be the next step up from being a Dhimmi. My suggestion to you, Georgie Boy, is to try and get some fresh air today in one of the parks. You will still have time for your cut and paste jobs later on.
"The international game of geopolitics mirrors the corporate competition for international markets. With each country the U.S. dominates politically — through war — U.S. corporations profit as the primary lender, the primary military salesman, while also winning the tastiest natural resources 'concessions,' and the biggest infrastructural contracts to build public works, not to mention many other privileges."

Is Capitalism to Blame For the Syrian War Drive? » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

Privileges that stem from toppling seven Muslim states in five years will be short-lived if the architects of the Corporate Caliphate expect any democratic support for their crimes in the US or the UK, much less from their victims in the New Middle East.
Georgie Boy will dig up whatever serves his purpose and then repeat the articles over and over. Meanwhile, naturally, it doesn't suit his purpose to take to heart what the extremist rebels (who appear to come from many different Muslim countries) have said -- that Syria is the stepping stone to the worldwide Caliphate. It is more expedient for him to blame the U.S. and the bankers because of his own circumstances in life (because of his lack of initiative) than to actually pay attention to what is happening elsewhere. Look at how the Muslims are slowly taking over Europe. Can Georgie Boy find some way to blame the U.S. and the corporate bankers for what is happening there? He has even overlooked Sunni Man's statement that the Shiites will be pushed into enclaves, meaning that he believes the Sunnis will be running things. Perhaps you should ask Sunni Man how to convert because that might be the next step up from being a Dhimmi. My suggestion to you, Georgie Boy, is to try and get some fresh air today in one of the parks. You will still have time for your cut and paste jobs later on.
What's more likely, Hoss, a relative handful of rag-tag fundamentalists depended upon Saudi Royals for their arms imposing a world-wide Caliphate or the greatest purveyor of violence in the world plus NATO redrawing the borders of the New Middle East with the blood of impoverished Muslims?

Regarding Muslim immigration into Europe: I suspect that has to do with reaping what European colonialists sowed in the 18th, 19th, and 20th centuries. I blame economic elites at the Bank of England, for example, for privatizing the profits of those colonial adventures while socializing the cost across the generations of relatively innocent Europeans. Who do you blame, the Arabs?

As an aside, have you ever contemplated how likely it is that you would have bravely served Islamic fundamentalism had you been born in Pakistan or Afghanistan?
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"The international game of geopolitics mirrors the corporate competition for international markets. With each country the U.S. dominates politically — through war — U.S. corporations profit as the primary lender, the primary military salesman, while also winning the tastiest natural resources 'concessions,' and the biggest infrastructural contracts to build public works, not to mention many other privileges."

Is Capitalism to Blame For the Syrian War Drive? » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

Privileges that stem from toppling seven Muslim states in five years will be short-lived if the architects of the Corporate Caliphate expect any democratic support for their crimes in the US or the UK, much less from their victims in the New Middle East.
Georgie Boy will dig up whatever serves his purpose and then repeat the articles over and over. Meanwhile, naturally, it doesn't suit his purpose to take to heart what the extremist rebels (who appear to come from many different Muslim countries) have said -- that Syria is the stepping stone to the worldwide Caliphate. It is more expedient for him to blame the U.S. and the bankers because of his own circumstances in life (because of his lack of initiative) than to actually pay attention to what is happening elsewhere. Look at how the Muslims are slowly taking over Europe. Can Georgie Boy find some way to blame the U.S. and the corporate bankers for what is happening there? He has even overlooked Sunni Man's statement that the Shiites will be pushed into enclaves, meaning that he believes the Sunnis will be running things. Perhaps you should ask Sunni Man how to convert because that might be the next step up from being a Dhimmi. My suggestion to you, Georgie Boy, is to try and get some fresh air today in one of the parks. You will still have time for your cut and paste jobs later on.
What's more likely, Hoss, a relative handful of rag-tag fundamentalists depended upon Saudi Royals for their arms imposing a world-wide Caliphate or the greatest purveyor of violence in the world plus NATO redrawing the borders of the New Middle East with the blood of impoverished Muslims?

Regarding Muslim immigration into Europe: I suspect that has to do with reaping what European colonialists sowed in the 18th, 19th, and 20th centuries. I blame economic elites at the Bank of England, for example, for privatizing the profits of those colonial adventures while socializing the cost across the generations of relatively innocent Europeans. Who do you blame, the Arabs?

As an aside, have you ever contemplated how likely it is that you would have bravely served Islamic fundamentalism had you been born in Pakistan or Afghanistan?
Of course Georgie Boy wouldn't mention that this so-called ragtag bunch of extremists come from all around the Muslim world, and Georgie Boy must be comatose if he believes no one else in the Muslim world is helping them. However, for some reason, Georgie Boy, it must suit your purpose to keep on blaming the U.S. and probably all the corporate bankers in the world. It would never cross your mind that there are those followers of Islam who want the entire world to follow Islam or become dhimmis (just as you are now). And, Georgie Boy, if you were the one born in a Muslim country, you would probably be taking up arms against the Infidels by now without faking a bad back. As far as Europe is concerned, if the European countries open their arms to those fleeing their poor or war-torn countries, the least all these immigrants can do is to assimilate into European society and not have no go areas or force their culture on the Europeans.
Georgie Boy will dig up whatever serves his purpose and then repeat the articles over and over. Meanwhile, naturally, it doesn't suit his purpose to take to heart what the extremist rebels (who appear to come from many different Muslim countries) have said -- that Syria is the stepping stone to the worldwide Caliphate. It is more expedient for him to blame the U.S. and the bankers because of his own circumstances in life (because of his lack of initiative) than to actually pay attention to what is happening elsewhere. Look at how the Muslims are slowly taking over Europe. Can Georgie Boy find some way to blame the U.S. and the corporate bankers for what is happening there? He has even overlooked Sunni Man's statement that the Shiites will be pushed into enclaves, meaning that he believes the Sunnis will be running things. Perhaps you should ask Sunni Man how to convert because that might be the next step up from being a Dhimmi. My suggestion to you, Georgie Boy, is to try and get some fresh air today in one of the parks. You will still have time for your cut and paste jobs later on.
What's more likely, Hoss, a relative handful of rag-tag fundamentalists depended upon Saudi Royals for their arms imposing a world-wide Caliphate or the greatest purveyor of violence in the world plus NATO redrawing the borders of the New Middle East with the blood of impoverished Muslims?

Regarding Muslim immigration into Europe: I suspect that has to do with reaping what European colonialists sowed in the 18th, 19th, and 20th centuries. I blame economic elites at the Bank of England, for example, for privatizing the profits of those colonial adventures while socializing the cost across the generations of relatively innocent Europeans. Who do you blame, the Arabs?

As an aside, have you ever contemplated how likely it is that you would have bravely served Islamic fundamentalism had you been born in Pakistan or Afghanistan?
Of course Georgie Boy wouldn't mention that this so-called ragtag bunch of extremists come from all around the Muslim world, and Georgie Boy must be comatose if he believes no one else in the Muslim world is helping them. However, for some reason, Georgie Boy, it must suit your purpose to keep on blaming the U.S. and probably all the corporate bankers in the world. It would never cross your mind that there are those followers of Islam who want the entire world to follow Islam or become dhimmis (just as you are now). And, Georgie Boy, if you were the one born in a Muslim country, you would probably be taking up arms against the Infidels by now without faking a bad back. As far as Europe is concerned, if the European countries open their arms to those fleeing their poor or war-torn countries, the least all these immigrants can do is to assimilate into European society and not have no go areas or force their culture on the Europeans.
European arms caused the Arabs of the Middle East and Africa to flee their war-torn countries in the first place; the fact that their descendants prefer Sharia to Capitalism can probably be explained by the number of their ancestors murdered by Cross and Crown. Religious fundamentalists are often ignorant of their own history as your belief in the supremacy of a global caliphate over global capitalism attests. Maybe you should help clean your own corporate sty before worrying about the Muslim world?
What's more likely, Hoss, a relative handful of rag-tag fundamentalists depended upon Saudi Royals for their arms imposing a world-wide Caliphate or the greatest purveyor of violence in the world plus NATO redrawing the borders of the New Middle East with the blood of impoverished Muslims?

Regarding Muslim immigration into Europe: I suspect that has to do with reaping what European colonialists sowed in the 18th, 19th, and 20th centuries. I blame economic elites at the Bank of England, for example, for privatizing the profits of those colonial adventures while socializing the cost across the generations of relatively innocent Europeans. Who do you blame, the Arabs?

As an aside, have you ever contemplated how likely it is that you would have bravely served Islamic fundamentalism had you been born in Pakistan or Afghanistan?
Of course Georgie Boy wouldn't mention that this so-called ragtag bunch of extremists come from all around the Muslim world, and Georgie Boy must be comatose if he believes no one else in the Muslim world is helping them. However, for some reason, Georgie Boy, it must suit your purpose to keep on blaming the U.S. and probably all the corporate bankers in the world. It would never cross your mind that there are those followers of Islam who want the entire world to follow Islam or become dhimmis (just as you are now). And, Georgie Boy, if you were the one born in a Muslim country, you would probably be taking up arms against the Infidels by now without faking a bad back. As far as Europe is concerned, if the European countries open their arms to those fleeing their poor or war-torn countries, the least all these immigrants can do is to assimilate into European society and not have no go areas or force their culture on the Europeans.
European arms caused the Arabs of the Middle East and Africa to flee their war-torn countries in the first place; the fact that their descendants prefer Sharia to Capitalism can probably be explained by the number of their ancestors murdered by Cross and Crown. Religious fundamentalists are often ignorant of their own history as your belief in the supremacy of a global caliphate over global capitalism attests. Maybe you should help clean your own corporate sty before worrying about the Muslim world?
Really, Gerogie Boy? It couldn't be anything like they were looking for greener pastures because their countries were impoverished. Look at all those poor souls who lost their lives in some unseaworthy vessel the other week when they tried to reach Italy. You want to blame everything on some other entity because all your adult life you have blamed others for your own circumstances. You never take into consideration that many times it is Mother Nature who is at fault when countries have droughts, floods, etc. and they never seem to recover so they try to reach places where life can be better for them. By the way, Georgie Boy, if it weren't the capitalists paying their taxes, their might not have been a subsidized apartment for you. Perhaps you would rather move to a country where there is no capitalism but does have Sharia Law. You might love it there.
Of course Georgie Boy wouldn't mention that this so-called ragtag bunch of extremists come from all around the Muslim world, and Georgie Boy must be comatose if he believes no one else in the Muslim world is helping them. However, for some reason, Georgie Boy, it must suit your purpose to keep on blaming the U.S. and probably all the corporate bankers in the world. It would never cross your mind that there are those followers of Islam who want the entire world to follow Islam or become dhimmis (just as you are now). And, Georgie Boy, if you were the one born in a Muslim country, you would probably be taking up arms against the Infidels by now without faking a bad back. As far as Europe is concerned, if the European countries open their arms to those fleeing their poor or war-torn countries, the least all these immigrants can do is to assimilate into European society and not have no go areas or force their culture on the Europeans.
European arms caused the Arabs of the Middle East and Africa to flee their war-torn countries in the first place; the fact that their descendants prefer Sharia to Capitalism can probably be explained by the number of their ancestors murdered by Cross and Crown. Religious fundamentalists are often ignorant of their own history as your belief in the supremacy of a global caliphate over global capitalism attests. Maybe you should help clean your own corporate sty before worrying about the Muslim world?
Really, Gerogie Boy? It couldn't be anything like they were looking for greener pastures because their countries were impoverished. Look at all those poor souls who lost their lives in some unseaworthy vessel the other week when they tried to reach Italy. You want to blame everything on some other entity because all your adult life you have blamed others for your own circumstances. You never take into consideration that many times it is Mother Nature who is at fault when countries have droughts, floods, etc. and they never seem to recover so they try to reach places where life can be better for them. By the way, Georgie Boy, if it weren't the capitalists paying their taxes, their might not have been a subsidized apartment for you. Perhaps you would rather move to a country where there is no capitalism but does have Sharia Law. You might love it there.
Perhaps you should consider how Capitalism functions more like religion than a method for distributing goods and services. The irrationality of Mother Nature's contribution to African and Middle Eastern poverty is dwarfed by rational businessmen and their political handmaidens track record of inflicting wars, dictators and other malevolent economic circumstances on a majority human beings living there. Whatever you imagine my circumstances to be, they have no bearing on political/economic events playing out on the other side of the planet; are you running low on arguments in support of conservative values in the Middle East?
European arms caused the Arabs of the Middle East and Africa to flee their war-torn countries in the first place; the fact that their descendants prefer Sharia to Capitalism can probably be explained by the number of their ancestors murdered by Cross and Crown. Religious fundamentalists are often ignorant of their own history as your belief in the supremacy of a global caliphate over global capitalism attests. Maybe you should help clean your own corporate sty before worrying about the Muslim world?
Really, Gerogie Boy? It couldn't be anything like they were looking for greener pastures because their countries were impoverished. Look at all those poor souls who lost their lives in some unseaworthy vessel the other week when they tried to reach Italy. You want to blame everything on some other entity because all your adult life you have blamed others for your own circumstances. You never take into consideration that many times it is Mother Nature who is at fault when countries have droughts, floods, etc. and they never seem to recover so they try to reach places where life can be better for them. By the way, Georgie Boy, if it weren't the capitalists paying their taxes, their might not have been a subsidized apartment for you. Perhaps you would rather move to a country where there is no capitalism but does have Sharia Law. You might love it there.
Perhaps you should consider how Capitalism functions more like religion than a method for distributing goods and services. The irrationality of Mother Nature's contribution to African and Middle Eastern poverty is dwarfed by rational businessmen and their political handmaidens track record of inflicting wars, dictators and other malevolent economic circumstances on a majority human beings living there. Whatever you imagine my circumstances to be, they have no bearing on political/economic events playing out on the other side of the planet; are you running low on arguments in support of conservative values in the Middle East?
It's hilarious how Georgie Boy is so quick to blame the plight of others on Capitalists and not on so many natural disasters that befell people. Go tell the unfortunate people in Pakistan right now who were affected by the recent earthquake that it was the Capitalists who are making them suffer now. He can also tell the Somalis that the reason they are starving because of the drought is that the Capitalists brought on the drought. If Georgie Boy didn't want to live in a Capitalistic country, there was no one stopping him from moving to a Communist country in which he would have felt more comfortable. Perhaps he feels that a Communist country would have been more generous to him now than he feels this country is toward him. If Georgie Boy would get out of his room, he would see so many ex Russians living in his town, and he can ask them what kind of a society they think is best -- Capitalism or Communism. Find a Trader's Joe, Georgie Boy. I hear that many, many ex Russians love to shop there. By the way, Georgie Boy, I hope you have read in your own local paper the series on the population explosion and the effects of it. Maybe you think the Capitalists are telling the people all over the world to have babies.
Really, Gerogie Boy? It couldn't be anything like they were looking for greener pastures because their countries were impoverished. Look at all those poor souls who lost their lives in some unseaworthy vessel the other week when they tried to reach Italy. You want to blame everything on some other entity because all your adult life you have blamed others for your own circumstances. You never take into consideration that many times it is Mother Nature who is at fault when countries have droughts, floods, etc. and they never seem to recover so they try to reach places where life can be better for them. By the way, Georgie Boy, if it weren't the capitalists paying their taxes, their might not have been a subsidized apartment for you. Perhaps you would rather move to a country where there is no capitalism but does have Sharia Law. You might love it there.
Perhaps you should consider how Capitalism functions more like religion than a method for distributing goods and services. The irrationality of Mother Nature's contribution to African and Middle Eastern poverty is dwarfed by rational businessmen and their political handmaidens track record of inflicting wars, dictators and other malevolent economic circumstances on a majority human beings living there. Whatever you imagine my circumstances to be, they have no bearing on political/economic events playing out on the other side of the planet; are you running low on arguments in support of conservative values in the Middle East?
It's hilarious how Georgie Boy is so quick to blame the plight of others on Capitalists and not on so many natural disasters that befell people. Go tell the unfortunate people in Pakistan right now who were affected by the recent earthquake that it was the Capitalists who are making them suffer now. He can also tell the Somalis that the reason they are starving because of the drought is that the Capitalists brought on the drought. If Georgie Boy didn't want to live in a Capitalistic country, there was no one stopping him from moving to a Communist country in which he would have felt more comfortable. Perhaps he feels that a Communist country would have been more generous to him now than he feels this country is toward him. If Georgie Boy would get out of his room, he would see so many ex Russians living in his town, and he can ask them what kind of a society they think is best -- Capitalism or Communism. Find a Trader's Joe, Georgie Boy. I hear that many, many ex Russians love to shop there. By the way, Georgie Boy, I hope you have read in your own local paper the series on the population explosion and the effects of it. Maybe you think the Capitalists are telling the people all over the world to have babies.
Some western capitalists may indeed profit from the misery of earthquakes, hurricanes, and thousand-year floods; however, far more parasites prosper from crimes against humanity stemming from human agents:

"The United States global drone war is rapidly gaining momentum. On 24 January 2013, the US performed a minimum of 3,061 and possibly 7,372 state sponsored assassinations, including from 558 to 1,126 civilians, of which more than 200 children, by means of drone strikes in Pakistan, Yemen and Somalia.

"Although these attacks remain under the cloak of secrecy, Washington refusing to disclose any details to the press or the concerned state and private institutions, concerned independent observers have evaluated the total number of drone strikes to at least 407 and possibly 506, of which 362 in Pakistan, from 42 to 135 in Yemen, and from 3 to 9 in Somalia."

Drone war

Possibly you could go on a mission to Pakistan, Yemen, and Somalia and tell surviving family members of US war crimes how many ex-Russians prefer Trader Joe's to the IMF?
Perhaps you should consider how Capitalism functions more like religion than a method for distributing goods and services. The irrationality of Mother Nature's contribution to African and Middle Eastern poverty is dwarfed by rational businessmen and their political handmaidens track record of inflicting wars, dictators and other malevolent economic circumstances on a majority human beings living there. Whatever you imagine my circumstances to be, they have no bearing on political/economic events playing out on the other side of the planet; are you running low on arguments in support of conservative values in the Middle East?
It's hilarious how Georgie Boy is so quick to blame the plight of others on Capitalists and not on so many natural disasters that befell people. Go tell the unfortunate people in Pakistan right now who were affected by the recent earthquake that it was the Capitalists who are making them suffer now. He can also tell the Somalis that the reason they are starving because of the drought is that the Capitalists brought on the drought. If Georgie Boy didn't want to live in a Capitalistic country, there was no one stopping him from moving to a Communist country in which he would have felt more comfortable. Perhaps he feels that a Communist country would have been more generous to him now than he feels this country is toward him. If Georgie Boy would get out of his room, he would see so many ex Russians living in his town, and he can ask them what kind of a society they think is best -- Capitalism or Communism. Find a Trader's Joe, Georgie Boy. I hear that many, many ex Russians love to shop there. By the way, Georgie Boy, I hope you have read in your own local paper the series on the population explosion and the effects of it. Maybe you think the Capitalists are telling the people all over the world to have babies.
Some western capitalists may indeed profit from the misery of earthquakes, hurricanes, and thousand-year floods; however, far more parasites prosper from crimes against humanity stemming from human agents:

"The United States global drone war is rapidly gaining momentum. On 24 January 2013, the US performed a minimum of 3,061 and possibly 7,372 state sponsored assassinations, including from 558 to 1,126 civilians, of which more than 200 children, by means of drone strikes in Pakistan, Yemen and Somalia.

"Although these attacks remain under the cloak of secrecy, Washington refusing to disclose any details to the press or the concerned state and private institutions, concerned independent observers have evaluated the total number of drone strikes to at least 407 and possibly 506, of which 362 in Pakistan, from 42 to 135 in Yemen, and from 3 to 9 in Somalia."

Drone war

Possibly you could go on a mission to Pakistan, Yemen, and Somalia and tell surviving family members of US war crimes how many ex-Russians prefer Trader Joe's to the IMF?
And some cheap so and so couldn't spare a couple of bucks for UNICEF to help the unfortunate children who were affected by these natural catastrophes. Instead he would rather cut and paste something about Capitalists. Meanwhile, wasn't it basically Capitalists who started the large industries in the U.S.? I believe there was a G.M. plant in your own area where you could have applied for a job and earned a good living such that you could have lived a middle class life and obtained a good pension. Maybe you were a psychic and saw the forums were going to be on the Internet and you instead could babble about Capitalists all the time. Meanwhile, it appears that the Russians living here have done better than Georgie Boy since they can afford to go to Trader Joe's instead of the local bogeda or food pantry. After the long lines and scarcity in the U.S.S.R., they must think the groceries are like a miracle here. By the way, Georgie Boy, since there is a civil war going on in Syria (and I think everyone by now knows you want to blame it on the U.S.), I am sure you can save up and send a little bit to UNICEF. Here is what the head of UNICEF is now saying.

One million children have now fled the violence in Syria.

These children are literally running for their lives. After crossing the border, they reach overcrowded camps where water and food are scarce, and the threat of disease is on the rise.

In response, UNICEF is helping to conduct what is now the largest humanitarian operation in history.
It's hilarious how Georgie Boy is so quick to blame the plight of others on Capitalists and not on so many natural disasters that befell people. Go tell the unfortunate people in Pakistan right now who were affected by the recent earthquake that it was the Capitalists who are making them suffer now. He can also tell the Somalis that the reason they are starving because of the drought is that the Capitalists brought on the drought. If Georgie Boy didn't want to live in a Capitalistic country, there was no one stopping him from moving to a Communist country in which he would have felt more comfortable. Perhaps he feels that a Communist country would have been more generous to him now than he feels this country is toward him. If Georgie Boy would get out of his room, he would see so many ex Russians living in his town, and he can ask them what kind of a society they think is best -- Capitalism or Communism. Find a Trader's Joe, Georgie Boy. I hear that many, many ex Russians love to shop there. By the way, Georgie Boy, I hope you have read in your own local paper the series on the population explosion and the effects of it. Maybe you think the Capitalists are telling the people all over the world to have babies.
Some western capitalists may indeed profit from the misery of earthquakes, hurricanes, and thousand-year floods; however, far more parasites prosper from crimes against humanity stemming from human agents:

"The United States global drone war is rapidly gaining momentum. On 24 January 2013, the US performed a minimum of 3,061 and possibly 7,372 state sponsored assassinations, including from 558 to 1,126 civilians, of which more than 200 children, by means of drone strikes in Pakistan, Yemen and Somalia.

"Although these attacks remain under the cloak of secrecy, Washington refusing to disclose any details to the press or the concerned state and private institutions, concerned independent observers have evaluated the total number of drone strikes to at least 407 and possibly 506, of which 362 in Pakistan, from 42 to 135 in Yemen, and from 3 to 9 in Somalia."

Drone war

Possibly you could go on a mission to Pakistan, Yemen, and Somalia and tell surviving family members of US war crimes how many ex-Russians prefer Trader Joe's to the IMF?
And some cheap so and so couldn't spare a couple of bucks for UNICEF to help the unfortunate children who were affected by these natural catastrophes. Instead he would rather cut and paste something about Capitalists. Meanwhile, wasn't it basically Capitalists who started the large industries in the U.S.? I believe there was a G.M. plant in your own area where you could have applied for a job and earned a good living such that you could have lived a middle class life and obtained a good pension. Maybe you were a psychic and saw the forums were going to be on the Internet and you instead could babble about Capitalists all the time. Meanwhile, it appears that the Russians living here have done better than Georgie Boy since they can afford to go to Trader Joe's instead of the local bogeda or food pantry. After the long lines and scarcity in the U.S.S.R., they must think the groceries are like a miracle here. By the way, Georgie Boy, since there is a civil war going on in Syria (and I think everyone by now knows you want to blame it on the U.S.), I am sure you can save up and send a little bit to UNICEF. Here is what the head of UNICEF is now saying.

One million children have now fled the violence in Syria.

These children are literally running for their lives. After crossing the border, they reach overcrowded camps where water and food are scarce, and the threat of disease is on the rise.

In response, UNICEF is helping to conduct what is now the largest humanitarian operation in history.
What role is your government playing in Syria's misery?
The same murderous policies that have murdered, maimed, and displaced millions of children from Korea to Kandahar?

"State sponsored assassinations, also known as 'targeted killing'1 , 'extrajudicial executions', or 'summary executions', are anything but a novelty. History and stage drama offer plenty of instances for all tastes and preferences.

"What is brand new is that, while formerly such practices were universally condemned, even by the perpetrators themselves who vigorously denied the deeds, today's states cynically claim the right to carry out executions without proper judicial mandate, while maliciously trying to legitimize the unjustifiable with specious legal arguments.

"Israeli government set the trend by acknowledging in November 2000 the existence of a 'targeted killings' policy, which between 2002 and May 2008 victimized at least 387 Palestinians — of these, 234 were the targets, while the remainder were collateral (an euphemism for innocent bystander) fatalities.

"However, as a rule with few exceptions, Israeli assassinations have taken place in the illegally occupied Palestinian territories, and were not purported to take the global scope that became the attribute of the US assassination program.

Greatest purveyor of violence in the world, remember?

Drone war
Some western capitalists may indeed profit from the misery of earthquakes, hurricanes, and thousand-year floods; however, far more parasites prosper from crimes against humanity stemming from human agents:

"The United States global drone war is rapidly gaining momentum. On 24 January 2013, the US performed a minimum of 3,061 and possibly 7,372 state sponsored assassinations, including from 558 to 1,126 civilians, of which more than 200 children, by means of drone strikes in Pakistan, Yemen and Somalia.

"Although these attacks remain under the cloak of secrecy, Washington refusing to disclose any details to the press or the concerned state and private institutions, concerned independent observers have evaluated the total number of drone strikes to at least 407 and possibly 506, of which 362 in Pakistan, from 42 to 135 in Yemen, and from 3 to 9 in Somalia."

Drone war

Possibly you could go on a mission to Pakistan, Yemen, and Somalia and tell surviving family members of US war crimes how many ex-Russians prefer Trader Joe's to the IMF?
And some cheap so and so couldn't spare a couple of bucks for UNICEF to help the unfortunate children who were affected by these natural catastrophes. Instead he would rather cut and paste something about Capitalists. Meanwhile, wasn't it basically Capitalists who started the large industries in the U.S.? I believe there was a G.M. plant in your own area where you could have applied for a job and earned a good living such that you could have lived a middle class life and obtained a good pension. Maybe you were a psychic and saw the forums were going to be on the Internet and you instead could babble about Capitalists all the time. Meanwhile, it appears that the Russians living here have done better than Georgie Boy since they can afford to go to Trader Joe's instead of the local bogeda or food pantry. After the long lines and scarcity in the U.S.S.R., they must think the groceries are like a miracle here. By the way, Georgie Boy, since there is a civil war going on in Syria (and I think everyone by now knows you want to blame it on the U.S.), I am sure you can save up and send a little bit to UNICEF. Here is what the head of UNICEF is now saying.

One million children have now fled the violence in Syria.

These children are literally running for their lives. After crossing the border, they reach overcrowded camps where water and food are scarce, and the threat of disease is on the rise.

In response, UNICEF is helping to conduct what is now the largest humanitarian operation in history.
What role is your government playing in Syria's misery?
The same murderous policies that have murdered, maimed, and displaced millions of children from Korea to Kandahar?

"State sponsored assassinations, also known as 'targeted killing'1 , 'extrajudicial executions', or 'summary executions', are anything but a novelty. History and stage drama offer plenty of instances for all tastes and preferences.

"What is brand new is that, while formerly such practices were universally condemned, even by the perpetrators themselves who vigorously denied the deeds, today's states cynically claim the right to carry out executions without proper judicial mandate, while maliciously trying to legitimize the unjustifiable with specious legal arguments.

"Israeli government set the trend by acknowledging in November 2000 the existence of a 'targeted killings' policy, which between 2002 and May 2008 victimized at least 387 Palestinians — of these, 234 were the targets, while the remainder were collateral (an euphemism for innocent bystander) fatalities.

"However, as a rule with few exceptions, Israeli assassinations have taken place in the illegally occupied Palestinian territories, and were not purported to take the global scope that became the attribute of the US assassination program.

Greatest purveyor of violence in the world, remember?

Drone war
Georgie Boy never misses a chance to drag in the U.S. because he feels this country has done him wrong. Have you ever thought Georgie Boy that there were Arabs who wanted all these uprisings because they didn't want to live under the current leaders? The sad part about Syria, which Georgie Boy of course closes his eyes to because he can't in any way blame this on the U.S. is that the Muslim extremists are coming from all over to take part in this war. What does a Bosnian really have to do with Syria? Really nothing unless he was trying to help his fellow Sunnis take over Syria. The FSA is probably disgusted with what is happening with these extremists flooding into the country because basically all they wanted was a change in leadership. Now they have these extremist coming in like cockroaches crawling out of the woodwork to take over the country in the name of their sect. Just remember to put a few cents away each day so that you, too, will be able to help the unfortunate Syrian children via UNICEF. Your vomiting out "the greatest purveyor of violence" ad nauseam is certainly not helping these children, although with so little in your life, votimiting out this must give you a thrill.

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